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    1. Whirlwind 11 yrs ago


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Roleplayer off and on for 12 years.

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Farren - Road - Buck

Farren wretched the hammer out of the walker’s head, breath heavy from using most of her energy in the blow. She stood back while Buck rose. “Thank you,” she repeated back to him, a small, grateful smile on her lips. She began to look confused when he started calling himself stupid, raising a brow. The wheels in her mind turned a few times until she thought must have seen them before. Well, one couldn’t change the past, and they were okay now. That was all that mattered to Farren. The present.

“Here,” Farren said, starting to breathe normally again while handing Buck the hammer. “It’s not a 2x4, but, well, it’s something,” she said, knowing she still had a nice knife in her duffel bag should she need to defend herself.

When the man asked about her son, Farren moved swiftly to the toddler and picked him up. The boy calmed instantly and rested his head on her shoulder. He looked up at Buck as she moved back to him, but his eyes kept trying to shut no matter how much he fought it. Once Farren stood clos to Buck again, the boy tried to reach up and grab Buck’s beard halfheartedly in his sleepy state before letting his hand fall.

“We’re both fine, I promise,” she said with a reassuring smile. “And he might let you carry him, but he’d never go back to sleep. Might as well keep walking like we are,” she said with a heavy sigh, but lips still in her weary smile. Her feet began moving back along the road again, looking up and seeing the light having been extinguished. She frowned slightly but didn’t slow her steps.
Farren North – Road – Buck Bradley

Farren smiled warmly when Buck smiled at her and promised not to steal from her. She felt a stirring in her chest, feeling like he was sincere and she could truly trust him. It had been so long since she’d felt that about anyone it was like a blanket she could curl up with. She would have sighed contentedly if it weren’t for the walkers. She hesitated when he told her to stay put, wanting to help him. She bit her bottom lip, holding Dean tighter. She took a few steps back, watching as the man ran at the things with only his piece of wood. She slowly went to set Dean down in the grass, wanting to help, but the boy could never sleep away from his mother’s arms. He instantly began to whimper and whine, reaching his hands up. “Dean, no,” Farren whispered, panic in her voice. She whipped her head of brown hair around, blue eyes searching the dark as a growl started coming towards her, lured by the toddler’s noises. As Dean began to cry since Farren was refusing to pick him back up, she turned her body to block the boy, back getting clawed at by his fingers while she held the hammer ready to fight off the beast if it got too close.

A yell from Buck caused her to move her attention swiftly from the deformed beast to her new friend, feeling a lump in her stomach at his words. She supposed they had all lost someone, or many someones, although Farren had been incredibly lucky to not lose Dean yet. “Buck!” she cried as the monster flipped the man over and the walker’s mouth began snapping at him. Dean was still crying, his sleep interrupted, as Farren turned, grabbing the boy’s hand and shoving his thumb into his mouth. Dean calmed slightly, tears streaming down his face as he blinked his eyes open, seeing his mom. “Dean, be good,” she said firmly to the boy before quickly leaving him sitting there, sucking his thumb while Farren lunged at the walker attacking Buck, planting a forceful blow of the claw of the hammer straight into its temple, the swing jerking it’s head and brain matter to splatter to the side. It was amazing what adrenaline could allow the body to do even in its most worn down state.
Farren North – Road – Buck Bradley

Farren’s smile turned into a curious gaze behind the man again when he said he was alone. She knew he could be lying, trying to trick her into an ambush. But she was brought out of those suspicious thoughts when he deemed her brave. She looked at him, blinking in surprise. It wasn’t like she had much choice. It was either keep pushing, moving on, surviving, or dying. Complacency got you killed, if you didn’t go crazy first. She wasn’t exactly sure she’d call what she was doing bravery more than responsibility to her son.

“Nah I’m not sure what it was. But yeah, let’s walk together. A guy as big as you is a little more intimidating to anyone we might come across than a woman with a baby,” she said, weary smile matched with a matter of fact shrug. She let a hand leave Dean to grip the strap of her bag. When he’d mentioned it, a flash of concern went through her expression and she took a step back, biting her bottom lip. It was clear she was unsure about handing over her life line. “Please… don’t steal it,” she whispered, knowing she had little choice if she was going to keep moving tonight but to allow him to help her.

