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<Snipped quote by Willy Vereb>

London Congress 1822 also known as Prussian Restoration Project because no one, not even Talleyrand wants to know what is in the Mystery Box

Or Poland

Can you clarify a bit? Does it mran that we don't know what's up with the Prussians vut most likely they still exist? I remember that Prussians still lost their chance of becoming a great or even regional power so I guess there is a huge migration issue they deal with? Do if yes then perhaps I can still include in my writing how to exploit that to get some experienced personnel where one would need them.
It's your game but in my experience delays can be costly. I feel asking the players of major powers for everything would be a logistical nightmare. Perhaps only ask them if it involves their interests strongly? What would Russia care what cantons Switzerland have but if a player wants an independent Finland then that's very much relevant, for example.

On the other hand I thought of a differentish Switzerland idea: The United Cantons of Helvetia. A federal presidential republic where they managed to push religious freedom through. Official language is cantonal authority but federal duties usually need both languages.

BTW, what happened to Prussia after Napoleon squashed them? I may be blind but don't see this mentioned. Did their lands get absorbed by the nearby German states? They still exist but shadows of their past glory?
Can we have a new discord for this? No need for anything fancy but instant messages between multiple players can allow better brainsyorming than forum messages do.

Anyways, I am planting new ideas. One is the Alpine Union which is actually two nations because the French and German side of Switzerland split (with some other adjustments in lands). And that's one idea, I actually have a few others for Switzerland. I'll see which one I'll settle on during Sunday.

Anyways, one idea I need confirmation on. Frederick of Würtenberg turns against Napoleon which leads to him dismantling the personal union of Baden-Würtenberg. Switzerland gains the southern portions of Baden and a significant portion of Hohenzollern. They maintain this after the war in order to keep the French side of Switzerland more in check. Thry also gain Savoy, well, rather they don't shy away ftom their duty to administrate it like in OTL. Would it work? If there is any clash please tell me.
@Dinh AaronMkThe point if divergence part was enough for me, that means the Serenissima gets sacked for sure.
I don't know what alternate history nation or faction I come up with yet. We'll see.
Oh, so it happwnwd bwfore the point of divergence. That's a pity but understandable. What happened to Venice there effectively destroyed much of their culture. After that they are a mere shadow of what they once was and resulted in Venice's complete Italization. No, not writing in tilted letters. They went from staunchly defending their Venetian identity to the largest supporters of the Italian unification. Having pillaged twice and robbed of most your valuables and humiliated to the ground then basically oppressed for decades does that for you. Yeah, in that case Venice is not viable.

Also sorry for the typos. I am dead tired from work and just took the bus home.
In OTL Napoleon demanded Venice to democratize which they ignored. They also remained neutral which this time only meant they had nobody to help them when Napoleon invaded. If Venice has a revolution of sorts then it'd change a lot of things about that. May also explain how can Napoleon attempt a naval invasion given that it was always kind of impossible to invade UK by sea.

As for Hungary, Napoleon offered to hrlp a Hungatian revolution against the Austrians. In OTL the Hungarians remained loyal and were even insulted by this but perhaps with Napoleon's successes and how other regions were liberated it can happen. Austria and cisleithania would remain. It'd just impact the transleithanian territories AKA Hungary.

Neither of these two is less feasible than the Batavian Republic surviving 1805 which is why I was thinking of them. NRPs here are somewhat sandboxy so I figured we would have a lot of ways to shape alternate history. We also have some sorts of super Romania. So it does appear players can just make things up so long it's s3nsible as an alternate history.

Lastly it appears there is a discord or some other communication channel because I see sheets that weren't even mentioned in the OOC. Also you mentioned an Austria sheet which do3sn't even exist yet.
Hmm, can try going for an independent Hungary. They wold run as a sorts of eternal regency without a king. Albeit as a constitutional monarchy they would be very close to being a republic. Thr language reform is in full swing but it also resultes in unexpected tensions with Hungary's other nationalities. Meanwhile Austria would wish to reintegrate Hungary and the Russians are also eyeing them. This is thr basic premise in mind, we'll see if I can put this into writing.

EDIT:Or a Venice which sided with Napoleon. Reforms were introduced, the Doge was exiled and a new (actually democratic) republic was formed. After Napoleon's defeat Venice paid a huge sum and had to give away three quarters of their fleet to the victors.The Doge took back his office but the republic didn't return to the status quo.

I don't know which I am going to write yet. It'll be a few days before I'm going to have the free time anyways.

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