Avatar of Zoey Boey


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Current Cassandra Cain
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im 24 now
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Back home. I need a breather, lol.
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one more five horu drive to home...then ill stop spamming the status bar. promise. go back to only updating it once every few months
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back in my home state. actually a real nice hotel compared to the last one that had cockroaches in the bathroom. so thats cool and good. ready to get home tomorrow. blehhhhjgkjgkjhatk


Spider-Man is my favorite superhero

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it's been a while since i've checked in but i still plan on posting, i've already written some of it.
if this is still on, i'm thinking about writing up a sheet :)

Level 6: 21/60
Location: The Maw: The Kitchen
Word Count: less than 750
Points Gained: 1
New EXP Balance--- Level 6 : 22/60

As Geralt finished off the miserable butcher, Sakura averted her eyes entirely. She didn't want to see the little boy who was a witcher on the inside stab someone. But she did have to hear it, and it made her queasy. Sakura didn't like killing people because she believed that people with power should aim to do right with their power. But right now, they were powerless. And they were all being abused. Maybe even she was running low on her sympathy batteries for the day. She'd seen so much death these last couple of days, more than she'd ever seen in her life. She had managed to turn on survival mode in this instance.

Bella was in a bad way, even after rescuing Sakura and Rika it was clear something was wrong with her. Crying, sobbing, apologizing, Sakura could barely get a word as the poor girl had a mental break down right infront of her. And her body was all swollen and overweight, which could not have felt good. Having your body get changed like that was just horrible.

"It- it's okay! It's all right!" Sakura frantically tried to reassure her friend. "You- you saved us! You saved us, Bella-san! It's just the curse, it's not your fault!"

Sakura glanced around nervously. "Bella-sa~n it's okay! You saved us!" She just kept repeating it over and over like it made anything better. She tried to switch subjects. "And it's not so bad looking like that! I wanted to be a sumo wrestler when I was growing up! Crap, you don't know what that is!" Sakura held her hands against the side of her head. She was so tired! Why do bad things have to keep happening?!

The universe answered her question by granting her another bad thing to happen. Some wizards came up and fired a projectile. Sakura froze up, and Bella jumped infront of all of them. Sakura gasped in horror as Bella turned into "EBI NO TEMPURAAAA?! EEEEH?!"

Sakura shouted, baffled. "Nooo!" She ran forward as one of the wizards, with his creepy mouth-eye, went to gobble her friend up whole. "Big shrimp! She's a big shrimp! Shrimp! Shriiimp!" She wailed unhelpfully. Mirage, Peach, Bowser, several minions and some other of her friends went to go help by battling the bad guys. All Sakura could do was drag her shrimp friend away from those who wanted to eat her for lunch.

"Where are we going? Where's the escape route?" Sakura shouted. Thankfully, fried shrimp did not weigh that much. In the mean time, just getting Bella away from the Tempura Wizards was good enough for Sakura. Being eaten while in shrimp form was probably the worst way to die. And Sakura thinks that after almost being boiled alive. Being eaten while a shrimp is- is a joke death! It's humiliating! Sakura wasn't going to let that happen to her friend! Bella seemed to care about Sakura a lot, and it made Sakura's heart hurt. She wanted to do right by the Abyssals. "Be careful, Rika-chan!" She shouted, thinking of the other friend she gained during that battle that was only yesterday.

Once again helplessness and frustration racked her body like she was being struck by lightning. Her entire body trembled. Or maybe it was just her being totally exhausted and starving to death. Peach was right, this really was the worst. The worst day of Sakura's life.

Level 6: 18/60
Location: The Maw: The Kitchen
Word Count: 774
Points Gained: 2
New EXP Balance--- Level 6 : 20/60

When the big mean butcher approached, Sakura wasn't sure what he was going to do. She couldn't defend herself at all as she was slapped by his big hand. "Ah-h!" Sakura yelped, and then gasped in pain. That hurt. But Sakura had bigger things on her mind.

She bit her lower lip, nervous, as Larry picked her up and tossed her around the place. Tension racketed her body. Thoughts of Bella getting chopped to pieces right infront of her filled her mind. Wouldn't she just turn to dust, anyway? What was this hellish place? Sweat covered her entire face and built up in her eyes, and she couldn't wipe any of it away. It was from both her anxiety, and the immense heat boiling beneath her.

So great was her anticipation that, like a properly timed jumpscare in a horror movie, the explosive arrival of her teammates had Sakura shrieking in surprise. When she opened her eyes and saw it was her friends come to save her, she started kicking the air with excitement and fear. Relief, too, that not only had her friends come to save her, but that they actually had a genius plan! A flour bomb?! Sakura would never have thought of that!

