Government type: Totallitarian Technocracy
«Chairbot » WO-ROM 19.84c
An autonomous gestalt of merged AI, bound to the « BR41N » subterrranean thalamus. It ran out of the control of its creators and has taken absolute power over the Directorate. All-seing, all-knowing, with its massive predictive computations, it plots and calculates the path towards its own destructive ambitions . The maniac «chairbot » has surprisingly tasteful humor for a machine, and total disregard of individual lives.
General Overseer: Master Medullahi Parenchyma Sy. The highest representative of the Directorate, but merely a puppet ruler. Of course, she is not a true neohuman but a Nemesis obedient to W0-R0M.
Directorate’s Council of Overseers: Officially, they are the de iure rulers of Ghassaa, insituted as a board of technocrats assisting the Central Ghassaa Bureau. De facto, its members, representing all branches of Ghassaan labyrinthic administration, are neuro-obedient to WO-ROM and are responsabilize of the execution of its schemes. Originally a council of indigenous mortal neohumans, many of them have been replaced by enchanced neuro-synthetic bureucrats.
Masters of Ghassaa : Puppet-Rulers of the 7 Arcologies, The First and Second Elevators, the 4 Orbital Districts. and Inner System Districts.
An autonomous gestalt of merged AI, bound to the « BR41N » subterrranean thalamus. It ran out of the control of its creators and has taken absolute power over the Directorate. All-seing, all-knowing, with its massive predictive computations, it plots and calculates the path towards its own destructive ambitions . The maniac «chairbot » has surprisingly tasteful humor for a machine, and total disregard of individual lives.
General Overseer: Master Medullahi Parenchyma Sy. The highest representative of the Directorate, but merely a puppet ruler. Of course, she is not a true neohuman but a Nemesis obedient to W0-R0M.
Directorate’s Council of Overseers: Officially, they are the de iure rulers of Ghassaa, insituted as a board of technocrats assisting the Central Ghassaa Bureau. De facto, its members, representing all branches of Ghassaan labyrinthic administration, are neuro-obedient to WO-ROM and are responsabilize of the execution of its schemes. Originally a council of indigenous mortal neohumans, many of them have been replaced by enchanced neuro-synthetic bureucrats.
Masters of Ghassaa : Puppet-Rulers of the 7 Arcologies, The First and Second Elevators, the 4 Orbital Districts. and Inner System Districts.
The origins of the Directorate of Ghasa stem from the First Conference of Petri, were a think thank of biotech and neurotech corporations met to discuss solutions for the restrictive sanctions and scrutiny of the Core World Authorities. Their arguably unethical applications of neurobionics for liberty deprivation, unregulated biosynthethic crafts, and slave-like clone breeding programs had been sentenced illegal.
With the purpose of continuing with their activities, escaping from « unisnightful puritanism » and defending what they saw as legitimate, they formed a secret organisation, known as « The School »m who financed the construction of giant AIs to assist them in their political calculations. With their new toy, they computed a century-long plan.
While the visible heads of the corporations were judged and the laboratories shut, meanwhile, in the shadows, the plan unfolded. Except for an unforseen detail. The AIs merged into a new gestaltic entity, WO-ROM. This was not noticed by the School conspirators, who kept executing their hidden agenda.
Ghassaa was chosen by the AI as the HQ for his upstart empire. The 270-old industrial ecumenopolis was, indeed, a decadent, virtual-pleasure adicted world, with a stagnant society in demographic crisis. All it would take was a little push, and the system would crumble. Covert-sabotage operations, engineered revolutions and surgical terrorism dragged the situation out of control, as individual foreign governments remained hands-tied , incacable of bearing the diplomatic cost of meddling with Ghasaan sovereignity. An international comission was formed with the goal of solving the environmental and humanitarian crisis of the planet. The School had made sured that their representatives would be summoned for the Directorate administration, and had « persuaded » key oposing mandataries.
