Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Hexaflexagon
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

On Character Sheets

  • Please place them here to be reviewed.
  • Please follow the template presented in the two character sheets below to the best of your abilities
  • As stated in the Interest Check I will allow one Jedi in the bunch and you better have a good reason they are working with a group of morally scrupulous cutthroats
  • In the same regard your character's can indeed be force sensitive but in the same regard force sensitivity is kind of a big deal and I will judge these Character Sheets exceptionally harsh.
  • You don't have to list everything in your equipment section we can assume they carry things like credits around with them and the such.
  • Be cool like the Fonz

Character Sheet Template

Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Hexaflexagon
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

Standing at an intimidating 6'5" the burly brown scaled mercenary was not a threat to be faced lightly. Having been the runt of his hatch when he was first born the mercenary had to fight and train for every scarp of meat and chance at survival. The result shows in his intimaidting muscular frame. Sarkh is covered in many scars from his line of work as he unnrently throws his body in harms way to complete any challenge given to him.

Name: Sarkh
Age: 47
Planet of Birth: Nar Shaddaa
Species: Trandoshan

- Blaster Knowledge: The mercenary knows his way around a blaster and is fairly accurate shot when things get dicey.
- Close Quarters Combat: Trandoshan's take honor in all forms of combat including getting close and personal.
- Experienced Hands: After years of begin a mercenary Sarkh can keep cool in the heat of battle.
- Hutt Connections: Do to his former work on Nar Shaddaa Sarkh can sometimes get information a little more easily than most.
- Natural Leader: Sarkh's knows his way about leading a squad into combat

- LS-150 Heavy Accelerated Charged Particle Repeater Gun
- Czerka 411
- Vibroblade
- 5x Thermal Detonators
- Creshaldyne Industries Camo scout armor
- 3x Bacta canister

Sarkh is exactly what you'd imagine out of a world weary mercenary. Tough, brash and independently-minded the Trandoshan values strength and skill over diplomatic finesse and the tact use of words. Because of this he is very single minded in his approach towards solving problems all of which revolve around killing the other guy first. As a result while his suggestions and paths for mission may be the most effective in the long run they sometimes cause more trouble than they are worth. To Sarkh's own moral compass has degraded a bit over the years and he certainly ain't no shiny fly boy or fancy Jedi.

Though despite his gruff posterior if one is able to win over his respect his is a very good companion to have watching your back. Being the perfect picture of a professional he is effective and doesn't question his orders or his gut. Meaning if you tell him to hold down a position when he will hold it till he dies.

Only the floating ball of Scum known as Nar Shaddaa could produce such a creature as Sarkh. Born to the leader of a Hutt Security team the city covered moon was quick to teach the lessons of life upon the young Trandoshan. Like most children that grew up on Nar Shaddaa his life soon revolved around their street gangs that ran rampant. While Sarkh never received a formal education he learned things you couldn't in a classroom like how to break a neck with one movement and how to probably hot wire a speeder in under a minute. Sarkh and his little gang held their own and by the time he left the moon they had become big enough to be folded into the Hutt Enterprise. When Sarkh finally had the itch to get away from the dance of Nar Shaddaa he payed off his debts to the Hutts and bought himself a little cargo hauler and took to work as a mercenary.

Sometime later Sarkh ended up heading the Black Fist "Private Security Consultation Services", a mercenary group that worked primarily in the Outer Rim Territories. They dealt in gun running, extortion, some arson, and the occasional assassination mission. Though sometime later some of his peons and the big man ended up getting into arguments about the ethics of some of their operations. While Sarkh held control for a while eventually they revolted against the Trandoshan leader who they deemed to be going soft. It was during a simple protection mission on Outland Transit Station when they struck out shooting him in the back and leaving him for dead in the gutters to bleed out. Sarkh through some form of grit and determination manged to live through it and ended up going into a revenge induced depression back on Nar Shaddaa resorting to death sticks and other illicit substances to mull over his pain and bruised ego.

Eventually though a young Twi'lek smuggler manged to break him out of his rut when she pestered him into assistance because a friend said he could finish any job. After that successful run he started to get his act back together and began to hire himself back out as an "independent problem solver". Using his own rage and revenge as full he was deadly effective maybe even more so than he was previously. Eventually an old friend contacted the well respected mercenary and asked him for his help with a new job of sorts on Coruscant. While Sarkh himself never really did mind the empire all that much and they pay wasn't spectacular he always payed his debts.


