Avatar of Wolpertingers
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  • Posts: 52 (0.02 / day)
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    1. Wolpertingers 7 yrs ago


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"Excellent!" Rebecca declared, happy about this newfound news. Placing a hand on her hip and gesturing with her microphone at the two with the other, Reporter Pierce continued. "You'll need a good amount of relaxation, not because of any of those Caterpie jumpings, but due to the fact that I'm going to go through so many questions to obtain the scoop from both of you." A distinctive twinkle was present in Rebecca's eyes alongside, a perhaps predatory, grin.

"Anyhoo-" She glanced down at her Whismur as she strolled through the room to collect her belongings, "I'll give a ring after I've purified my normally elegant self, and prepared a more appropriately dashing attire!" She craned her head from side to side to make sure she wasn't forgetting anything.

"Toodles for now, this is Reporter Rebecca Pierce signing off~" said Rebecca as she gave a flickering finger wave to both Eddy and Samantha, while she looked for a hard-camera, which she seemed to decide was up in the corner. And with that Rebecca Pierce made her way out of the room as her Whismur slowly followed.


Passing by an intern, it had to be based on the nervous way they were holding a clipboard, Rebecca grabbed a hold of their shoulder and spun them around. The intern, trying not to gag muttered out a weak and unintelligible response. Rebecca, "Hi! I'm Reporter Rebecca Pierce, and I am here for an in-depth look at your washroom facilities!" The intern, not quite understanding why this verbiage was used, knew that this was a very important question for him to answer.

So he did by pointing down one of the hallways.

"Oh also get someone to provide some new clothes, make-up and a hairdresser! No need to rush, it'll take awhile but I expect it there by the time I'm finished thanks!" eagerly shouted out Rebecca as she made her way to those facilities as Whismur followed along.

The intern blinked as the woman passed out of sight, before staring at his clipboard. He was in thought contemplating the choices he had made in his life that led him here. If he had to deal with strangers like that, did he choose wisely?
Rebecca stood, clearly in a state of shock. It wasn’t a good shock of processing answers before giving follow up questions. On the contrary, this was a shock of horrible revelations. Eddy did in fact find a notable and exploitable chink in the journalist’s metaphorical armor.

With her legs trembling she barely muttered out, “O-oh Rayquaza.” And so played like a damn glass flute, one of those colored kinds, Reporter Pierce fell down on her knees and palms and began sobbing. The Whismur, for whatever reason ran up in an attempt to comfort her.

“I m-must lo-oo-ook like a damn amateur hour now!” She said between tears and mucus. “I don’t mean it! I r-really don’t!” She slowly rose and wiped the unwanted substances from her face with her hand. Rebecca took a moment to regain composure.

“It’s just that, that I’ve been under a lot of stress due to the mistake of that Crybaby on top of the declining clicks to the site a-and that the studio is threatening to give my time slot to the in home Poffin Mixer ad that comes before it!”

“I just thought, maybe, maybe if I got some real quick stories I could drive up traffic...” Rebecca breathed out as she brushed some locks of hair with her hand.

“But you’re right, I need to be on my best foot.”

She glanced between the two, “Neither of you would mind waiting until I clean up would you?”
The reporter tilted her head at Samantha as she began delivering some responses while the turtle minion began to sniff at the journalist, but few of them that gave any useful information. Well at least she knew the girl wasn't aware of her broadcasts. But, frankly that was to be expected. Her programming was at such an inconvenient time-slot that most wouldn't have caught a glimpse of it anyway. As Samantha, in shock of the information that was provided earlier, came up to Rebecca she once again held up her microphone to get the actual answers. But such a reaction was interrupted by the sudden shock of the TV spurring to life that Whismur once again hid behind the furniture.

Rebecca spun around and blinked at the TV. "Huh." she remarked as gears in her head began turning. Her Pokedex began buzzing and began to move off a small table which it was presently located on. But before it could fall off her Whismur dashed to collect it. Slowly Whismur shuffled towards Rebecca who went to her creature to collect the PokeDex.

