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    1. Zealossus 6 yrs ago


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February 3rd, 477 AFK (After the First King)

A young male human stands in front of a stone obelisk bearing Elven runes with immense power. The moon is full and at its highest. The obelisk’s runes start to shine the same hue as the moon itself. Then, some start to change to a blood red color. A red mist starts to permeate from these runes and begin to take on the form of monsters. In an instant, the moon itself sends down a beam of magical power, destroying the red mist and cleansing the runes of their evil color. As if by reaction, the clear sky above turned black and rain starts to fall.

A high elf approaches, already equipped with a raincoat. She said, “I told you it was gonna rain” before offering him a poncho. He accepts the poncho and says, “I know.” They silently walk together toward the lights of the city that aren’t so far away. A security checkpoint briefly barred their access to the parking lot where a car was waiting for them. They hop in and are taken to the city. The silence was placid despite the heavy rain. After a while, the car stopped by a bar of sorts. The human softly says, “Thank you” and opens the door to leave, but is paused by a small hand grabbing his soaked arm. The elf looks at him with stern, yet pleading eyes. The man smiles and says, “I’ll be alright.” He leaves, tugging his arm away from her grasp.

Inside, the sound of jazz permeated through the halls. “It’s always nice to hear the blues” he comments. A fitting song it was, ‘Round Midnight.

'Round Midnight

He climbs upstairs, enters his room and changes out of his wet clothes. The room is nicer than what would be expected from a place like this, but the high elven people have a tendency to maintain their homes and have better living conditions in general. The floor is slightly damaged in one spot from the movement of furniture. The bar owner asked to repair it before, but the human asked that it be left that way because the music could get through the floorboards easier. Whether it was true or not, who knows, but he concentrates deeply on the tunes that come from downstairs while he lies in bed. It helped take his mind away from what he experienced two months afore. The elves were kind enough to let him into their society, but now he feels like a leech, one who is taking advantage of their kindness.

He decided this would be his last night in this bar, in this city, in this land. It was not his right to live here any longer, yet he can’t help but feel a yearning toward something greater. To accomplish it however, he also feels that his best chance is to start here with these elves.

He sits up from his bed, unable to sleep. The musicians downstairs were about to play their final number. He walks down and asks, “Could you play Blue in Green as your final number?” The elf frowns and says, “I’m sorry sir, but we don’t know that one.” The pianist raises her hand defiantly. “Okay, only one of us knows how to play it.” The human shakes his head and says, “Here, these are the chords.” He takes a napkin and writes out the chords with the bartender’s pen.


“I’ll take the lead and then you guys can fall in and do your own solos if you’re up for it.” The elf looks at him quizzically, “Do you know how to play sir?” “Indeed I do,” he replies. “It’s been about a year since I’ve last played Jazz, but it’ll be just like riding a bike.”
The human beckons the trumpeter to give up his trumpet. “Don’t worry, we can switch out. You have two mouth pieces, right?” The elf nods, pulling an extra one out from his case and attaching it to his silverine trumpet.

A 5B mouthpiece, the standard in most cases, though Jazz tends to want to switch it up. “Oh, and do you have a Harmon mute?” The elf once again nods and sifts through a nearby box of different mutes. He pulls a lonely Harmon mute. It seems unused and it’s missing the stem, but it would work.

Blue in Green

The piano introduced the tune with an eloquent introduction while the bass started up the chord train with drums supporting the beat. After several measures, the human began with a loud squeal, demanding the attention of the room. The people fell silent. The Harmon mute proved to be enchanting, creating a noise often unheard of from the trumpet. He took his time, feeling no need to play at times. Sometimes silence is better. He wanted everyone to recognize his sorrow and his pain. For the past two months, he’s been wallowing in a hole of guilt and self pity. He constantly remembers the trauma, and wants to forget, but can’t. Now, with composed determination and somber tones, he’s facing this with his own sad tune. The sad notes flowed into the souls of the audience, invoking a sadness like no other. Then, when he had his fill, the human gave an open hand to the pianist, gesturing her to take over.

The pianist only took the reigns for a short while, imposing her own beautiful melody. She bears no sadness, yet the response of her music says she understands. Then, the alto sax player beckoned to be let in on the fun. Though it may be a sad sound the group produces, the pleasure of producing such beauty is beyond measure. The saxophonist was on a completely different level from most that have played Jazz. Though the human hates to admit it, the saxophone is the instrument of the blues. Despite his ability, the solo was cut short when the elven trumpeter waved his hand lightly, wanting to hop in. The pianist gave a stern look, bading him not to enter. She looked to the saxophonist with signalling eyes. He returned a sad look, but knew his turn was up. After a few more measures he stopped and let the pianist take over to build up a transition. She gave one last look, signalling the trumpeter to enter after her chord. He started playing, trying to match the beauty produced by the human, and succeeded. It was as if his own sorrow had taken form, though it’s hard to say what is truly going on within the soul of a musician. This is what Jazz is. The production of music that speaks to one's emotions and purveys it upon the audience. An escape from the reality that is life. Sadly, we must return to reality at some point. The pianist finished the tune with a somber tone masking the exit when, in most cases, the whole band would play a certain chord for a short amount of time.

