Name/Alias: Hector Sea

Biography: Hector Sea was born in the Mediterranean to a family of half demon half humans, who had gone into hiding among human society for centuries after Mundus was defeated by Sparda. They used their demonic abilities in the Navy (just their physical abilities, no devil trigger as to stay disguised) and became a family of aristocrats famous for winning many battles for the Navy.
Growing up, he was trained for a career as a Navy man by his father. He was known for being the most talented of his family and for his hand to hand combat skills. He was quickly picked out of his siblings as heir for his self control and strength of will. However, it was his talents that lead to his family's downfall. An Original Vampire named Azaneal who had been slumbering deep within the sea sensed the power of demons, and wanted to spread his curse across only the greatest, most powerful of potential progeny.
Azaneal arose from the sea, and slaughtered the town where the Half Demons lived with an army of flesh crafted monsters and demons. The half demons put up their best fight, using their enhanced physical abilities, some devil arms and devil triggers but the Vampire was a powerful mage. He used his Blood and Shadow magic to destroy any Half Demon that foolishly tried to defend themselves and the town. Hector attempted to fight back with his martial arts in Devil Trigger, and almost put up a fight until he was put down by a single punch by the Vampire. Azaneal saw the potential in Hector, and he held his limbs with shadowy tentacles and bit into his neck.
When Hector awoke, Azaneal greeted his new slave. He immediately shoved some of his blood down his mouth, forming a blood bond with Hector. The military came by the town with reports that Hector was not only a demon, but a vampire now too. Azaneal instructed his new progeny to destroy them all with his new shadow magic, and Hector obliged, but not willfully. Shadowy tentacles emerged from Hector's body that ripped into every last soldier and tore them limb from limb while comboing them senseless. Proud of the abilities of his new progeny, Azaneal forced him to follow him into his lair back in the ocean.
Hector served Azaneal for a while and carried out his will onto the world, gathering blood dolls for use and helping him to summon some sort of ritual for a Hell Gate. Hector even fought Dante one point when Dante was still starting up his demon slaying service. While Dante had a slight edge, the battle ended in a close loss for Hector and Dante opted to keep Hector alive because he wanted to fight him again one day when he was stronger. Hector watched as Dante escaped the island and Hector was left without his blood feedings from Azaneal, freeing him from his servitude. Stranded and defeated on the island, Hector dove into the ocean and endlessly drifted in slumber until he reached the mainland.
Since then, he has developed his Demon and Vampire powers. He has assembled a pirate crew and was known as the Dark Angel to the people and was feared throughout Europe. Hector has made his personal vendetta to destroy Azaneal for what he did to him. He and his pirate crew have noticed the Hellgate opening and know that Azaneal is somehow behind it, and seek to destroy him.
Devil Arms: Hector uses a devil arms called Hoplite, which is a Cestus leather gauntlet made from tanned demon skin. It makes his hand near indestructible allowing him to punch as hard as he can without harming himself and block blows with his hand.
Firearms: Hector does not use ranged weapons, he uses magic instead. He can use Darkness as energy blasts.
Arms of the Abyss: Hector's Shadow Magic let's him summon black tentacles from around his body and from the ground that rip and tear apart everything and act as extra arms. They can be used to combo or grapple opponents
Shadowstep: His Shadow Magic lets him Shadowstep (teleport through shadows)
Shadow Creation: This lets him create shadows and objects out of shadows, shadow armor, summoned swords out of shadow, create a single shadow doppleganger and use the darkness like an energy weapon. Hector can be very creative with this.
Dark Angel's Demesne: This is Hector's ultimate attack, this lets Hector blanket an area in a shadow that expands, draws out the blood of it's victim and devours or badly injures (depending on how strong the victim is) anything it touches. He can also exhale this out of his mouth.
Devil Trigger "Dark Angel Form": He has a Devil Trigger form which is a combination of his Vampiric and Demon forms as a result of being half Vampire and half Demon. In this form he truly earns the name of the Black Angel and gets Shadowy Angel Wings to fly with in battle, along with enhanced magic, power and speed.
Devil Trigger form:

Unawoken Ablities: He has more magical abilities inlaid within him that have not awoken yet, such as blood magic, demon summoning and flesh crafting.
Other: -As a half demon, Hector can walk around in the daylight unlike most Vampires
-As a Mediterranean Man, he likes his pizza topped with extra cheese and feta. Also with blood for tomato sauce