《 Hezekiah Keller-Alem 》
❖ July 18 (26) ❖ Male ❖
A P P E A R A N C E:
> Height of 6’3” / 190.5 cm.
> Weight of 288 lbs / 130.64 kg.
> Fur pattern congruent with average specimens of Crocuta Crocuta.
> Noted preference for styles involving Streetwear or Decorated Jumpsuits. Signature accessories: Goggles, made from Deep Brass, and Deep Quartz-Glass. Silver Ear Piercings, both ears, stylized crosses. Piercings appear like swords.
> Notable scar crosses snout, jagged, appears to have healed poorly.
> Claws capped. Caps colored silver.
> Notable Magisthetics: Tail replaced by stylized bronze-ceramic plating, overall design mimics Panthera Onca, Jaguar. Spinal-Neurological connector suite.
> Weight of 288 lbs / 130.64 kg.
> Fur pattern congruent with average specimens of Crocuta Crocuta.
> Noted preference for styles involving Streetwear or Decorated Jumpsuits. Signature accessories: Goggles, made from Deep Brass, and Deep Quartz-Glass. Silver Ear Piercings, both ears, stylized crosses. Piercings appear like swords.
> Notable scar crosses snout, jagged, appears to have healed poorly.
> Claws capped. Caps colored silver.
> Notable Magisthetics: Tail replaced by stylized bronze-ceramic plating, overall design mimics Panthera Onca, Jaguar. Spinal-Neurological connector suite.
Gestalt Morph:
Hyena-Therian. Anthropomorphic Hyena akin to the Laughing Hyena, Crocuta Crocuta. Eyes reflect light in dim light to darkness, reflected light appears ‘bloody red.’ Has claws. Fangs."Le’s keep goin’! ‘S borin’ here ‘ther’ise."
B I O G R A P H Y:
Grew up in New Honolulu, and spent most of his life breaking down and repairing various pieces of construction and defense machinery. Gained mild notoriety for his noted proficiency in most things magitech. Frequently sends credit transfers to one Henrietta Keller-Alem, of unknown residence.
"Fear nothin’, c’ain’t nothin’ beat you ‘cept for a lack of confidence in the self!"
P E R S O N A L I T Y:
> Sharp, vulgar, boisterous, fair.
> Hezekiah is prone to speaking loudly, and without any semblance of shame or forethought. He is driven to uphold fairness, and will often be the first to stand up and ‘throw down’ for those being treated unfairly. He has a startlingly sharp wit, all things considered.
> Hezekiah is prone to speaking loudly, and without any semblance of shame or forethought. He is driven to uphold fairness, and will often be the first to stand up and ‘throw down’ for those being treated unfairly. He has a startlingly sharp wit, all things considered.
"Glory to ya! G’awn now an’ siddown and lemme learn ya somtin’, yeah?"
A B I L I T I E S / S K I L L S:
❖ Fathom level: High - rating 4. ❖ Magic Speciality: Illusions. ❖
- Magitech Repair and Maintenance
- Magitech Weaponry
- Small Arms
C H A R A C T E R N O T E S:
Hezekiah is an individual with a small, but known reputation, amongst the workshops and salvage yards of New Honolulu. He’s known for both paying way too much for what would be considered useless junk, and for haggling like a dragon over its last gold. Mainly, when he finds something he can prove is junk, true and proper. He does also run a semi-popular repair shop, being one of the relatively few non-corporate magitechninicans on the Anchor.
Magic Color/ Hex Code: Orange | #f18d1c