When the tune was done, the room was silent for a brief time time. The bartender started clapping, waking up the patrons from their trance. The whole room started clapping. Though a small crowd, applause from a bar is unusual. The band members looked to each other, pleased with their performance, only to notice the human already exiting the room.

He walks outside wearing his trench coat, expecting to be met with a downpour only to find that the clouds have disappeared. He pulls a single cigarette from his inner coat pocket and a flip lighter from his pants pocket. He lights up and sucks on the orange end of the carcinogous implement. He coughs out the smoke, having never smoked before. “So this is the shit you’ve always enjoyed, father? Well, I promised you that I would at least try one of these.” He lets out a sigh, “I guess it’s time I moved on.” He drops the almost full cigarette and stomps out the tiny flame and throws it away, returning to the warmth of the inside.

February 4th, 477 AFK

Inside Castle Ashintol, Lord Asgrave tends to some paperwork. It’s mostly complaints about heavy taxation, but if he didn’t do it, his secret rearmament wouldn’t have gotten as far as it has. Asgrave says, “It has been too long since war has struck Endaria. It is time to remind them of the rightful ruler of this land!”

Aideric Cassell, Asgrave’s royal attendant, interrupts him by saying, “If we rise up now, we would likely be crushed.”

Asgrave looks at him wildly, stands up and replies, “What makes you think that we will fail so easily?”

“It’s not that we’ll fail easily, but more like we will fail eventually.”

Asgrave sits down and asks, “Then when are we rising up exactly?”

Aideric shrugs, “It is likely that Olarth and Ecruir will ask the Viceroys for military support. If they send some auxilia to fight the war, that’s our best chance. Not to mention, we haven’t even asked the other factions if they’re willing to go under your rule.”

“THEY HAVE TO!” Asgrave barks. “It is my birthright to claim the throne that my grandfather left empty a century ago. I will NOT be denied it.”
“Then perhaps you should check the reality of the world around you.” Aideric tosses a stack of papers onto Asgrave’s desk. “These are the official opinions of the rulers of each faction, including even the mighty Clan Cadrin.”

Lord Asgrave sifts through them, his eyes growing angrier with each page flip. “NONE OF THEM WILL SWEAR FEALTY!?! DAMN THEM!” He throws all the papers from his desk onto the floor.

“I think you didn’t read them thoroughly enough.” Aideric says, unafraid of the angry old man.

Asgrave looks to Aideric once again, his eyes now more sinister. “Very well,” he says, “who exactly is willing to swear fealty.” As if expecting his raging tantrum, Aideric handed him a single piece of paper dictating certain parameters for loyalty.

From Azuria, they ask that if they send all of their forces to secure their northern border alongside a legion of Sentinels, they will swear fealty to Lord Asgrave in the months following.

From Clan Cadrin, they demand that the auxilia surrounding them be slaughtered and routed.Only after that will they join Lord Asgrave in his conquest for the Throne of Endaria.

“So this is it? A band of berserking dwarves and a city state with no military value. That’s all I’m getting, and they DARE to demand my aid?! What is this nonsense about the northern border? And can’t the dwarves just break through on their own?” The frustrated lord puts his hands through his hair, unable to handle the sheer “stupidity” of the situation.

“Well, if you’re looking to increase your odds of winning,” Aideric continues, “I would suggest working to reclaim your land from the local legions and then freeing Clan Cadrin from their hole. Their suicidal attitude could make them a useful asset in the battles to come.”

“But we should wait first…” Lord Asgrave pauses for a moment, his eyes glazed over with a flicker of purple. He stands up from his seat and walks over to a table with a sprawling map of Endaria. He bears a grim but calm face, a contrast from his earlier tantrum. He points at Azuria and says, “They may have no military value, but their economic value is beyond that of any other faction on this island. The Viceroy of Azuria has a great deal of influence over all of the other factional viceroys. He may not say it publicly, but he appears to act as though he’s the Viceroy of Endaria. Bearing that in mind, a potential alliance with the state will either be a huge boon to our cause, or a detrimental trap. I doubt the Imperium is blind to our existence either. If we don’t act now, then when, Aideric? Even if a legion or two leaves, the enemy is likely repositioning as we speak to quell our efforts. I am eager to enter combat, and I understand your perspective, but if we are to move forward, we need to take this opportunity of surprise and stand against the Imperium while we still can.”

Aideric stands in awe, having never seen Asgrave act or speak intelligently on any subject during his few months of service. He silently nods in agreement and asks, “What should we do then, sir?”

