Name: Remiel Rivers
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Race: Caucasian

Clothing: A white button-down shirt with a black tie, black slacks, black belt, thigh-high socks, and black loafers.
Equipment: A white fanny pack containing within it: ten copies of The Book of Mormon, a pack of black pens, a pair of clear blue six sided dice, and a personal e-reader containing within it The Book of Mormon.
Weapons: A metal bb gun looted off a man's suitcase.
Bio/Background: Elder Rivers was born and raised in Salt Lake City Utah as a devout Mormon. He grew up oblivious to most of the world around him, hearing about faraway places only in stories told by his elders or on the internet if his parents allowed him. One of the places Rivers was always fascinated by was Orlando, but alas, he was never allowed to go. When he came of age, Elder Rivers was given a partner and sent to Arkansas. Though he was safe on the plane, upon landing things were anything but. After his bout at the airport, Elder Rivers was left alone.
Occupation Pre-Apocalypse: Missionary