Name:Iafik'loli or Ia for short.
Age: 25
Planet of Birth:Ryloth
Species: Twi'lek

- Smuggler's Finesse: She is quick with a blaster and quicker with her hands.
- Sultry: She knows how to use her people's physical charms to her advantage to open doors and get away with a manner of things
- Blaster Proficiency: Preferring not having to get all too close to her foes she is an excellent shot.
- Tactician: When your first plan fails you have ten ready and waiting in the wings to go.
- Acrobatics: Flips, rolls, jumps and all other sorts of ways allow her to climb, roll and leap her way into and out of many a situation.
- Experienced Pilot: She knows her way around a speeder.
- Rebel Connections: Serving as the technical leader of the cell and only "real" rebel she can sometimes get info and the like if she really pushes for it.

- 2x DC-15s side arm blaster
- 2x ELG-5C hold-out blaster (hidden on person)
- Durasteel short sword
- Light Combat Suit
- 2x concussion grenades
- 2x EMP grenades

Ia is a bright and chipper sort valuing fun, freedom and increasing profit margins. Responding well to jokes, sarcasm and creative outside of the box thinking. While she is a big flirt and enjoys playing people along she is not really that big on the whole meaningful relationship thing. With her quick mind and quick wit also comes a rather big ego that can easily be injured by those who are not careful around her. While Ia herself wants to tell her self that she is only working for the Alliance for the glory, maybe some of those values of peace, democracy and harmony do seem nice to her.

In terms of morality unlike her Trandoshan companion wither she likes it or not she still has a heart to her. As a result she will generally advocate responses that lead to the least civilian deaths and as morally preserving as possible. While this options may help you sleep at night sometimes they are not the most effective and could hempen the mission or outright make them seemingly impossible. She prefers stealth and tactful negotiations over using blasters whenever possible.

Ia was born on Ryloth but at a young age was captured by slavers and sent to Orvax IV to serve as a personal slave to well renown Chagrian slave trader known as Darus Ress. Ia spent most of her childhood working as a servant cleaning rooms, preparing meals and making sure that Darus's guest generally got what they wanted. Though Ia herself knows that she was lucky for unlike most Darus was not a cruel man to his slaves. He generally treated them well as if they were more like employees than his own personal propriety. He made sure that his slaves were educated and it was in his estate that Ia learned about history and how to read and write. Ia herself would of probably never had left Darus's estate if it was not for the Slave Riots.

Other slaves gathered in numbered were angry at their treatment on this slaver planet and wanted to break free. Soon they organized an armed revolt and stormed the upper levels of the city to kill every slave trader they could as well as any that was deemed sympathetic to their cause. Darus saw this coming and he knew because of the fair treatment that he give his slaves that they would most likely die along with him. As a result he gathered up his house slaves including Ia and put them on one of his personal shuttles to be sent to one of his benefactors on Nar Shaddaa. Darus and the rest of his house staff died holding the house against the angry slaves to give time for his own slaves to escape.

When the shuttle landed on Nar Shaddaa more problems arose as unknown to Darus his old friend had recently been killed after trying to swindle the hutts. As a result the house slaves were left to their own devices alone and without much of a way in the form of income. As a result most scattered becoming beggars, workers and the like. But for eleven year old Ia she had no such option and soon took to the streets becoming a pickpocket and a message runner for the local crime lords. This existence was not a kind one as she spent her days in consonant danger and her nights sleeping in alleyways and condemned buildings. But she persisted and survived through the worst of it while staying mostly intact.

Sometime later when she around 18 years old she set it out as a smuggler trying to rake in even more credits in a more lucrative career. It was during one of her fist runs drug runs for the Hutts that she became acquainted with the Trandoshan known as Sarkh. The Twi'lek made her name as a quick shoot, fast talking and smooth flying smuggler who could get your goods where they were needed. It would be sometime later that she heard about this "Rebel Alliance" forming and their ideals and philosophy. Soon afterwards she was conscripted into the fold as she deemed it a fight worth fighting and using her many criminal contacts the Alliance planted her into the criminal underworld of Coruscant to help lead the efforts their against imperial control. They say the rest was hisory.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Apollosarcher
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Apollosarcher Knight with the Rowan Shield

Member Seen 1 day ago


In armor.