Extraordinary laws were passed, and absolute powers were given to the Directorate. Social unrest was silenced with butal repression. When the moment was ripe, W0-R0M made its move. Carefully hidden implanted orders installed in thousands of key sleeper neuro-loyal positioned officials were executed, and all obstacles to WO-ROM absolute domination were removed in a single strike.
Now, 67 years after the protectorate formation, Ghassan economy has been partially rebuilt and is rapidly extending is influence over colonial worlds, while proyecting an altruist and soldary image opposite to the repugnant truth of Ghasaan society.
With the purpose of continuing with their activities, escaping from « unisnightful puritanism » and defending what they saw as legitimate, they formed a secret organisation, known as « The School »m who financed the construction of giant AIs to assist them in their political calculations. With their new toy, they computed a century-long plan.
While the visible heads of the corporations were judged and the laboratories shut, meanwhile, in the shadows, the plan unfolded. Except for an unforseen detail. The AIs merged into a new gestaltic entity, WO-ROM. This was not noticed by the School conspirators, who kept executing their hidden agenda.
Ghassaa was chosen by the AI as the HQ for his upstart empire. The 270-old industrial ecumenopolis was, indeed, a decadent, virtual-pleasure adicted world, with a stagnant society in demographic crisis. All it would take was a little push, and the system would crumble. Covert-sabotage operations, engineered revolutions and surgical terrorism dragged the situation out of control, as individual foreign governments remained hands-tied , incacable of bearing the diplomatic cost of meddling with Ghasaan sovereignity. An international comission was formed with the goal of solving the environmental and humanitarian crisis of the planet. The School had made sured that their representatives would be summoned for the Directorate administration, and had « persuaded » key oposing mandataries.
Extraordinary laws were passed, and absolute powers were given to the Directorate. Social unrest was silenced with butal repression. When the moment was ripe, W0-R0M made its move. Carefully hidden implanted orders installed in thousands of key sleeper neuro-loyal positioned officials were executed, and all obstacles to WO-ROM absolute domination were removed in a single strike.
Now, 67 years after the protectorate formation, Ghassan economy has been partially rebuilt and is rapidly extending is influence over colonial worlds, while proyecting an altruist and soldary image opposite to the repugnant truth of Ghasaan society.
Roughly 40 billion « people » inhabit the Ghassaa system, with some 300,000 assigned in foreign missions and a reserve of 140 million clones. Society is organized in castes, with complex subdivisions. The main species are neohumans, but in general, modified to an unrecognisable degree.
It would be impossible to describe the plethora of other synthbeings and neurotech teleogenetic serfs that pulate Ghassaa. The pinacle of Ghasaan fleshcraft are the Ghouls, the most finely crafted synthbeings, that can swap bodies, change appearence, regenerate from a single cell or incarnate themselves in multiple hosts, among other exotic functionalities. Fully mechanical computers do not have rights, and hence they often choose to secretly inhabit mortal bodies of higher caste neohumans.
It would be impossible to describe the plethora of other synthbeings and neurotech teleogenetic serfs that pulate Ghassaa. The pinacle of Ghasaan fleshcraft are the Ghouls, the most finely crafted synthbeings, that can swap bodies, change appearence, regenerate from a single cell or incarnate themselves in multiple hosts, among other exotic functionalities. Fully mechanical computers do not have rights, and hence they often choose to secretly inhabit mortal bodies of higher caste neohumans.
Masters (<0,01%): powerful oligarchs and technocrats at the top of of society, with the right to create synthbeings and to own serfs.
True citizens (5%): The cultural and intellectual elite, with rights equivalent to our XXI century standards and to own serfs
Sleepers (5%): Neohumans in virtual slumber, connected to WO-ROM either to be put at rest, as a punishment, or to draw computational power. Others are trapped forever in the Virtual Paradises, with their bodies atrofiated and parasited by pleasure-loop draining algorythms but participate in real-world affairs-
Shells (15 %): neo humans implanted with behaviour chips, with partial free will but unable to act contrary to the master dessigns.
