Avatar of ZombiesAnHyenas
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    1. ZombiesAnHyenas 3 yrs ago
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Jemma was… intrigued by this whole situation. Her singing had stopped around the same time as Jade’s, mostly due to the surprise of someone immediately translating a song she thought was interesting.
The sensation of Leah trying to wrestle her out of the room was forgotten by a sudden burst of ‘hug it’.

So the bear shape darted forward, ignoring the words being whispered by almost everyone, and gently rammed its armored skull against Jade’s chest.
Shards of bone and strands of fur began flying around the room, disintegrating rapidly once removed from the still living body. The bear bellowed lowly, rumbling a comforting purr not too unlike a rather large engine.
Ink pulsed, and a snake-like neck and head sprouted from the hind-legs of the bear, turning to focus on Wolf and … Violet? Was that the name? Yeah it was.

An echo of Wolf’s voice in her thoughts repeated the name for Jemma. The snake head turned, tilting somewhat as it focused on Vi… There was a burst of soft chuckling, before a voice echoed forth,
You should get someone to replace or look at your joint braces. Oh! Or, or, you could probably find somethin’ in section 7 of the graves. ‘S the last place I saw some higher tech scrap!” Jemma chirped, ignoring the social norms of… not… commenting on someone’s cyberware without prompting.

The bear leaned up, swiping a bloodless, mostly bone, tongue…? Over Jade’s cheek. “I can imagine! Does she often get ‘take out’?” Questioned the whispering bear-snake thing.
The question was answered for her when ‘Vi’ had started to bid her goodbyes. ‘I could call—‘ being cut off by a firm ‘No’? Made sense. Often, then, most likely, maybe, probably.
Silver one… Silver Templar? The Blonde Ally? … No! It had to be the other one, made out of crimson and [STRESS-FEAR-STRENGTH]. It couldn’t be the one of [BLADE-null-FOCUS]. That would be… difficult! Jemma liked that one! In-so-much as the foggy memories allowed her to like it. … Oh!
Speaking of which! Hey! Wolf! Hey! Hey hey hey hey—

The woman cut her off with a glare, to which both heads of Jemma’s current shape began laughing and smiling about. “So can I, like… Leave? Or whatever? You didn’t necessarily make it super clear so…?” She trailed off, shrugging and bobbing the snake head about.

Meanwhile, far and above the conversation hidden from the sun, a man slams his forehead into the workstation he sits at. A frustrated scream rips from his mouth, before he sits back up.

Felix was having… a morning. That’s how he would describe it. He had clearly stayed up well past his ‘bedtime’ as Ion occasionally put it. Dark bags sat under his eyes, and he had kept the luminosity of his hard-light limbs at a ‘distant candle in a storm’ low.
In the corner of his HUD, was an image that Ion had sent him. The time stamp had it at 6:38 AM.
It was him, or at least, a heavily doctored image of him.
He didn’t even own a tank top like that! … He thought. Maybe. Who knows. He rarely slept at his apartment anymore, so, eh.

The biggest issue was having his face fully associated with his ‘hero’ identity. Felix hadn’t even gone out on a field mission, yet. Still had two days to go to be cleared for active duty. Above board. Legally. If Eva’s not looking. And if it definitely doesn’t involve ARES in any way, shape, or form. Yup.
Back on topic.

While the image kept his genuine look, it frustrated him that it was edited in such a way to make him seem so, well, suspicious? Mischievous? Gremlin-esque? Troublemaking? A definite Loki-archetype.
Oh well, too late, and going through multiple different reverse image searches proved that it was a solely localized image, so, yay.
A rapid, incredibly irate, message was sent and read, and responded to. With a smiley emoji.

Felix heaved a sigh and stood, snatching up the still prototype A.R.I. Module from its workstation stand. A burst of information scattered itself over his HUD, artifacted and distorted. Another failed start-up sequence. The tinker growled, setting it back down again and picking up his micro-tools. He was getting frustrated with the damn thing, and Sovereign wasn’t really able to help. Something about ‘organic processing being hard to extrapolate in conjunction with inorganic processing.
In simple terms?” He had questioned, only to be met with, ‘Computer does a fast think better than a human does a pattern-recognition think.

Felix focused on the suspended module, eyebrows furrowing as he adjusted the moorings for the motherboards AGAIN. Figured that soldering them would’ve worked right? No! Fuckin’ microtech. Half of a half of a millimeter off? Guess what suddenly can’t run power as it’s supposed to! Whatever.
He was in minute three, when a sudden idea sparked behind his eyes.