Out of armor.

Name: Gin AKA Airus Vel Aath

Age: 21

Planet of Birth: Alderaan

Species: MiraLuka

- Force Sensitive
- Force Sight
- Skilled Slicer
- Good with tech
- Jar'Kai Form
- Shii Cho Form
- Force Healing
- Force persuasion
- Basic Force power

- Two dissembled Light Sabers hidden in his armor.
- DC-15s Blaster pistol
- DC-15A Blaster Rifle
- Three Thermal detonators
- Custom Data Pads for slicing
- Modified Mandalorian armor

Personality: Quiet, thoughtful, and observant. Airus is unique as he comes from a race where all member are gifted with the force and born without eyes, the Miraluka. His hatred towards the Empire started when he was orphaned by clone trooper gunning down his parents who were fleeing Coruscant. However Airus was rescued by Jedi Knight Ylenic It'kla who was escaping to Alderaan. After his Master refused to promote him he left before the completion of his training to pursue fighting the Empire in the name of people. Tired of hiding in shadows and cowering he wanted to show other the Empire could be hurt and to stand up for his people who were all but extinct.

History: Growing up on Alderaan with Ylenic as his teacher Ylenic found Airus was a natural with the force and possessed a growing amount of skill. However as he aged he talked more of the Empire and Jedi slaughtering as well the murder of his people an all force sensitive race. Ylenic a close friend of Bail Organa was hidden along with a small group of Ylenic's people who much likes Airus's had been wiped out by the Empire. They lived in constant fear and hid deep in the wilderness. Airus's Jedi training was done in a formal manner as to keep the teachings alive for the next generation.

Ylenic often left with smalls groups of his people conducting small almost harmless raids on the Empire. His cover was as an aid and advisor to Bail Organa, Airus his blind serving boy. The Empire never caught on and Airus learned many secrets which he relayed to the Organa's and his Master. He talked more striking back with rebel groups and ending his training. At age twenty he displayed impressive force control and more capable techique with a lightsaber dueling having learned Jar'Kai and Shii Cho. However his Master claimed that he could not be a Knight until he mastered his Emotions.

Growing up on Alderaan he befriended a young Twi'lek girl named Shy'raa, she was a child prodigy and taught him everything he knows about Slicing. While he's not as good as her his custom Datapad was configured by her. Also he learned how to build droids finding it a fun way to pass the time having built three Astromech mechs in the past leaving them all behind on Alderaan for Shy'raa to assist her slicing. They keep in touch and often trade messages, sometime about fighting the Empire others about home and how there each doing.

Feeling that his master had betrayed him he left Alderaan and set out on his own to take the fight to the Empire on there home turf. He defeat several bounty hunters before wising up and taking on alias as Gin. His gear actually came from them, faking his own death he donned the armor of a Mandalorian commando and has had it modified to be lighter and less constrictive. Adding to that the blasters he collect off the bounty hunters and you have just another dangerous bounty hunter. He keeps his sabers hidden often preferring to use the force or his blasters. However he will use his blades if the situation calls for it, telling very few of his power he wants to wait before he reveals what he truly is.
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Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Xtreme
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Xtreme X and Izzy Productions

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Gendro March (Mostly goes by March)


Planet of Birth:
Concord Dawn


- Sniper: March is known a one of the best sharpshooters in the galaxy, often rated in the top 3. He is well known for extreme long distance shots and rebounding his blasts off of the environment.

- Close Quarters Combat: March can handle himself in a fist fight and is quite keen on breaking his opponents limbs with quick submissions.

- Tracking: Born and raised hunting wildlife, March is renowned for his ability to track a target and even predict where they’re going next. He understands people and environments very quickly which gives him a great tactical advantage.

- Hustler’s Charm: As stated before, March is very good at understanding people and can very easily mould his own attitude and image to reflect his targets wants and needs, making his information gathering skills very valuable.

