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    1. white violet 6 yrs ago
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Current snow day! will get responses out tomorrow. x
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if it comes around christmas and you didn't see it coming, it's a present


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once more, here's a bump to this thread! updated what i'm looking for, but still mostly the same.

name: princess amelia von doster
age: twenty-three
gender: female
orientation: closeted lesbian
title: princess of {____}

appearance: standing at 5'4", the princess has a slim and athletic figure. her brunette hair is a bit on the thin side thanks to years and years of torturing it with a flatiron throughout high school, so she is careful with how she styles it, which is usually down and with loose curls. amelia inherited not only her parents brown eyes, but also their sunny smile. she is constantly smiling and showing off her pearly whites, which has led to some tiny laugh lines forming around her mouth and the corner of her eyes. the only piercings that she has is one set on her ears; otherwise, she is free from other body modifications. the only marks breaking up her barely-sun kissed skin is a few beauty marks here and there.

history: {left blank to be open for plot, but generally not a sappy past}

personality: like any modern royalty, amelia is very good at being a princess. at least when she's in public or on camera. she works hard to make her parents proud. she doesn't mind playing the pleasantries game: smile, speak like a lady, kiss some babies. she eats up the limelight and wants to be the princess that her country loves and is proud of. {she likes the power that her family has, but knows not to abuse it/she wishes her family had more power than they were allotted, but not because she wants to abuse it or anything.}

but, amelia is still a young adult, and like many others her age, she still loves to let loose and party. she isn't like the stereotypical princess on the streets, party freak everywhere else. her partying is slightly more calculated. she knows not to get totally trashed, she knows hot to do random lines of whatever drug offered to her, she knows not to open her big mouth about anything related to her family when under the influence of alcohol. if anything, she's just like any other social drinker and actually likes to party in the safety of her own home. because of her position, her casual partying seems much worse than it actually is. amelia takes her life as a princess very seriously, but also loves the moments where she gets to be herself and do whatever she wants.
likes: cameras; parties; alcohol; dogs and cats; action moves; italian beaches; expensive clothing; vacations; teaching; dark chocolate
dislikes: strobe lights; sudden, loud noises; excessive swearing; violence; working out; the cold; all work, no play; clingy individuals; reptiles; white chocolate; organized religion

we love a good character sheet template aka i'm just procrastinating with getting
any characters up. kindly don't copy me, maybe???

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

[ character appearance here. preferably a gif or two ]

name: name here
age: age here (main char. will always be 18+)
gender: --
orientation: --
title/rank/job: if applicable

appearance: quick lil description

history: hopefully not too depressing (may be left blank so character can fit into multiple stories)

personality: the meat of the character here
likes: + + +
dislikes: - - -

directory of my sweet (and not-so-sweet) baby angels.
name || age || title/job/ect. || story setting

amelia von doster || twenty-three || princess || modern

fun fact i always make these types of threads and tell myself i'm going to use
them but then i never do so let's try this again! i promise to do better!

please don't post on this thread and if you see a character you may want to
roleplay with, send me a pm and we can work a plot out!
bumping because i'm still looking for partners! feel free to suggest ideas that you may think i'll like that aren't listed above. the worst that could happen is i say no...
hi all! my full title is white violet, but you all may call me violet. as, well, like everyone else in this thread section, i am on the search for some roleplay partners! this semester is coming to a close so i find myself with some more free time on my hands. if you too need a partner, just keep scrolling! and, yes, if you are a member of blackdahlia, i am the same white violet and this is the same request thread. work smarter, not harder, right?

well, glad you're still reading! i figure that you may want to know more about me. my likes, style of roleplaying, ect. well, here ya go!

