Avatar of Whimsicott
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    1. Whimsicott 9 yrs ago
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8 yrs ago
Current Wool and the welding torch!
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9 yrs ago
Say goodbye to a world.
9 yrs ago
And if you find you've strayed I'll forgive you anyways~
9 yrs ago
Regardless of warnings the future doesn't scare me at all.
9 yrs ago
That awful moment when you lose a post by pressing cancel. T^T


Welcome to my profile! I'm just your ordinarily ordinary lil ram, prancing around the Interwebs!

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@MissFortune Sounds good! Also, heads up to watch the controlling other characters slightly, like small actions. Not NPCs, but player characters. Sometimes what you assume the character will do is different than what the person wants their character to do xD
@MissFortune thanks! I like your writing a lot too! It's a lot of fun to read about the inner workings of horrible interesting people!
<Snipped quote by AbysmalDemon>


I'm pretty sure she already has the flashy bitch title, tho? O.o
@Whimsicott 'nakama power'?

Basically a recurring element in a lot of media. I see it a lot in anime but superhero movies and other stuff has it too. When the "hero" or protagonist, the focus of that story in that particular battle has too much riding on them, they just HAVE to win. Not because they were better or smarter or more fitted. Sometimes they pull a deux ex machina by using small details that become increasingly important as the battle goes on, or they have a super secret strategy no one's seen yet. I call it nakama power because when everything the hero cares about (friends, family, the like) is in danger, he simply can't lose because there's too much at stake. And I'll admit it's heartwarming to read or to watch, but in the case of a PvP, we can potentially understand the pov of both characters, even though we usually root for one. Sooooo if everyone abused nakama power, which I doubt will happen anyways, then the battles could drag out for a long time, because neither will "accept" the loss when there's real danger.
Also I'd like to bring up battles again, that we shouldn't use Showdown. There are some creative ways we can use attacks, and tying battle to the game mechanics does not allow that. So basically we'll use a bit of anime logic for battles. We should do all battles in a Titanpad to prevent post inflation though.

That sounds fun! Then we could have a lot of venue changes and teamwork happening. I just hope 'nakama power' doesn't become the staple of battles. Adrenaline rushes will only carry the body so far xD
@alexfangtalon to be fair, he didn't know anyone actually caught one of those mofos. He's just trying to get the popos away from Ace, giving him the benefit of the doubt if nothing else. But... I seen an opportunity so I took it.
On second thought, maybe Ian should attempt to register with an egg. That could be fun.

Let's all hope things don't get too scrambled. Would be a shame if he got shellshocked.
Hotaru is also dirt poor. RIP.

So who else is at the ice cream place? There seem to be quite a few that I've lost track. Could we start using locations in our post titles?

The locations is a grrrreat idea.
After much thought, I don't think Rolf is going to catch much pokemon. I'd like to create a dream team for him to strive for, but he doesn't really need a full team of friends and companions, because he's satisfied being alone at sea and unless something drastic happens he's not really wanting to be a coordinator/champion. He's never really liked them, unlike a lot of the others who love a pokemon in particular or grew up loving them, and he's more interested in learning about them than learning to take care of them. I don't know though, maybe that'll change as the story moves along.
@Savo@MissFortune I do what Rolf wants. He's his own person, ya know and I gotta accept him no matter what he wants. T^T
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