Loduzzro thought for a moment. Transportation... Horses were too small for him, but he was much to slow on his own to arrive in a timely manner. It had taken him hours to simply make his way up the steps leading to this very room! The issue was a puzzling one, a difficult puzzle, like the one that involved stacking the little orb lines into a pyramid. Loduzzro could never figure out that puzzle when the ascetics showed it to him, and he was having difficulty figuring out this puzzle now. Perhaps if he rode two horses at once? No, that was a foolish idea. A makeshift sleigh for the horses to pull him along in? No, that was too complex. He thought, and thought, until he came up with an idea.
Turning to the chief knight again, Loduzzro attempted to ask a question. "In stable, you have... The big fur one? Isn't horse, is growly, but not cat like..." He was trying very hard to remember what the animal he needed was called. "OH! A bear? Is bear maybe could ride?" That was it! A bear, the perfectly-sized animal for him.