Avatar of Zombehs


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8 mos ago
Current And maybe most people don't like getting a single line back in response to a few paragraphs? Like whatever floats your boat, but there's a reason Free exists.
2 yrs ago
Hey now, he's becoming self-aware. Don't take that from him.
2 yrs ago
If the man's is asking for a ban, might as well give it to him. Good riddance.
2 yrs ago
Then you'd just be crying about why it's permanent instead.
2 yrs ago
Oh no, oh no. Someone warn his "roommate" Smarty's about to lose it.


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Strength's not gonna sugar coat it.
Alphonse Croix
"Good enough," Alphonse supposed with a slight shrug and smile before he turned his attention towards the flowers. Unfortunately his studies hadn't covered botany, so he couldn't pick out their genus, but Ruga certainly seemed to enjoy the treat enough. Turning his arm around slowly to allow the wyvern to scamper round it after he had drank his fill, Alphonse glanced over his shoulder as the shadow of another student made his presence known.

Now while he might not have been that familiar with the flowers, Alphonse did try to keep an ear out on the grape vine and rumor mills. Raising his eyebrow just a smidge at the Sylmare heir's enthusiasm, he glanced between the two before he had to pinch Ruga's frill to keep him from taking the offered flower for himself! It wouldn't do to give the heir such an easy out after such a smooth turnabout from Lapis after all. "Quite curious myself. Do you just eat it whole, petals and all?"

Chuckling a bit at the little stand off, Alphonse had stood and was in the middle of dusting off his coat when the sudden presence of their House Leader demanded his attention. A few blinks of surprise denied her any sort of immediate response, and offered her the time to collect herself. Tilting his head a smidge at the harsher tone that followed, he supposed it wouldn't do to open herself up to even more ribbing from their peers. Then again, the sharp contrast itself left plenty of gaps to exploit in its own way, so how successful was she really?

"Mmm, most of their current generation seems to prefer hunting rather than raising," he replied after a polite enough bow to keep her attendant from crucifying him for exposing a moment of vulnerability for his charge. Tapping Ruga's head a few times as a message to behave, he offered his upturned palm as a perch for the wyvern and held him out for the princess to hold if she wished.

"He is. Just shy of two month's old, and we think he might be a variant of the Feylymn. Hard to say when he's still this young though. Ruga's certainly smart and mischievous enough to match."
Alphonse Croix

With the Monastery's gates finally in sight, Alphonse snapped the book shut and tucked it under his coat as he stifled a yawn. Forced to crane his neck to look at the tallest points of the walled Academy, he couldn't hold back a wistful whistle. Truly the sight would have been best appreciated from among the company of clouds. The fanciful thought distracted him for a moment before he collected himself and focused on the man awaiting their arrival.

Even the most prestigious Academy seemed to follow fairly standard procedure when it came to receiving students. Standing among his peers, there were a few that Alphonse could place, but none he knew personally. Could he really even count Elias if it had been years since he'd last seen the heir? Even if not, he supposed greetings were due in short order; irregardless of which houses they wound up in.

By the time the new arrivals had been split among the houses though, Alphonse wasn't sure if Yhirel wasn't tugging on the strings of fate himself. Heirs from practically every major House on the continent all in attendance at the same time? The dynamics alone would have made his head spin a bit, but thankfully all of that was a fair bit above his pay grade! Nonetheless it was certainly a boon to networking when he was looking at.. what, five heirs among his peers?

Taking a deep breath of fresh air as he followed the rest of the Foxes into the garden, Alphonse undid the top button of his coat and tugged on the collar a bit. Allowing enough of an opening for Ruga to finally scamper out, and the diminutive wyvern did just that as it was enticed by the sweet scent. Perched upon his shoulder with its tail around his neck for balance, the wyvern took in its new surroundings with a twitchy energy.

Glancing aside as the tour slowed a bit with the banter between some of the other students, Alphonse took the chance to approach one of the flower beds. Taking a knee and holding his hand out over the flowers, he gave his pet something of a perch to hang off of as its thin tongue flicked out to draw the nectar. "Fan of flowers?" He asked the other student that had paused to study them before he extended his free hand for a shake. While their names might have been announced while sorting them into the two houses, it was a rather impersonal way to learn each of their names. "Alphonse, but Al is fine too."
Herro. Sheet incoming some time this weekend. Wyvern rider in training Commoner, possibly vassal family to Ravaleth.

Still figuring it out.
Shou Zheng

"Hrm..." Looking down at the report that detailed his activities and discoveries on the island since his arrival, Shou noted the numerous dots that decorated the page's corner. His pen had left such marks from being tip tapped against it as he wondered if there was anything else he needed to write back home about. Clearly not though if his mind had began to wander about like such. Waving the pages gently through the air to make sure nothing smudged, he folded up the sheets and tucked them away in an envelope.

The recent departures weren't much to cry over. It would have only been a matter of time before the two unpredictable firebrands set something else alight, and that wasn't exactly Shou's brand of excitement. He did include the pertinent details on his report back home, but otherwise that was about all that they were relevant to him.

Despite not knowing what dangers lurked in the fogs after curfew, Shou didn't let that stop his nightly ventures outside. He spent his days healing from what his body was subjected to, but the injuries and wounds were only temporary for however terrible they may have been. Flesh reknit and regrew, better than before, and in time he'd be able to push through and explore further. The occasional lesson and lecture also occupied his time as he collected random scraps of knowledge that caught his attention, but the days passed by rather simply.

He really did need to find another Egoist to spar with at some point...
In Ayo 3 yrs ago Forum: Introduce Yourself
>anime uooooooh "OC"
>he likes being contrarian
In Ayo 3 yrs ago Forum: Introduce Yourself
Holy shit, the mental gymnastics. I suppose this is one way of getting yourself known.
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