With the PokeDex in one hand, and the microphone in the other she held it out in front of Samantha and spoke. "Yes. I told you already. Please try to keep up! But I'll explain again sure. The Crybaby ruined a shot by glowing a bright white so I had to smack him to make him stop. I can demonstrate if you want, but the Crybaby hasn't done anything wrong yet so I would advice against hitting now. But I assure you if you wait for the creature to do something inane I will show you how to properly smack your monster! OH! OH! Now as you said, I know you aren't done with me. But before I engage the interview with you proper, please would you mind answering the following questions? Name? Occupation? Purpose for being here? Any knowledge of any cover-ups? Schemes?"

She flicked the device open to see that, it had a personalized message. The device somehow seemed to know which room was chosen, but while it went on about Team Names and missions and all those things, Rebecca Pierce had her mind scheme up the potential of the device.

So she went to Eddy on the other side of the room and slammed the PokeDex near him. "You! Oh besides the questions of 'name', 'occupation', 'purpose for being here', can you tear this thing apart? You have some idea of how the device works and I need the GPS tracker removed and reprogrammed! It'll have far more use for me outside than inside where someone else can track me!"

Rebecca Pierce grinned as she plotted out the use a spare tracking chip would provide her. All she'd have to do was find the appropriate target for news, place it on and if she had control of the device to locate the chip she wouldn't have to stake out a high profile target for journalism! It would be a win win for everyone!
Rebecca Pierce did not initially react to the first stunned exclamation of her hideous odor, nor to arrival of that boy. Whismur, however, took a good amount of care by skittering to the side while he kept his head down to the ground to devour the grimy covered snacks he was presented. However the girl did cock her head, alongside wringing out her tie a little releasing a blackened water onto the cushion of her chair, as she heard the noises from the PokeDex declaring factoids about a creature known as the 'Abra'. The investigative journalist knew she had something here. There was certainly a story from this, though the importance of it was unknown at this point in time.

As she grabbed her microphone and mentally preparing to batter the boy with questions, a newcomer had entered near the doorway. Whismur having just finished the dirtied snacks rose up as his ears twitched to this yelling about the state of her trainer's gross aroma. Springing up into action Rebecca Pierce took her microphone in one hand and pulled Samantha Riley into the room proper with the other.


She held up her microphone to herself, "Hello! I'm Reporter Rebecca Pierce! You might know me from the website the 'Archipelago Digest', or if your local affiliate as long as it is a subsidiary of Hoenn TV, 'Piercing the Veil with Rebecca Pierce' at an hour most people refuse to deliver exclusive and topical information! Oh and for the both of you, I know you are wondering what that horrible smell is."

Rebecca Pierce paused for a moment as Whismur began to slightly more into sight from behind the furniture. "That smell is coming..." she waited for a dramatic amount of time, a short pause if you will, "From me! I obtained it during a session of investigative reporting; I never skimp when it comes to on-field reporting... not usually."

She gave a nasty look to Whismur who immediately retreated back behind the chair. "But that Crybaby..." snarled out Pierce as she continued on, "...began glowing a bright white during a filming session awhile back, which was ruining the shot, so I had to smack him several times before he stopped. Unfortunately for me I broke my filming device as it flew away during the correction to filming, so I can't guarantee you a spot on 'Piercing the Veil' but I can get you on Archipelago Digest!'

Rebecca began dashing between the room, as to properly get to Samantha and Eddy, as she began a barrage of questionings. "What's your name? Occupation? Purpose for being here? How did you get here? Are you aware of the cover-up regarding the Space Shuttle of Pewter? Or the cover-up about the -" Of course this frenetic pace of running, not that terribly long after swimming from the trash island to Pallet Town gave way to a bit of exhaustion.

Bent down forwards she began taking a moment to breath in and out. Whismur once again popped his head from behind the chair as she returned back to standing erect and once again wringing her tie of a lessened amount of murky water.

