Avatar of Wolvena


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Hey there, I'm Wolvena!
So, after being away from the roleplay world for a while, I'm ready to jump back in. I don't do many 1 on 1's because I tend to struggle to keep it going after a little bit. I normally go with group rps on the smaller side, just because I tend to get a bit lost in larger ones. My go-to genres are animal(mostly wolves), anime, sci-fi, and fantasy, though I'm always up to give something new a try.

Location: Texas
Addictions: Minty chocolate, Wolves, Supernatural Tv Show, Anime
Favorite Quotes:
Even if you think you're alone, even if you think
there's no one else to listen to you. You're not alone.

You are Not making mistakes,
you are Not losing.
You are either Winning or Learning!

Most Recent Posts


Esme hated seeing the disappointed look on Duke’s face, but she wasn’t fully turning down his idea, just asking him to wait until they made sure everyone was going to get through this. She’d never forgive herself if something happened after they left and they could have helped prevent it. When Duke swept her hair from her face and said they couldn’t leave, she let out a silent sigh of relief as her grip on his shirt loosened. She knew that deep down within himself, he couldn’t just leave those he called friends and family to deal with this without feeling horrible about it. When he looked at the wall behind her, she studied his face. It was one she knew well. He was searching his thoughts or trying to think of what to say. When Duke looked back at her, she almost held her breath as he spoke. She took in his words, feeling that this was what she felt as the pit in her stomach seemed to worsen. With his words still going through her mind, she watched him as he pulled out the piece of paper from his pocket, and just barely heard what he said next.

Pulling herself together, she looked back at him with a small smile and nodded. “Yes, I would say that’s taking care of each other.” Her tone was soft, but showed she meant what she said. She was glad to have him at her side to help her help them through this, even if she wasn't sure just how much help she would be. She felt like her empathy got in the way of a lot of things. It made certain situations extremely complicated and nearly impossible to get through remaining conscious. Since coming into contact with Hellhounds and learning that they block her empathy, she has wondered if there was a way to put some of their essence into a wearable item that would function in the same way as being near them. If that was at all possible, it would become one of her most prized possessions. But the more she thought about it, the more of a dream she thought it was becoming, but what a wonderful dream it would be to have come true after all these years of dealing with all the emotions she felt from others around her and struggling to keep control of them.

As Duke held out the paper, and the address became visible, the pit in her stomach grew into queasiness. Esme slowly brought her right hand up from his side to take it from him, briefly hesitating before she took hold of it. The moment her fingers came into contact with the paper, Esme let out a gasp and her body went rigid. Her eyes remained glued to the paper as a series of images flashed through her mind, resembling a skipping movie with crucial scenes omitted. The images went by so quickly; she had some trouble making some of them out. What she could make out was the inside of what looked like a barn, a pissed-off Dean talking to someone she couldn’t see, and an assortment of items in front of him that could aid in the working over of a demon. The last thing she saw before finding herself back in the room was a badly beaten Dean. Esme took a deep breath, dropped the paper, and then grabbed onto Duke to keep herself from collapsing onto the floor, her body trembling from the experience. “What in hell was that?” she asked in a breathless and shaky voice.

“Did I just see what could or will happen?” she softly mumbled. The change in Esme had brought Sarah out of her corner to come and check on Esme. Slowly stepping towards Esme, Sarah gave a small whine and nudged the back of her leg after Esme had brought a hand to her head. With her hand on her head, Esme closed her eyes to keep her head from spinning. “I’ll be alright, Sarah.” she said in as soothing a tone as she could. As she stood there, still holding onto Duke for support, she tried her best to decipher what she had just seen from grabbing the paper and what about it made those images appear to her. After a moment, she sighed heavily through her nose and shook her head. “Please tell me another ability didn’t just show itself.” she mumbled. “I don’t know how many more of those I can handle. I feel like my mind was just violated.” It took a few minutes, but Esme finally collected herself enough to stand firmly on her own two feet. She couldn't bring herself to look up and see the worried look she knew would be on Duke’s face.

She looked at the wall across from them just to have something to look at while she explained to Duke what had just happened. “You’re going to think I’m crazy when I tell you what just happened….” she started. She paused for a brief moment to gather her words to make them sound as believable as she possibly could. “When…. When I touched that paper, I was hit with what I can only describe as scenes from a movie with parts missing. The first thing I saw looked like the inside of a barn. It skipped to Dean standing in front of a table with an assortment of items you could use to torture a demon with, and he was talking to someone just out of view. He was definitely pissed off and seemed to be fighting to keep from losing control of himself…. The last thing I saw was…. Dean. He was badly beaten and bloody and looked as if he was just barely holding on to life.” She shivered as that image of Dean showed itself to her again, that was a state she never wanted to see him in. “I hardly know what to make of it.”