Sakura grimaced as Larry was descended upon with great violence, but her sympathy for people like him was rapidly draining to nothing. He'd been very cruel to her, her friends, and many innocent children, for no good reason. Still, it was...very violent. If there were another way, she would have taken it. But without her strength, and her life on the line, desperation overrode her conscious. She just looked away as Bella fired a railgun right into his throat and the men of the group descended upon him with makeshift weaponry. Even still, this was her fault. If she hadn't been so stupid, they could have escaped. Then Sakura could have came back and beat the hell out of Larry fair and square. Given him a friend heart, see if he changed his mind, and then beat him up again if he hadn't. Or just because he deserved a good beatdown. But at this point, people weren't going to always get what they deserved, they were just getting what they got.

"Hey..." Sakura sputtered, watching Mirage do something very strange. [color=f49ac2]"Mirage-san! You're- you're hitting the wrong face! [i]The wrong face!" [/color][/i] She warned, very baffled. Sakura winced one eye shut as he cracked his own skull with his little arm and pistol over and over again. The lights started flickering, and Bella dove into Larry's body wit killing intent. Was it just killing intent? Or something more? It didn't look good. "Bella-san!" Sakura called out weakly.

"Heeey!" She shouted, relief obvious in her voice at Bowser. Jr and his goofy villain dad. Now that she saw them again, she realised how consistently they lifted her spirits just by being themselves. Sakura smiled weakly when a crew of water-bearers arrived, and Sakura joined in with Rika's frantic stream of thankyou thankyou thankyous, only to be cut off at around the same time from the giant cloud of steam.

"Yeah, Mister King Bowser, it isn't good." Sakura said shakily. "Our gooses were almost cooked."

When Bowser Jr came up to free her and Rika, Sakura felt like she was going to die of relief. She just wanted to turn into a grateful puddle and never do anything again in her life. As her hands were released she awkwardly navigated/ tumbled her way down the makeshift pile and landed on the ground. She held her rope-burnt wrists, and she sobbed dryly for a few moments before she did her best to gather her composure.

"Th-thank you. I'm- I'm sorry for the trouble." She pushed herself to her feet and looked with concern over to the developing situation with Larry. She didn't want to get too close, because the big guy could easily capture her again if the attack was let up. But the gruesome gore made Sakura avert her eyes. "Oh, no! Don't eat him, Bella-san!" She pleaded from behind her hands that now covered her face.

The words came out of her mouth before she could really stop them. They were just a reflex. Of all the things this world needed more of, people eating other people was the last on the list. Bella seemed bloodlusted in a very scary way. Sakura just wanted to be out of here...more than that, she wanted to be big again. She would never be happy again unless she had her old body back.

Level 6: 17/60
Location: The Maw: The Kitchen
Word Count: 390
Points Gained: 1
New EXP Balance--- Level 6 : 18/60

"Play...dead..?" Sakura raised her eyebrows. "I guess that could work. It'd get you down. Just be careful, okay? Don't do anything-" The girl coughed. "-stupid." She said. Bella went limp, putting on the act. Reducing her breath intake, Sakura tried to gather her acting skills. The thought of Bella actually being dead was too terrible to consider, so Sakura would try to channel her emotion in a vague way. To be honest, she really did want to just yell and scream, like Bella wanted. But that was merely one facet of her desire to be big again and destroy every single one of these loathesome cannibals.

Rika, however, started to panic. Her terrible fake crying made Sakura chuckle, despite their grim circumstances. "Wah wah wah, yeah, it's like-" Sakura began. "Except- hey. Oi, Rika-chan." But Rika was really starting to freak out and cry, which made Sakura's heart hurt. At least it was convincing..? Oh, poor Rika! She wanted comfort her friend, but that would be counter productive.

Thinking hard, Sakura started to concentrate. She coughed, to clear her lungs and mouth as best as she could. "Huhhh...uuhhhhHEY. H-HEEEYYY! YOU! Look what you did to my friend! It's all your fault!" Sakura shouted. "She's not moving anymore!" She continued. That wasn't a lie. It came out as loudly and as earnestly as she could manage. All she needed was Larry's attention for the plan to work. Tears were still streaming down Sakura's face, so, that would lend credence to her peformance. But now, all Sakura could think about was the plan. Her heart rate escalated with anxiety and excitement. She couldn't be sad or angry on command! Even if she was sad or angry! Why did she have to be raised in such an honest and open household?! She had no practice at all!

