Avatar of Carlyle


Recent Statuses

20 hrs ago
Current Saw that there was a bunch of SB Curry mix on clearance on the way out of work. Pretty certain the customer in that aisle thought I was crazy when I walked away with all of them.
9 days ago
Tornado at work. Everyone at work + customers are sheltering in the back.
18 days ago
Bonus week at work. Would've got more, but taxes ate nearly a thousand of what I'm getting.
1 mo ago
I'm so tired of this cold weather. I can't wait for the warmer months to come by.
1 mo ago
4 more hours until I'm out of work. Closing shifts are suffering.


twenty-five x central standard time x open for roleplays

[ ] C U R R E N T R O L E P L A Y P R O J E C T S

Most Recent Posts

Because it's my specialty.
In Hello 21 hrs ago Forum: Introduce Yourself
Welcome to the guild, @Ganra. I'm certain there are plenty of people here that can help you settle in nicely.
In Echo Point 21 hrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay

october 8th, 1994 -- echo point police department. |

It had been a long and terrifying night. The mysterious fog had rolled upon the town as it travelled across the United States. Had it not been for the creatures it brought, Lex would've paid it no heed—to carry on like any other day. Fog had been fog for all her life, there was no reason to think of it otherwise.

Yet now, such a simple aerosol had become death.

Exhaustion had been strewn across Lex's face, groggy from a lack of sleep. Her eyes were strained and red, longing for the sweet comfort of her bed. The fear that now ran in her veins, however, kept her awake. She tightly gripped a long ketch-all pole within her hands, turning her knuckles white as she listened for any sign of movement or life outside the emergency complex.

One Mississippi.


Two Mississippi.

Continued silence.

Three Mississippi.

Still nothing, not even a screech or a howl from within the town.

Whatever those things were, it seemed they had disappeared. Or so Lex could only hope. She had studied the wildlife surrounding Echo Point, but these creatures were different. They weren't just some bear or moose. These creatures had to be unnatural or demonic in origin, as if a portal from Hell had ripped through the earth. They may have looked human, but their pale white, almost-hairless bodies and dead eyes told a different story. God's retribution for their sins, perhaps.

"I..." Lex softly croaked, drumming up the courage to muster her dry, worn voice after spending the night in silence. "I think they're gone."

She turned to look at her companion—one of her fellow co-workers that were lucky enough to be in the station when the fog had appeared.

"Should we..." Lex spoke, clearing her throat with a cough. Uncertainty rung in her words. "Should we go outside?"

bop tbh
Welcome to the guild, @Yugaohana.
Welcome to the guild, @litinalamort.
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