Avatar of Whirlwind
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    1. Whirlwind 11 yrs ago


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9 yrs ago
Current Why are Mondays so long?
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Roleplayer off and on for 12 years.

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Hailey awoke with the dawn. She scratched her white blonde hair and crawled out of bed wearing sweats and a black tank top. She yawned, going to her dresser and avoiding all makeup but eyeliner. She threw the black stick back on the dresser top, pulling the husband’s dog tags out from the inside of her shirt and letting them lay on her chest. Her pale form waltzed into the kitchen, grabbing the orange juice and some vodka. Mixing them up without bothering to measure, she put them away and tasted. She made a face at first, putting in too much vodka, but just shrugging it off before stepping outside her trailer door. She squinted at the dusky sunlight, leaning against the side of her home, crossing her ankles and taking another sip of her inconspicuous drink.

Her eyes eventually landed on Roxy, whose son was playing in a little pool. She smiled softly, green eyes finally opening the rest of the way and sighing happily. She had a lot running through her mind, like what to eat besides peanut butter on bread for lunch. For the moment though, she was just enjoying watching the little boy splash. She didn’t bother waving to Roxy, as the girl was eagerly watching her son and Hailey wasn’t going to interrupt the moment.

Her gaze was disturbed by the appearance of Scott though, and Hailey took another drink and nodded. “You got 700 for me?” she asked, eyes staying his face and not bothering to look down at his cash until he pulled it out.
So... is it Scott or Derrick?

Name: Hailey Baylor
Age: 23
Rap Sheet:
-Auto Theft (1 count)
-Arson (1 count)
-DUI (3 counts)
-Assault (4 counts)
-Public drunkenness (4 counts)
-Possession of a gun without a license (2 counts)

Bio/Personality: Nothing scares Hailey except the dark. She could be face to face with a murderer and be mouthing off until someone turns out the lights, and then she loses it. She’s always thought she was a tough chick. She grew up with just her dad, who let Hailey do whatever she wanted. He ran his own illegal businesses on the side, and pretty much ignored her. Hailey has no idea about her mother. When she would ask her father, he’d just say she decided to start a career as a slut and refuse to talk any more. Her father did respect women in general though, despite being burned. He had fun teaching Hailey self-defense, and how to shoot a gun. He treated her basically like he would have a son. He would also show her off to his friends with sons, and how she could whip every one of them.

In high school, Hailey got into a lot of fights with other girls. She unlike others, did not put up with being called slut or trashy or fat. She’d just rear back and punch a girl in the face. She spent most of her time in juvi. Her father didn’t really care. When she was home they often bonded over drinking starting when she was about 14. He had other substances and drugs in the house but kept her out of them, giving her such life lessons as “Dealers are smart, druggies just bum out and stay in jail.”

When she was 18, Hailey met a guy going in the military outside a bar. It was a purely physical relationship at first, but they fell for each other and got married (even though he was 8 years older than her). Her father didn’t approve, not a big fan of the government or military, but Hailey still spent time with him when she could, until he got shot when one of his clients wanted his stuff and had no money. After her father died, Hailey got drunk more often. She never domestically abused her husband but she probably would have if he hadn’t been stronger than her. He helped her get through it anyway until he had to go back abroad, and left her. He got killed about a year after deploying, and three years of marriage.

Alone, with little money, a GED but no particularly special skills, she didn’t have a lot of options. She moved into the trailers with everything she had and currently sells her husband’s old firearms sometimes to get money for food. She has an ambition to fight for money, but doesn’t have the right connections.

Dirty Secret: She loves kids and would love to have one, but physically can’t.
Possibly interested
Yvette was stuffing her keys into her black handbag when the door across the hall opened. She smiled a bit at seeing Grady and Lucas, waving at the two. “Hey there,” she replied, looking down and seeing how Lucas seemed to be in quite the hurry. She looked back up in time to see Grady wink at her and her cheeks became a rosy color before shaking her head and giving a light laugh. “It’s no problem. He practically watches himself,” she admitted. She hesitated to answer him, surprised he was asking her out at all. “Well, I…” she said softly, when Lucas interrupted and yanked Grady a bit. She stifled a chuckle and nodded, in a way telling Grady it was fine to just go ahead. She didn’t want to keep them. She stayed back just a little before heading down the same stairs and going outside, the cold of the February air hitting her. Why did she always forget her coat?