As soon as Duke’s arms went around Esme, her eyes closed and a small smile came to her lips at how tightly he held her. She hadn’t realized just how much she had missed these tight hugs from him. She was also well aware of how overwhelmed he felt from her words, knowing most didn’t have much faith in him when it came to taking care of someone or something. But she did have that faith in him and wanted to show him that and possibly give him some of the confidence he lacked when it came to caring for another. And then, as if he had read her mind, he softly voiced what she had just been thinking about. It caused her smile to fade and her hands tighten into fists at what Bobby had said to him on so many occasions. Esme opened her mouth to say something in response but quickly closed it as she felt something in him change as if something was fighting to leave his lips. What he said and his suddenly quickened heartbeat hit her like a truck, causing her eyes to fly open and question if she had really heard him right.

She hadn’t expected him to bring that up so soon after just getting back. Yes, she knew that he didn’t want to get tangled up with the Winchesters again and wanted to go back to what he was used to, but it still surprised her that he wanted to leave so quickly. She wasn’t even sure she was ready for that physically right now. Before she could fully process his words, Duke squeezed her tighter for a few seconds, then pulled back from her and held her by her upper arms, speaking again. As he spoke, she looked into his sad and teary eyes with her own, her hands rested on his sides. After a few moments, Esme opened her mouth to answer but she couldn’t get the words to leave her lips. After softly clearing her throat, she tried once again. “I would love nothing more than to run off with you into the sunset, Duke. To just get back to our normal and leave all this angel stuff as far behind us as we can get it.” she said softly. “I’d be overjoyed to never deal or ever think of them again for as long as I live….”

“But I’m not sure just how much safer we’d be considering all the demons that seem to be after me after learning I’m more than I seem…. I’m a magnet for them, they always seem to know where to find me. I feel like I’m marked.” She fell silent and dropped her gaze with a heavy sigh, she had always thought about looking to see if there was something that would hide her from demons but something always prevented her from following through with it. She sighed again and slowly lifted her gaze back to his, knowing he probably wasn’t going to like what she had to say next. “I’m not sure how soon you wanted to leave, but something tells me now isn’t the time for us to leave. No matter how much we both feel that we aren’t any good to them…. I’m sure this isn’t what you want to hear but I can’t shake this feeling in the pit of my stomach that something big is coming and they’re going to need all the help they can get. It’s one thing that has kept me here for so long even though I know Mika wants me gone.”

Esme closed her eyes and sighed heavily, letting her head drop and her hair cover her face. As she stood there, her hand gripped his wet shirt, squeezing some of the water from it. “This feeling is much like the ones I would get when it was just the three of us and if you remember, something always seemed to come out of them. This one is so strong I can’t ignore it.” she said just above a whisper. Opening her eyes, she slowly lifted her gaze back up to met his once again. “Do you think you can stick around a little while longer until whatever it is comes to pass?”

Esme continued to stand next to the bed, unmoving as she looked at Duke and listened to him talk. Seeing him in this state tore at her emotionally, and it was all she could do to hold herself back from going to him before he could finish what he had to say. So she held her hands across her stomach to keep herself from reaching for him. His words pulled at her heartstrings, causing to hold back the tears that threatened to show themselves. She couldn’t deny that she was happy to hear that he wasn’t sure he could run this time. She didn’t want to lose anyone else, especially after just getting them back not that long ago. As he explained that he wasn’t a team player, obsessed over her silently for years, almost gets killed when he picks up a knife, doesn't sleep, and barely eats. Then called himself a mess, Esme’s gaze went to Duke’s boots. It was nothing she didn’t already know about him. He was the same way all those years ago and she hadn’t expected that to change about him. At his shaky breath, she looked back up at him and sighed very softly.

He looked like a child standing in front of her, a very nervous child. One that looked like he was about to be rejected even after spilling all their truths. Esme was about to step up to him but stopped when he cleared his throat and spoke once more. A light smile tugged at the corner of her lips as his words reached her ears. He wanted to take care of her and learn how to stop running. But she couldn’t help but think, could she really be the one to help him learn to stop running? She had been running for years, and she was still fighting the urge to run at times. Thinking of this caused her light smile to fade and she could feel old suppressed emotions bubbling to the surface. Kicking herself mentally, she pushed back the emotions and focused on Duke. Sniffling, then taking a deep breath, she pulled her headphones from around her neck and tossed them on the bed before slowly walking up to Duke. Slowly lifting her right hand, she gently placed it on his cheek and lifted his face just enough so that she could see his face under his hat.

“My poor sweet Cowboy.” Esme spoke softly, rubbing her thumb against his cheek. “You really think I wouldn’t let you back in?.... I just got you back and I’m not ready to lose you again. Plus, you haven’t told me anything I didn’t already know.” Standing up on her tiptoes and pushing his hat up a bit, she placed a gentle kiss on the bridge of his nose then on his left cheek. “You have taken care of me, more than you realize but I understand you feel you need to do more after what you’ve learned about me. I’m still the same woman you met all those years ago, just with a little more baggage then I had then.” she told him with a small smile. “And instead of just you taking care of me, how about we take care of each other?” Esme then let her hand slip from his cheek and wrapped both her arms around him, pulling him into a tight embrace as she rested her head against his chest. “When it comes to figuring out how to stop running, that’s going to be something we’ll have to figure out together.” she added, hugged him tighter.

