Yeah this looks interesting, so I'll throw my hat at it with this.

“Look at this trick shot!"
▸ Name:
▸ Pseudonym:
The Paniolo, Sharpeyed Sharpslinger
▸ Nicknames:
▸ Clan:
It's a mystery.
▸ Rank:
▸ Sex:
▸ Sex appearance:
▸ Age:
▸ Age appearance:
Preadolescence to early adolescence
▸ Sexuality:
▸ Birthplace:
Again another mystery
▸ Village:
▸ Affiliations:
x Whoever his actual family might be.
x The Amegakure Orphanage
▸ Chakra natures:
Primary nature: Fūton/Wind
Secondary nature: Katon/Fire
▸ Appearance:
Keala is a small and lithe individual with a body looking more focused around cardiovascular activities than those of strength. Apart from that the most notable feature is a tattoo of the Amegakure symbol on their neck.
▸ Wardrobe:
Keala typically wears a loose fitting woolen vest, woolen pants and a pair of leather boots. Alongside this Keala wears a necklace of rat teeth; and more importantly alongside it a small, circular copper necklace with the phrase "Paniolo" etched onto its backside.
And while technically not part of the wardrobe, Keala usually lugs Mujina, their battle puppet, around on their back.
▸ History:
Keala was born somewhere but exactly where is a mystery to them. What it is known for certain is that Keala wasn't initially from Amegakure, due to both the facts that Keala has some vague memories of a tropical region, some parental figures and a set of items that they had and of course the fact that Keala was part of the Amegakure Orphanage system. All he had was his name, which he would not forsake, and a small necklace that was surely connected to his previous life.
In the orphanage, Keala did not get along well with his peers who couldn't care less about their parents or families that had abandoned them or had been killed. As such Keala simply focused on the task at hand, which the overseers of the establishment presented to all who attended; to become a shinobi. Through training Keala found out that they had an excellent throwing arm and good eye for it, and Keala soon began to become an expert at the ways of throwing weapons that warranted positive attention and affection. This knack at distance made Keala ripe for learning another technique, the way of the Puppeteer.
Here things get a bit fuzzy, as Keala isn't sure exactly what happened but the end result was becoming a Genin and now officially having a Puppet of their very own. Now as an actual shinobi, Keala can begin the quest to figure out what exactly happened in those past events that led them to this village...
▸ Personality:
✓ Honorable
Keala plays fair and square, shows mercy to those who ask it and refuses to stab a man in the back (both literally and figuratively.)
✗ Show-off
Keala is insistent on showing off his skills in a flashy and exaggerated manner, even if the situation calls for just doing a job faceless or if it gives his foe an advantage.
✓ Determined
Keala stands resolute knowing that surrender and giving up is never an option...
✗ Pigheaded
...Even when they really should know when to fold em, walk away or run.
✓ Tenderhearted
Keala is an upstanding human being who will show kindness to anyone who needs it.
✗ Amnesiac
Keala has no real idea of who they were and where they came from. There are also other certain memories that just can't be remembered, and of course a fairly poor short term memory.
✓ Workhorse
Keala refuses to allow dreams to just be dreams, and will push onward training as hard as needed to make dreams a reality.
✗ Frentic
Of course such energy and devotion is good as long as it is tempered, which Keana's is not. Keana does not handle boredom well and will do many stupid things for entertainment or to further goals, well, assuming they didn't tire themselves out from over exhaustion.
▸ Dreams and hopes:
x To uncover the past of who they were.
x To be the fastest ninja this side of Amegakure.
x Becoming a famous ninja.
x Making friends, that aren't just made of wood.
▸ Desires:
x To uncover the past of who they were.
x Owning a plot of land.
x Getting a pet, which is not just made of wood.
x To have a decent course of sashimi.
▸ Fears:
x That in the pursuit of the past, they will find no actual solace
x Losing the objects that are the only keys to figuring out the mystery of their past.
x They will lose their mind forever losing the way to figure out the past
x The monsters hiding underneath the bed
▸ Motivations:
Put simply, Keala wants to figure out exactly who is Keala. In order to figure out who they are Keala must learn who they once were. To truly move on to learning who they are there must be closure of the past deriving from the knowledge about it.
▸ S-rank Techniques
▸ A-rank Techniques
▸ B-rank Techniques
▸ C-rank Techniques
Chakra Threads
Puppet Technique
▸ D-rank Techniques
Manipulated Shuriken
Shadow Shuriken Technique
▸ E-rank Techniques
Body Replacement Technique
Clone Technique
Transformation Technique
▸ Equipment and weaponry
Wire Strings
Standard Shuriken
▸ Type:
Mujina - The Battle Puppet
▸ Description:
Mujina is a 'ninja puppet' which is made from a sturdy wood and has several joints located on its neck, elbows, wrists, fingers, waist, knees and ankles. It is typically dressed in dark robes, but if it is removed from these attire, or destroyed from battle, the puppet itself is mostly brown with several nicks here and there. The most notable features if the attire are removed are the black hands which just have the three clawed appendages and the smiling black skull of a face. The rest of the puppet is just a dark brown.
Mujina's Equipment
Metal Gauntlets as its hands.
A large torso cavity for storage. (Keala typically stores food inside Mujinna's chest and some blankets, but is not opposed to storing his personal weapons inside.)
