<Snipped quote by yoshua171>
Thanks. One very likely reason that you don't remember some of these terms is that they're new. Reniam was always just Reniam, but in theme with giving the planes "-realm" names I gave it its secondary name of the Corerealm. The Ether/Dreamrealm is essentially what was called the Spirit Realm in the previous iteration, and Stupor is still pretty much what Stupor always was: the space between realms. The Divide is also pretty much the same thing, with the main difference being that it is no longer between Reniam and Hell, but rather between Reniam and all other realms and keeping out all gods rather than just the "bad" ones.
Tidall and Drigall are both "new" in a sense, though there is somewhat of a relation between them and the old Hell and Heaven. Essentially in the new version, the creator spirits divided the gods and angels between those two realms rather than the "upper" and "lower" planes. The gods who vied for dominion over the other gods, Reniam and the "mundane" (the class previously labelled "mortals") became the Everbound and sent to Tidall the Everrealm, and the gods that fought to preserve peace and freedom became the Neverbound and sent to Drigall the Neverrealm.
The sun and moon are probably self-explanatory, but the Voidband is probably the most significant new addition aside from just the complete change of structure. You see, Tidall and Drigall are actually semispheres encompassing Reniam, as depicted, and can be seen in the sky. Not in the sense of "there is the crust of another planet outside the planet", since those realms are semi-metaphysical, but in the world the "stars" are powerful magical presences in Tidall and Drigall, meaning that in the space that separates the two realms there is a completely vacant stretch of sky at night that is just uniform black (clouds notwithstanding). I have a lot of little interactions in mind with this new mechanic, but among other things this new sky-structure has an easily observable effect on how Reniam sees the moon. When the moon shines through the Voidband it is white; when it shines through Tidall it is orange; and when it shines through Drigall it is green. The sun also takes on different hues depending on what it shines through, but its more intense light makes it somewhat less noticeable than with the moon.
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Heh, that one is hardly unique to The Prophecy, it's just an existing concept I adapted because it suited the Grand Master.
<Snipped quote by yoshua171>
I actually don't think I've changed the Laws of Magic specifically, though I would have to check my notes to be sure. It's more that I've pondered the origin of magic quite a bit - where do spells come from? Why can spoken words invoke specific effects? That kind of thing - and addressing those unanswered questions made me reconsider some of the mechanical aspects of spellcraft. The short version is that internal magic (elemental, arcane, black (no longer called that) and summoning magic, as well as necromancy and the Art of the Warden) has become much more closely tied to the Dreamrealm.
Ah, but as a fellow worldbuilder, I know very well that even seemingly "small" changes can end up having a big impact on how things truly function in a world. At the very least changes to magic--particularly deeper explanations--tend to lead to a better general understanding of how things work, which makes interacting with the systems much easier and more engaging.
Fantasy Cosmology, as always--at least to me--is something I always find almost endlessly intriguing. So the addition of more specific realm details regarding where certain gods and entities are located in the planar sense is something that catches my attention, in addition to you adding the Void band. Definitely curious about that little planar substrate, as it were and what sort of properties it might have as a metaphysical plane.
I like the change in regards to the "heavenly bodies" in regards to the planes actually having a tangible effect on the sky--night in particular. It gives a cool bit of flavor to the world by changing something very familiar in a fairly simple way. Plus, the fact that the stars are actually divine presences that are just far away (or otherwise so powerful that the "light" of their power leaks into the visible spectrum of light in Reniam's night sky). That reminds me of something my friend and I incorporated into our own world (Tir an Fhairn) actually.
Tir na Fhairn doesn't have a central planet or heavenly bodies, instead its material plane is an essentially flat literal plane. It has three metaphysical planes that overlap with it. Two of those are spheres, that overlap in the middle like a Venn diagram. One of them is like is something that separates all the planes, existing more thickly where any plane would meet, but equally existing everywhere for the most part. There's also a sort of "pseudo-plane" that provides physical structure to everything else and also literally dictates the laws of physics and magic and whatnot.
Anyway, the point is, there are sort of "domains" that beings in the spherical realms create, and those manifest as stars of various hue in the material plane. The "Sun" as it were is actually a giant magical construct crafted by one of the two groups of "gods" that exist in that world. Anyways, back to the Prophecy haha.
I know the idea of contracts is something more adapted to the world than something distinctly unique to it, but it nonetheless grabs my attention. I also like that the magic is structured, and seeing as you've found deeper explanations for spellcraft in particular I'm very interested in what the reasoning for how spellcraft works ends up being.
Sidenote, I found you on discord. Turns out I already had you added haha. Granted, I know you tend to be more active here on the Guild than you are on discord haha. Legion showed up in the discord last night, so that's neat. No idea if he'd be interested in a reboot, but I figured I'd let you know incase you were unaware. I also reached out to two very reliable friends of mine, letting 'em know that if this gets rebooted I'm going to throw it their way to see if they'd join with me so we can have some adventures and whatnot :3
So yeah, I guess the question is, do you have any interest in doing that, or does it feel like too much effort on your part without any idea whether it will last a significant amount of time?