Please note that while this role play takes place in the Wizarding world created by JK Rowling I am asking that it not take place in the same story line (In other words I ask you remember the rules and world, but not the characters and story) Each of our characters are currently part of a new crop of professors at Hogwarts that were brought on at the personal request of the new Headmaster. While on patrol a rather large group of students was discovered to have snuck out and was conducting an unsupervised magical experiment. Once found and gathered all our characters are called on to help stop and undoing a bit of wild magic when several things go wrong and causes damage to everyone's wands. The issue seems minor after review and we all hand out punishments of the students involved and retire for the night.
The only problem is the next morning each of our characters wake up on the Hogwarts Express... as our 15 (or 14/13) year old selves. Somehow we have gone back in time. Only instead of everything being the same and as we remember several things are very different (Some are in a different houses, others seem to have lost their affinity to types of magic while one is possibly even a squib all of a sudden.
The role play will have our characters navigating the time travel troubles while trying to undo whatever magic was done to us.
I am happy to answer any questions you might have and have not COMPLETELY mapped out this entire idea, but that is what I have so far you can expect us all to discover where it leads together. I am very interested in everyone helping build the story together as well as collaborate with each other, myself, and the world to create something we are excited and engaged in.While not guaranteed below is a list of roles and people who currently have 'lay claimed to' after a review of their character they will either be accepted and lock the character out or given a chance to edit after review if the character sheet is acceptable but in need of alterations. Should a character sheet be of low enough quality (Mainly grammar and spelling will be the pitfalls)
Headmaster - NPC / (LOCKED)
History of Magic - World Traveler
Muggle Studies - NPC / (LOCKED)
Transfiguration - Dutchess Sarah
Caretaker - DarkHuntress
Divination - Red Mage
Charms - Erklings25
Care of Magical Creatures - Noxxis
Flying - OPEN
Defense Against the Dark Arts - ThriceDefied
Librarian - NPC (LOCKED)
Matron - OPEN
Astronomy - Yorutenchi
Potions - Emma
Herbology - FalkiThomas
Arithmancy - OPEN
Here is a completed character sheet people interested will need to fill out for them to be considered for this role play. If you have any questions about any part above or below this section please feel free to PM or post on this thread. All applications / character sheets ready for review should be posted here with me tagged as well as PM'ed
Appearance: Real Photo Image Please
Age: (Between 26 & 28)
Blood Status:
Hogwarts House:
Personality: (Just a few descriptors of how they are as a teacher and coworker / No more than 4 or 5 adjectives)
Biography: Please break into at least three sections with the minimum being Pre-Hogwarts childhood / Hogwarts Years / And their post Hogwarts life (ALSO PLEASE NOTE THAT ALL OF YOUR CHARACTERS WERE BROUGHT BACK TO HOGWARTS AS TEACHERS EITHER TWO OR ONE YEAR AGO AT THE REQUEST OF THE NEW HEADMASTER WHO STARTED AT THE POSITION TWO YEARS AGO.)
Favorite Hogwarts Memory: A short story describing your characters favorite memory.
Secondary Section
For now this will be blank but there will be a second section all accepted roles will have to fill out and there will be some amount of collaboration.