"The readers and viewers will be interested in your answers."
There were distinctive sounds of rattling inside a dumpster, which happened to be located stern-side onboard a ship intended for the shuttling of other personages. One sailor, a gruff and rotund looking man who was dressed in white, cocked an eyebrow as he glanced at the dumpster. This dumpster was not the only one located in this section of the ship; it was one of many alongside other smaller containers. It would be clear to even a casual observer that this room was dedicated to the storage of trash until it could be proper disposed of. But this dumpster had made a set of distinctive rattling sounds. As such the Sailor had his attention focused upon it.

A man in an orange hard hat and a nondescript pair of overalls glanced over towards the sailor. "Hey, buddy." the man inquired as he began snapping fingers, "You daydreamin' again?" The sailor shook his head as he glanced at his partner in work. "No, but I heard something from it." The sailor reached towards his sized and grabbed his capsule device and began to flick it open, as he heard more rattling sounds come from the dumpster...

Turning the attention away from this scene and into the dumpster proper we could see the source of the disturbance among these rotting shrimp shells, styrofoam cups and other assorted garbage from leftovers. And the cause of that disturbance was Reporter Rebecca Pierce hunched underneath this cavalcade of debris slamming her palm against the pink spherical creature known as the Whismur. Pierce desperately tried to maintain two things here, keeping hold her microphone as to keep it from dirtying up any further and of course make sure that Whismur didn't shriek out as that would certainly get her caught. And she was not going to get caught, not here, not now.

"You little Crybaby." Rebecca growled out as Whismur again tried moving through the trash and away from the hand so he could properly show his fear. "Listen to me and listen goo-"

In the process of trying to stay keep her creature underwraps, Rebecca dropped her microphone.

"Oh come on!" Rebecca pouted before both hands to slam on Whismur's mouth. "I'm not going to let you get me caught as a stowaway; because that means I'll have to explain myself, maybe fight someone if worst comes to worst, aaaand pay for this. And I need my cash to maintain the website and the television channel so I can broadcast the truth."

Whismur's ears flickered as it began to look upwards. Rebecca grumbled out something incomprehensibly before slamming the ball down into the trash and digging deeper into it to hide.

...And back to the investigation we saw not the sailor opening the dumpster, but rather the hard-hatted colleague. With a wide gesture of the arm he gestured to the dumpster. "Come on and take a look." spoke the orange hatted man. The Sailor shrugged as he shrank his Pokeball back down to size and tromped over towards the dumpster. He leaned over it and began inspecting the debris which appeared to be nothing abnormal.

"Huh. Guess I must've heard some things." before slamming down the lid. The worker in overalls smiled as he patted the sailor on the back, "Hey it happens to us all, especially here. This part of the job gets boring buuut someone's gotta do it right?" The sailor let out a hearty guffaw as he nodded at his co-worker, "Yeah, hey when we finish up you want me to buy you a pop and do a practice battle?" Wordlessly replying the hard-hatted man gave a thumbs up.

After the suspected danger had passed, Rebecca began rummaging through the grime as she plucked out her microphone and began stroking it. "I'm so sorry that he had to make me drop you." Whismur sniffled a bit before moaning a little. Rebecca shot him a glare, "Don't you start crying now, we're almost off scot-free! All we got to do is sneak out and-"

However this particular bit of dialogue was interrupted by an action that wasn't suspected by Reporter Rebecca Pierce, as she alongside her Pokemon companion and the trash that they were hiding in was dumped outside the docks. Rebecca Pierce blinked as she glanced down for a moment processing what exactly was happening to her. Meanwhile, Whismur was yelling its little heart out while desperately hugging against Rebecca's leg in an attempt to get some sort of security. Pierce, after processing that this was not going to be pleasant, was also screaming her heart out as they made their descent to the trash island located on Kanto's bay.

Landing upon a pile of decaying matresses, and trashbags which immediately exploded upon impact which heavily stained Rebecca and her attire, the (freelance) reporter began shaking her head and standing back up. Rebecca looked towards the horizon as she saw the skyline of Kanto. Then she looked down to see what they would be traversing.