A defeated look graced her face, hard for her to show she couldn’t do it all, as she slid the bag off and handed it over. When he had a hold of it, Farren unzipped it, rummaging until she found a hammer. She zipped the bag back, feeling the weight of the weapon in her palm. “Don’t worry, it’s in case whatever is behind us gets too close for comfort,” she smirked at him, not wanting him to think she was threatening him in any way.

Farren began walking with him leisurely, unburdened by the bag and feeling like she could keep going a bit further now. “Nice to meet you, Buck. And no,” Farren chuckled, cheeks turning pink when he asked if Dean was her brother. “I’m his momma. My name’s Farren. This is Dean,” she said gently, kissing the side of her sleeping son’s head before the rustling behind them could no longer be ignored. Farren whipped around, clutching Dean with both hands even though one held the hammer, while panic flickered through her eyes. Out came two walkers, moaning and heading straight for them. She gave a pleading look to Buck, knowing his trust was about to be tested. He could easily take off, with all her things, and let the grotesque things have her. There was no way in her current, sleep deprived condition holding a child that she stood much of a chance against two.
Farren North – Road – Buck Bradley

Farren could hear footsteps approaching. She tried to will herself to get up and move, but instead just looked over her shoulder at a large hulking figure of a man with quite a beard. She licked her lips and swallowed hard, hoping he might not notice her, but as he came closer she knew it was inevitable. She started to move towards the ditch alongside the road when she heard the shuffle of his feet backing up and she looked at him again, now faced with a large piece of solid wood aimed to come down on her. She winced slightly in the dark, breath quick and coming in small puffs like her sons while her heart raced. The woman waited for a blow that never came until the man spoke an almost confused sounding greeting. It was obvious she was vulnerable, and she supposed that was one advantage of having her child. No one expected trouble from her. Which was true, she was never trouble to anyone. But at the same time, caring for a toddler amongst walkers and low society was much more of a disadvantage than it ever was an advantage.

Farren kept quiet while the man spoke, alarm flashing in her eyes when he said she should go to a shed with him instantly. She slowly stood once more, giving a soft noise of protest while watching him as he seemed to realize how that sounded. The way he was stumbling over his words, and didn’t harm her right away, she had to trust him for the moment. He could always be a rapist, but he didn’t strike her that way. At least he wasn’t a murderer of women with children.

“I was headed towards that light,” Farren said in a whispery tone, nodding to the town the road was leading to. She looked past him after she spoke, thinking she heard a noise as well. “Were you followed?” she asked, frowning and shifting Dean on her chest until she reached a bit more comfort. It may have just been an animal behind the man, but she knew she couldn’t take the chance. “I think we should go towards it, because well, no offense but, your offer sounds a little creepy,” she said with a tired, quiet laugh. In the dark her bright smile shone, weary but amused.
Farren North – Bandera Horse Ranch/Rd 689

Farren moved just a little further before she ran into a fence. Frowning, she tried to inspect it in the dark. There was barbed wired along the top. She hesitated before leaving her path along the river to follow the fence instead, coming eventually to a broken sign. From what she could make out, it was a ranch of some sort. Her eyes widened, and she pondered if there were any horses left. She almost clicked her tongue to try and call one, but her gaze diverted downward to her sleeping son. Getting on a horse and riding it… it would wake him. And anytime he was woken before getting all his sleep, he cried. She couldn’t risk it.

Giving a frustrated blow through her nose, Farren moved on, now moving along the street that had led to the ranch. It was paved, and seemed to go into town, whatever town it was, and therefore towards the light. She would remember the ranch though, in case she needed a horse or cabin outside the town if nothing promising lay within.

Farren looked up at a sign along the road that said the numbers 689. She had no idea what that meant or where it led. She felt like crying. The toddler was so heavy in her arms. The bag was weighing down her shoulder. Her legs had gone from burning to numb and now feeling like jello. Not to mention she wouldn’t reach the inside of that town til morning at this rate anyway. Farren let out a heavy sigh and let her knees hit the ground. She kept her son curled against her, his form barely stirring as she grimaced until she could sit on her backside and rest for the moment.
-double post-
Farren North – Medina River, just outside of Bandera, TX

The crunch of tired feet echoed within a small area around a tan woman with brown hair as she walked alongside the water, hoping it led her the right way. Wrapped around her stomach were a little boy’s legs, his arms hanging limply at his sides and his head on top of her shoulder, while one of her arms cradled him and the other held his head of blonde curls to her throat. Over her other shoulder was a duffel bag that continually bounced off her hip, making a soft sound each time. Her jeans were thick but dirty, and she wore a black fitted fleece hoodie over a black long sleeve shirt. Her son wore cargo jeans, small converse shoes, and a plaid long sleeve shirt with a messy collar. The pair looked comforting and yet desperate, calm and yet urgent.

