Avatar of WeepingLiberty
  • Last Seen: 3 yrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: WeepingLiberty
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
  • Posts: 2106 (0.52 / day)
  • VMs: 1
  • Username history
    1. WeepingLiberty 11 yrs ago
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7 yrs ago
Current Slight bit of depression setting in... I apologize if things are taking longer than usual. Just trying to assure the same level of quality in my posts to you guys.
7 yrs ago
*Has the sudden urge to come back to the Guild*.... *Guild is down*.... WHYYYYYYYY?!?!?! *Literally the story of my life lol*
8 yrs ago
One of these days I will learn to not input my opinions where they are not wanted on social media.... TODAY IS NOT THAT DAY. >.<
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8 yrs ago
2 1/2 hours in and I'm already done with the new year. T.T
8 yrs ago
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Nova rolled her eyes, matching Alexis' mischievous look. "The more the merrier... I don't judge." She did, however, agree with Alexis that some of the bad boy characters in the world could actually follow through with their promises. Not many, but some. "Who needs female vigilantes when you've got us. We're kick-ass enough for the whole world." She held her bottle up in a salute of sorts to her comrade before taking another swig from it, having only consumed half the bottle by this time. Compared to her sniper friend, she probably looked like a kid with her alcoholic apple juice.

She caught Alexis' glances around the room, setting her bottle down lightly so that she could fully turn to face her. "To be honest, I can't see myself doing anything else. I was taken in by NAIL, at my brother's request, after my parents died when I was thirteen. Sure I can still remember what a "normal" civilian life is like but I put everything I had into my training, I doubt I could ever feel comfortable settling down like them." She commented, gesturing to the various faces around them, complacent in their dull lives. "I guess if we ever retire the world will gain a few more female vigilantes, wouldn't you say so?" Nova's body shook with her laughter, a sight quite unusual for the young agent. Perhaps the alcohol was doing its job of loosening her up a bit. Tipping the bottle back, Nova drained the remaining half of the bottle before ordering another from the bartender. As she twisted to pick the bottle up, she could feel something touch her back.

Reaching behind her, Nova growled as she plucked the piece of paper from her back for the second time that day. Scanning the small piece of paper, Nova gritted her teeth against shouting in the small place. "I change my mind. I'd kill him, I would definitely kill him in the most painful way known to mankind. I'll have him begging for death by the time I'm done with his sorry ass." She hissed in a lower tone, trying not to draw attention from anyone but Alexis. As annoyed as she was though, Nova had already entered "agent mode". Muscles relaxed, she slid the paper across the bar to Alexis for her to read while she did a general sweep of the area. "I don't know how reliable this information is, considering its source... But it wouldn't hurt to call it in." Knowing Alexis' specialty, Nova left the option for her to excuse herself from the bar to make the call, additionally putting necessary distance between the sniper and the possible targets.


Caden sighed, but with relief this time. The detective didn't sound angry with the lack of answers to his questions, instead he sounded grateful... Not something he was used to hearing from them. "Indeed they do, but it's for a good reason. Some information is better kept under wraps for as long as possible." Typing a command into his computer, a couple of lights on the drone flashed dimly. "Good luck with your investigation Detective." He watched the young officer take off in the direction of the paramedics before giving the drone the return command. Sinking in the chair, Caden covered his face with his arm to await the return of Yuuko, planning to send out one of the other drones for the next patrol.
I might restart the RP.

Was taking a creep through your interest check thread. A friend of mine and I are interested in joining if you're in need of some new players or looking to restart.