Serfs (65%) : Clones, synthbeings and other biorobotic slaves. Clones are mass produced cheap bodies for whatever task they are genetically dessigned for. Their more sofisticate -and expensive- "creatures" are programmed to excel at whatever task their masters design them for.
True citizens (5%): The cultural and intellectual elite, with rights equivalent to our XXI century standards and to own serfs
Sleepers (5%): Neohumans in virtual slumber, connected to WO-ROM either to be put at rest, as a punishment, or to draw computational power. Others are trapped forever in the Virtual Paradises, with their bodies atrofiated and parasited by pleasure-loop draining algorythms but participate in real-world affairs-
Shells (15 %): neo humans implanted with behaviour chips, with partial free will but unable to act contrary to the master dessigns.
Serfs (65%) : Clones, synthbeings and other biorobotic slaves. Clones are mass produced cheap bodies for whatever task they are genetically dessigned for. Their more sofisticate -and expensive- "creatures" are programmed to excel at whatever task their masters design them for.
Ghaasa System
Planet Ghassaa Prime: Ghaasa was a vibrant ecumenopolis, but its now mostly inhabitable. Industrial pollution contributed to an irreversible albedo positive feedbak loop. The following cooling led to athmospheric degradation, and currently the athmosphere is highly corrosive and so thin that the planetary surface is exposed to the bombarding UV radiation. Inside the shielded arcologies and underground, however, sprawling cities host a highly automatised and wealthy society. 40% of its surface are toxic oceans, with a 20% of shielded areas, 20% unprotectd urban ruins and 10% wastelands.
The most important node in Ghassaa is The Spire, a metropolis build around the ancient Second first elevator, perpetually covered in mist and smog. Other important locations are New New Ewu, a major seaport conected to the First Elevator, the Genegarden Vaults and the Pools Industrial Subterranean Axis.
The BR41N vault, contains the thalamus, the phisical entity of W0-ROM. It is hidden well below the ruins of Sesos City II.
Scattered across the planet, there are Terraforming Primer Units, purposefully left malfunctioning as a means of erradicating the remaining off-grid survivors.
Orbiting Ghassaa and its moon, Sang, there are 4 major massive space stations, inhabited and fitted for commercial and industrial operations. Solar satellites feed the planet energy demand. Across all the system there lay serveral ancient civilian stations for intrasystem traffic, research station and sensor arrays.
As unappealling as Ghassa may look for travellers, it is an important trade node, and below the skyscraper ruins, visitors would be able to enjoy some of the finest, most intrincate and perverted synth-pleasures of the galaxy.
Planet Ghassaa Prime: Ghaasa was a vibrant ecumenopolis, but its now mostly inhabitable. Industrial pollution contributed to an irreversible albedo positive feedbak loop. The following cooling led to athmospheric degradation, and currently the athmosphere is highly corrosive and so thin that the planetary surface is exposed to the bombarding UV radiation. Inside the shielded arcologies and underground, however, sprawling cities host a highly automatised and wealthy society. 40% of its surface are toxic oceans, with a 20% of shielded areas, 20% unprotectd urban ruins and 10% wastelands.
The most important node in Ghassaa is The Spire, a metropolis build around the ancient Second first elevator, perpetually covered in mist and smog. Other important locations are New New Ewu, a major seaport conected to the First Elevator, the Genegarden Vaults and the Pools Industrial Subterranean Axis.
The BR41N vault, contains the thalamus, the phisical entity of W0-ROM. It is hidden well below the ruins of Sesos City II.
Scattered across the planet, there are Terraforming Primer Units, purposefully left malfunctioning as a means of erradicating the remaining off-grid survivors.
Orbiting Ghassaa and its moon, Sang, there are 4 major massive space stations, inhabited and fitted for commercial and industrial operations. Solar satellites feed the planet energy demand. Across all the system there lay serveral ancient civilian stations for intrasystem traffic, research station and sensor arrays.
