Avatar of xxlanatjexx
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    1. xxlanatjexx 7 yrs ago


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Placing both her elbows on the stand with her forehead resting in her hands, head facing downwards. Thinking, processing, and then finally her hands pushed back her hair as she looked up. Her white hair fell back in place before she spoke up. “All right. Let’s just remain calm and go through everything once more. I do this for myself as well… Please don’t attack me” Her voice trilled slightly when she muttered out those last words. Just like the last time she spoke up, she didn’t want people to treat her like a dumb girl standing there wasting air.

“The estimated time of death is anywhere from 10:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. We can confirm that it might have happened close to 00:00 am because the bloodstains on her torso were dry for several hours.” Nodding her head slightly to everyone, trying to just hope they appreciated what she was trying to do. “The blood must have come from her throat… The wound that took her life. It wasn’t a clean-cut, and we all assumed it is the scissors that caused that…” Suddenly her mind worked slightly with her once again, putting a few ideas in her head. “Wait wait, the CD might have been de murder weapon the killer intended to kill Noami with… They might have broken the CD in my lab, throwing the case that they didn’t need in the trash bin with some other CD fragments. Because they only needed a few of them.”

Her right hand slowly moved to her forehead as she tried to explain her theory a little more. “they found the scissors at the docks, right? Where most likely the fish hook came from. Why not think Noami had the scissors all along? Her partner was the ultimate hairdresser, right? What if the killer had another murder weapon in mind?” She scratched the back of her head again. “My mind is a little messy. I apologize,” A small nervous laugh followed these words before she sighed and continued “I don’t know but the killer had either… The CD or the fish hook in mind as a murder weapon. He could have used the CD that he/she pulled out of their pockets while ripping a piece of cloth. After that, the CD charts were full of blood. Throwing it in the shower stall and turning on to wash the bloodstains away, while the killer was inside.” Taking a deep breath before moving back to her theory “Locking the door and then climbing over the wall to go back to the room. He noticed that Noami wasn’t dead yet. They must have gotten the scissors from her when she tried to defend herself. Or from somewhere in the room that then made the cut in her neck deeper and unclean. Not knowing how to dispose of the scissors, they went to the docks and took a fish hook, leaving the scissors behind. And putting the fish hook after dirtying it with blood, inside Noami’s hand so we might get on the wrong path…”

Her cheeks were flushed red as she felt the pressure she put on herself. Maybe she was wrong and she was spouting nonsense about things they might have already discussed. But still, she wanted to finish this. “I might be totally wrong with the fabric part. But as far as I know… I don’t use pink cloth in my lab at all, even when I use cloth it would be most likely black or white. Chikako, Hibiki, Hiroki… You guys are the only ones without an alibi like Snow said. But Ayu” Her eyes moved to her. “When what you said is true… That Hibiki was sleeping all the time. He has his alibi then… What’s yours?”
Suddenly her head turned towards Hiroki, Momoe and then back to Ayu. “Wait if I remember correctly… I was supposed to meet Hiroki at my lab after the incident with the turrets in the Amphit theater… But when I was making my way there you three were there and entered my lab. So you people are the only ones that entered my lab and might have gotten a glance at what was laying there… This might not be relevant but I just thought why not share it… After all, my lab is involved in this case.” Cutting of her whole theory (that might have some small flaws in it, due to her mind being so messy), probably leaving the important parts out and the parts that they still needed to discuss.

Frozen in place as Flare and Snow started talking about her lab. The scissors, the CD case being in her trashcan. She was so confused about the fact that they knew about the things that happened inside her lab, while she stood there being taken aback by it all. Not knowing about these things made her feel set up, causing her mind to go complete panic mode. “B-blackened’s lab? I know nothing about these things. I knew about the scissors being in my lab but I never touched them. I didn’t even go near my lab after we got the handcuffs from Monokuma.” Her eyes shaked a little when she looked around at the other students standing there, focused on her.
She pressed her eyes closed at Snow's words ‘That means the killer totally got the CD and the scissors from Maiya's lab, or should I say, the blackened’s lab.’ Blackened, blackened, blackened. It kept ringing inside her head. Not knowing how to respond or defend herself against it all. Rubbing her wrist as she started to press her thumb against it lightly to calm her nerves and collect her thoughts, she wanted to tell them what she did last night and tell them they were wrong. 

Ginshi’s words made her heart and mind relax. Nodding to agree with what he said about her and what they were doing at that time. "Yes, he’s my partner” She exclaimed with reassurement. “We were training behind the cabins. I wanted to know more about his fights, what he could do as an ultimate Judo master! Suddenly he told me he wanted to help me in getting stronger. That leading to us training and talking all night behind the cabins.” A smile came on her lips followed with a small blush crossing her cheeks. “Thank you Ginshi, for helping me out. He did nothing strange either, he was busy with training and talking.We removed our handcuffs when we wanted to start our training, we’ve been together and watching each other the whole time while they were off. He couldn’t have done it either, he was with me the whole time during that period.” 

She nodded slightly at Ginshi’s statement about the fact that they can’t lose control now, this wasn’t the time to just randomly accuse people of murdering someone. We have to find the real killer together even if they have to go through the lies, tips, and mistakes of the real killer. It didn’t occur to her sooner that Aurel, the ultimate Thief, would know more about this lock or at least give them some kind of detail they would have missed and could be of great help for the investigation. 

