Avatar of XWillowX
  • Last Seen: 12 mos ago
  • Joined: 6 yrs ago
  • Posts: 10 (0.00 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. XWillowX 6 yrs ago
  • Latest 10 profile visitors:


Recent Statuses

2 yrs ago
@AlternateMan I have to say I prefer adult dragons <3
1 like
2 yrs ago
Thanks to those who sent me pms. I see you and will reply tomorrow the latest. It's late and I am sleepy from work. <3
2 yrs ago
Thanks for the kind words! Think I might start with 1-2 1x1 partners.
2 yrs ago
Jeez have I really been gone 3 years? I'm thinking of getting back into writing again but now I'm worried I'll be trash.
5 yrs ago
Feeling under the weather so no replies today. sorry :(


Just got back after a long hiatus. Only looking for 1x1 until I get back into the flow of things. If interested, feel free to message me. 21+ only any gender.

Most Recent Posts

OP updated a bit. Bump!

Edit: Partners found! Thank you!
Bumping this to find one more partner and see if there is any interest. I'm specifically looking to do a Vampire x Human roleplay this time. Really loving this theme!

Thank you to everyone who replied to me the first time! I apologize to those I was unable to get to. If interested, please send me a PM. I apologize in advanced if I am unable to get to your response.

Edit: Partner found!

Thank you!
Still looking forward to this :)

- Closed -

Hello, Willow here! I wanted to quickly make a post in search for RP partners that would be interested in writing together long term.

I am a female in my early twenties who is looking for a partner that is 18 or older. Gender and/or orientation do not matter to me and I will not ask you to give me any information you're not comfortable with sharing. I currently am looking for FxF pairings, so I hope that you will be comfortable playing a female character along with me. :)

A little about me: I consider myself an overall weeb/otaku and enjoy many things outside of writing such as gaming, listening to music, reading manga, watching anime etc., however I'm looking to devote more time to my writing as I don't want to lose my touch obsessing over my many other hobbies. If you're someone who is also looking to improve their writing skills and devote yourself to creating a story together long term, then perhaps we'd be a good match. If we have any of my previous mentioned hobbies in common, even better. I could always use a new friend or two as well. :)

As I writer I fall under the high-casual range and I enjoy writing lengthy posts, character development, tragic backstories, slow burn romance, and admittedly, a lot of smut. I am, however, open to new ideas from my partner, even if it means stepping out of my comfort zone and trying something new. What I do not enjoy is playing canon characters from shows, books, or other media, and prefer to play my own original characters, regardless of if the setting is one we create on our own, or pulled from another source of inspiration. I am comfortable playing multiple characters, controlling any potential NPCs male or female, and I would hope my partner be as well if the need arises.

I wish for my partner to be respectful and treat me as they want to be treated. As such, please don't vanish for lengthy periods of time without contacting me. I would be happy to provide my discord information if it makes it easier for us to communicate. I also understand that things happen, and if you no longer wish to continue, tell me. I would like to know: Is it me? How long have you felt this way? Do you wish to write something else together? Etc. I know work and life get in the way of things and do not expect you to reply every day, multiple times a day (even though I tend to do so some days lol).

If you made it this far and think what I've said is reasonable, please feel free to look at the smol smol list below to see what I'm interested in writing about at the moment. Please keep in mind these are just basic ideas, and not a synopsis for an entire story. It is also not the only thing I'm willing to write. Feel free to hit me with your own cravings via PM if you're interested in working something out. Thank you for your time!

Still looking forward to this. :)
I'm certainly interested. I'll keep an eye on this. :)
Are we still going through with this one?
Present! I'll work on a character tomorrow :)
Very interested here :)
I am very interested in this and plan to make a character if there is still room. :3
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