Sai had said his speciality seemed to be prosthetics, and to angle his inventions as if they were all prosthetics…
What… if…
Felix’ face exploded into a grin, as he rapidly began disassembling and then reassembling the ARI module. In the span of ten minutes at most, a pair of what Yue would call: ‘The best damn headphones,’ replaced the wrap-around-headband chassis.

Felix’ grin only widened when, with a bit of prompting on Sovereigns’ part, the boot up sequence started.

<silence notifications>
<display ‘boot sequence’ progress>
welcome to A.R.I. Augmented Reality Interface.
fly with the dawn.

He was totally going to test this out. … Buuuuut having a witness for his success would be nicer than just Sovereign.
Which building did Dawn say she worked in, again? Eh. He’d just send her a text to warn her ahead of time… And maybe trace the receiving device to wherever it’s physical location within the tower was.
And maybe input those coordinates into ARI.
And maaaaybe… Just… Close his eyes… And…

[The Den - The Undercity - 07:07 AM, March 12th, 2045]

Miss. Miss Dove, please— Just, a different song? If you have to sing, please… literally anything else.” Pleaded a woman in a nurse’s uniform. Her hair, normally kept in a tidy bun, was frazzled and somewhat unkempt, mostly as a result of chasing an unsleeping, remorseless, excitable Jemma.

‘Dove’ as she was occasionally called by anyone who either saw her, or overheard her conversation with wolf, was bored. Had been bored. She’d always had an over abundance of energy, but after what Menagerie had done to her?
She practically felt like sprinting when there was nothing for her to focus on.
And they wouldn’t let her go and sit with Jade until she woke up, because that was ‘creepy’. Whatever.
Not like Jade would even notice, she was sleeping! Sheesh.

Jemma groaned and tried to focus again, turning to face the nurse— Leah— with a soft sigh. The wings she had wrapped herself in fluttered their feathers. Leah stared, and Jemma stared in mind, before the winged woman threw her hands up into the air with a grumbled shout of “Fiiiine!

She sighed, turning her gaze to the floor and thinking for a while before she raised her head and smirked. She maintained eye contact with Leah, cackling as the nurse nary blinked at the sound of rushing ink.
The pitch-fluid spread over Jemma’s body like a tidal wave, giving rise to black fur, bleached bone, and burgundy chitinous plates.
A quadrupedal figure rapidly replaced the bi-pedal human, vaguely ursine in general shape, but longer and taller. The claws were short, blunt, and nearly hidden by the shaggy fur that covered the majority of the body. Enormous plates of bone rose and covered the neck, forearms, and the straight portions of the back legs. Chitin covered everything else, save for the face. That too, was mostly covered by bone, like a mask.

Jemma smiled in this new shape, an expression that was deeply unnatural on the bear-like ‘face’.
Ink swelled in the massive neck of the beast, before singing ABRUPTLY exploded into the air. Three? Or was it four? A small group of voices ripped into the brief quiet that filled the Den.

And then the thumping of a bone-bear monster running for its life. Down and around the now somewhat cramped halls did she run, singing and screaming the whole while. Leah meanwhile gave chase, hissing for her to, ‘PLEASE be quieter!’

Jemma didn’t listen, of course. This was fun! Plus, it was seven in the morning, people needed to be awake anyways! Clearly! Obviously!
She turned a corner, faltering for a moment as she came upon the room that apparently belonged to Wolf…
She quickly returned to running, and singing, as Leah’s footsteps got closer. Her volume only grew before she abruptly and finally stopped. Sensitive ears caught the sounds of people groaning, or shouting, or whining, or generally complaining! Perfect.

Leah slammed into her at full force, and the two slammed through the doorway that Jemma had stopped in front of. Oops?
Oh! It was Jade’s room. Perfect-er.

"Do you remember who I am?"
What an interesting question. Memories flashed through Jemma's minds' eye as she stared into open space for a moment or so. An early interaction with the woman in front of her, asking for maintenance on her cyberware in return for a favor. And then forever returned, "You do the best work, after-all." Wolf had said then. Both a long time ago and only just yesterday. Huh.