Asgrave grins and replies, “Deploy the WARNO’s (Warning Orders) and have the legions prepare for combat. I will distribute the OPORD’s (Operation Orders) to each legion with their objectives by the end of the week.” Aideric nods and leaves the room, ready to carry out his royal duty. Before he rounds the corner, Agrave says, “I will reclaim my throne, Aideric.” The royal soldier stops for a moment, and then continues, thinking it better to not say anything.

Alone in his office, Asgrave says to himself, “My tendency to fall into madness has always been a detriment.” He pulls out a small tablet bearing a Quentalian glyph from under the table. “I hope this purchase will suffice to bring me victory.”
Nation Name: The Imperial States of Endaria

Flag: Multiple

Type of Government: Dominion of the Imperium

Head(s) of Government: Lord Asgrave de Ashintol, king of the Kingdom of Ashintol. Lydia Valcrutio, High Mage of the Quentalian Aristocracy. Grimmock, leader of the “Cadrin Horde” under Cadrin Mountain. (Deemed too uncivilized to be bothered with administration, but kept under heavy watch by many Yllendyr auxilia). Tileran Shadowsong, Prime Defender of the Wood, representative of the Wood Elf race in Endaria. Wulfrik Furion, “military chief” and leader of the Lodnor. Seriah Highborn, Head Chancellor of the High Elf council, representative of the High Elf race in Endaria. Olerphas, Guild Master of Clan Bhufdar. Drakonicus, Chief Dragon Sentinel of Clan Draka. Gwyndolin de Azuria, Princess of the Azurian State.

Note, all titles above except for the Elves are mostly figure heads and hold little power, though influence on their subjects may persist in some cases.

Economy: Yllendyr controlled economy. Capable of producing a great deal of resources that sustained the rest of the Yllendyr war campaign.

Primary Species: Human (40%), Dwarf (30%), Elves (30%) - 45% High, 42.5% Wood, 12.5% Ylldenyr

Population: 53 million

Culture: Since the conquest of the island, peace has reigned. The militaristic ones of the bunch were dissatisfied, but the vast majority of the Endarian populace gave a collective sigh of relief with the suffering having ended with the arrival of the Imperium. This resulted in a massive change in loyalty to the Imperium and an adoption of many of their customs and culture. Even with the heavy taxation and the tributes, anything was better than the way Endaria was before. However, there is sentiment to go back to the old ways among the youthful who have never been subject to the hell that is war.

Religious and Other Beliefs: No official religion, even before the Yllendyr’s arrival.

Territorial Map:

Map Key:
Dots/Mountains = Faction Capitals

Blue Land = Azurian State
Purple Land = Quentalian Aristocracy
Red Land = Kingdom of Ashintol
Dark Green Land = Lodnor
Light Green Land = Elven Lands

Purple Mountain = Mount Draka
Yellow Mountain = Mount Bhufdar
Orange Mountain = Cadrin Mountain

Blue Dot = Azuria
Red Dot = Ashintol
Purple Dot = Quental
Dark Green Dot = Lodnoria
Light Green Dot = Wood Elf Capital (name unknown)
Light Blue Dot = high Elf Capital (name unknown)

Climate: Though it lies on the equator, it still has weather as if it were a temperate climate, experiencing all four seasons.

Military: Auxilia - 1 legion in the Azurian State, 2 legions in the Quentalian Aristocracy, 1 legion in Mount Draka, 4 legions surrounding Cadrin Mountain, 2 legions throughout the Kingdom of Ashintol, 2 legions in Lodnor, 3 legions throughout the Elven Lands. There are signs of a rebellion on the northernmost border of the Azurian State that started up four months ago and has yet to go away despite the presence of Imperial Sentinels.

Magic Prevalence/Usage and Elemental Alignment: Magic is primarily used among the mages of the Quentalian Aristocracy in the name of research and the Elves of the Elven Lands in daily life and ancient rituals.

History/Background Info: 477 years ago, the Kingdom of Endaria was formed under Azrulain Korcatholus, “The First King.” Since his time, there have been five other kings that came into power and fell out of it shortly afterwards. The most recent being one hundred years ago under King Asgrave de Ashintol. The Ylldenyr Imperium conquered Endaria twenty years later. Immediately after their conquest, they took the defeated factions and returned their land to them. Then, they installed an administration in each of them as if they were a separate nation, creating a divide between the people and the “Throne of Endaria.” Present day, Endaria has been booming in populace. The vast amounts of slaughter and chaos from the past can no longer hinder their growth, and technology only helps further it. All in all, the people of Endaria are grateful to the Imperium.
February 17th, 477 AFK

Operation Helm Splitter


AO: Helmstedt
Terrain: City
Observation and Fields of Fire - Available upon arrival to AO
Avenues of Approach - Land, Sea
Key and Decisive Terrain - None
Obstacles: Buildings, Civilians
Cover and Concealment: Buildings, Sewers
Disposition: Yllendyr Loyalists. Morale unknown
Composition: Unknown. At least 2 legions in Northern region. Primarily infantry. Support artillery and medical corps included
Strengths: 100,000 strong at least (assuming both legions are in the city). Modern/Semi-modern weaponry.
Weaknesses: Distracted by rebel elements
Higher Mission and Intent: Support Vaspen rebellion and claim Helmstedt
Adjacent Unit Mission: Rebels with unknown intent
Civil Considerations: Do not kill civilians or destroy buildings unnecessarily.
Attachments and Detachments: 400 Cadrin berserkers, 400 Ashin rifle infantry, 100 Lodnorian rifle infantry, 50 Azurian medical corps units, 50 Lodnorian support artillerymen.