Retractable Spears in the feet.

“Look at this trick shot!"
▸ Name:
▸ Pseudonym:
The Paniolo, Sharpeyed Sharpslinger
▸ Nicknames:
▸ Clan:
It's a mystery.
▸ Rank:
▸ Sex:
▸ Sex appearance:
▸ Age:
▸ Age appearance:
Preadolescence to early adolescence
▸ Sexuality:
▸ Birthplace:
Again another mystery
▸ Village:
▸ Affiliations:
x Whoever his actual family might be.
x The Amegakure Orphanage
▸ Chakra natures:
Primary nature: Fūton/Wind
Secondary nature: Katon/Fire
▸ Appearance:
Keala is a small and lithe individual with a body looking more focused around cardiovascular activities than those of strength. Apart from that the most notable feature is a tattoo of the Amegakure symbol on their neck.
▸ Wardrobe:
Keala typically wears a loose fitting woolen vest, woolen pants and a pair of leather boots. Alongside this Keala wears a necklace of rat teeth; and more importantly alongside it a small, circular copper necklace with the phrase "Paniolo" etched onto its backside.
And while technically not part of the wardrobe, Keala usually lugs Mujina, their battle puppet, around on their back.
▸ History:
Keala was born somewhere but exactly where is a mystery to them. What it is known for certain is that Keala wasn't initially from Amegakure, due to both the facts that Keala has some vague memories of a tropical region, some parental figures and a set of items that they had and of course the fact that Keala was part of the Amegakure Orphanage system. All he had was his name, which he would not forsake, and a small necklace that was surely connected to his previous life.
In the orphanage, Keala did not get along well with his peers who couldn't care less about their parents or families that had abandoned them or had been killed. As such Keala simply focused on the task at hand, which the overseers of the establishment presented to all who attended; to become a shinobi. Through training Keala found out that they had an excellent throwing arm and good eye for it, and Keala soon began to become an expert at the ways of throwing weapons that warranted positive attention and affection. This knack at distance made Keala ripe for learning another technique, the way of the Puppeteer.
Here things get a bit fuzzy, as Keala isn't sure exactly what happened but the end result was becoming a Genin and now officially having a Puppet of their very own. Now as an actual shinobi, Keala can begin the quest to figure out what exactly happened in those past events that led them to this village...
▸ Personality:
✓ Honorable
Keala plays fair and square, shows mercy to those who ask it and refuses to stab a man in the back (both literally and figuratively.)
✗ Show-off
Keala is insistent on showing off his skills in a flashy and exaggerated manner, even if the situation calls for just doing a job faceless or if it gives his foe an advantage.
✓ Determined
Keala stands resolute knowing that surrender and giving up is never an option...
✗ Pigheaded
...Even when they really should know when to fold em, walk away or run.
✓ Tenderhearted
Keala is an upstanding human being who will show kindness to anyone who needs it.
✗ Amnesiac
Keala has no real idea of who they were and where they came from. There are also other certain memories that just can't be remembered, and of course a fairly poor short term memory.
✓ Workhorse
Keala refuses to allow dreams to just be dreams, and will push onward training as hard as needed to make dreams a reality.
✗ Frentic
Of course such energy and devotion is good as long as it is tempered, which Keana's is not. Keana does not handle boredom well and will do many stupid things for entertainment or to further goals, well, assuming they didn't tire themselves out from over exhaustion.
▸ Dreams and hopes:
x To uncover the past of who they were.
x To be the fastest ninja this side of Amegakure.
x Becoming a famous ninja.
x Making friends, that aren't just made of wood.
▸ Desires:
x To uncover the past of who they were.
x Owning a plot of land.
x Getting a pet, which is not just made of wood.
x To have a decent course of sashimi.
▸ Fears:
x That in the pursuit of the past, they will find no actual solace
x Losing the objects that are the only keys to figuring out the mystery of their past.
x They will lose their mind forever losing the way to figure out the past
x The monsters hiding underneath the bed
▸ Motivations:
Put simply, Keala wants to figure out exactly who is Keala. In order to figure out who they are Keala must learn who they once were. To truly move on to learning who they are there must be closure of the past deriving from the knowledge about it.
▸ S-rank Techniques
▸ A-rank Techniques
▸ B-rank Techniques
▸ C-rank Techniques
Chakra Threads
Puppet Technique
▸ D-rank Techniques
Manipulated Shuriken
Shadow Shuriken Technique
▸ E-rank Techniques
Body Replacement Technique
Clone Technique
Transformation Technique
▸ Equipment and weaponry
Wire Strings
Standard Shuriken
▸ Type:
Mujina - The Battle Puppet
▸ Description:
Mujina is a 'ninja puppet' which is made from a sturdy wood and has several joints located on its neck, elbows, wrists, fingers, waist, knees and ankles. It is typically dressed in dark robes, but if it is removed from these attire, or destroyed from battle, the puppet itself is mostly brown with several nicks here and there. The most notable features if the attire are removed are the black hands which just have the three clawed appendages and the smiling black skull of a face. The rest of the puppet is just a dark brown.
Mujina's Equipment
Metal Gauntlets as its hands.
A large torso cavity for storage. (Keala typically stores food inside Mujinna's chest and some blankets, but is not opposed to storing his personal weapons inside.)
Retractable Spears in the feet.