Name:Devin Coal
Birthday:April 2nd
Ethnicity:White / Caucasian
School Year:5th Year
Blood Status:Half Blood
Hogwarts House:Hufflepuff
Pet:Devin was given a little owl by his uncle who, while a muggle, knows more than a few bird dealers for the right price.
Boggart:A Massive Ladder (Devin is afraid of heights)
Turns into a duck walking on stilts (Thinks Daffy Duck is hilarious)
Wand:10" Fir with Unicorn hair with stiff handling
Favourite Lesson:Study of Ancient Runes - Growing up Devin always heard his Uncle talk about the importance of "knowing the greats" which meant knowing Greek and other ancient languages. Devin followed that advice and has learned to love ancient languages both Muggle and Magical.
Least Favourite Lesson:Flying - Devin is afraid of heights and flying does not interest him. He still formally has not passed his flying class certification and is unable to check out a broom without a professor or supervising student.
Extracurricular Activities:Ancient Studies - Devin really is passionate about learning about the ancient world and all the secrets it is still hiding.
Appearance:Devin stands at about 5'8" as he is starting to get a growth spurt. He has brown eyes that match his brow hair.
Personality:Devin is a classic ISFP personality. He is known for living in a colorful, sensual world, inspired by connections with people and ideas. He takes joy in reinterpreting these connections, reinventing and experimenting with both themselves and new perspectives. This can make his professors and friends get a sense of spontaneity, making Devin seem unpredictable, however there is always some method in his madness and you better believe it came from either a book or a story from his uncle.
As fun and social as Devin can be this is only when he isn't in front of his passion. All things outside solving riddles and puzzles he simply enjoys, but doesn't pursue. Put him in a social environment or party and he will happily chat with everyone. Give him something to solve and he is out of the room wrapping his every thought at how many ways he can solve it.
Backstory:Devin was born a child much like everyone else; however, he still hasn't "Grown Up" according to his parents. His father a wizard and his mother a muggle they even now worry about his goals in life. This is because they see him as still having his 'head in the clouds' with talk of joining his uncle on his adventures after he graduates from Hogwarts. He Raised as a normal middle class magical family with one foot in the muggle world and one in the magical. As the oldest of three Devin had the constant goal of getting out of the house and live his own life. It isn't that he dislikes his family, but rather he loves and is memorized by his uncles who works as a muggle archaeologist.
Hearing of his uncles travels always amazed Devin. So much so he was ready to skip school entirely and follow in his uncles footsteps; however, in his second year at Hogwarts he learned that to work as a magical archaeologist you needed specific visas to travel. These visas were handed out based on work experience and academic history. At that moment Devin buckled down and started working on getting great grades as well as letters of reference from his professors.
During his last summer his uncle and family went to visit his dig in Egypt where he got to explore both the magical and non-magical temples and tombs. The entire experience was everything he could have hoped for. Even the sunburns had him excited (British boy through and through)
While he may be a Hufflepuff, some often thought he was in Ravenclaw due to being in so many study groups. Devin is known as a great problem solver, but not the best when put under a clock. Rush him and he might solve the problem of what kills you rather then what unlocks the door.
Extra:Devin has, unsuccessfully, petitioned to create an magical archaeology club at school. Namely because you need at least five students to create a club and all of his friends are either too busy with Quidditch or self studying.