There was a large body of water. Rebecca sighed as she flicked a banana peel off her head and began brushing off as much sludge as she could from her shoulders. "...So we're going swimming!" Rebecca shouted with a determinate passion while Whismur sniffled a bit more.


Outside the Oak Institute was a small collective of people who were leaving the premises, obviously they were disgruntled, but Rebecca needed to know why. And so the interviewer not being dissuaded from being soaking wet from not-so-nice seawater and earlier trash shenanigans held out her microphone and began shoving it in front of everyone who was walking by.

"Hello! I'm Reporter Rebecca Pierce, would you spare some time for an interview!?" she eagerly exclaimed boundless with energy, but there were no takers. "Hello! I'm Reporter Rebecca Pierce, would you spare some time for an interview!?" she said again as she received dirty looks. And again for a third time she shoved a microphone in front of others and began her spiel. "Hello! I'm Reporter Rebecca Pierce, would you spare some time for an interview!?", she declared before her microphone was shoved by an bald man in a leather-jacket who had his eye twitching.

"Then why ain'tcha in that buildin kid!? STOP GLOATING!" He shoved past Rebecca Pierce as the Whimsur tried to hide behind one of Rebecca's legs. "HEY!" shouted out the reporter. Rebecca began walking towards the man in a stride of true ferocity, as Whimsur sensing the situation tried to pull on Rebecca's leg.

Glaring at the creature Rebecca then took a moment to glance at the Oak Institute behind her, "...Maaaaybe I've got a story here." And so she proceeded to enter the building with Whismur following behind.

"Welcome to the Oak Institu-" responded the receptionist before nearly gagging at Rebecca Pierce. "Euuuaagha, a-ahem. This place is a rather select an-" spoke the receptionist before Rebecca Pierce shoved a microphone near her and began.

"Hello! I'm Reporter Rebecca Pierce and I -" before she could even finish her introduction, Rebecca Pierce was interrupted by the receptionist who began frantically pointing down a hallway. She knew this name was one of the ones that were drawn today. While she might not have presented a letter, the receptionist knew one was enclosed to her, but more to the point the Receptionist was not wanting to deal with this woman for any longer than she had to. "Oh yes, you've been selected. Go down the hall please, an important man is waiting for you there."

Smiling at the success at obtaining this valid scoop, Rebecca spun on her heels and triumphantly marched down the hallway with Whismur in tow. The receptionist reached underneath the desk and grabbed an air-freshener before spraying it wildly around the area where Rebecca once stood.


Noting that another person had won the prestigious opportunity to collect a Pokemon, Professor Sumac smiled and began. Hello there, and welcome to the world of Pokemon! My name is Professor Sumac, but people call me the Pokemon Professor. As I'm sure you know, this world is inhabited by-"" Rebecca Pierce shoved a microphone fairly close to professor before bringing it back to herself.

"And how long have you been a professor?"

"I, what?"

"How long have you been a professor. Viewers and readers are probably interested in this."

"Three years, give or take, but I've only been here for a month. Ahem." The professor cleared his throat as he began from where he left off, "by Pokemon. We humans live alongside Pokemon as fr-" the statement was interrupted as Rebecca Pierce brought the microphone back to herself, "And what is your discipline and, what's in the box?"

"Oh well the box is why you are here, it contains a Pokemon and essential items for-" Rebecca Pierce shot a glance downwards, "Alright, I already got the crybaby." Whismur slowly looked from behind Pierce to the Professor. Rebecca grabbed a Pokedex and a card from the box as she spoke again, "So these are mine?"

"Well yes now can I-"

"Get back to the interview?! Alright! So we were going to talk about your discipline as a Professor..." Rebecca Pierce stated before, once again, Professor Sumac grabbed the bridge of his nose and pointed towards the door. "Why look at the time! I've got another individual coming, thank you for taking the time. I'm sure we'll finish this later!" began the Professor as he began shoving the girl out of the room, seemingly outraged that once again he was denied his time to give out the speech.

