Luanne and Dot Part 3 - In The Pharmacy
Dot tried her best to keep her gaze off of Luanne. She didn't want to do anything to get her sister hurt, and she knew that surprising these people would be important if they turned out to be... Less than friendly. Slowly, she brought herself to answer their question.
"We don't got parents. Not anymore, at least." she kept the rifle pointed at the woman in front, occasionally shifting it to the annoyed seeming man, feeling strangely compelled not to aim at the other woman. "Now, who are you, an' what do you want?" She tried her best to sound tough, but it was hard. There were three of them, and she didn't know what weapons they might've had. This was dangerous. They had made plans for how to deal with bandits, but... Dot wasn't sure that she could follow through with taking another living human's life.
She shook briefly, hearing a raspy voice crying outside the door. It sounded like someone who needed help. And when it came to having other people around... More was generally better. Safety in numbers.
"Open that door back up. Somebody's out there, needs our help. Might be hurt or somethin'." As she spoke, she quickly motioned for Luanne to get out of view, hoping against hope that they'd listen to her.