Avatar of yoshua171


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Current Just...drifting along.
6 yrs ago
The Truest and Most Ultimate Showdown has beguneth. Goofykins V.S. SpongeByrne!
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6 yrs ago
Does anyone know where I can figure out how to unfabricate memories? Asking for a friend.
6 yrs ago
Check out our new and improved thread. Just an interest check for now, but oh boy is there so much more to come! roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
8 yrs ago
Oh Bleach RP oh Bleach RP where art thou oh quality Bleach RP. Why hast thou forsaken thee? Seriously though, WHY!?!


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Hey there @Lewascan2! Weren't you interested in REACH HEAVEN THROUGH VIOLENCE?
<Snipped quote by yoshua171>

Still open, yeah. As for PC baddies...Leaning away from those for now, but I'm not entirely opposed.

Hmm, is there anything, in particular, you'd like more filled out than it is now, in terms of the stuff you've got going on? Also, this conversation would probably be easier through discord. Feel free to throw me a friend request (any of y'all tbh).

I've got a bevy of Worm characters, and an avid love for making more that's expanding all the time. Since I haven't honed in on anything specific just yet, I figured I'd just offer my services--for whatever they're worth lol--in the interest of filling things out ^_^
Ay, a Worm RP, haven't seen one of these in a bit. I'm a bit on the fence in regards to joining--not because of the premise or the characters mind you--but uh...if this is still open, tentatively count me in?

One question, have you gotten any player villains yet?
<@yoshua171> Just to start I want to say that I'm not into having two characters in one sheet. There is another character that's a three-in-one, and you can refer to my notes on that for how I would prefer that sort of thing.

The length of the CS is another issue. <@Lewascan2> is definitely right, because the simple fact is that I'm a very busy person, and prefer to avoid wasting people's time with ideas that I won't like. Having a cut-down CS also makes it clear to me what's important to how the player wants to write the character, and makes it clear what is fluff.

I can also say right now that you're going to need to massively trim down their world's concept. Having their own "multiverse," worlds, gods, cosmology, reincarnation, all of that is 1. unnecessary because we're already playing in a pretty grand cosmology with its own rules for that sort of thing and 2. won't really be the focus of this RP.

I understand completely, had I known that it would've saved some time, but I suppose that's on me for not asking. Sorry to have wasted time, especially if you're busy, I feel that on a personal level. Considering the directions each of us seem to be going and what we're looking for differs, I think I'll just bow out. The Twins would lose too much substance for me to have to fit the mold and I don't think that process would be good for either of us.

I hope this goes well though, it really is a cool concept! Best of luck~
<Snipped quote by yoshua171>

Well, I don't know if you're using mobile or something, but at least on my laptop screen, I'd have to expand a tab to be nearly fullscreen to see the whole image. It's definitely sizable.

And I definitely feel you with the oomph and flavor. But the GM has definitely been pretty specific about this. I don't know if you've looked at the sample CS at the top of the OOC, but that should give you a good idea of how short he'd ideally like it to be. He'll make some allowance for things to be tad larger, but when I mentioned a single paragraph, I wasn't expecting you to make paragraphs that were technically singles but look more like two slapped together... and then to not stop at "two" in most cases.

As in, the GM has just straight up said in the face of long CS's that he's "not going to read all that". It has to be cliff notes. Putting the full version of sections in a hider is perfectly fine too, just as long as doing so wouldn't conceal some secret aspect of their abilities.

No, I'm on PC, maybe my screen is just bigger? Idk. As to length, what I'll probably do is throw some hiders at the beginning of each section with the bare bones Tl;dr of that portion of the CS. That should hopefully suffice, plus that way the aesthetic structure of the CS is maintained :P
<Snipped quote by yoshua171>

I struggled with this too, but I'm telling you, this sheet is definitely too long. Really, the best I can give you is that it comes down to is doing away with the "why they can do something" except for the absolutely relevant and instead just list "what they do". All the GM wants are the cliff-notes really. Anything more (actual detailed lore and such) can go in hiders. Also, I'd definitely find some way to make the size of the images a bit smaller. That's just way too huge, the biggest one so far, and we really shouldn't need to scroll just to see the whole image.

Weird, I don't have to scroll to see the whole thing. Nonetheless, I cropped it a bit more and then resized it by about 500 pixels so hopefully, that helps.

Also, yeah I guess I can do that, just kind of...takes a lot of the flavor and oomph out of things IMO.

Edit: Needless to say I won't be doing it today though lol. Already pumped out a lot for one day :P
I've honestly got no idea how to slim that down further without losing comprehension in a lot of areas ^^;;

Glad you enjoyed it though!
írha & huré
~Unified we stand against the forces of Chaos. Never faltering, never waning, moving always towards our goal~
Theme I Theme II

Not ready to post it to the thread proper just yet, but I've gotten through to Mastery and Ephemera at this stage. I still need to write some stuff about Form as well, but that's about it at this point honestly.

I've managed to summarize as much as possible (the bit a few posts ago is actually totally absent from the sheet, sans a hider I plan to add including more in-depth lore should anyone be interested), so things are either a single paragraph unless they're the combined Legend/Ascent and probably Mastery and Ephemera, which will almost inevitably be longer.

So woo.

But yeah, if you want to see what I've got so far. Check out this link.
írha & huré
~Unified we stand against the forces of Chaos. Never faltering, never waning, moving always towards our goal~
Theme I Theme II

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