Avatar of HylianRose


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1 yr ago
Current Busy with life stuff! Should be around tomorrow, pending work.
1 yr ago
4 yrs ago
nothing like looking through old rps to make you miss it all again. </3
6 yrs ago
Just popping in to let everyone know I'm not dead. ...that is all.
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7 yrs ago
Sorry to all of those that I flaked on. If I had an excuse, I already forgot what it was.


29 year old writer.

Hi, I'm Rose. I RP and stuff.

Most Recent Posts

Popping into apologize! I had ever intent to get this up and running this weekend but absolutely flaked due to irl commitments. I'm hoping to have some time this week but I have a big meeting on Thursday and my boss isn't here to man it because he had surgery so.. this.. will be stressful.

I thank you all for your patience! I hope we can get this going really soon!
Yeah I'm definitely getting three houses vibes from this.

I am NOT mad at all about that.
<Snipped quote by HylianRose>

There's @Crowvette's Noble, right? It's almost done by the looks of it.

Also, on a related note regarding characters, can I go ahead and make a Post Deletion Request to the mods to remove Expendable's misplaced post?

EDIT: Oh, also, @Kero's Knight, but they're currently sick atm and won't able to do much writing.

See, this is why I keep you around. /jk

On the related note, yes! Absolutely.

@Kero No worries on being sick! We can figure something out for you regardless of when you join in.
Do we have any other pending CSs that need to be turned in? Trying to remember if we're waiting on anyone or if I need to just make a knight for Crusader and get us started.
@Crusader Lord

Looks fantastic! Not sure what his beef is with the Australian white ibis but I'm excited to learn, lol. Consider him accepted.
Hello! just checking in! I see your CS, @Crusader Lord, I just can't spend any time this morning looking at it. Drowning in work. As soon as I have a free moment, I'll read it over!

Also, just to update, I'm hoping we can have this up and running by this weekend so please, please get your CSs into me completed as soon as you can if you haven't already. If we need any filled in roles, a knight or noble, I'm happy to fill in as needed.
@Expendable I think you posted to the wrong tab, but understandable! Wishing you the best!

I've sent them a PM to see how they feel! I'm keeping some of the plot elements to myself so that you, as characters, have to figure it out yourself ICly. I think it's a bit more fun that way. That is to say, I don't mind PMs that ask about certain things. Can this happen? Is this going to happen? Because I think that might mess with my character arc, etc etc.

Honestly I'm considering it! I've got a few big baddies planned out roughly, but I'd need to dig a bit more into the Underground to create anything for them. But considering it was initially Animal's brain-child, I'm going to go to them for any people, names, big bads, etc.
@HylianRose Upon rereading the 0th post regarding the agenda of the Underground and Esme’s sheet, I have to point out that if this group knows anything at all about the Imperial Japanese House that even Himari has a massive potential target on her forehead for the same reasons. Her dad makes the sun rise, after all. I’m sure nefarious goons would be just as interested in testing her magical spark as ol’ mumsy was.

That's a great point! I imagine at some point the Underground would have a great desire to test on many of the students of the school. We'll have to figure that out when we get there!


To touch on the discussion going on between Savant and Izurich, Any Knight/Noble without a pair that wants one can be paired up manually via GM intervention should you so choose! I appreciate you two talking through it amicably.
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