Rebecca Pierce pressed her face to the glass of the door and spoke, "Holding you to that!" And so she went down the corridor as Professor Sumdac slumped down against the door with his hands against his head.

"...Man I miss kids..."

And so Rebecca Pierce, with her creature in tow alongside the goodies obtained from the professor began passing numbered doors. She did not seem to show much reaction until she reached the Room Four, it appeared that the frame of it was scuffed. Sensing a potential scoop here, she swung open the door and held out her microphone.

"REPORTER REBECCA PIERCE, I'M HERE FOR A STORY!" she shouted out as she saw the room was empty, but it did have snacks. So she went inside and sat down in the chair closest to the door. Placing her microphone in her lap she began scrounging through the bowl of refreshments and eating. Glancing down she saw the Whismur salivating a little and decided to toss a few on the floor for her companion to eat.

A story was coming, and Reporter Rebecca Pierce was going to catch it!
Master Cornelius Choppers Conflagration XIV
Team A(n Introduction)

Master Cornelius Choppers Conflagration XIV's eyes followed the spectral host as he began to speak. This was certainly not the most unorthodox introduction for a hiring process, after all he wasn't expected to place his freshly dipped bloodied paw on a piece of parchment while circles of druids chanted in the background, but it certainly wasn't as streamlined as he was expecting. It was certainly business casual. As Virgo was starting to briefly talk about the targets, plentiful he expected but he was not sure about the classification system that was being in use. Master Cornelius Choppers Conflagration XIV was expecting something perhaps relating to their name or location; however as he opened his maws to ask about such a question Virgo had already headed off.

"Brrroaw." grumbled out Choppers as he turned his head from side to side. He had many compatriots here, but did not know where any of their virtues laid. As the ghost suggested, it would be a splendid idea to familiarize himself with his new business partners. Well it would be a good idea as long as they survived of course; if they failed to live then such time would've been spent better on one of his hobbies. Oh well that did not matter now. What did matter was the process of introductions.

Cornelius lowered his head and began flaring his nostrils in and out. He slowly stomped about the room and began to sniff at each of the members there, taking good note of their personal scents.

The first to be smelled was the gypsy-born known as Levi. Cornelius Choppers Conflagration XIV brushed up against Levi's hindquarters and began sniffing. As he processed the smells of that one, he moved on to the armored individual who was known as Narious. Again the process was repeated with Cornelius brushing up against Narious's backside and began sniffing it to note the scent. Lastly he did the process with Mister Folus U Slake, brushing up against the wings and sniffing around to note the scent.

Processing each of these smells, Cornelius Choppers Conflagration XIV slowly trudged in front of the podium area and just glanced at the three. "Woof. Woof." stated Cornelius Choppers Conflagration XIV quite certain he had made his point.
@Rebirth Ah, I see. You might want to ping the others.
Well hold on now, might as well ask to be sure. By which I mean...

@Rebirth - Is this as dead as the fig trees?
(Freelance) Reporter Rebecca Pierce


(Freelance) Reporter Rebecca Pierce


5'5" | 110 lbs


Mauville City, Hoenn


Rebecca Pierce, a fairly unknown (for now) but determined reporter is here for the scoop! Feisty and full of moxie, she will valiantly charge into the great unknown so she can make it known and deliver the truth to all, as long as they at least click to a webpage or turn on the local station of course (girl has to eat so to say.) She is driven by a burning passion of journalistic inspiration and not so much integrity. That is not to say that she lacks the ethics that binds many in her profession; no she has that but what she lacks is a personal integrity. Rebecca has absolutely no shame when it comes to obtaining those scoops. Diving in a dumpster?: She’ll stay in there for hours and even feast upon the trash in there for nourishment if she is close to fainting in the middle of a story! Interviewee Won’t Talk?: She’ll pursue them, rain, sleek or snow until they either actually interview with her or gives a proper statement of ‘no I won’t talk’. She lives, breathes and (if she has to anyway) sleeps in terms of investigative, independent reporting! That isn’t to say she lacks hobbies or attention to anything else, hell, she’ll even have a bit of that energetic energy to those as well. But Rebecca Pierce knows who she is, who she must be, and who she is destined to be, and that is a damn good reporter.