This Endarian incursion is going to attack and attempt to gain control of Helmstedt to allow for additional supplies and reinforcements to go between Endaria and Vaspen. This is to support the rebellion.


Land in the harbor. Let the berserkers loose and start their slaughter of anyone wearing an Yllendyr uniform. They will be divided into 40 squad sized elements so as to give them a slightly higher chance of killing hostile squad elements. After the berserkers are let loose, Ashin infantry split into platoon elements and follow them. They will claim key military resources (weapons, ammunition, artillery, medical supplies) from the enemy and keep moving outward until they meet decisive resistance. Lodnorian infantry form a perimeter around the port and begin questioning the local populace of the current situation concerning the rebels and the loyalist legions. Azurian medical corps will set up a field hospital for the wounded. Lodnorian artillerymen will set up their 25 mortars (the only modern pieces officially owned by Endaria) and await orders of where to fire upon enemy units.
Once the situation is discerned, the forces at port will begin distributing guns and ammunition to the rebel people of the city and send them to join the Ashin infantry fighting against the Yllendyr forces. The hope is that at least 2,000 civilians take up arms and join the fight. The intended end state of the operation is to claim the city of Helmstedt for the local rebellion and route the Yllendyr legions.



Command and Signal


The king puts down his pen and rolls backward. His favorite swivel chair allowed him the freedom to move swiftly around the room with little effort. He stands up and rubs his eyes. It is 4 in the morning, the day before his incursion is deployed. Judging by the current state of the OPORD, this is a suicidal mission. No contact with the local rebels and the possibility of facing over 100,000 enemy soldiers, the likelihood of failure is certain. Even so, supporting the rebels is crucial to his grand designs. He looks at his desk where he has other papers strewn about. “The Zealot Corps” is scrawled in large print on one of them. Another is a document titled “The Endarian Alliance.”

“Indeed” he murmurs to himself. “There is much to be done to prepare for what is to come...” He walks over to the door where he has an ancient skull displayed. “... to prepare for their return…”

Someone knocks on the door, startling him. He opens it and finds Gwyndolin on the other side. “Ah, Gwyndolin, you surprised me. It is late. I assumed you were still in bed.”

“Indeed I was in bed, but I could not help but feel uneasy about your health. Ever since the meeting with the faction leaders, you have been staying up until very late and have been getting less than three hours of sleep. My personal handmaid can attest to it so don’t you dare lie to me.” The innocent demeanor she exudes coupled with her anger at Zealossus is one that is oft unseen. He is somewhat taken aback by this before realizing her full beauty. Light brown hair that is normally tied back in a braid now flows down to her lower back. Her dazzling emerald eyes stand apart from her beautiful azure nightgown.

Zealossus coughs, his face flush with embarrassment. “I apologize for worrying you, though I cannot help myself. I am merely trying to do my best as the king to do what is right for the kingdom.”

“Waging wars to bring us to the world stage?”

Zeal does a fake laugh, knowing that she disagrees with war of any kind.

“I helped you to become king because I thought the Seventh King would be the first king to bring Endaria toward peace, but I guess it’s all the same no matter who’s on the throne. If there’s no war, they go find one.”

Normally, Zeal would be outraged by this, though he can’t deny her innocence, and he can’t help but feel self aware in his tired state. “Indeed, I am a reprehensible man.” He walks out of his room and closes the door behind him. Gwyndolin stands before him now with an anxious look after his comment. “Indeed, I am not worthy of the throne, nor is anyone. The only thing we can do is our best, though most of the time that isn’t enough. I am using Endaria to fit my needs, my ambitions, and for that I am quite reprehensible...” He pauses, now at the edge of tears. “...Even so,” he continues, “I will do everything in my power to make Endaria a better place, especially when we become a world power. I will do everything in my power to do what is right, even when not everyone agrees. And I will do what I must to protect the people of Endaria...” A single tear falls down his face, as if he was blaming himself for something unknown to the world.