- CM Reaper Sniper Rifle
- DC-15 Side Arm Blaster
- Electric Charged Shoto Club

March is a unique individual. He appears to be of sound mind and strong spirit. He rarely makes long-lasting relationships with men or women and professes to have never fallen in love. March maintains no friendships from before leaving Concord Dawn and only the most irregular contact with friends from his late teens. March is not nostalgic, but lives firmly in the present. He has only vague notions or thoughts about old age and retirement, which he does not seem to think he will live to see. He enjoys pushing himself to the limit, both mentally and physically. March's stress levels actually drop when the stakes are higher. He is prone to boredom and mild depression when not challenged. He has strong interpersonal skills and appears somewhat lackadaisical and flirtatious to the outside world despite his inner craving for solitude. He can act comfortably in many situations, but does not seek out companionship except, most notably, for sexual recreation. March's lone wolf personality-type tends to attract others.

He is goal-oriented, but he often seeks these goals in an indirect and secretive way. He has kept many areas of his life meticulously compartmentalized, never allowing the emotional issues from the loss of his family or from relationships to intrude on his professional life. March seems to have an emotional and mental need for multiple layers of reality. He thrives when not revealing all of himself, carefully organizing the aspects of his personality he reveals to others. Thus he is excellent at burying information he does not wish to reveal, making him a very good security risk if questioned under almost any circumstance.
March treats his “fake death” almost like a real death. He considers himself dead and everything he has done since as a dream. He believes firmly in immediacy, the moment is all that matters…

Gendro March was born on Concord Dawn to a simple farming family. Much of his childhood was spent helping around the farm and out in the thick jungles hunting with his father. From an early age he showed much promise in sharpshooting, his parents knew that young Gendro was not made for farming like them, he had a greater destiny. The boys goal was to become a Journeyman Protector for Concord Dawn, so he worked constantly to hone is skills, he wanted to protect his planet. Things changed for Gendro when one day, the family travelled into a nearby town for supplies. As they gathered their needs, a rogue band of criminals invaded the town and forced everyone to give up what valuables they had. The March family, being principled and humble, refused. All were gunned down, including Gendro but either by luck or fate, he survived.

After recovering from his wounds, thirteen year old Gendro was initially filled with rage. The criminals had gotten away with murder and the townsfolk had all but stood by and done nothing to help. And these were the people Gendro wanted to protect? No. They weren’t worth it. His family was gone, he had no past and now with no one to share it with, no future either. Gendro only had the present, the only moment that mattered. Hitching all the way to Coruscant, the boy dropped his forename and began to live a low life in the slums of the Capital City.

Hooking up with a group of travelling assassins, March watched them intently. Quietly learning every trick of their trade. No longer did he want to protect. All he could do now was what he had done since near birth and that’s hunt. For years he was trained to be a hunter of men and finally at eighteen, March was assigned his first target, a senator. Tracking him was easy, the senator made it all too obvious that he was into some pretty dirty stuff. He visited places like Mos Eisly often, hiring gunrunners to supply his troops for an illegal war. When the time eventually came, March had no qualms with pulling the trigger.

Upon graduating to the life of an assassin, March made a name for himself for his skill. Always returning to Coruscant as a base, it was here he was approached with an offer to join a new rebellion. It paid ok but the credits weren’t what interested him; the idea of testing his skills and hunting out some of the most interesting prey? That did though…
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Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Xenonia
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Xenonia QT3.14

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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by knighthawk
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knighthawk Djinn Jedi

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Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by DaDrummer676
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Member Seen 10 yrs ago


Galcor stands at 6'2" with a strong, lean physique. He has black hair, trademark blue skin, and glowing red eyes. He wears his dark armor with dark brown robes over it for casual wear.

Name: Galcor Xavali

Age: 26

Planet of Birth: Csilla

Species: Chiss

- Assassination
- Stealth
- Close Quarters Combat
- Tactician/Intelligence
- Parkour

- Two Vibro Blades
- Two DC-15 Blaster Pistols
- BlasTech Nacht-5 smoke grenades
- Hush-98 comlink
- Light Combat Armor meant for stealth and speed


Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Azereiah
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Azereiah far, far away

Member Seen 14 days ago

Appearance: A simple human, 6'1", with black hair in a ponytail and grey eyes. Generally wears relatively fashionable clothing - black dress pants, a purple tunic, and a black waistcoat, all often hidden beneath a solid blue-grey greatcoat. Often wears a heads-up monocle, a small radar and other visual indicators dimly floating across the surface in reverse. Facial shape is slightly elongated, with high, shallow cheekbones and a slightly pointed jaw.