Even though Duke was soaked, and now she was getting soaked and having cold water drip on her from his hat from hugging him. She didn’t care. She just nuzzled more into him. Not only did she need this, she knew he needed this, to show him that she wanted him there and that they could work out their problems together. Esme wanted him to know that she forgave him without having to come right out and saying it to him. She also hoped that this strong embrace would get him back to his normally bright-eyed self without her having to use her powers of Empathy to ease him. It wasn’t something she liked to do on those she cared for if she didn’t have to. At that moment she was fighting to keep herself from giving in to Duke’s strong emotions. She knew that if she were to give into them, it would be some time before she could regain control of herself.
Arabella smiled warmly as Harper spoke. “Ah, it was nothing. I was just trying to help out a fellow hunter.” she told her. “Plus, us women have to help each other out every now and then in this business. We can’t rely too much on these men who act like boys.” she added with a light laugh and wince. As she sat on the bed and Harper sterilized a new needle and pulled out what she needed, Bella tried once again to at least pull her left arm out of the sleeve of her jacket. This time being successful, unlike the last time. Bending her body slightly, to loosen some tension from her jacket, she pulled her right arm from the sleeve with a wince and a slight hiss. Her attention was pulled away from the pain at Harper’s voice, causing Bella to sigh and nod softly as she held her jacket. “Don’t I know it.” she replied. “But you’re right, I’ll be better than having it sticking out of my side, that’s for sure.” she told her. Moving her jacket into her lap, Bella laid on her left side across the bed, placing her right arm above her head.

It wasn’t the most comfortable position, but she figured it would make things a little easier for Harper and a clear view of what she was working with. Resting her head on her left arm, she looked over at Harper. “Ready when you are.” she told her. Bella then tried to relax as much as she could and prepare herself for the pain she was about to feel. She knew Harper was going to have a little trouble freeing her jacket from her side before she could even get to work on the wood shard. The more she thought about it, the more she knew that it would more than likely have to happen, which she didn’t like. Sighing inwardly she forced herself to say it. “If you need to, you can get my pocketknife from my jacket pocket and make that hole in the jacket bigger so it’s easier to take off.” Bella told Harper. Bella only hoped that the hole left wouldn’t be too big, that way she could patch the hole herself. Come to think of it, she's repaired most of her clothes that had become ripped or gotten holes in them over the years from cases.

As Esme walked to the park, she continued to clutch the bag tight to her chest. Almost as if she feared someone was going to come up and take it from her. Her reason for going to the park was not only to give Duke space to think about what he wanted to do but to also give herself time to think and to somewhat get back to what she was doing before getting tangled up with the group. She felt that she had been pulled away from it for too long and needed to get back to it. Before she had heard of Dean returning from the dead, she had been chest-deep in research, looking for answers on what took the lives of her father and other family all in one day. Esme still felt the need to find out what had really happened and what monster had done it, and then deal with the monster to avenge the death of her family. She could only hope that looking at every inch of her father's journal, which she carried in the small bag, would reveal all if not most of the answers she was so desperately looking for.

At the sound of Duke’s truck door slamming, Esme flinched, then paused in her tracks. She didn’t dare turn around to see him driving out of the parking lot. She couldn’t bear to watch him drive away. She knew that he was someone who needed to drive to clear their mind, like her, but knew that he could still decide to leave while taking that thought-filled drive. However, she still wanted to have hope that he would return. After the sound of Duke’s truck faded away, Esme started walking to the park once more. Once there, she sat down at one of the tables, then pulled her father’s journal from the purple bag she had been clutching to her chest. She placed the bag flat on the table in front of her, then placed the journal on top of the bag opening it. Before looking over its pages, she looked over at Sarah, who had apparently decided to stay close, to see her lying on the ground next to her. “You don’t have to stick so close. You can wander around if you’d like.” she whispered softly to the Hellhound. Sarah gave a small sigh in return but didn’t move.

Forty five minutes later

As she poured herself over the pages of the journal, the scent of rain was brought in on the breeze, and the sounds of thunder could be heard in the distance. However, that was all drowned out by how focused she became on the pages in front of her. She didn’t smell the rain and she didn’t hear the thunder anymore, she didn’t even hear the other people and their dogs that were in the park. When the first few raindrops appeared, she was still stuck within the pages of the journal, it wasn’t until the sprinkle got heavier did she even notice the rain. She was pulled from the pages and noticed she and Sarah were the only ones left in the park. Quickly closing the journal, she slid it into the purple bag, stood from the table, and looked at Sarah. “Let’s head back to the room before this gets even heavier.” she told her. After receiving a bark in response, Esme tucked the bag under her jacket and jogged back to the room with Sarah close at her side. At the door, she pulled out her key and unlocked the door, letting Sarah in first and then following in after her.

