Avatar of Zeal


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<Snipped quote by Stratocracy>

Mmm... do you think your aunt will make a good boss?

<Snipped quote by RoadkilBanana>

Do the mavericks?

<Snipped quote by Zeal>

I'm a really good listener. I love to hear and share tales of the past.

<Snipped quote by Fractured>

One of many things you could call me.

<Snipped quote by Zeal>

Aunt Slashers!
*Holds my arms out wide and squeezes you in a big bearhug*

*grunts as I get crushed*
Phoebe! I'm glad to see you are doing well...
<Snipped quote by Zeal>

Okay. We may need to make a list, but I can worry about that later.

We will worry about it after the interview if I see it applicable. Are there any other experience that may help you?
<Snipped quote by Zeal>

I was thinking I could drain them of energy... just a little bit.

No harming the customers in any way.
<Snipped quote by Zeal>

And I can put them to sleep if they start to drink too much.

Drinking itself tends to do that, please don't alter the drinks.
<Snipped quote by Fractured>

A wendigo, huh? Never heard of that...

<Snipped quote by Zeal>

I was actually made by humans, or a human... I don't really know...

Well, this human is glad you stumble upon this hospitable abode!
<Snipped quote by Fractured>

What kind of life form are you guys anyways?

I’m human.
<Snipped quote by Zeal>

Oh, and my mom taught me how to mix potions. It can’t be that much different.

There we go! That sounds good!
<Snipped quote by Zeal>

Apparently I’m really hot. That’s supposed to help somehow.

Uhm, I don’t know how to respond to that.
<Snipped quote by Zeal>

Oh! I can do that! My uncle always said I would make a great bartender.

Why is that?
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