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<Snipped quote by Zealz>

<Snipped quote by Unhinged>

*Rubs my head*
I think I remember now...

*grabs you and starts shaking you*
Zoey! Don’t let them take you over!! We’ve only been here for a little bit! It’s me Charlotte!!

<Snipped quote by Heroic>

*Knocks you on head with only mild force*

I know how to get her to remember!
*lets go of her and goes to grab my arm in attempt to rip my arm off again*
<Snipped quote by Zealz>

Forget about who?

<Snipped quote by Zealz>

I imagine that’s true when the sparks are literal. For the record, I’m not hoping for literal sparks.
*Smiles in amusement at you before turning to where Zoey is currently zipping around*
Zoey! Get over here!

<Snipped quote by Unhinged>

*Glances over and skates to a stop in front of you both^
Oh hello, strangers.

Did you really forget about us?
<Snipped quote by Zealz>

Well, consider this a fair warning for the future: You see us do anything that’s not a normal human thing, it’s probably a “just us thing”. But if you like falling on your face you can always keep trying. Maybe you’ll spark something.

Sparks are a terrible sign that something is wrong, in my experience.
<Snipped quote by Zealz>

Well, with the caveat of being an elemental with an affinity for it.

You left that part out.
*gets up and dusts myself off*
<Snipped quote by Zealz>

*Walks over and squats down next to you, putting a hand on your shoulder*
Maybe you should just stick to skating on ice?

You said it was easy…
<Snipped quote by Zealz>

It’s just manipulation of friction. Nothing too fancy.

*stops and looks down at my feet, then takes small run start and attempts to skate but immediately catches the ground and flips forward, tumbling a bit and lays there in an awkward position*
<Snipped quote by Zealz>

*We step out back into the open village where you first entered to the sight of people watching Zoey skate down the dirt roads as she had when you initially approached the village*
... Don't worry. I'm fine with believing you on that.

Good, now, how does she do that?
<Snipped quote by Zealz>

As real as yours... Well, I think. Guess I don't actual know that. We'll just say as real as Zoey's instead.

My ears are real.
*as we walk for a moment in silence*
I won’t take them off, they will be even longer to attach back on and a tear in my skin will be annoying to fix.
<Snipped quote by Zealz>

By all means. I don’t want to be cooped up inside anyway.
*Starts toward the same path we entered the room from*

*follows you through*
Are your ears real?
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