Once inside, she pulled the bag from under her jacket and placed it on the dresser, then shrugged off her damp jacket, and hung it on the back of a chair. As she went to the bathroom, to dry her hair with a towel, the first thing she noticed was how empty the room was without Duke there. In just the short time he had been around, she had gotten quite used to him being there. After tending to her hair and drying her face, Esme headed back to the main part of the room and looked around with a sigh. There wasn’t much she could do without a car or until the others were up and getting around. So she decided to get back to what she was doing in the park. Going to her bag she dug out an iPod and a pair of headphones that she had swiped from some douchebag teenager a couple of weeks before running into Natalia. She then walked over to the bed, grabbing the journal as she walked by the dresser. Adjusting the sheets and blanket, Esme climbed onto the bed and made herself comfortable after propping herself up against the headboard.

Laying the journal on her lap, she placed the headphones on her ears and turned on the iPod. After selecting a song and turning up the volume, she placed the iPod on the bed next to her and opened the journal, getting lost in its pages once again. When Esme closed herself off from her surroundings, Sarah went over and jumped up on the end of the bed and laid down by Esme’s feet. Sarah laid her head on her paws, making sure she could see Esme and the door at the same time. A short time later, Sarah’s head rose from her paws when she heard movement outside the door. She looked between the door and Esme, almost as if she was trying to get Esme to notice someone was at the door. Then came a gentle knock on the door, Sarah looked at Esme but she didn’t move. She even nudged Esme’s foot but she didn’t seem to notice. Sliding off the bed, Sarah walked over to the door and opened it with a bit of difficulty. Using her paw and nose, she pulled open the door and looked at Duke who was soaked.

Sarah carefully stepped forward and gently took hold of the corner of Duke’s jacket and slowly pulled him into the doorway. Once he was inside, Sarah backed away and went back over to Esme, who hadn’t noticed Duke yet. She nudged Esme’s arm, then poked her in the ribs with her nose, which caused Esme to jump and look over at Sarah. “What is it?” she asked a little loudly. Before she saw Sarah look towards the door, Esme saw someone standing at the door out of the corner of her eye. She jumped in surprise and took to her feet, causing the journal to fall to the floor at her feet. When she realized it was Duke, she pulled the headphones down to rest around her neck and looked over at the sad wet cowboy, surprise written on her face upon seeing him. “Y…. You came back?” she softly questioned. She honestly thought when he made the decision to stay, he wouldn’t have returned until later in the day. And even though she was surprised he had come back so soon, she was overjoyed to see him standing there but hated seeing him so sad. She wanted to go over to him, to hug him, and to kiss him, but after thinking of him leaving without a word, she hesitated not knowing how he’d react.

As Esme watched Duke’s actions, she continued to lean against the door with the back of her hand resting against Sarah to keep her emotions under control. Her other hand, she brought behind her, and tucked her thumb into the back pocket of her jeans. It was a challenge keeping her face neutral and not letting it show how she was feeling, but she had a feeling she was failing miserably. She was only feeling a fraction of what Duke's emotions really were, thanks to the contact with Sarah. When he spoke, she swallowed a bit hard, just realizing how much he had been struggling with things. She mentally kicked herself for not seeing it sooner, and for letting herself get caught up in the moment with him and making it even harder for him. It was never her intention to get caught up in what she used to have, because she wasn’t sure it would have been at all possible at the time.

When he continued, she looked up from his chest and to his face, which was covered by his cowboy hat. His words hit her much harder than she thought they would, especially the part about how he used to matter to Dean and herself, and it caused her body to tense up. For a moment, the thought of him thinking he didn’t matter to her came to her mind. He still mattered to her, he always had even with them being a part. It also hurt knowing he felt better on his own but she could understand how it would. It even bothered her hearing him say that none of the others wanted him there and he thought she felt safe with all of them. Her gaze dropped to the concrete under her boots, sighing as she closed her eyes. When he finished speaking, she couldn’t bring herself to lift her gaze to meet his. She was struggling to find the right words to respond with.

She also was fighting the urge to reach out to him, only because she was afraid he’d pull away from her more. During this, Sarah had moved closer to Esme and was now leaning against her, pushing her into the door behind her. Taking a breath, Esme slowly let it out and lifted gaze just enough to see Duke’s boots. “Safety?” she said softly, trying to keep her tone even. She shook her head, fighting the tears that threatened to show themselves, then finally lifted her gaze to meet his. “You really think I feel safe with all of them? I haven’t felt safe in years.” Her voice rose a bit as she looked at him, and fought against her tears. She wasn’t about to start crying, she refused to cry at this moment. “I understand you not wanting to intrude on what he has, but I don’t understand what makes you think you're unwanted. I haven’t picked up on anything that should make you think that way.”