Gwyndolin sheds tears as well, and whimpers, “I’m sorry, Zeal, I-” She reaches out to embrace him, and then pauses, remembering her place. After a few spare moments, almost an eternity for these two would-be lovers, Zealossus grabs Gwyndolin by the shoulders. He looks her in the eyes and says, “In the future, I will likely forget myself in the heat of war. If I choose war over peace when it would benefit us more to maintain peace, remind me of my duty as king.” His dried tears left streaks of red down his face, and his eyes are bloodshot from sleep exhaustion. His request leaves a heavy impression, one that Gwyndolin will never forget. “I will do my best for you, my king.”

She starts to walk away, the brief encounter having torn her emotional state asunder. As she is about to round the corner, having collected her thoughts and emotions, she calls out, “Zeal.” The king turns as he opens his door. “You do not have to bear your burdens alone. You have an entire kingdom to delegate to. You have me.” Zealossus looks down, and then back to her and says, “I know” before returning to his room.

Alone once more, Zealossus says, “Sadly, some burdens are too heavy to allow others to bear. I will go through the trials and tribulations necessary to defend everything that I hold dear.” He blows out his candles and goes to bed.

February 18th, 477 AFK

With the plan finalized and approved by Wulfrik, Asgrave and Grimmock, the transport ships laden with guns, bullets, gunpowder and other essentials, the three faction leaders and their soldiers board the two vessels and set sail towards what may well be their doom.

Zealossus stands at the dock alongside Gwyndolin and waves farewell as the ships sail away. “Every one of them thought it was a bad idea, even me.” Zeal started. “The thing we’re depending on most is gaining contact with the Vaspen rebels without alerting the Yllendyr Imperium of our intent. Though I know little of the people of Vaspen, my gut tells me that they will take advantage of our arrival, doing whatever it takes to obtain victory over their much hated rival. My envoy over in Ylleria has been gathering as much information about the current rebellions throughout the imperium. Though it is just scraps of information, they did confirm that two Yllendyr legions are garrisoned at Helmstedt, meaning that they are digging in to fight something. If there are indeed rebels on their way to Helmstedt and we coordinate a pincer attack, victory will be swift and decisive, though it is all hanging on the condition that we successfully make contact with the rebels. I agreed to Wulfrik, Asgrave and Grimmock that if they couldn’t contact the rebellion, they were allowed to return home, or continue the operation and go to their deaths, whichever fancies them most.”

“Yes, I’m sure that you all fear defeat," Gwyndolin responds, "but doesn’t fortune favor the bold?” She smiles, hoping to smooth over her blunder from the previous morning, feeling that she hurt Zeal's feelings. Zealossus looks at Gwyndolin and laughs hysterically, “Maybe so. Let us hope it does, for the sake of our people, for Endaria, and for the world.”
February 10th, 477 AFK (After the First King)

It took about a week, but the faction leaders assembled at the great port city of Azuria, current capital of Endaria.

Lord Asgrave de Ashintol, dictator of the Ashinoth Militant Sect, is the first to enter the courtroom. His face was scarred from the stray shrapnel of a grenade. Indeed, a foolish but effective leader on the field of battle. Though he is thick headed and is looking for wars to fight, his faction holds over 60% of Endaria’s current military industry. This makes him a key and unwieldy asset for the coming time when Endaria rises up. It is likely that his loyalty can be brought with the prospect of war.

The next leader to enter is Grimmock of Clan Cadrin, a warmongering dwarf who seeks a glorious death in combat. This has been a dynastic tradition of Clan Cadrin ever since the time of the First King. The only good thing about him is that over 80% of his people are crazy enough to still follow their dynastic rules, meaning that they join the military and train for their entire lives until they meet a glorious death fighting whatever war is in their people’s best interest. The manpower will be nice, but they are the only faction that refuses to move forward in technology. After him, everyone else piled through the door.

Lydia Valcrutio, High Mage of Quental (Ken-Tal), is very arrogant, but very intelligent and powerful in the ways of magic. Her arrogance is especially apparent when she feels that she is surrounded by idiots. The Quentalian Mage Sect is a human faction consisting of a magical aristocracy. The more magically adept and intellectually recognized you are, the more influential and rich you are. Little else matters to these mages except the ability to expand their knowledge and to maintain their magical bloodlines within their conclaves.

Wulfrik Warriorbane, General of the Lodnorian Army. Lodnor was once a human city state on this continent before being conquered by the Fourth King. After a great deal of wars throughout the course of 200 years, they managed to steal a slice of land from both the Elven Provinces and the Ashinoth Militant Sect. Lodnor is known for producing strong human warriors that surpass most Endarians in skill, build and combat instinct. In recent times however, the way of the sword and knighthood falls on deaf ears as the sound of explosions ring in the air and bullets rend their weak flesh. Instead of finding new ways to continue the tradition of warriorship, Wulfrik studied ways to undermine warriors and decided to make the weakness of his people into the the weakness of their enemies. His embrace of modern doctrine led him to enjoy the subjugation of the Yllendyr Imperium, for it allowed him access to many books portending the subject of modern warfare. Though he has never tried it, nor did he have the proper technology to implement it, he thought he would give it a try in the future should Endaria come to war like it is now.

