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House Lefford of the Golden Tooth
The Golden Tooth (commonly known as the Tooth) is the seat of House Lefford in the Westerlands. It is located along the river road and is east of Ashemark and Sarsfield, west of Riverrun and Pinkmaiden, and north of Hornvale. The castle guards the one large pass through the mountains that allows direct travel between the Westerlands and the Riverlands to the east. It is generally held that in order to attack the Westerlands from the east, one must take the Golden Tooth to have a secure passage.
It is the gold mined in the mountains around the Golden Tooth that has helped establish House Lannister as one of the richest houses in Westeros. The Leffords have always answered the call of their liege lords. The loyalty of the House has been unquestioned for generations.
Members of House Lefford:
Personality: The most accurate description of Lord Lefford's personality is his utter lack of one. The Lord of the Golden Tooth is a simpleton. On the best of days he is able to communicate in little more than grunts and shrugs.
History: Until the birth of his twin half-brothers when he already nearly mangrown, Kevan Lefford was the sole heir of House Lefford. His grandfather had sired ten children but only three sons, of which his father was the youngest. The eldest died son died of a stomach aliment but the second had already left to forge his chain at Oldtown leaving his father the future Lord of the Golden Tooth. Despite the risk to their House, Lord Martyn Lefford did not protect his heir from danger. He was sent to squire at _________ at the age of 12. Receiving his spurs at 16, he returned to the Tooth shortly after his father's second marriage.
While Kevan loved his father and younger brothers, he longed for the adventures his youth. He spent most of his twenties travelling Westeros, entering tournaments from Highgarden to White Harbor. Nearing his thirties and without an heir of his own, a marriage was arranged with a lady of the the Reach. His senses would be taken from him before the woman would ever arrive.
In his mid-twenties Kevan joined his father in the service of Lord Lannister against a concentrated force of Ironborn reavers. Outside the gates of the Tooth he watched as his father was struck down by the raiders. Enraged as his father lay dying, Kevan charged the Ironborn's commander. A crushing blow to the helm relieved Kevan of his faculties. Lying unconscious on the field underneath the Tooth, only the skill of the Maester that had accompanied his betrothed saved his life.
The Lord of the Golden Tooth slipped into a long coma. Shortly afterwards his step-mother succumbed to an agonizing sickness shortly after his return to the Golden Tooth. Eventually Kevan arose from the coma but was left unable to speak or move without assistance. Nonetheless, the Lord was was married to his betrothed. The new Lady of the Golden Tooth quickly settled into running the House while Lord Kevan Lefford was kept hidden from view. The Lord's younger brothers were quickly sent to foster in the _________. To this day rumours persist their marriage was never consummated.
Personality: Lies roll off the tongue of the Lady of the Golden Tooth like water under a bridge. Acutely aware of her surroundings, the Lady is able to use her charm effectively in social setting but her public persona hides a dark heart. Abandonment at an early age has left her cold and bitter. Only the Maester has truely earned her trust and love.
History: Eleyna Flowers was born the bastard of House _________. She spent her early childhood in the care of father after her baseborn mother died in childbirth. However, his death in a tournament when Eleyna was only nine ended her comfort. Her father's noble born wife, abandoned the young girl on the streets of Oldtown.
Left to die, surprisingly Eleyna was able to survive as an urchin, stealing to survive. One day near the Citadel, a young Maester was able to thwart her attempted pickpocketing. Rather than report the young thief to the City Watch, the Maester took Eleyna under his wing. Providing shelter and food, he educated the young girl as a noblewoman of the _________.
At 17, Eleyna and the Maseter left Oldtown. On the journey northward along the Oceanroad the Maestered revealed that Eleyna was to marry the heir to the Golden Tooth, Kevan Lefford. Confused as to why a lord of the Westerlands would marry the bastard of a minor lord, the Maester revealed that he was the older brother of Lord Marytn Lefford and he considered himself the rightful Lord of the Golden Tooth. Eleyna was to assume her father's noble name and the Maester would take his position as the Lord's advisor.
Arriving at the Golden Tooth, the pair found Martyn Lefford dead and his son Kevan in a coma. Acting quickly, the Maester was able to save the new Lord's life but not his mind. Nevertheless, Eleyna and the Lord were quickly married but the Lord was never able to consummate. The Lady has taken a number of lovers in secret but has not conceived a child. Recently her watchful eye had landed on a young hedge knight.
Personality: The young hedge knight is a dimwit that is easily confused and manipulated. He is eager to please those that exert control over him but prone to violence when confronted with personal conflicts.
History: Ser Lymond _________is the last son of a landed knight. He was recently awarded his spurs. At first glance, he has the look of a warrior with an imposing frame and strong jaw. Given his station, he will receive no inheritance or land. Attempting to make a name for himself he has taken to riding, rather unsuccessfully, in tournaments across the Westerlands.