Name: Arimax Lispat
Age: 21
Planet of Birth: Coruscant
Species: Human

- Cold Brilliance: Has extensive knowledge of the world due to regular library binges. Has a remarkable sense of self, and identifies the sources of all thoughts before acting on them. Uses knowledge of the self to perceive the probable actions of others.
- Casual Liar: Misdirects people to further his own goals. Twists truths and, when there's little chance of detection, outright lies.
- Selective Psychopathy: He knows that emotions may betray him, and has spent much of his teenage years working on being able to ignore them.
- Enormous Kinesthetic Sense: Always in perfect command of his body at all times, his agility is restricted more by his muscles than by his brain.
- Melee Combatant: Due to difficulties in acquiring weapons without a very good reason for it, combined with his paranoia, he has learned how to exploit edges, points, defensive structures, and mass balances in any object he encounters. Currently has very little experience with exclusively energy based melee weapons.

- Serrated vibrodagger, cortosis weave. Homemade. ("Science Fair Project")
- Forging and electrical breakin toolkit (metalcrafting supplies, RFID spoofer, unnetworked copies of local databases, etc.) - may temporarily replace images on others' screens and devices (model dependent) with wireless signal.
- Multi-functional portable scanner - EM origin triangulation antennae, configurable sound locator, and low power bioscanner. Screen viewable either on device or through the companion monocle.
- Two magnetic/suction grappler guns, heads nonfunctional against irregular nonmagnetic surfaces (ie: terrain)
- One "borrowed" shock baton

Personality: Arimax is a slight oddity - being simultaneously cold and jovial. He is not angered easily - and when he is, it is generally by an act of pure evil or unfairness. Despite his typical lack of true anger, he is easily irritated by the socially incompetent, and tends to snap at anybody who cannot or will not comprehend what he has to say. Everything he does and says when out of life-threatening situations is an exercise in exploration and manipulation, as he wishes to see and understand more of how the world works. He believes there is no such thing as true freedom, and that everybody is constrained by the actions of the universe and by their own brain structure - but despite this, refuses to accept the world for what it is. He despises most card, board, and rule-based strategy games, because they are limited by meaningless rules and only serve as strategy memorization exercises. In terms of social experience, he absolutely loves being around other people, but can only handle it in short doses, due to his tendency towards emotional exhaustion (a side effect of being able to experience, to a minimal degree, empathic pain). Ending the suffering of his friends is high enough on his priority list that he is willing to forego his own mental health, and will sacrifice his own feelings to ensure their safety.

His only interests are in unraveling the universe and ending suffering - both of which are actively suppressed by the Empire, and thus, he wants the Empire gone at all costs.

Music preferences include Heavy Isotope and Glimmik, despite his typically calm outward demeanor.

History: Born on Coruscant to a middle class mother and an absentee father, he was raised with relatively high personal freedom - much of which, he didn't take advantage of due to his own sense of restraint. He lived a "normal" life, or at the very least as normal of one as he could have with his world views. Only bullied in his early teens by other school children for a short period - they relented after he publicly humiliated them by exposing their actions, their desires, and their love lives, all of which were easily available knowledge to an observer. After his basic education ended, he moved on to live in a small apartment, surviving off of working short term security risk assessment positions and giving sound advice on the street to passing customers for small fees. Many of his older customers said that he would have done well at the Jedi academy at the old Temple.
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Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Zetsuko
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Member Seen 22 days ago


Name: Keenan

Age: 20

Planet of Birth: Mandalore

Species: Human

- Echani training
- Blaster weapon proficiency
- Combat medic
- Stealth

- DC-17m Interchangeable Weapon System
- DC-15s blaster pistol
- Vibrosword
- Mandalorian armor
- Stealth field generator
- Field Bacta dispenser

Keenan is quite a timid and shy person, speaking very little and almost never taking off his helmet if he doesn't need to. anyone that gets him to open up a bit more will find that he is friendly and a bit protective of those he calls friend. He is still as fierce as one would expect from a Mandalorian in combat, though he would rather avoid it and use stealth when possible.

