"Wow. That's, uh, that's some tough shit theyah, man. Musta been tough, havin' ta cope with... All that. I, on the othah hand, am one lucky son of a bitch. I nevah knew my fathah!Left me, my foah brothahs, and my mothah all by ouahselves. Best thing that evah happened ta me, I tell ya. Nevah had ta waste time with playin' catch, oah showin' him my repoaht cahd. I got ta skip straight ta bein' my own man!" Dan puffed out his chest, completely oblivious to the connotation of what he had just said.
It was clear Dan was either willfully ignorant or else completely oblivious to just how terrible his life had been. "In fact, I've been livin' worry free foah pretty much my whole life. Straight C student, teachahs nevah believed in me, so I nevah had expectations to live up to. Mothah drank herself ta death when I was twelve, so me and my brothahs got to move into a sweet fostah home. All I had ta do in retoin was get the shit beaten' outta me twice weekly. Sweet deal, if ya ask me. Then, aftah my fostah parents got busted foah sellin' crack, my brothahs and I got separated. Didn't have ta get picked on by 'em no moah, so that was a plus. It all toined out swell foah Rad Dan, ya know." Dan smiled a wide, toothy smile.