Esme sighed heavily as she pulled her hand from her back pocket and ran it through her hair in her own frustration. Even though she was still trying to hide just how she felt, it showed in her eyes just how hard his words hit her. She then tried to pull herself away from the door but Sarah leaned into her even more, pinning her even more to the door of the room, which creaked a bit. She tired again, and Sarah pushed more, causing the door to creak more. Esme put all her weight into Sarah and shoved her enough to free herself and walked away from the door but not towards Duke. “You matter to a hell of a lot more than just the people you help, you always have.” she said, turning to face him again. She momentarily fell silent as she looked over at him, obviously thinking about her next words. She then sighed heavily once again, running both of her hands through her long hair.

“If you don’t know where you’re going, that should be a sign.” she told him, her voice cracking slightly. She did see it as a sign, a sign that was telling him he was doing the wrong thing, being too quick to act on how he felt. Turning slightly, she looked over at a park nearby, watching the dogs running around and playing. “I know you don’t want to hear this but you should sit down and really think about what you want to do. Make sure you’re certain you want to leave now…… And if you still want to leave, I won’t stop you.” she told him. She didn’t want to be upset or angry with what he chose. That’s why she worded it the way she did. Walking back to the room door, she pulled out her key and unlocked the door, walked in, and moments later she walked back out with her hair brushed and with a small dark purple bag.

After closing the door, she started to walk away but stopped and looked at him, clutching the bag to her chest. “I’ll support whatever you decide to do.” But I hope you stick around. she finished the sentence to herself. Even though she wanted to, she could say it out loud. She didn’t want to influence his decision and make him feel obligated to stay. He was a grown man capable of making his own decisions. He didn’t need her saying things to make it even harder than it already appeared to be. “I’ll give you some space to think.” she told him softly. She then walked away, heading in the direction of the park with Sarah in tow at her side. If he decided to leave, she didn’t want to see him getting into his truck and driving off. It would just make her feel even worse than she already did. It didn’t help matters that he was breaking the promise he made to her last night, especially when he wasn’t one to break promises.

As Esme took the chocolate and a couple of other things out of her glovebox, setting them on the seat beside her, her thoughts went back to Duke’s reply of getting food. A new smile came to her lips but faded slightly as the rest came to mind. As much as she wanted to sit here and wait for Bobby, she was in the same mindset as Duke. They couldn’t just sit there like ducks, waiting for another attack by idiotic demons who wanted to kidnap her. That was one of the last things she wanted to happen to her. She was neither in the mood nor shape to hold off another attack and didn’t want to put any more stress on Duke. The poor guy had been through enough that night. After Duke agreed to help her get her bags in his truck, a warm smile made it to her lips that was taken over by a laugh as she looked over her shoulder. “If you had it your way, that’s all I’d be wearing.” she said playfully. She then placed the items from her glovebox into a royal purple zippered pouch with a running white wolf on it.

Esme sat up in the seat and tucked the pouch into the inside pocket of her jacket. As she sat in the seat, she watched Duke through the mirrors of her car. It surprised her, that despite everything that went on that night, Duke was still in rather good spirits. Then again, it did take a lot to bring his spirits down, which a lot had happened and yet here he was still smiling brightly. After he had put her bags in the truck bed and jogged back, she stepped out of her car, a smile resting on her lips. “That sounds like a great idea.” she said looking up at him with a laugh. “Let’s just hope this place makes it right, unlike the last one I had.” She shivered at the thought of the last burrito she had, that was a terribly rough night. Shaking the thought from her mind, she shut the car door, then walked to her trunk, pulled out a small bag then shut the trunk. Walking back over to him, she took his hand and interlocked her fingers with his. Giving his hand a squeeze, she led the way over to his truck.

Esme slept peacefully through the night, which was a rare thing. Not one nightmare plagued her dreams during the night or even early that morning. Her dreams were about the good times she had with the boys and then turned into ones only with her and Duke. Though most of them involved instances where they weren’t hunters, but people living an ordinary life. One of those dreams was of them going on that trip they had planned all those years ago but as normal people. What a beautiful dream it was too, but that’s just what it was, a dream. She was so committed to this life that she couldn’t see herself living a normal life, especially now with demons trying to kidnap her every chance they got. Even if she tried to be normal, she knew at some point there would be some black-eyed asshole laying in wait around a corner. If she didn’t have these abilities, maybe, just maybe it could be possible. What was it about her abilities that made her so desirable to demons? How the hell did she even get them? She didn’t mind the empathy too much, but being psychic was rough.