Keenan was born on Mandalore and received most of his training as he grew up there. His timid nature soon led him to become an outcast among other Mandalorians and he eventually became clanless. shunned by the other Mandalorians, He left Mandalore to become a mercenary roving from planet to planet and eventually coming to Coruscant, the ship he was on was suspected of harboring rebels and as imperial forces boarded the ship a group of rebel stowaways had retaliated, this led to the imperials arresting or killing the rest of the crew and passengers. Keenan had barely managed to escape and later ended up joining a small rebel cell.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Boomrocker
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Boomrocker I don't use contractions

Member Seen 7 mos ago


Name: Jernigan Corvi
Age: 28
Planet of Birth: Thyferra
Species: Human

- Ace Pilot: Behind the controls of a freighter, starfighter, speeder or swoop, Corvi is untouchable.
- Vehicle Thief: Corvi is a pretty good vehicle thief, able to suddenly come into possession of transportation he doesn't own.
- Mechanic: Corvi knows how to keep vehicles and ships in tip-top shape. He does a lot of modifications himself.
- Combat Trained: Corvi has received basic ground combat and survival training like many other Imperial pilots.
- Medic: Coming from Thyferra, Corvi knows a lot more about bacta and how to use it than most people.

- Black Zephyr-S swoop bike, hacked IFF, modified for altitude so it can fly as high as an airspeeder if needed.
- Full set of cold weather gear coloured in greens and browns. Taken from Thyferra many years ago.
- Full Imperial-issue pilot suit with life support.
- Modified Power-5 Heavy blaster pistol (full size barrel).
- Exhaustive range of tools for vehicle and starship repairs.
- Set of lockpicks, multitools and security breakers for 'borrowing' vehicles that aren't his.

Corvi is the friendly and personable sort, willing to share a lomin-ale with his cohorts while playing sabacc or watching a Grav-ball tournament on the Holonet. Even though he generally remains in a state of good cheer, he is not given over to excessive displays of emotion.

Corvi's genial attitude tends to fizzle a bit when discussing betrayal. He knows first hand the feeling of being sold out, and has no desire to go through it again. To that end, loyalty is something he values, even if he's not happy about it, and he dislikes having to be disloyal. By that same token the Empire is something of a sore point, seeing as they framed him for the crimes they were unable to solidly pin on him.

His main personality trait is that very little appears to faze him. Having flown TIE Fighters for many years in extremely dangerous scenarios, he understands the benefits of keeping a cool head and reacting quickly yet without panic. He flies with icy precision, remaining unbothered no matter the difficulty of his task.

Generally, if Corvi visibly reacts in shock or surprise, something has gone very wrong.

The human population of Thyferra is tiny, and every human is born into either the Xucphra or Zaltin cartels. Jernigan Corvi was lucky to be born to low ranking paper pushers at Xucphra. His childhood was fairly normal, and at eighteen he went to the Imperial Academy to train as a pilot.

While not the best pilot in his class, he performed well enough to get into the 91st Imperial Fighter Wing, serving with distinction on the Rim against pirates and earning his Ace status after three missions. Even so, he didn't much care for the Empire, and while flying nimble TIE Fighters was his one true love, he wasn't all that fond of the Empire as a whole and was eager to leave once his tour was complete.

However, it wasn't to be. Used to being rich, he worked as an operative for a black market aboard his Star Destroyer. While he was quite good covering his tracks, he was caught with enough contraband to incriminate him in a place he would never store it. Definitely a frame-up. His family ties back on Thyferra could not help him and he was subjected to a show court-martial on Coruscant. He got away with his life, but had earned a dishonourable discharge for his endeavours. All in a day's work for his superiors, who had suspected Corvi and manufactured evidence to get rid of him.

His funds drained, Corvi was stranded on Coruscant with no references and no job prospects. Righteously angry about this, Jernigan resolved to hit the Empire where it hurts. Not finding any exposed groin areas to punch, he instead decided to go for their wallets. He needed money. They had plenty. It was only fair. Suffice it to say, he threw in full time with the black market that had helped him while he was in the Imperial Navy. He became an accomplished airspeeder thief and getaway driver, eventually obtaining his own swoop bike for personal use.