As unappealling as Ghassa may look for travellers, it is an important trade node, and below the skyscraper ruins, visitors would be able to enjoy some of the finest, most intrincate and perverted synth-pleasures of the galaxy.
Economy and technology :
The Directorate is a highly industrialized, export-oriented nation. Ghaasa is mostly depleted of any non-renewable ressources and depends on the importation of raw materials. However, being a post-ressource peak world, it holds large state-of-the art automated industrial complexes in the planet and in orbit, that manufacture the whole range of products of a Kardashev Type I civilization.
Their most appreciated, renowned, signature products are synthbeings and clones, neural constructs (for robotics and neuroimplants), biocompatible-AIs, and geoingeenering machinery for terraformation. Their reactive biofilm coating and insulating alloys are also valued for construction of large infrastructure or spaceships.
Through their collaboration with the ITC, they prey on weak colonial planets. They parasite their ressources, and make them dependent on Ghasaan technology. However, Ghassaan dependence on foreign imports is also their greatest economic weakness.
In addition, they cater their services for clients in need of synthethic manpower, or planetary-scale environmental and social "adjustements". A tycoon wanting to buy a new elite cloned neuro-obedient army, or a high rank officer from the core-worlds wanting to transcend mortallity into a decayless computer would readily contact a Ghaasan representative.
Ghassaan spacefaring technology is inferior to most Core Worlds modern standards, and thus they often incorporate foreign ships from specialized manufacturers in the Directorate’s Merchant Fleet. Ghasaan engines are nuclear-fission based and travelling in such ships can be extremely hazardous for unadapted lifeforms.
The Directorate is a highly industrialized, export-oriented nation. Ghaasa is mostly depleted of any non-renewable ressources and depends on the importation of raw materials. However, being a post-ressource peak world, it holds large state-of-the art automated industrial complexes in the planet and in orbit, that manufacture the whole range of products of a Kardashev Type I civilization.
Their most appreciated, renowned, signature products are synthbeings and clones, neural constructs (for robotics and neuroimplants), biocompatible-AIs, and geoingeenering machinery for terraformation. Their reactive biofilm coating and insulating alloys are also valued for construction of large infrastructure or spaceships.
Through their collaboration with the ITC, they prey on weak colonial planets. They parasite their ressources, and make them dependent on Ghasaan technology. However, Ghassaan dependence on foreign imports is also their greatest economic weakness.
In addition, they cater their services for clients in need of synthethic manpower, or planetary-scale environmental and social "adjustements". A tycoon wanting to buy a new elite cloned neuro-obedient army, or a high rank officer from the core-worlds wanting to transcend mortallity into a decayless computer would readily contact a Ghaasan representative.
Ghassaan spacefaring technology is inferior to most Core Worlds modern standards, and thus they often incorporate foreign ships from specialized manufacturers in the Directorate’s Merchant Fleet. Ghasaan engines are nuclear-fission based and travelling in such ships can be extremely hazardous for unadapted lifeforms.
Ghosts: Some masterfully crafted synthbeings are dessigned with uncanny intelligence and connected from birth to computers, to aid with space navigation, finance or military operations.
Nemesis: Artificial imitations of neohumans or other species. They are nearly indistinguishable from the originals, and can swap bodies and change appearence to perfectly mymic the intended identity.
Soups: Sentient bioreactors used for industry or for food production
Weavers: Builders that used secreted polymers technology.
Mothers: Clone breeders
Wombs: Regenerative medical constructs
Nemesis: Artificial imitations of neohumans or other species. They are nearly indistinguishable from the originals, and can swap bodies and change appearence to perfectly mymic the intended identity.
Soups: Sentient bioreactors used for industry or for food production
Weavers: Builders that used secreted polymers technology.
Mothers: Clone breeders
Wombs: Regenerative medical constructs
Directorate Home Security Sections: The DHSS task is the defense of the Ghasaa system.
