Avatar of Willow
  • Last Seen: 8 yrs ago
  • Joined: 8 yrs ago
  • Posts: 2 ( / day)
  • VMs: 0


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The genres prefer fantasy, horror and some sci-fi themed RP. I prefer dark more cynical humor. My job can be stressful so I generally try not to take myself seriously.

Whenever I find time I enjoy painting in many different mediums.
I enjoy writing fantasy stories and creating new characters.
I used to RP in my younger days when I had more time, I would like to get back
into it.

I am an avid reader, just to name a few authors I enjoy

R.A. Salvatore
David Eddings
George Martin
Kristen Britain
Brandon Sanderson
Terry Brooks
Anne Rice-before she went wierd
Robert Jordan

My favorite video games are

Elder Scrolls
Final Fantasy games 1-9, FF 7 was probably my favorite
Dragon Age games
Icewind Dale PC games

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