Gwyndolin de Azuria, princess and current head of the Azurian State, the smallest human faction. With her father bedridden and suffering from dementia, Gwyndolin had a difficult transition into power. The day her father dies is when she officially becomes queen of this large city state. Until then, she is constantly encouraged by her advisors, specifically elderly male advisors, that she should find a man to marry and allow him to govern. Angered by their incessant needs, she took the reigns and drove Azuria to a state of prosperity despite being under the thumb of the Yllendyr Imperium. Eventually, she met Zealossus and fell hopelessly in love with him. His grand dreams for the future of the world kept her at a distance however. She has yet to tell him her feelings, fearing he may tell her that he has no time for her. The passion he exudes in pursuit of these ambitions made her love him even more, however, and so she has always sided with Zealossus on any decision, even if it goes against what she believes in. It is likely that this spark of love is what allowed Zealossus to become the Seventh King.

Olerphas, the Guild Master of Clan Bhufdar. Under the great mountain hold of Mount Bhufdar lies a grand city the likes of which most dwarves fail to create in their city designs. Not only is Clan Bhufdar the only commercial capitalist faction among the Endarian people, it is also the primary source of Endaria’s mineral resources, particularly iron and the minerals required to create gunpowder. They are an opportunist faction that will always seek to better themselves above all else. If they are helping you, it likely means that they are helping themselves as well.

Drakonicus, Chief Dragon Sentinel of Clan Draka. It is no secret to the world that one of the few remaining Ice Dragons lies in slumber atop the great Mount Draka. Clan Draka is a dwarven faction that has pledged their dynastic allegiance to the dragon. They will fight to protect her until she has recovered from her wounds suffered while fighting an Arch Dragon Demon many many years ago. They generally seek the welfare of Endaria so as to better defend their precious dragon against outside forces. They are especially keen on the subject of preparing for the coming of demons.

Tileran Shadowsong, Prime Defender of the Wood, is the representative of the Wood Elf people of the Elven Provinces. Seriah Highborn, Head Chancellor of the High Elf Council, represents the High Elves.They are both one voice when conversing with the “outside world.” Though they have their own interests with their respective races, they generally have the same reaction to outsiders. Both the Wood Elves and the High Elves are in a agreement that they should stay away from conflict as much as possible so as to not bring any enemies upon them. This is because they are defending the secrets of their ancestral people within their civilization. Should they share their information, the world would eye them with envy and seek to conquer them, resulting in the destruction of their ancestral homes. Though they somewhat dislike the Dark Elves, they shared their secrets to the Yllendyr Imperium knowing that they would not betray their ancestral brethren. Were they any other nation that tried to pry for their land and resources, the Elven people of these lands would have fought to the last to defend their homes.

With everyone gathered in a single place, it was time to begin discussing their future.

“Welcome, to my humble abode…” Zealossus said, as if to try to invite humor, though none was taken except a feminine chuckle from the fair Gwyndolin. “Too cliche? Well, whatever. I have called you here to discuss the future of Endaria. I assume Aideric explained to each of you the details of our current situation?” They each nod, understanding that they are currently in cooperation with Ecruir in the War of the Twin Emperors. “Good, then I suppose you also know of my intention to break free from their rule, after taking full advantage of their technological advances.”

He is swiftly interrupted by Lydia, normally the quietest leader among them aside from the Elves. She steps forward, “With all due respect, King Zealossus. I doubt our helping them in this civil war will make them accept us, let alone give us further advances in technology.”

“I second that,” said Wulfrik.

“Thirded,” said Olerphas.

Zealossus grins, this is the purpose of discussion. “If you believe that we will not be rewarded with technology, then how would we go about getting it?”

Lydia spoke once again, “Zealossus, if we are going to have an intelligent discussion, might I suggest that you first identify the problem we are discussing, for I thought we were talking about the civil war, not technological advancement.”

Brief anger flowed into the king at this spite, but he lets it subside. Lydia may be arrogant and sny, but it is usually because she is attempting to make something better, such is her way with words to get what she wants. The subsided anger diverted into thoughts of intimidation and dealing with another of his issues.

“Let me cut straight to the point then.” Zealossus says with dignified poise. “There are three problems. First and foremost, your loyalty. I fear that each and every one of you hold contempt for me in some way, shape or form. I cannot bring stability to Endaria if there is a threat of rebellion or contempt for me or the throne.” Zealossus walks forth and towers over Lydia, looking down on her. She stands indignant, as if trying to stand against a tidal wave. The king then looks to the others and asks, “What is it that you seek?” he begins to pace in front of them. “What can I do to satisfy you with my rule? What must I do to ensure that we can all prosper under a single banner? That is the first problem I wish to address and resolve.” The words fall upon pale faces, contorted by his direct accusation of their possible disloyalty. Such is the commanding presence the king.