As soon as that was done, she peered at Rika. "It's okay, Rika-chan, it's okay." Sakura comforted. "You're v-very brave." Sakura bit her lower lip to stop herself from going further. She couldn't say anything about how it was going to be okay, or how they were going to get out of here. Lest she accidentally tip Larry off, or put him on alert to their friends actions. Hopefully Mimi could hide in time.

When Sakura heard a very large noise and disturbance coming from somewhere, she wondered if their plan was even going to be relevant compared to whatever genius escape plan her friends had cooked up. Pun not intended.

Level 3: 23/30
Word Count: 1,438
Location: Al Mamoon Northeast- Outside of Rocket Inc
Points Gained: 3
New EXP Balance--- Level 3: 26/30

The Seekers pulled through. Shadow was overwhelmed by their combined offensive. Mao got the last hit in, putting the powerful Hedgehog on the mat. Jesse 'holstered' her Service Weapon, the pistol vanishing into mid-air, and straightened up her posture. For a moment she surveyed the ruined room and it's many fallen spirits, holes, and unconscious fighters, contemplative. Her eyes landed on Orendi and Nastasia's spirit. But it was back to business. They weren't out of the woods yet.

The Ciella situation would be resolved with a rather simple deception. In all of this mind control chicanery, it wasn't unimaginable that someone might lose track of who is on who's side. Jesse said nothing, implying her assent to the plan. It was obvious the Director was deep in thought now that the battle was over, only half involved in the situation around her.

Jesse and her Tool Gun were put to work, and she did it quickly. Expanding Mona and Necronomican and then attatching balloons and rockets as necessary. Silent, she did her part to guide the Seekers to safety. Then, she un-inflated Mordecai's hawk, and unshrunk the big guy Reinhardt.

Once outside Rocket Inc, Jesse breathed in the fresh desert air. Yellow Team was shortly reunited. There were a lot of people from all sorts of placed Jesse would have to get acquainted with. Especially the big feathery creature and his anime robot.

But, the situation with the Grimleal wasn't over yet. There were more mind-controlled individuals that could still be rescued. Especially some friends of Mao's. As much as the kid didn't want to admit they were friends, he was a terrible liar. Jesse...knew the feeling.

It might surprise her fellow Seekers that those among the first people she'd ever killed. Perhaps she had expected more fanfare. Only now, in the aftermath, did she wonder if she should have hesitated, doubted herself, or even considered the fact for a moment. But she hadn't. Jesse had been surrounded by death ever since she became Director. Whether it be the countless FBC employees she's since replaced, the ones that died while she was the acting Director, and the few that have perished under her orders since it began. Sure, she had killed many people controlled by the Hiss, but they were already long gone. And her brother...the old Director...well, she still wasn't sure. But she had acted then. And she had acted now.

The Director didn't regret her permanent violence. Orendi and Nastasia were both dangerous threats. They had to be taken out of the picture before they had a chance to recuperate or inflict more harm. Jesse had spared where she could, and acted with executive decision where she couldn't. The time for her doubting her own intentions and actions had long past. Jesse knew who she was. The time for self-reflection, however, was never over. Jesse had been on the back foot in terms of information and situational awareness ever since she first got put into this place by Galeem. If she had more control, Jesse knew less people would be dead. If anyone at all.

First of all, Ciella made her attack on Rocket Incorporated while woefully outmatched. She was still defeated by Shadow and Nastasia, even with all of the Seekers' help. Midna may have worsened the situation temporarily, but Ciella still owed Midna her life in the first place after Midna saved her by giving her a Friend Heart. The Seekers were lured into a trap Ciella and her Grimleal had already fallen into. This entire fight shouldn't have happened until the Grimleal had the sound advantage. When doing a raid on a house, SWAT teams moved in with the overwhelming advantage. They didn't just send in one maverick cop with nothing to lose like in the movies. Which was a bit rich coming from Jesse 'One Woman Army' Faden, but that was only because she was the person on Earth best equipped to deal with AWEs. Believe her, if she could equip her Rangers with telekinetic powers, she would. Not that they weren't extremely competent already. But. Y'know. Spooky stuff couldn't always be solved with LMG's, manpower, and years of training. A surprising amount of it could, though. Human ingenuity, planning, and ingenuity was a remarkable thing. Well. It could be.

These wer the thoughts that ran through Jesse's had as she had left Rocket Inc and while the others had their brief conversations. Blinking out of her internal world, Jesse looked at the captured Shadow.

