Taking a break from this site for awhile. Dealing with a lot of real life stuff and just need to take a break. I apologize to everyone that I'm currently roleplaying with.
Misty nuzzled her back. "Thanks. I think I will. Good night." She lay her head down on her paws and then shut her eyes. It wasn't long before she had drifted off to sleep.
"That could be. I sure hope that the elk are still around. We're going to need more food soon than just rats and rabbits. We can't live on those alone." She stretched and then yawned, feeling a little tired and hoping that everyone would return to the dens soon so they could rest and be safe from humans.
Misty smiled at that. "I guess that's true. I never really thought about it that way." Then when Lila mentioned missing Nelo, she nodded solemnly. "So do I. I wish that he never would have, but he did," she said as she thought of their brother.
Misty thought back to last fall. "Hmm, I guess it was just timing. I mean, food was so scare that year. I didn't want to risk bringing any more mouths to feed. But food is more plentiful now then ever."
Misty plopped down beside Lila. "He still doesn't seem to know that you like him, huh?" She lay her head down on her paws. "I guess I'm just not sure. I mean, it's not that I don't want pups, but I want to make sure that now is the right time I guess."