“Problem number two.” he continues, wishing to maintain his momentum. “Endaria is behind in technology. Having been at war with one another on and off for over four hundred years, we have fallen behind, so much so that the warrior people of Lodnor have become obsolete. The best thing they can do now is make good construction workers and some hefty artillery crew. “ Though he made an example of Lodnor, Zeal knows the progress of their people thanks to Wulfrik, striking a chord for argument while hurting the least amount of feelings. “If we wish to stand as equals to other nations, then we must advance ourselves into the modern era and go further beyond.”

He has the full attention of the courtroom, their eyes watching closely as the king paces back and forth, waving his arms as he speaks to emphasize his point. “The final problem, and one that will likely create the most controversy, is the subject of independence and becoming a world power. Though my ambitions are great, I must take reality in stride as I continue to build up this kingdom to that point. If I cannot solve problems one and two, I cannot solve the third. These are the problems that I seek to tackle and resolve. I hope this satisfies your request, Valcrutio.” Though he didn’t have to tack that last comment at the end, he thought he would get a little bit of revenge from her initial spite. She squirms a bit and squeaks “Indeed it does.” “Good.” the king replies. “Now let’s go through all of our problems. I demand your honesty. I will not hang you should you truly hold contempt for me. Asgrave, I’m sure you can start us off since I know you hate me the most out of anyone.”

This conversation continued for a long time.

Lord Asgrave said that though he feels he is the rightful heir to the throne of Endaria, he is willing to allow Zealossus to continue ruling until he shows some weakness or aversion to conflict.

Olerphas was next with the dislike of being a part of a warring nation. Though war makes for good business, the fact that they become a potential target is not in their best interest.

After recovering her composure, Lydia stated that she would like her people to be safe from conscription into the military. In return, they will provide everything they can in terms of magical implements and agricultural sustenance from their peasant populace.

Grimmock said he held no qualms toward the king or to the other inhabitants of Endaria, but he and most of his people find no point in living if they can’t die a glorious death. Though this was obvious, it will be difficult to keep going if the nation is at peace for too long.

Gwyndolin said that her state has suffered greatly from the heavy taxes supporting Zealossus’s war effort to reunite the nation. She would at the very least like for her faction to be exempt from taxation for a year to quickly bring the people back, and then slowly increase taxes up to a normal rate of 12.5% over the course of 5 years. This proved to be the most difficult request because Azuria’s taxation provides 30% of Endaria’s total income yearly. He agreed to the plan, but said that the tariffs will be increased by a small amount to help reduce the deficit of income.

Drakonicus simply wanted an updated fortification around Mount Draka, so as to better defend the Ice Dragon from invaders. Though an impractical and expensive request, Zealossus agreed to it, knowing that the safety of the Ice Dragon will secure their faction’s loyalty.

Wulfrik said that his people are currently content, he agrees with Zealossus’s rule, and his loyalty is reaffirmed after his speech. Lodnor stands with Zealossus and Endaria wholeheartedly.

Tileran wished to have the old Elven lands taken from them returned, or at the very least the portion where their ruins lie. Zealossus agrees to this, but in exchange they have to support the Lodnorians movement out of that land and to provide them with a fair amount of gold as a show for compensation since they have successfully held onto it until now.

Seriah said that she dislikes the idea of becoming independent. More specifically she hates the idea of her own kin being slaughtered on the field of battle. Thus, she seeks to remain excluded from conflict. Disappointed, Zealossus agrees, but in return they must up their tribute to the state to compensate for the loss of military power. Also, they WILL support the defense of the Endaria should it come under attack, even if it isn’t a part of their provinces.

After a long day of work, writing out documents and meeting the demands of the factions, Zealossus feels that his resources are split enough as it is, and asks that everyone return to their lands to tend to their people. However, he asked that Wulfrik, Lord Asgrave and Grimmock stay behind.

“I have a special request to ask of you three.” They listen intently, curious as to why their king asked to only see them. “Vaspen, they are currently fighting like hell to gain independence from the Imperium. I wish to support their effort in secret, so that when we rise up we will have a friend on the world stage. This also satisfies your wish for conflict, Grimmock and Asgrave.” They both nod and grin, eager for their first taste of modern warfare. “Wulfrik, make sure these two suicidal idiots don’t get themselves pointlessly killed. I am leaving them and their forces under your command.” The grins of the first two turned to surprise, and then anger. “If you wish to be angry, be angry with me.” the king continued. “However, I will not have you turn your backs against Wulfrik when he is the most capable out of all of you in the ways of modern warfare. Thus, you will entrust your lives to him. I know it will be difficult, but know that you will be in good hands, right Wulfrik?” Wulfrik nods and salutes to the other lords, “Thank you for allowing me the honor of commanding your forces.” Lord Asgrave is slightly disgusted by Wulfrik’s display, but eventually murmurs, “Sure thing…” Grimmock laughs and walks up to Wulfrik saying, “I’ll bring the finest Axemen I have to bear, so use them well. I know there’s this whole hubbub about guns and all, but I would appreciate it if you could at least allow my soldiers to have some fun before they die.” Wulfrik nods and grins. He spent his whole life undermining the soldiers he is about to receive. Perhaps the Warriorbane with become the Warrior Enabler.
February 3rd, 477 AFK (After the First King)
The doors to the throne room open, a gust of wind passes through. A man wearing the royal armor of the Cassell family enters.