Her eyes lifted to see Lucas getting into a car and Grady waving, the car driving off. Yvette looked up and down the street. She could admit it wasn’t the best neighborhood, but she enjoyed it. Her feet brought her to stand next to Grady before she looked up at him and gave a coy shrug. “Where should we go eat?” she asked, hoping the offer still stood. She was a genuinely kind person and it stood out in her facial expressions and smiles, hands folded in front of her on top of her bag. “I honestly don’t have any plans, so you’re making my day a lot more eventful,” she admitted as well, not one to put up fronts. Although she had a crush on the man, she would also count it a great reassure to simply have him as a friend and get to know him better.
Yvette rolled out of bed, barefeet hitting the cold floor and making her shiver. Her dirty blonde, messy wavy hair fell into her face as she made her way over to the shower and began her morning ritual. In two hours, she’d transformed, out of pjs and into some flared jeans over some chunky heels. Her shirt was long seeved, white button up and collared, and her hair was pressed back by a black headband leaving her blonde tresses to fall behind her ears and down her back. Her light green eyes had been played up with makeup, and she wore a pearl ring and silver watch on one arm, pearl earrings in her ears.

She sat down at her kitchen table where a little white black and white tv set with annoying long antenna played, while she ate her cereal and watched. She wasn’t scheduled to work today for Dessange Hair Salon, but she knew she could be called in if a high profile client walked in and asked for her or something. She didn’t feel she was anything special, but some people were very particular about their hair who touches it.

Yvette finished her breakfast and pulled out her planner, not thinking she actually had anything to do today that she could remember. She flipped to her contacts section and stared at the phone numbers of people she barely talked to, letting out a small sigh. She was just no good at being social. She shut the book and grabbed her purse instead. She should just walk up and down the streets, try to find something to do, meet new people, check out more local places. And with that, she stepped out of her apartment and locked the door.
Mira finally found her room, and began rummaging through her bags. Wrapped up in her favorite jeans, she pulled out her bottle of vodka and smirked, climbing onto the oversized bed and beginning to drink. Bit by bit, until she was bouncing up and down on the bed. And then drawing all over the expensive furniture with her lipstick. And then until she was bored being alone. She shoved the alcohol under her bed, put her sunglasses back on and peered out in the hallway with her lips parted. “Helluuuuuuu” she called softly, giggling a bit after before emerging fully into the hall and hoping to run into someone fun.
Dropping out of this guys. Evelyn can be another victim if needed, someone to kill off. Have fun :)
Illuminami said
Link pleeease and thank you :D

Above your message you'll see two tabs, IC & OOC, click IC to see the posts that have been made so far. If the link you meant was the IC anyway.
”Follow the power lines, follows the power lines,” Daily whispered to herself, her bright green eyes darting about. She was on the outskirts of Summer City, and made a small noise as she adjusted her leather jacket, which caused the items she had packed on her back to move a bit. She didn’t see any infected at the moment, but she knew once she entered the city limits, it was game over. She looked over her back at the line of poles leading back towards the woods, the ones she’d come from, and wondered if she shouldn’t just turn around and go back. But no. Moving was key to survival wasn’t it? Staying hauled up in one location was like putting all your money in one bank, like sitting in a corner and expecting not to be found when every other corner had been checked. She shook her short blonde locks and had renewed determination. Well, sort of. She moved her bag to her side and unzipped it, pulling out a bottle of clear liquid. She unscrewed the top and took a swig, only her second of the day, and put it back. She had to ration after all.

The girl’s boots made surprisingly little noise on the concrete, though of course they made less on grass and earth. She was particularly interested in finding a pharmacy in this city. Drugs, even as simple as aspirin or ibuprofen, were something she could always use.

Her thumb spun the thick band on her thumb, the only finger the ring fit on. It was her father’s wedding band, that she’d managed to take off him before leaving him to rot in the woods so many years ago. He had few mementos she could look at and think of him, so the ring was special to her. She would spin it around her digit when thinking, often times trying to recall things he’d spoken about or said. Like the power lines. They were like creeks. They led you to clear spots and civilization. And the set she’d followed had led her to a residential area. That was fine though. Plenty of undeveloped lots and bushy backyards to go through or lose and infected in rather than walk down the street, looking as tasty as a turkey on Thanksgiving. For the moment though, she simply mumbled to herself, trying to think of more tips while walking carefully amongst the various abodes.
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