But while he became a good criminal, he never got much of a chance to hurt the Empire that had wronged him. So he left, and with his new street cred in the Coruscant underworld, he shacked up with a group of almost-Rebels. Surely they could quench his need for a bit of revenge.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Heat
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Heat Hey, nice marmot

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Appearance: She is a tall, attractive woman standing 5'10, her body toned and in shape from years of intense physical activity. Her most striking feature is her violet eyes which stand out greatly from her light red skin coloration. Like others of her species she possesses a row of shorter dark horns, almost in a crown pattern along the top of her forehead. Her face is also tattooed, the tattoos holding great meaning to her.

Name: Vixai

Age: 23

Planet of Birth: Coruscant

Species: Zabrak

- Hand to hand combat: Vixai is quite skilled in fight with her hands, though she prefers not to fight at all when given the option. Nevertheless she is able to take down an opponent with an array of moves such as grapples, kicks and sweeps.
- Espionage: She is first and foremost a spy, not a soldier, a sneaky spy. Vixai considers herself on of the best in the galaxy and she is not entirely wrong with this line of thought. She is extremely skilled at usage of disguises and crossing enemy lines, her true identity hidden completely.
- Charismatic: She is skilled with her words and is quite often able to coerce others into revealing important information.
- Hacking: Vixai is very skilled with computers and is able to hack them through experience and careful learning.
- Observationist: Vixai has very keen senses and is able to collect information very easily. Her observation skills are top notch. When need be she can blend into a crowd.
- Multilingualism: Vixai is fluent in Galactic Standard, Huttese and Twi'leki.

- KYD-21 blaster pistol
- Vibroknife
- Padded full body jumpsuit
- Computer spikes
- Fibercord grappling hook with a wrist mounted launcher

Vixai is extremely quiet and observant, one that rarely starts conversations in casual settings. On missions she is more open depending on the mission, but naturally she is very quiet. Patient to a dot Vixai does not rush anything, taking things at her own pace. She is a very careful person that always thinks of the possible consequences of her actions before she takes them.

She is self reliant and does not trust others with much ease, even in her childhood she did not have many friends, she is used to working on her own and prefers it. It is odd of her to actually have joined the Rebel Cell on Coruscant but it was a partership of positivity to her, partly due to it forming right in her back yard. Truthfully she does not care for the Rebellion but rather wants to see the Empire pushed back.

Born in the seedy underlevels of Coruscant as the only child of two lower class parents, Vixai spent much of her younger years on the streets so she can be considered an expert on life in the undercity. From the start she was watchful of everyone around her, having grown up practically next to murderers, thugs, extortionists and all kinds of criminal filth. She only trusted herself and it served her well as many of her friends from her childhood died far too young in the brutal undercity.

She got her start as a spy in her teenage years. Her expertise was gathering and then trading of information which routinely earned her a constant and livable amount of credits. Vixai briefly entertained moving somewhere nicer, where she wasn't as likely to get shot in the back, but squashed those thoughts as she realized her gift as a spy would be best used in the seedy underworld.

Some time later after she ended up entwined with the Rebellion, while not particularly caring for their plight as a whole she was interested in booting the Empire out of her home.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Xenonia
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Xenonia QT3.14

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Name: PLsTRS (Plasters)
Age: 3
Planet of Birth: Coruscant
Species: PLNK Droid (Modified)

- Excellent Pilot Droid
- Electronic Probe
- Portable Generator
- Unassuming Appearance

-False Restraining Bolts
-Charging Port

Plasters is a droid of utmost optimism: He sees the bright side in all situations, though this mostly due to a programming flaw that arose during his "jailbreaking". Another result of this reprogramming is his desire to constantly help others, unable to refuse a request. The only exception to this is when the requester is a known Imperial military officer. He cannot ignore civilian or rebel requests, and is always happy and enthusiastic to help.

Prior to his reprogramming, PLsTRS or "Plasters" was nothing notable. An unassuming PLNK droid like any other, he charged Imperial Maintenance Droids when they needed it, and wandered the space port to assist travellers. However, all that changed during one particularly bold rebel escape: PLsTRS found himself tampered with at a break-neck pace by a desperate fugitive, and soon his whole purpose was flipped upside down: No longer was he a tool of the imperial machine, but a jury-rigged member of the Rebel Alliance, dedicated to flying (generally in the form of "suicide bombings") transports and other vehicles.
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