I know, without even the smallest shadow of doubt, I will look back at myself and wonder why I hadn't done more. Knowing this, BELIEVING this, does nothing to motivate me. It frustrates me to tears.
8 yrs ago
I know, without even the smallest shadow of doubt, I will look back at myself and wonder why I hadn't done more. Knowing this, BELIEVING this, does nothing to motivate me. It frustrates me to tears.
I will be posting after work, and the story will continue on as planned. I'll not see this fade into obscurity so soon. The pace is about to pick up and I have more then a few surprises for you all :3 expect something soon. Eight hours and counting.
It's all good! I wanted to try so we wouldn't step on each other and oppai is in the doorway :3 but maybe we should make it just once a round and first come first serve? Wait it out an hour or so and if the post order doesn't start up then feel free :3
The noted books are an amalgamation of a few things. Conversations, descriptions and events. Current and past.
What is written is often a chronical of what has happened. What you have been sent has happened and also been recorded. You haven't read it yet but everything I wrote you has happened. PM me if that doesn't answer your question, @Natsu :D
Any actions you take that you would need to know the outcome of before you can post the results should be written in the Meta and I will respond as quickly as possible!