Whyyyyyy?! Why me?! T.T At least this one isn't the KICK ME sign though... XD

Tagged: @Dirty Dan

Ysabella had never seen such a glare on a human before, a look that almost surprised her out of her act. Inhaling shakily, she turned her head and pointed in the general direction that she had left Jolyne at. "Th-this way. Hurry!" Still attached to the man's arm, she began pulling him in the direction she had arrived from. Sighing internally, Ysabella realized how tedious this particular hunt was going to be. As she pulled him along urgently she had to be careful not to use her full strength so as not to give herself away too soon. "I'm so glad I found you. I thought we were goners for sure." Keeping her eyes fixed on the path in front of her, Ysabella gritted her teeth against her impatience. Already she was feeling the itch in the back of her throat, a feeling that could only be removed by consuming more blood. Sighing silently, Ysabella allowed a moment to wonder about Jolyne and how she was holding up. She had been pretty hungry when she attacked her, a thought that brought a small hint of a smile to her face.

Feeling eyes on her from the crowd, Ysabella glanced out of the corner of her eye to spot who had seen her. For a fraction of a second, the woman's eyes locked onto a young girl with bright red hair before she disappeared into the crowd with the muscular guy in tow. "Sorry, here I am dragging you into trouble and I can't even remember your name." She said, flashing a sad but worried glance back at her prey before hiding her face from him again, finding it rather difficult to maintain her composure under such an intimidating gaze. "We shouldn't be far now, just around that corner. Hurry." Tugging a little harder to emphasize her words, quickening her pace from a jog to a slow sprint.

>.< Sowwy, I stoled him.

Caden couldn't help but to chuckle to himself, relaxing in his chair. "You know, Detective Woodcrest... You sound a bit more like a reporter than a detective asking questions like that. Relax kid, I'm not going to bite you." Leaning forward at his desk, Caden typed in a few keywords to verify the classification of the information the detective was looking for. Taking a deep breath, Caden quickly ran through what he was going to say before speaking again. "Unfortunately, the answer to your first compound question contains classified information that NAIL is unprepared to have released at this time. However, I think I can help you with the rest. As far as we know, Franklin Evans AKA Flash Bang, was acting alone on this. This was the bank he was recently fired from so more than likely this was a revenge hit to redeem himself in the eyes of his peers." Caden shook his head, feeling bad for having to lie to the guy. It wasn't as if what he said was completely false, but it was meant to be misleading to keep him occupied until NAIL completed their own investigations.

"To be honest, there is no way to prevent these attacks. Ever since we lost our heroes, crime has been on the rise. At this point all you can do is improve your response time to keep the civilians safe from harm. This city has gotten too used to peace so until we can get back on our feet, we'll have to settle for reacting before we start trying to predict and prevent future attacks." Caden reached down beside him, plucking a soda bottle from the floor beside his chair. Gulping down half the bottle, he shifted in his chair and ran his hand through his hair. "I'm going to be honest with you, Detective Woodcrest... You're not going to get many details here, NAIL has everything pretty locked down. However, I can tell you that there was a vigilante involved in the take down of Flash Bang. Maybe if you can track him down you can find the real answers you came for, but that's something you'll have to do on your own. NAIL has no definitive records on this particular guy." It wasn't much, but it was all he could do to help the guy out, everything else was off limits when it came to sharing with the police. "Was there anything else that you needed, Detective?"
Making a CS but my computer is sitting on me. Merrrrrrrr.

Anyhow. -pokes Weeping- Sup.

What's uppp?!?!


And here's my completed CS, please enjoy.

Quick question: Do you have an appearance preference? Is anime styled pictures okay?
I'll get started on an application. ^.^ I really hope I get to play in this, it looks really good.
I am just wondering though why isn't there ever any new people? Right now all we have is Jinxer,Weeping,and Inertia good thing you guys are awesome at keeping interest in this RP for this long but it would be nice to have some new faces around here. Maybe people kinda don't like the concept. Just something I was thinking of.

Don't forget @Mugin! I only just recently made a post including the young detective character though, hopefully Mugin will get to post more soon now that Caden has taken interest in him. ^.^

It's a great idea Gurr, but jumping into an RP that's already started is tough for some people. I personally stay away from Open RPs with more than one page of posting when I discover it. It's intimidating. XD Maybe make an announcement on a/the interest thread that a new villain is about to make an appearance. Like a recruitment post or something like that?
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