Uncovering Mysteries/ “The Truth” - It is the great purpose of all intrepid journalists!
Sound Quality - Rebecca Pierce is a stickler when it comes to sound quality, besides looking good for the camera she needs to look good while reporting all the great scoops!
Internet - Besides storing Pokemon and other items, it is a great and relatively cheap way to put out broadcasts!

Newspapers - They're old and outdated; get with the times Gramps.
Quiet/"Lack of Exciting Activities" - There is no news to be had there. And if there is no news to be had what is the point?
Rural Communities - They are so humdrum and booooring.

Rebecca Pierce was born in Mauville City as an only child. She was not quite a latchkey kid, yet more often than not her parents found themselves extra busy working at Mauville TV. As such the young Rebecca Pierce would often hang around the studios, basking in the limelight of local celebrities, snooping around the station, and of course trying to see if she could hang out with her folks. And by hanging out there so often and so frequently she began to make friends among others who worked at the station.

It was due to this that Rebecca Pierce managed to obtain an internship for one of the anchors on the station. Sure for the most part she was mostly scrounging up coffee and the like, but she always had her ear open and her nose on the scent of investigative reporting. Around the watercoolers, the gossip flowed freely, especially bits and bobs that related to strange conspiracies. Some involved that one labratory, others referred to how the Team Galactic invasion years ago of Jublife TV was a false flag in an attempt to boost ratings.

These conspiracies, these rumors and innuendo struck a huge cord in Rebecca Pierce. She knew that the truth could not be found among these large corporations, they would surely try to bury them, so she went off on her own. And so Rebecca Pierce, the intrepid reporter began to set off, buuut she was stopped by her father. No way was he letting her go out into all those tall grasses without a Pokemon. So he handed her the family's youngest Whismur and set her off.

And so (Freelance) Reporter Rebecca Pierce made her journey into the great unknown of Hoenn interviewing as many as she could, and investigating on the report of the truth. But there was only so much information she could gleam from her homeland; so she turned to her web of contacts for potential answers.

Those answers lay somewhere in that region known as Kanto...

Rebecca Pierce is a complete beginner when it comes to training, raising and battling Pokemon; in short all the essentials of being a Trainer. Pierce’s familiarity with Pokemon mainly comes from the results of television programming, namely the shows “In Search of Trainers” and “Pokemon Today.”

Not available as Rebecca Pierce doesn't know

Her intricate web of sources have pointed her to the solution of a mystery, well mysteries are more accurate, in the region of Kanto! In short in order to do her proper top-notch reporting and claiming all the scoops, she has to “break a few eggs” and become a top tier trainer so people will be begging her for interviews and handing her scoops!

Name: Whismur
Gender: Male
Type: Normal
Personality: Timid
Moveset: Pound | Echoed Voice | Screech | Supersonic
Name: N/A
Gender: N/A
Type: N/A
Personality: N/A
Moveset: Nothing | Nothing | Nothing | Nothing
Name: N/A
Gender: N/A
Type: N/A
Personality: N/A
Moveset: Nothing | Nothing | Nothing | Nothing
Name: N/A
Gender: N/A
Type: N/A
Personality: N/A
Moveset: Nothing | Nothing | Nothing | Nothing
Name: N/A
Gender: N/A
Type: N/A
Personality: N/A
Moveset: Nothing | Nothing | Nothing | Nothing
Name: N/A
Gender: N/A
Type: N/A
Personality: N/A
Moveset: Nothing | Nothing | Nothing | Nothing


◉ Salazzle
◉ Ditto
◉ Alolan Muk
◉ Persian
◉ Houndoom
@CaptainSully Heey, thanks for the compliment.
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