Monster Name/ Hodag Jr.
Other Names/ Hodag, Dogbeast
Monster type/ Hodag
Appearance/ Hodag Jr. looks much like an elongated, scaly dog with spikes protruding from his back and head. His scales/skin are pitch black, and his eyes are a bright red. He is about the size of an alligator and has very long tusks.
Personality/ The Hodag species is a vicious and bloodthirsty one by nature. Hodag Jr. is not an exception, though his temperament is significantly better than most, due to being domesticated. He does not attack on sight, but is still rather violent.
Bio/ The story of the Hodag is a sad one. A species of Northern Wisconsin, hunted out of fear, few Hodags ever lived long enough to even taste blood. Hodag Jr. was just an egg when his family's nest was discovered. Every other Hodag in the nest was killed, and his egg was taken by an eccentric collector of cryptids. He was the prize of the collection, pampered with steaks, and trained to "behave". One day, his owner was slain in a mob-related killing, and all of the cryptids broke loose soon after. Since then, he has wandered the land seeking purpose.
Other/ Is afraid of Wendigoes, as one used to steal his food whilst he lived in captivity.