Farren’s bright blue eyes scanned the area, looking downwards to make sure she wasn’t going to step in mud or puddles along her trek, while simultaneously keeping Dean asleep and warm. His small hot breaths puffed out into the night, calm and unaware of everything around them, while his mother’s face looked to be in imaginary pain, thin lips stretched over bright white teeth, but not in a smile; more of a wince. Every once in a while a grunt would escape her lips, but otherwise, she was silent, wanting Dean to rest while she got them away. A woman with a toddler seemed easy to take advantage of these days, and Farren was more than aware when someone was trying to use her and/or her son.

The last place they’d left seemed like a good place to stay. There were several others, all having found a remote hotel and had their own rooms. But there was a man who had fancied himself a leader of sorts, and Farren knew that was never good. She’d only stayed a day before heading out secretly again. An hour after she’d left, she heard yelling in the distance and seen flashlights, which had only made her begin running while shushing the baby. She’d lost them easily, having a good head start, but it’d only confirmed her suspicions that not everything was kosher there.

Now, her tired legs had been moving for hours, mind jumping from one thing to the next. Originally, it’d been what those people wanted with her and Dean. Then it was a particularly mean professor in college. Then it was Dean’s first birthday. Then it was that book she’d never finished left on her coffee table the day she’d packed everything up. Then it was trying to calculate what she’d eaten in the last few days. Then it was that stupid pop song from a year ago that always got stuck in her head.

Birds cawed about her but she ignored them, seeing what looked like building shapes in the dark ahead. Well, it was still a walk, but maybe there would be a place to rest anyway. She took a deep breath and pressed on, looking up and suddenly seeing a light shining out from the place. Farren froze, staring at it. Well, there must be people here anyway. Stupid people. But people. She hesitated, but slowly put one foot in front of the other. Hope was all she had, after all.
QT said
Accepted x 100000000000000!!! Hehe :P

Awesome! ;)

Edit: PM me if anyone wants to know or be travelling with Farren.

Name : Farren North (maiden name Gregory)

Age : 25

Skills : Athletic (can outrun many), Self-sufficient (knows how to clean, cook, & care for herself and her toddler), Intelligent in certain areas (worked as a conservationist prior to apocalypse) ~ Basically, she can run away & survive on her own

Weapon (up three): Hammer, knife, small gun with no bullets (carries a duffel bag of survival supplies for her & her son)

Personality : determined, caring, unaffected by the past (when someone dies, she doesn’t need to grieve, for example), dislikes large groups or loud noises/parties, dislikes being alone all the time, optimistic, good liar, perfectionist, responsible, stubborn

Brief Bio : Farren was the sporty girl in high school. She was nice to everyone, had a level head, made good grades. She excelled in track, basketball, and volleyball. After high school, she went to a state university to get a degree in biology. While there, she met Audric North, who was a theater major and swept her off her feet. They married within 6 months and continued going to school. Audric became violent slowly however, trying to control Farren. She graduated with her degree and planned on leaving him when she got pregnant. Audric had tampered with their protection to cause it, believing it would trap her with him. Instead, she became more resolute, knowing he might hurt the baby, and left. While pregnant she began dating another man, Seth, but put the relationship on hold for the first 6 months of her baby, Dean’s, life. They hit it off again and a year later got engaged. It fell apart when Seth and Farren moved in together. He found it too hard to work, be a daddy, and meet Farren’s needs. She found herself micromanaging everything, complaining more, and trying to make them come together easily when it just wasn’t. The mutual break up was hard as they had a lot of chemistry, but Farren swore off dating for a while after. Then the world changed. Sports didn’t matter, much of her schooling, dating… just staying alive with her not even 3 year old son mattered now.
No problem. Just needed to know before posting.
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