After Duke got out of bed, Esme began to slowly wake up from the empty feeling the bed had. As she lay there, her thoughts were far from him getting dressed to leave, she thought he had gone to the bathroom and would be back. When he didn’t return in the time she thought he should have, her eyes fluttered open just in time to catch Duke closing the door behind him, fully dressed and with his backpack. A frown appeared on her face as she jumped up out of bed and quickly got herself dressed so she could catch him. Running to the door and grabbing a key off the dresser, Esme stuffed the key into the back pocket of her jeans and somewhat tamed her hair with her fingers then opened the door, seeing Duke about to get into his truck. Taking a deep breath and slowly letting out, she did her best to relax to hide how she was feeling. “Taking one from my book, huh Cowboy?” she said calmly. She shifted her weight between her feet before leaning back on the closed door of the room and sighing quietly to herself as she looked at him.

“I guess this is karma coming back to bite me in the ass.” she said, mostly to herself. Her gaze dropped to the pavement, now knowing how Duke and Dean must have felt with the way she left all those years ago. This was definitely karma coming back to bite her, she knew for a fact it was. “I know you told me you never intended to stay very long.” she said, lifting her gaze to the tailgate of his truck. “I never intended to stay long either. I had planned to see if the rumor was true about Dean coming back from Hell and then leaving, but things happened and I ended up staying. I did try to leave though, and against my better judgment, I ended up staying because he practically begged me to. And to be brutally honest with you, I still feel like leaving.” she admitted. Esme sighed heavily as she ran her hand through her hair, bringing it all to rest on one shoulder. She didn’t know what made her tell him all that, but she was glad she did. She knew she didn’t have to tell him, but she felt like he should know.

She really did feel like leaving still but was struggling to make herself do it. Part of it was because Dean wanted her to stay, the other was because she was afraid of being ambushed by demons and being locked away and tortured again if she was on her own. Which was something she never planned to admit to anyone. That fear lingered in the back of her mind constantly. No matter how much she tried to shove it down and forget, it was always there.

“I also still stand by what I said. I wouldn’t stop you when you were ready.” she added after a short pause. Esme fell silent as she searched her mind for her next words. Before she could find them, Sarah came and sat next to her and rested her head against Esme. Esme brushed the back of her fingers against Sarah’s shoulder and continued speaking. “I just don’t know what has made you want to leave so suddenly…… Is it because of my powers or Sarah?…… You don’t want to get caught up in what tends to follow the Winchester name or are you afraid of getting hurt again?” She sighed, lifting her gaze higher, so she was now looking at his chest. “If your answer is yes to some or all of those questions…… I can’t say I blame you for wanting to leave so suddenly. I would too if I were in your boots.” She fell silent and stuffed her hands into the pockets of her jacket and waited for some kind of response, either it be him answering her or getting in his truck and leaving in silence. She hoped that he would talk to her.
Still leaning against the bags on her bike, Arabella nodded to Harper's words as she fiddled with a charm on her bracelet. She could understand her reasoning for wanting to get patched up first. If she were the one with glass stuck in her side and could feel it working its way in deeper, she’d definitely suggest being patched up first. “Yeah, that’s perfectly fine with me…. It actually makes more sense for you to get patched up first.” she replied to Harper’s explanation. “Plus, I don’t think you’d want me digging around in your side for that glass once it works its way out of sight.” she added. A slight shiver ran down her spine at the thought of digging out the glass from Harper’s side. That’s one thing she didn’t want to do to someone she had just met. Digging a bullet out of someone was just as bad, which she had done a few times.

Carefully lifting herself off her bags, she grabbed the strap of the top one and put it over her left shoulder, wincing slightly at the movement. She then took hold of the other bags' handles and followed Harper to her room, then stepped into the room after she was invited in. After Harper closed the door behind them, Bella dropped her bags by the door and out of the way. She then gingerly worked herself out of her jacket while Harper did the same, then gingerly, and with some difficulty, she worked the jacket off the wood protruding from her side. She then draped it over the back of the chair close to the door. As she turned away from the chair, Bella caught Harper wrinkling her nose in irritation at her ripped shirt, which made a smile tug at the corner of her lips despite the throbbing pain in her side. She too was irritated that her jacket and shirt now had a hole in them now.

A silent sigh escaped Bella at Harper’s mutter, that was her thoughts exactly. As Harper freed the glass shard from her shirt, pulled out the bottle of vodka, and sterilized the wound, Bella cleaned her hands and prepared herself to extract the glass shard and close the wound. Harper’s voice brought her out of her head and back to the situation. “Right.” she replied, walking over to the bed, seeing the look in Harper’s eyes. “You know, you don’t strike me as someone that would normally do it this way. You strike me as someone that would have just pulled out the shard as if it was nothing, sewed up the wound, and then slapped on a bandage and called it a night.” Bella said with a small laugh in her tone. That was her normal thing to do if she was on her own somewhere. She was tempted to do the same thing with the wood protruding from her but knew that she risked the chance of making the wound worse if she didn’t do it right.

