Avatar of Xenonia
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  • Posts: 558 (0.14 / day)
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    1. Xenonia 11 yrs ago


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Dan continues to have very strange political views.
Dan looked up to see what appeared to be a teenage girl in a Sailor Moon shirt asking him something in Italian. Dan did not speak Italian. Nor did he tend to jump out of trains, so he decided that this was the first time for both. Coughing a little bit, he started to speak. "Uh... Pizza, pasta, bongioahno, monsignioah, uh... Fuck it. I think you said somethin' that sounded like 'break', so I'll just assume ya asked if I broke somethin'. I didn't. I'm fine. And, uh, yeah. Please tell me you ain't anothah one of them supahfreaks. Oah the govahment. Oah one o' them secret Alien Lizahd Jews that runs the global economy. Don't be any a' those things. Please."
Falling out of the sack that No-Point and Boom had shoved him in, Mycellium was barely able to comprehend the situation unfolding all around them. The tall woman-thing was running to assist the round-eared brute, the kokiri-beast from the caravan was screaming at the top of his lungs, and they were being attacked by other, armored kokiri-beasts. The whole situation confused him, and it had been made worse when he noticed the remains of several ironwood deku-nuts scattered about. So Mycellium did just about the only thing he knew how: He shot spores all over the place.
Mycellium could not understand what was being said, but that did not matter. This new claw-kokiri beast was an obstacle like any other, and like the wall puzzle that he had somehow managed to solve, Mycellium knew he could solve this one to. With a might blow of his snout, he let loose a cloud of spores all over the poor, confused gremlin-man. The fungus would spread here soon, and Mycellium was going to make sure of it.
Dan stared, listening to Chrome give his speech, and waited. Then he felt the pulse, and saw plenty of metal flying outwards. Jesus FUCK was all Dan could think before getting his arm scratched by what seemed to be a loose couch-spring. "HEY! METALHEAD." Dan was clearly nonplussed about the spring that was now sticking out of his left forearm. "Ya see? This is why we don't FIGHT. And now we'ah startin' down the tracks again ta god knows weyah, and all because you can't get along with Nitrogen. Fuck, man. Ya know what? Stand back." Dan angrily moved towards the door of the car, and then started a strange running motion towards the window and... Out he went, along with a lot of glass. As he fell to into the gravel and grass beside the railroad tracks, he cursed loudly. "I DID NOT THINK THAT THROUGH. FUCK."
As the music fell upon Mycellium's ears, a light went on in his brain. It was a beautiful melody, almost good enough to distract from his urge to spread the fungus. But it... It lacked something. Something important, something that would give it... Life. That was when Mycellium realized. This was the sound of an incomplete song, a melody with no harmony! That would simply not do. And so, lifting his snout to the sky, Mycellium began belting out a corresponding tune, underscoring the painful music that fell around them with a dark and tinny tone.

Musical Harmonizing
Mycellium looked up at the harsh iron wall. A puzzle of this nature would require tact and finesse. Mycellium had neither, and so he dealt with it the only way he could figure. Quickly he began spitting clouds of spores all about, lining the metallic forest with fresh fungus. If this didn't get the attention of the natives, nothing would. Though that wasn't Mycellium's intention. No, he simply needed to pass, and it just so happened that spreading more of the fungus, his only purpose in life, could possibly assist.
Though he was incapable of intelligible speech, Mycellium knew which way they had to go. The Funguswood was a familiar territory to him, but it was not the path he chose. No, the little voice inside of him was speaking loud and clear: The Ironwood was the place to go. He was to spread his seeds throughout their disturbed mockery of a forest, let them know the truth that was the fungus... His mind was made up for him before he could even analyze the threat capability of either path. With a convincing mwop mwaa, he attempted to make his way towards the darkened and forbidding Ironwood. Alas, whilst still in his cage, he could not go far.
womp womp this is p fun
His first spattering of spores had not succeeded, and this only further aggravated the onslaught of spore tufts from the petite scrub. Mycellium let loose a loud "WOMP WAAAAAA" as his second volley of seed-bits flew. These were more carefully aimed. This creature had no chance to escape, nor even survive. At least it would make an excellent addition to the forest. They all would, in time.
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