"How 'bout Michigan? Nobody lives theyah, and it's just south a' Canada, if ya feel like runnin' foah the bohdah. Hell, pahts of it ah just north a' Canada. Detroit, foah instance." He wasn't really sure where his suggestions were coming from, but Dan felt reasonably certain that his ideas were all good. Better than Italy, at least. "Maybe Florida. I heah they got Skunk Apes. I always wanted tah see a Skunk Ape. Down in Sarasota, I heah they have a Skunk Ape museum..." but Dan knew he was getting off topic. "Anyways, why in the hell would we want ta fight 'em head on? They outnumbah us by a whole helluvalot, and we ain't exactly professionals. Now, if we'ah goin' by plane, it'd probably be bettah if we chahtah'd one rathah than get on a commercial flight."