    • i am 22 and would very much prefer if my partner (and our characters!) were over the age of eighteen. i don't roleplay with minors, even if nothing sexual is involved. sorry, personal comfort.
    • i roleplay in third person, past tense with proper grammar (this lowercase is just for the ~aesthetic~).
    • my usual responses tend to be a few paragraphs, even if there's just dialogue. you will never get one sentence or one paragraph from me.
    • my favorite pairings are fxf and mxm. i may on very specific occasions roleplay mxf, but it has to be the most interesting plot in the world.
    • not gonna like, i love me some sexy scenes, but the story can't just be sexy fun times. there needs to be an actual plot in there somewhere.
    • my characters are switches that will lean in either direction. playing as just a dominant or submissive (no matter how ~feisty~ they can be) makes me bored.
    • even though i said school is over for the semester, i still have two part-time jobs and a social life. i may not be able to send out multiple responses every day, but i do consider myself to be fairly active with a response every few days. please be considerate of this and remember that there's only 24 hours in a day.
    • i really like making character sheets! they don't have to be super specific; name, age, and appearance works great. also, i like using real life or realistic drawings for faceclaims.
    • because of possible mature themes, i would prefer to keep the roleplay in the PMs. no offsite stuff.

cool, so now you know more about me. this, generally, is what i'm looking for in a roleplay partner. for as a quick overview, i'm not super strict, but i'd like to be able to understand your responses and be able to communicate with you.

    • like i hinted at before, please be over the age of 18, obviously. main characters too! (young side characters are fine as long as nothing sexual happens with them).
    • please communicate with me! i love bouncing ideas around with people and it really sucks to be the one coming up with all the ideas. and, not just plot planning too. if you need to disappear for a few days or don't like something, just let me know! i'm chill, i promise.
    • write in third person, past tense, with good grammar (ie. i can understand what you mean when you write).
    • i don't expect my partner to perfectly match my response length, but please, i beg of you, don't give me one sentence or one paragraph with a bit of dialogue and a basic description of something. i need some sustenance to be able to get a good response out.
    • be able to write dynamic characters! they don't need to be the perfect, pretty good guy. they can be the villain. someone who is struggling. anything! also, don't control my character in your response, whether it's what they say or do (unless it's something super basic that would otherwise be implied, like following your character if they leave the room).
    • pretty basic things, yeah? to recap: communicate and don't control my character.

now onto the fun bits! first part of this section is themes and ideas i generally like/don't like to have in my roleplays.
    themes i like: action, adventure, romance, comedy, suspense, drama, (low) fantasy, historical, mature
    types of tropes i like (not exclusive to this list): enemies-to-lovers, unlikely pairs/we're-enemies-but-have-to-team-up, forbidden relationships, unlikely hero, supernatural creatures
    settings i can play in: most time periods (with some degree of accuracy, though i am not an expert) but especially medieval/roman/40s, modern, naval/ocean, war zones, low fantasy, outer space, school/college
    other topics i don't do: fandoms, anime, heavy fantasy settings, steampunk, in-depth historically accurate settings, major character deaths (i get attached, okay?)

hopefully that was a good run down of who i am and what i like! now, onto some pairings/general ideas that tickle my fancy. i don't have any plot ideas for now, so check back later for those.
    • something with supernatural creatures
      - i've recently restarted izombie and really want a show where our characters are supernatural creatures! vampires, werewolves, succubi/incubi, merpeople, witches, gods... please bless me.
      - oh man, i do love the wild west. outlaws, leather, bar maids, sheriffs, leather.
    • i haven't done it in forever, but a twist off of disney stories would be fun!!
      - and i don't just mean "disney... but make it sexy." genderbent characters, really hitting the darker themes that disney overlooked, ect. any characters would be original, not canon.
    • crime and heist movies are some of my favorites so, like....Fun Heist Times, Please!
    • love me a good plot with some royal characters!
      - royalty x bodyguard (either modern or medieval/older era)
      - fighting royals who are enemies-turned-lovers (preferably a medieval/older era)
    • cool, so i'm in the mood for something with pirates!
      - preferably no kidnappings or slave plots, pleaaase
    • WWII-era
      - i think that WWII is such an interesting time period and i'd definitely be interesting in coming up with a plot!
      - could be soldiers, civilians, enemies, same-side affiliates, ect
      - again, please no kidnapping or slave plots

well, as a famous cartoon pig once said: that's all, folks! i hope you read through this entire thing and that an idea or two caught your eye. if you're interested in roleplaying, please send me a pm about what caught your eye and what ideas you have. don't comment here because i can't promise that i'll remember to check this.
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