“Anyway, let’s get this out of your side.” she added quickly as she sat on the bed. Grabbing the first aid kit, she laid it out next to her, took out what she would need, and sterilized the needle as well. Once she had everything she was going to need laid out and within reach, she looked up at Harper briefly. “Alright, here we go.” she said, giving her a warning. Bella then set to work removing the shard of glass, trying to cause Harper as little pain as possible as she worked the glass out of her side. Once the glass was out, Arabella laid it to the side, then began to stitch up the wound after she gently wiped away some of the blood. After the last stitch was in place, she cleaned around the stitches, put ointment on and around them, then put a bandage over her work. “There we are.” she sighed as she pulled away from Harper.

Slowly taking to her feet with a wince, Bella walked to the bathroom to wash Harper’s blood from her hands. “Those should hold up pretty well.” she said from the bathroom. Once her hands were clean, she came back and sat on the bed. “You still feel up to helping me with this?” she asked, gesturing to the wood sticking out of her side. “If not, I think I might be able to take care of it myself.” she added in a warm tone.

Before Esme had asked Duke to grab her a chocolate bar and the painkillers from her car, Duke’s words repeated in her head. Even if she wanted to, she couldn’t deny how happy she was to hear, “I’m not gonna go nowhere without you. If I leave, you leave,” come from his mouth, but in the back of her mind she had slight doubts about it actually happening that way because of how her luck was. She quickly pushed the intrusive thoughts to the back of her mind as Duke slowly walked her back to lean against her car. After finding her footing and leaning against the car, she watched Duke make his way around to the other side of the car, eager to help her in any way he could. As she watched him open the passenger side door, Sarah made her to Esme’s side to make sure she didn’t fall. Esme lifted her hand and placed it on Sarah’s head, giving it a scratch and silently letting her know she was alright. Sarah leaned into Esme when she moved her hand from the top of her head to her ear, then down to her neck, and patted it.

Watching Duke open the glovebox and pull out the chocolate and painkillers and pocket them while waiting for his answer to her question, caused a memory to quickly flash before her eyes of a different time. It had been the first time she had overused and had also been overwhelmed by her Empathic abilities around Duke, and it had been Dean that had grabbed the chocolate and painkillers while poor Duke stood off to the side completely confused about what was going on with her. That night she hadn’t been leaning against her beloved Chevelle like she was tonight, it had been Dean’s Impala outside a dilapidated warehouse that had once held a pack of Werewolves. They had played it off like she was suffering from low blood sugar so that they didn’t have to come clean about what she was capable of just yet. Though neither one of them knew for sure if he had truly bought it or not. She was brought back to the present by his chuckle and heard him come back to her side. After he opened the chocolate bar and handed it to her, she took it from him, then took a small bite.

When Duke spoke, a small smile came to her lips that was followed by a laugh to match his. She had also lowered her gaze to the chocolate bar in her hand as her cheeks flushed from him calling her, “His girl.” The words almost sounded too strange leaving his lips even with it making her happy to be called “his girl.” Though when he pulled the pill bottle from his pocket and read the label in the dim moonlight, she found herself questioning the words for some odd reason. Maybe it was because of events from her past, or maybe it could be because she was mentally and physically tired from losing control of her abilities that night, but she knew she shouldn’t be questioning it since she knew what kind of person Duke was. Esme mentally kicked herself for letting her mind drift and then pulled her attention back to Duke. A warm smile made it to her lips at his next words, brightening up the tired features of her face. Lifting her gaze from her chocolate bar, she looked up into his face catching his wince and apologetic look for not having anything for her to drink.

“Dry is fine. You should know this isn’t the first time I’ve had to swallow them dry.” she told him warmly as she took the pills from his hand. While Duke made his call to Bobby, Esme had taken the painkillers and had also managed to close the hood of her car, with the help of Sarah, who made sure she didn’t fall. As he spoke to Bobby, Esme leaned against her car, breaking off pieces of the chocolate bar and nibbling on them. She didn’t focus much on what Duke said to Bobby, because she was mostly focused on not eating the chocolate too fast and making herself sick. At his proud chuckle, she looked up at him just as he was looking at her. A relieved smile made its way to her lips hearing Bobby would come and pick up her car. A thought then hit her, with how things seemed to be going, maybe she would be better off leaving it at Bobby’s for a while. Yes, she loved having her car for those times she needed to go off on her own, but recent events had made it quite difficult even to drive her beloved car.

“Awesome! That means I have one less thing to worry about!” she said happily, which was followed by a light laugh. Then she slowly walked around him to the open driver’s door of her car, then sat down in the driver’s seat, leaning her shoulder against the back of the seat as she looked at him. “I’ll go along with going back to the motel, only because I know you’ll argue with me about going somewhere to get a bite after what you’ve witnessed tonight, but that’s only if you promise me we’ll pick something up on the way back.” she grinned. She knew he’d want to whisk her straight back to the motel now that her car situation had been resolved, even though they were both hungry and needed to eat. She knew he wouldn’t want to risk anything else happening to her with how weak she was after going nuclear. Esme then quickly glanced at her attire, and then back up and at the trunk of her car, and sighed softly. Before they left, she was definitely going to grab the duffle bag that had her clothes. She wasn’t about to let herself be stranded without them again.

