The slippery vagrant Xathi prowled the depths of the RolePlayers Guild thread. They snuck silently and swiftly, in the dead hours of night, as to not be detected. But Xathi's guiles of imperceptible shade were nary a task for the great Aerandir to detect. With great prowess and awareness, Aerandir spotted the sly rogue, and quickly put an end to their anonymity. The Great Aerandir brought Xathi to the High Fixer Meiyuki, for judgment. The judge, jury, and executioner herself branded Xathi a heretic, to be beheaded immediately. The Rogue Xathi would have none of this. With a snip of the tongue and a flip of a coin, they turned the odds in their favor. The silver-tongued wastrel ployed The Great and The High Fixer to set The Rogue free. But, like the suns rays revealed after an epitaph of cloud and thunder, The Nobleman Ellion branded down from the sky, with burning righteousness and scorching justice. The Nobleman immediately smacked a symbol of distrust and unkinliness upon The Rogue with her mighty Hammer of Exile, and The Rogue Xathi was a hero no more. So ends the tale of Xathi, with not a word forgotten in the lost chronicles of The Rogue's misadventures, crusaded to a ashy crisp by the High Council. The Great Aerandir, The High Fixer Meiyuki, and The Nobleman Ellion lived on at the pinnacle of godliness for eternity, everlasting in their righteous sentience.