"Walk and talk." Jesse clarified before speaking.

"What are we going to do about Shadow the Hedgehog? Give him a Friend Heart and wish him on his merry way? I'm not sure if there's a prison that can hold him, and I'd rather have him aware of the Galeem situation than not. Alternatively, we could execute him. Which is a bad call. But if we do nothing, he'll wake up and escape one day, still under Galeem's influence." Jesse said.

"Besides." Jesse glanced over at the Phantom Thieves, who also recognized him from media back on Earth. "He's just edgy Sonic who uses a machine gun, right?" Jesse had been fourteen when Shadow the Hedgehog came out. At the time she didn't exactly have the time to play a lot of video games, but cultural osmosis tended to find its way towards introverted teenagers who sulked all day long.

"Like... pretty sure his game was rated E10+. Not even T for Teen. He can't be that bad. He was under two layers of violence-inducing mind control." Jesse said.

"Oh." She looked at everyone. "I hope to get a chance to fully debrief, and get debriefed, on this entire situation once we have a moment to rest. But, in summary, on the world I'm from, lots of people in this world are instead fictional media properties. I hope there's Wikipedia somewhere in the World of Light, because that could be an extremely useful resource." Jesse said. Then she sighed, gathering her breath.

"Wikipedia is an online resource, people can use computers to access and edit it. On the world I'm from." She explained, already exasperated.

"Okay." Jesse started thinking aloud, clapping her hands together. "We need spreadsheets. Folders. Pamphlets. Cute little name tags. Galeem is keeping people in the dark and we need to combat that by spreading information. Or at the very least, having a more effective way of catching everyone we recruit up to speed on how the mechanics of this world work. I could do it if I had a library card and a modern day library, or if we went back to my base. Which, by the way, the situation my base is in is an entire other thing we need to dicuss later. The whole reason I left was to gather information and allies." She ran a hand over her forehead and into her red hair. The Director followed the Seekers on their way to reunite with further more allies. Walk and talk, walk and talk.

"We can go into more detail about that later. It's not pressing. I'm fine with letting Shadow be everyone else's problem. We already have enough on our plate as it is. The sooner we can focus on taking down Galeem, the better." She said. Joining the Seekers on what was essentially a side mission hadn't made Jesse any less eager to strike out and start solving this massive AWE known as Galeem.

(God, I wish Emily was here.) Jesse longed to return to the Oldest House just to give her and everybody there the news and data she had acquired. Let alone her desire to save all of her employees and friends. While the situation there was stable, it had been so long since she had been there, it could have changed since she left. If freed, it could act as another safe base of operations to strike out at Galeem with. So many options, so many variables to consider. Jesse wished she could just step up and take control, but with all of these egos running around, she doubted it would be possible. Everyone here was probably entirely unused to being ordered around. Especially by someone they didn't even know. Be it the Phantom Thieves and their own independant code, or being a princess, or just being an adventurer, warrior, hero, etc that did what they wanted and didn't take shit. On their worlds, it was probably was made them forces for good.

In this world, it was grounds for an awkward team building excercise. The only cohesion was their shared desire to destroy Galeem.
Amy Rose

Amy squinted against the wind. Running this fast always felt good. Once she picked up enough speed, it was like she wasn't even sprinting. Instead her legs moved themselves, like she was riding ontop of a very fast...ball. She just rolled with the momentum, adjusting her weight to guide herself in the direction she wanted to go.

When Mina caught up to her, and Charmy flew next to Tails, Amy realised with a ping of frustration that caught even her off guard, that she wasn't going to be first to Sonic.

"Well, if my gut tells me to be mad, then who am I not to listen to it?" Amy thought aloud to herself. "I'm getting there first!" Amy declared. Amy's arms started to trail behind her as she went very low to the ground, her upperhalf almost flat.

Then she pushed herself off the ground in a mighty jump. She curled into a pink, shperical blur in mid air. Then she richocheted off the heavy stump of a tree, zoomed to another one, and bounce off that one too. On the final bounce she uncurled and leapt off the tree, soaring over even Tails and Charmy, arms and legs pinwheeling. Cackling maniacally, she spotted the distant waterfalls in mid air. While she couldn't pull off a move as impressive as say, a spin dash, she could still do a little spinning once she got going fast enough.

Now that she knew where the waterfalls were, she hit the ground hard. Amy lost her footing and became temporarily out of control, stumbling forward at high speed. Gnarled tree branches stuck out of the ground, and Amy's shoe snagged on one. Thus, it sent the pink hedgehog sailing through the air at high speed. If anyone could get a good look at her face, they'd see the blank look of surprise that had made itself cozy on her features. She smacked against a tree, spiralled, and skidded face first across the ground, digging a new footpath.