“My king, I bring news.”

“What is it, old friend? You know you can say my name, don’t you?”

“Yes, but it sets a poor example among the royal staff, Zeal.”

“Ah, but who cares about formalities like that when we have holes in our walls.” Zealossus points to a hole in the wall caused by a bombard. “Indeed, castles are no longer the impenetrable fortresses of the ancient times, are they?”

“As you say, Zeal, but we can speak of random oddities later. I bear a missive from our Yllendyr Emissarial Office. It says that civil war has broken out on the Yllendyr mainland.”

Zealossus looks to his friend with a questioning eye. Then he looks to the wall, and back to his friend. “Is that so, Aideric?”

“It is. The Emperor passed away, the Crown Prince and the fourth prince are dead. We have been asked by both Prince Ecruir and Prince Olarth to join them in their war to reclaim the crown. They both also claim that they are the true Emperor…”

Zealossus looks to the floor, his eyes frown, thinking. He stands up, maintaining that frown. “We will support Ecruir.”

Puzzled, Aideric asks, “How did you come to a conclusion so fast?”

Zealossus approaches his old time friend and looks him in the eyes, a fire stirring within them. “It is not my place to decide who is Emperor of those damnable Dark Elves. I simply did a coin toss in my head. Both princes are equally likely to reward us with more technology, both are equally likely to favor us over others should they appear victorious, and both should be equally vulnerable to stab in the back in the future.” He grins the wild grin of a man who has landed on the opportunity of a lifetime. “This is a crux in history, Aideric,” he continues, walking past him. “We are no strangers to war, nor are we strangers to what happens when there is a vacuum of power. Not only will nations rise up in this time of conflict to curry favor or to gain independence, but they will try their best to go above and beyond, to reach the world stage…”

He pauses a moment and turns to see the expression on his friends face, one of excitement and delight. “Heh, summon the faction leaders, Aideric, it is time we discuss the future of Endaria.”

“As you wish sir!” He salutes, putting his arm horizontal to his chest with his hand shaped in a fist. He then rushes to perform his royal task.

Alone in his ruined castle hall, Zealossus returns to his stone cold throne to sit. “I fear that the world has forgotten what it means to be at war” he murmurs to himself. “Let us see how our opponents fare when the battle hardened people of Endaria take the stage."
Nation Name: The Kingdom of Endaria


Type of Government: Absolute Monarchy

Head(s) of Government: Zealossus, The Seventh King (age 26)

Economy: All internalized except for Azuria, the only city to trade with outsiders before the Yllendyr Subjugation. Though behind in technology (about 1800’s tech), Endaria is well known for having a wealth of resources that the Imperium coveted in their rise to power.

Primary Species: Humans(40%), Dwarves(30%), High and Wood Elves(30%)

Population: 40 million

Culture: Isolationist Militarist. The nation has always known the ways of war, and the people are battle hardened because of this intense environment.

Religious and Other Beliefs: No official state religion

Location/Territories: The large island North of the Imperium

Climate: Temperate. Judging from geography it should experience more tropical weather, but it somehow remains somewhat temperate

Military: Small but highly skilled army with an extremely effective military staff.

Magic Prevalence/Usage and Elemental Alignment: Magic is considered a tool that can only be used by a small populace. As such, mages are required by the crown to take up a job of their choice, so long as they work for the betterment of the nation

History/Background Info: Endaria is an isolationist militarist country. It is known for being the nation with the most civil wars out of anyone, most of which never resulted in a full unification of the whole island. The Imperium cared little for our internal squabbles, so long as we paid our dues. The nation has only ever been unified six times, the seventh being done very recently by Zealossus. Now, with a world threatening to leave them behind in technology, a nation to rebuild and an imperium to overthrow, Zealossus has much to do to bring Endaria to the world stage.

Territorial Map:

Map Key:
Dots/Mountaints = Faction Capitals

Blue Land = Azurian State
Purple Land = Quentalian Mage Sect
Red Land = Ashinoth Militant Sect
Dark Green Land = Lodnor
Light Green Land = Elven Lands

Purple Mountain = Mount Draka
Yellow Mountain = Mount Bhufdar
Orange Mountain = Cadrin Mountain

Blue Dot = Azuria
Red Dot = Ashintol
Purple Dot = Quental
Dark Green Dot = Lodnoria
Light Green Dot = Wood Elf Capital (name unknown)
Light Blue Dot = high Elf Capital (name unknown)
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