After the small discussion about the fact if Taka killed Noami or not she cleared her throat a little before speaking up. “If you don’t mind me coming in between your conversations.” straightening her back and adjusting her skirt a little to calm her nerves for speaking up she continued. “We can already confirm that Snow, Taka nor Ryuma have a possibility of killing Noami if I heard it correctly that is… Only leaving 12 of us that could have killed her.”

Her big blue eyes focused on Hisakawa as he talked about the time where the murder could have occurred. “Let’s see… I’m sure this happened during the nighttime. Since our Monopad says that the time of death was probably between 10:00 PM and 7:00 AM, the beginning and end of nighttime.” She glanced over to Monokuma for confirmation but kept her focus on the investigation when she came up with a small solution to find more information about the time of death.

“I want to propose something to all of you. What if we start by telling each other what we did during that time… This may sound super silly and obvious, you may think, ‘Yeah sure Yukimori, but the killer could lie about what they did during that time?’”

She sighed and continued “Yes, I know. I thought about that too, believe me. This is where the handcuffs come in handy… they have partnered us all up with someone right? Leaving us alone with that person for a whole day, besides the 20 minutes you could unlock the handcuffs. That time resets during nighttime… So going over who used their 20 minutes that day won’t be useful. But what might be is a small sketch of what you did during nighttime and if you noticed anything weird about your partner or things around you that might help us further with the investigation.”

With this, she grabbed her chest lightly, while she breathed out calmly. Hoping that this would be helpful otherwise she just pulled all her courage together to give this speech for what? Nothing... At least she tried, right?

Her eyes glanced over to all the other ultimates when she took her place on the stand. This seemed so unreal to her, like what if this was just some bad dream and she was about to wake up in her room. Shaking her head nervously a small sigh followed that as she tried to calm her nerves. Flare was the first person who spoke up. Hitting every ultimate with the truth without holding back, yes, this is what she needed right now. Thinking back on everything that happened. Noami got killed and we are the ones who have to found out who murdered her. Otherwise, everyone in this room gets killed, and that’s the last thing she wanted after what happened. This was now her mission, not letting someone else die even though she didn’t have the power to prevent that. At least she can help everyone solve this case. 

It was now Snow that started to give her opinion and thoughts about this whole thing, after all, she was the one who saw Noami first. Yukimori started to think about how shocked Snow must have been back then. The first thing you see in the morning is a cold body covered with blood… Cutting her thoughts directly off when she was getting distracted once again.
She didn’t agree with Snow’s accusation. Monokuma? No, that couldn’t be the case. When she wanted to speak up to talk about this, someone else did before she could get a word out of her mouth. 

“Hold on. I don’t think Snow is the one who killed Naomi.” Her voice was quiet at first but once she got her words sorted out, she explained her view on this situation. “I investigated the door before going to Naomi’s body because something caught my attention… someone had pulled out the locked end. Why would Snow have to do this? She was handcuffed to Noami all the time, and they had to share a room because of that. Snow wouldn’t need to pull the lockout of the door to reach Naomi if she planned to kill her.” She was nervously fidgeting her fingers. Not sure if this was a good statement or if this would matter a lot but she felt that she had to share this thought. “That’s my opinion of course…”

Hylee Creighton

“Well… Here I am, starting a new part of my life.” Were the first words that escaped Hyllee’s mouth when she stood before the gate of Oakport High. The new school she was attending, with her books close to her chest she made her way inside. She saw all kinds of people showing their different powers or making themselves ready for class and the new school year. A small sigh escaped her mouth when she walked around to find her new locker to put all these heavy books inside “Damn… Didn’t know that we had so many books… All I want is training and getting stronger…” Mumbling this underneath her breath, before finally reaching her locker close to the cafeteria. “Okayyy, I should pump this up during the school year. It looks like a dumpster rather than a school locker” Hyllee closed her locker door and smiled brightly afterward, in secret she loved to go to school and learn new stuff, the only problem was homework and making new friends. But she could manage that when she put her mind to it!
Thanks a lot! Euhm how should I start? Introduce myself as a new student or just me sitting somewhere on campus waiting for someone to notice me orrrrr...?
How do you add a picture :') i'm such a noob

Name: Hylee Creighton (pronounced as Heyli)
Age: 17
Appearance: Long white hair, Silver eyes, Average build, weighs 58 kg, 1m69
Powers: ‘Illusionist’ Ability to deceive and trick minds, they can control the 5 senses (Sight, Hearing, Taste, Touch, and Smell). They can also, bend light to create real-world illusions.
Bio: Find out 0.0
Personality: She’s very playful with her Illusions. Once you tease her or make fun of her she will pay you back without you knowing she does, in the end you will but do you want to go back at her? Enjoying life in her own way is what she does most of the time. Staying in the back or just not saying much, you could say she observes other's actions, features, emotions, etc.
You could find her most of the time with a small but gentle smile on her face.
Oh sweet! I will do that in just a few minutes :)) Thanks a lot
Would it be okay if I could join this rp as well :))
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