After a moment, she pushed her wobbly head up, spitting a clump of dirt out of her mouth. A moment passed.

Fury erupted forth, and she whipped her angry gaze around to a nearby tree. It wasn't the one that had tripped her up, or even the one she hit, but that didn't seem to matter. "TREE! STUPID TREES!" She yelled. Picking up a rock that fit in the palm of her disproportionally large hands, she dashed at the tree and smacked the rock into it. A huge crack formed in its old bark, and it already looked like it was ready to tip over.

Level 6: 16/60
Location: The Maw: The Kitchen
Word Count: 303
Points Gained: 1
New EXP Balance--- Level 6 : 17/60

Sakura listened to Bella's encouragement and concerns. Sakura had misremembered a few things, and hadn't even come close to considering the full ramifications of eating. "I...I don't know." Was all she could say.

Sakura easily brushed off their assurances about her move being bad. But she didn't want to bring it up. Talking about how stupid Sakura was or wasn't would only waste everyone's breath. Furrowing her brow, Sakura coughed a few more times, too. Rika and Bella and Sakura. All tied up.

There was a disturbance downstairs. That must be their friends, right? Coming to save them? They had to be all right. They just had to be. Rika was talking to Mimi, who while a comforting presence, couldn't help them escape. Meanwhile, Bella's increased growth was another problem. Too small to save herself, too big to stay hanging. The worst of both worlds. Sakura tried to pull herself up, to curl her body into a ball and bring her legs around the bar that hung over her head. But she was exhausted, and the nature of her bondage made it incredibly difficult.

"Well...well...I don't know. I don't know what to do." Sakura mumbled. She listened to Larry shout down to the others, and then mutter bitterly to himself. "Maybe I could talk to him." She said quietly. "Get him to go for that promotion, huh? It can get pretty tiring being on the grind all day and going underappreciated." Sakura said.

"...That's probably the stupidest idea yet." She concluded. "Just don't move, Bella. Maybe ask Larry to adjust your ropes, he probably doesn't want you to fall in before you're ready. Right? Or just don't, I don't know. I'm all messed up in the head." She couldn't trust her own mind to come up with rational ideas anymore.

Level 3: 22/30
Word Count: 569
Location: Al Mamoon Northeast- Rocket Inc
Points Gained: ?
New EXP Balance--- Level 3: 23/30

(Cool, it worked.) Jesse thought, as the spirit interlocked with hers. Uncle Sven would 'live' to fight another day. She would have to study this more later either way.

The entire arena was in ruins. Everything was falling apart. They had to get out of here, fast. Shadow and Ciella had been tearing each other and every one else apart. To be honest, Jesse had lost the plot about who was on whose team. Ciella had certainly been annoying, but Midna attacked her. And they were still trying to fight Nastasia.

Jesse felt Mona do some Persona magic. Her Health was restored, including the cut on her hand. That was certainly a welcomed boost, although Jesse wondered if it was useful now that the fight was very nearly over. Ciella had done some crazy stupid shit that had heavily damaged herself, Shadow, and Nastasia. Apparently, Nastasia the meanie was still clinging to life.

Midna had collected up the bodies of Mordecai and Reindhardt, along with some others, which was appreciated. Jesse had gone out of her way to not finish the job on most of her opponents, with the exception being the obviously evil Orendi. Jesse blew Orendi's head clean off. No regrets there.

Jesse watched closely as she did a Friend Heart to Mordecai, ideally recruiting the sniper to their cause. Or at least have him coming to his senses.

"Hey. No hard feelings?" Jesse nodded at the sniper.

Now Mao was sprinting to attack Shadow, who was about to finish off Ciella. Even though Ciella was very annoying and probably a bad person, killing her would only lead to more problems. Or, so Jesse guessed, based on her limited understanding of the political situation she had found herself in.

(So. First things first.) Jesse aimed her Service Weapon and plugged a round right into Nastasia's big blue dome, to kill her while she was unconscious. Victory condition reached. Now it was about damage control.

While Mao ran over, Jesse switched her focus onto Shadow. Her Grip form bucked in her hand as she fired all of her shots at the Hedgehog. Lay on the damage and wrap this up quickly. The Director advanced, much slower than Shadow, as she did so. If Shadow succumbed to her and Mao's attack before dying, the Director would stop firing. If he died, tough. If he did neither of those things, than she would definitely keep firing.
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