Having caught the eye of the Lady of the Golden Tooth at a recent tournament in Ashemark, Ser Lymond was invited to join the service of "Lord" Lefford. Since his arrival at the Tooth, he has been taken by Lady Lefford as her most recent lover.
Personality: Outgoing and gregarious, the heir of the Golden Tooth loves alcohol and women. He is quick to laughter and anger. The heir no interest in learning what is required to become an effective Lord. He spends the majority of his time focused on satiating his carnal desires. He is a decent knight, but much more skilled with his tongue than the sword. Few would consider him witty, though calling him foolish would be a misstatement.
History: Ser Daryn was born moments before his twin brother Denys, the first of Lord Leffords children by his second wife. The twins spent their youth at the Golden Tooth but were sent to foster at _________ shortly after the death of their parents.
While sharing appearance, the twins did not share attributes. Like his father before him, Daryn earned his spurs while still a youth. While never said within earshot, it is said that Daryn Lefford purchased his spurs with gold. The title of Ser fit Daryn Lefford well, though he was not apt to display the chivalry commonly associated with his station.
Though the Lady of the Golden Tooth made of every effort to resist the return of the twins, the Brothers returned to their birthplace once they had become men. Ser Daryn quickly set about enjoying the benefits of his name. Accompanied by a small number of household knights, Ser Daryn called upon immeasurable taverns and whorehouses across the Westerlands and fathered his first bastard with a Lannisport prostitute at 17.
Content to drink and whore, and showing little interest his his elder half-brother's title, the Lady and Maester Gerrold eventually came to accept Daryn's presence at the Tooth. Possessing a strong seed, the young knight fathered six bastards before his 21st nameday. Ser Daryn, unconcerned with raising the children himself, was more than happy to leave his bastards in the care of the Tooth's wet nurses. He would have undoubtedly fathered more had one of his colleagues not been taken into the pay of the Lady. Concerned with the number of bastards inside the wall of the Tooth, those who find themselves in the bed of Ser Daryn will undoubtedly find themselves visited in the night by the Maester shortly thereafter.
Though a charming man, his reputation has become well known throughout the Westerlands. Only the lowest of nobles have offered their daughters for marriage. Ser Daryn has rebuked all proposals, much to the pleasure of the Lady of the Tooth who has no desire to share her influence with the heir presumptive.
--- Roland Hill, his bastard son, 10
--- Alysanne Hill, his bastard daughter, 8
--- Garrison Hill, his bastard son, 8
--- Harys Hill, his bastard son, 8
--- Lyle Hill, his bastard son, 7
--- Sybell Hill, his bastard daughter, 7
Personality: The antithesis of his twin brother in all but image. Denys Lefford is unassuming and introspective. However, calling him meek would be inappropriate as he carries himself with a quiet confidence. While less aggressive than his brother, Denys prefers to use his mind to solve problems. Nonetheless, for those who have seen them both on the practice ground, Denys is arguably more talented in martial techniques.
History: Ser Denys was born moments after his twin brother Daryn, the last of Lord Leffords children by his second wife. The twins spent their youth at the Golden Tooth but were sent to foster at _________ shortly after the death of their parents.
While sharing appearance, the twins did not share attributes. Though studious under the Master-at-Arms, Denys was equally studious under the Maester's watch. Unlike his elder brother and father, Denys did not earn his spurs prior to returning to the Golden Tooth.
Able to exert control over his carnal desires, Denys did not find the same comforts that Daryn did upon their return to the Golden Tooth. While he avoided conflict with the Lady of the Golden Tooth, the discomfort in their relationship was palpable. He recognized quickly that the Lady had consolidated her control over the Tooth. The third son of Lord Martyn Lefford and not yet having earned his spurs, he considered leaving to forge his Maesters Chain. In the end, acutely aware that his brother was ill-equipped to maintain the legacy of their House, his sense of responsibility prevented him from leaving for Oldtown despite the urging of Maester Gerrold
Instead, shortly after his return the Golden Tooth, he set out to earn his spurs. A third son with little to offer, he was finally able to convince Ser _________ of House _________ to complete his training, despite his advanced age. He eventually earned his spurs and the hand of Ser _________'s daughter _________.
Having obtained a new focus and family, thoughts of the Golden Tooth retreated to the back of his mind. He settled into a new life beside his wife and as advisor to Ser _________. Eventually his wife _________ became pregnant with their first child. Their joy turned to dust when _________ died in childbirth.
His son, Gawin, survived and Denys found comfort staying with his adopted family. He continued to raise Gawin in their home. However, three years after his the death of his wife, Denys has began to slowly move on. After his second ten year sabbatical away from the Golden Tooth, thoughts of his home have slowly returned to Denys' mind. Struggling with his conscience for weeks, he eventually decided it was time to return, even if only temporarily. Denys recently returned to his birthplace bringing Gawin, currently third in line for the Golden Tooth, and his small household.
--- Gawin Lefford, his son, 3
Maester Gerrold, uncle of Lord Kevan unbeknownst to all, 58