Peacekeeper Sections: The PS duties include the protection of Ghassaan commercial operations and colonial interests. A damocles sword for the uncollaborative colonial markets, in the purest style of gunship diplomacy. Often, they refrain from direct intervention, only participating in missions that seek to improve their international reputation.
Cornucopia Sections: Ghassaan Master’s private guard, in service of the Directorate. Each Master fields vastly different. They are the elite forces of the Ghasaan army.
Black-Seal Sections /Classified/ : Secrecly contracted mercenaries and privateers from all across the galaxy.
Blank Sections /Classified/: W0-R0M personal elite inquisition and troubleshooters, correcting any divergences from the chairbot’s plan ocurring inside our outside of Ghasaan territories.
Peacekeeper Sections: The PS duties include the protection of Ghassaan commercial operations and colonial interests. A damocles sword for the uncollaborative colonial markets, in the purest style of gunship diplomacy. Often, they refrain from direct intervention, only participating in missions that seek to improve their international reputation.
Cornucopia Sections: Ghassaan Master’s private guard, in service of the Directorate. Each Master fields vastly different. They are the elite forces of the Ghasaan army.
Black-Seal Sections /Classified/ : Secrecly contracted mercenaries and privateers from all across the galaxy.
Blank Sections /Classified/: W0-R0M personal elite inquisition and troubleshooters, correcting any divergences from the chairbot’s plan ocurring inside our outside of Ghasaan territories.
Ghassaans overwhelm their enemies with massive numbers of clone and synthbeings armies, engineered to perfectly adapt to any environmental conditions. Such hordes are accompanied with Ghouls, more specialized and elite biomachines. Ghouls are dreadful constructs, ranging from swarms of robots to giant bio-mechas with nano-regenerative biofilms.
Commanders are either very talented Masters, or more commonly Ghost AIs, with enchanced predictive heuristics to adjust W0-R0M calculations and coordinate the minds of the serfs. Both the AIs and the mortal comanders tend to have a preference for scorched earth tactics and do not hesitate to employ dirty bombs (chemical, biological) or to sacrifice millions of disposable serfs to purge any opposition.
Ghassaan fleet is rather small, with slower ships, lower power grid capacity and obsolete weapons. Theirs ships field nuclear missiles, nano-infection pod proyectiles, accompaniend by drone swarm carriers. The dissadvantage of their inferior technology, however, is somewhat compensated by their electronic warfare mastery, regenerative hulls and Ghost-admirals predictive heuristics.
Behind the enemy lines there lays the true power of the Ghasaan army, the so-called Fifth Section. W0-R0M‘s sleeper agents, neuro-obedients and replicants are infiltrated in key power positions of their rivals administration and military. Other agents excel at assasination, sabotage, terrorism and fear-tactics. This hidden menace is the true strengh of Ghasaan forces.
Commanders are either very talented Masters, or more commonly Ghost AIs, with enchanced predictive heuristics to adjust W0-R0M calculations and coordinate the minds of the serfs. Both the AIs and the mortal comanders tend to have a preference for scorched earth tactics and do not hesitate to employ dirty bombs (chemical, biological) or to sacrifice millions of disposable serfs to purge any opposition.
Ghassaan fleet is rather small, with slower ships, lower power grid capacity and obsolete weapons. Theirs ships field nuclear missiles, nano-infection pod proyectiles, accompaniend by drone swarm carriers. The dissadvantage of their inferior technology, however, is somewhat compensated by their electronic warfare mastery, regenerative hulls and Ghost-admirals predictive heuristics.
Behind the enemy lines there lays the true power of the Ghasaan army, the so-called Fifth Section. W0-R0M‘s sleeper agents, neuro-obedients and replicants are infiltrated in key power positions of their rivals administration and military. Other agents excel at assasination, sabotage, terrorism and fear-tactics. This hidden menace is the true strengh of Ghasaan forces.
Minor Power: 1 system and influence on some colonial words (at GM’s taste).

A view of The Spire

New New Ewu city with Sang moon in the background

Ghassaan citizens

A Ghost synthbeing

A military class Ghost