Name: Phoebe Jones
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Species: Nidorina
Appearance: Phoebe looks similar to the textbook image of a Nidorina. A light blue, partially bipedal quadruped creature with barbs, claws, and a stubby tail. Phoebe likens herself to a stocky Iguanodon with big, rabbit-like ears.
Level: 9
Moves: Growl - Scratch - Toxic - Double Kick
Biography: Phoebe was born to a homeless couple living in San Diego, California. A week after she was born, her parents moved in with her paternal grandmother, who was kind enough to offer shelter to her son and his girlfriend, now that there was a child involved. (Before, she didn't even consider it. The nerve of her son, running off at 18 and ending up in the streets with some random hussy! No good Catholic has premarital sex, and keeps an un-baptized baby! If grandpa was still alive...) Phoebe spent her first years living there, surrounded by traditional Catholic Italians. There were no children her age in this ghetto (ethnic community) just adults. As such, she developed "only child syndrome", matured just a little beyond her age. At four, her parents gained good, stable jobs and moved into Section 8 housing downtown. She missed the adult company, but they were quickly replaced by the neighborhood kids. Phoebe quickly joined the group of twenty-odd children, aged from 3 to 13, who ruled the neighborhood and defended it from other bands of kids in mock battles. It was great fun.
Phoebe did well in school. She loves learning; especially science and history. Of course, there were bullies, but she managed to deal as much damage as she took, sending both the bully and her to detention. Phoebe showed her detention slip as a flag of honor. She was proud to go down fighting, even if she didn't win. She's proud, stubborn, and close-minded. People with differing views are seen the close minded ones, not her. After that fight, the bullies backed down and took to glaring at her in the hallways. Phoebe ignores their passive-aggression. She gathered a group of like-minded friends who also believe their views are superior in every way. They hang out at the school library and after-school Gay-Straight Alliance meetings, discussing their plans to become President of the World or some crazy shit like that. (If only...)
Phoebe graduated from high school just this year, and is pursuing a degree in Biology at the local college. She plans to narrow her major later on. Probably zoology, or evolutionary biology. Phoebe loves learning the history of the earth and of the life that formed here. Phoebe has a hard time accepting other points of view, especially on the subject of life. Aliens? She'll think you mad. Religion? She'll laugh in your face. It's so blatantly obvious that gods don't exist! You silly plebeian, you! Her mother, an agnostic with strong reincarnation beliefs, finds this slightly blasphemous. Her atheist dad is proud. Her grandmother still believes she's Catholic.
Phoebe still lives with her parents in the same Section 8 apartment as before. She goes to school full time, and works part time as a barista at [insert fake Starbucks name here.]
Differences: Phoebe, weirdly enough, has a small horn on the center of her forehead. The horn is presumed to be left over from her Nidoran stage. Her darker blue patches are small, as well.
Other Info: Her ability is Poison Point. We're doing abilities, right?
Edited some more. I didn't add a paragraph...I kinda just lengthened the current ones, filled in details, explained some things, etc.