“Could you help me with my duffles bags? I’m not looking forward to being stranded without clothes again and having to borrow from one of the girls again…. Unless you want to lend me something of yours to wear.” she said in a teasing tone followed by a mischievous grin. Esme knew Mika wouldn’t be too happy about having to lend her some of her clothes to wear again. She then popped one more piece of chocolate into her mouth before she folded the wrapper around the remaining chocolate and tucked it into a pocket of her jacket. Esme then scooted herself back and laid across the seat, opened the glovebox, and proceeded to fish out the remaining chocolate bars. She didn’t want to leave them in there with her car going to Bobby’s for a few days. By the time they made it to Bobby’s, there could be a mess waiting for her in the form of melted chocolate.

When Esme heard Duke’s answer to her question, she visibly winced even though she already knew the answer. If he had said no, she would have honestly been surprised. Scaring him and sending him running was the last thing she wanted, but when he kissed the side of her face and continued to talk, she nodded to show she understood, and the thought of him running at that moment faded. She smiled ever so slightly when he said it wasn’t the weirdest thing he’s seen but it was the weirdest from her and thought he was okay, and not killing him was a plus. She understood that he’d need time to process seeing her become a demon nuke, but part of her was glad that he witnessed it without the others after telling him about it not that long ago. And now he knew for sure that he wouldn’t get harmed or killed when it happened.

Esme kept her head rested against Duke and opened her eyes looking up at the night sky. Even though it didn’t seem like he was going anywhere at that moment, she did wonder if this whole thing would cause him to leave earlier than he intended. She pushed the intruding thought from her mind like she had done earlier that night. Knowing he was uneasy about this side of her, the old Esme would have started to push him away to keep him from witnessing anything more and possibly getting hurt trying to help her through it. She had tried to push both Duke and Dean away several times in the past when it came to her empathy getting the better of her but Dean fought against her and won. Now being older with a new ability, and going through so much on her own, it actually scared her of what it meant to go it alone and what this power meant. Truthfully, she didn’t want to go it alone this time.

Tilting her head, she rested her forehead against Duke’s neck, then released a soft sigh through her nose as she held onto his arms. “It’s always a plus when no one dies.” she breathed, nuzzling her head against him. “I know this whole thing has to have you uneasy and confused. This is the second time this has happened and I’m still confused about it.” She paused and closed her eyes briefly as she took a deep breath and slowly released it, due to her head pounding. “I’m sure yo……” She pauses again with a wince because of her pounding head and sighs softly. “You’re waiting for me to start pushing you away because that’s what I do. I push people away when I think it’s something I need to deal with on my own or I’m afraid they might get hurt if they stick around……” Esme then lifted her head from his shoulder and released his arm from her grip, she then slowly turned in his arms so she could see his face. “I’m not going to push you away. I’m done pushing others away.” she breathed looking into his face.

Lifting a hand, Esme gently placed it on his cheek. “I don’t want to go it alone anymore…. But if you do decide that this is all too much for you to handle and you need out…. I won’t stop you. I won’t force you to stay.” She spoke the truth. If he did want to leave because he didn’t know how to handle this or if it became too much, she wouldn’t stop him from going even though she didn’t want him to. She wasn’t one to force anyone to stay where they didn’t want to be, even if it hurt like hell to see them leave. She wasn’t that selfish of a person. “I love you too much to do that.” she told him as she ran her thumb across his cheek. Esme fell silent, watching him for a moment before she let her head fall into her free hand with a slight groan, closed her eyes, and messaged her temple. Her other hand slid from Duke’s cheek to his neck. “I need to get into the glove box. There should be some chocolate bars and some painkillers in it…. If they aren’t there, there’s a small purple bag in the trunk that will have it. Chocolate usually offsets the effects of when I overuse my empathy. I’m hoping it’ll help with this too.”

Even back when they were a team, Esme always made sure to keep some sort of chocolate on hand and easily accessible. She kept at least two bars or a small handful of small chocolates in the glove box, the same in the purple bag in the trunk, and in her duffle bags. On rare occasions, she’ll resort to some type of chocolate cookie, like Oreos or double chocolate chip cookies. After a moment, she opened her eyes and lifted her gaze just enough to where she could see her damaged car and sighed heavily, shaking her head a bit. “You don’t suppose I could sweet talk Bobby into coming and getting her, do you?” she asked him with a small smile. Sarah inched herself closer to Esme and gently placed her muzzle against Esme’s cheek. Esme smiled at the action and moved her hand from her cheek and placed it on Sarah’s, giving it a rub to reassure her she was alright.
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