Jemma's face twisted into a frown, as ink pulsed to the surface of her skin. Wolf's sensitive hearing was treated to a cacophony of whispered sounds from deep within Jemma's chest.
There were whispers of twinned voices, cries of many different types of beasts, and the rushing boom of waves on a beach. All of it no louder than a whisper heard behind a doorway. The pitch-liquid settled around her chest, legs, and arms. Feathered wings, colored like amber with prismatic smears running through, gave her a semblance of modesty. Exposed skin was covered with 'tattoos', which occasionally writhed and shifted in shape. Sometimes, it was patterned as if she was a skeleton, with bright white bones shining against pure black skin. And other times, it was as if she were awash in lines of blue, purple, silver, and gold, vibrant and bright against her skin in an unnatural way.

"I... Yeah, duh? You're Wolf! I used to 'fix-up' your ware! You uh, helped me kick my cigarette addiction. Oh!" She stopped rambling, taking a moment to snap her fingers, "You once threatened to cut off my ex's giblets because he wouldn't let go of my arm!" Jemma chirped with a smile.
The ink came to a stop, as did the nearly silent sounds from within her chest. She shifted her weight from foot to foot, already antsy and needing to pace. "It's only been... Uh... Huh. It feels like its been about six hours, maybe? What day is it? I haven't, uh, really been keeping track of time! Haha..." She trailed off. If her heart was beating, if she HAD a heart to beat, it would've begun to speed up with barely contained panic.
Her face gave her emotions away anyways, as the panic got worse. She remembered both a lot, and a little. And the world was spinning with astral shapes, emotions, memories, impressions, and pure [MANA]. It was a lot!

The body was limp. Which was certainly a thing now. Silence had abruptly reigned supreme, as astral eyes suddenly shot open in the absence of proper sight.

Deep in the chest of what was and is Jemma, a core of pitch-black ink pulsed in place of a heart. Time slowed to a crawl, sped to a mad dash, and then settled on familiarity. She watched in limp silence as a figure composed of [RESIGNATION] and [REGRET] bustled in swiftly, taking away the blinding beacon of [THOUGHT-WIND].
Mana swirled around the ‘familiar’ shape of Jade, but also… Didn’t. It was as if she both was and was not in that space. Like the smell of rain within the deepest caverns. There and yet not.

It didn’t really make sense to Jemma. And so she ignored it for the time, focusing instead on how the [MANA] shifted around the two. They were leaving. The figure that was guiding Jade had a blank spot on its arm. A limb replaced by unliving metal. How interesting.
That was beyond the point.

She could think now that she wasn’t trapped. The swelling of fear and phobia fading rapidly. Another shape came upon her, unlatching the restraints at her hips and ankles. Probably meaning to clean up. As if she was just a corpse. A body to be removed. Well, that couldn’t stand for long!
And so, with not too terribly much aplomb…
Jemma sat up.

The spray of blood and ink came to an immediate end, not but moments after having started. Her body shifted and stood, astral eyes unblinking as she walked to the familiar mana shape of her head.
Hands came into contact with finely cut neck flesh, and ink pulsed from the fingertips. It spread over the head in organic, fractal, patterns. Then it began sinking in, like hot knives through butter, spreading further all the while.
Within the span of ten seconds at most, the loose head was gone.

Ink throbbed at the stump of Jemma’s neck, before rushing up and out, coalescing into a brand new skull.
Then into new muscle. New flesh came soon after. Then hair.
She turned around, blinking twice at the physician who stared back at her.
Before the woman began a short lived scream.
And then promptly passed the hell out.

Uh… Oops?” Whispered the newly healed woman. She frowned, focusing on her feet as a foreign-familiar sensation pressed against her mind.
More fractal-spreading ink, over walls and floors and cloth. Blood vanishing and leaving no trace to having ever once been there beyond the smell.
The shapeshifter shuffled from foot to foot. Nervous. Oops!

The woman with the metal arm was back, had been back. And was now just… Watching.
Hi! Sorry! That- uh- that was a huge mess, huh?

Jemma… Jemma tried extraordinarily hard to focus on the woman in front of her. She really did.
But the world kept shifting. Astral eyes prying open and slamming shut. The woman, Jade, was a beacon of light that was almost blinding. Around her flowed currents of the concept of wind, to say nothing of the leakage of [PAIN] and [DISORIENTED] that radiated off of her in waves.

Jemma coughed once. Blinking in surprise at the ink that leapt from her lips and struck Jade across the cheek. Then once more as ink pulsed through the flesh of her face.
Jemma continued to stare at the woman across from her, processing and yet not, her words. Ink whirled on her cheeks, spreading across her entire face before settling into a bright array of colors and contrasts. Red that centered around her eyes, with pinks and blues and purples settling over her cheeks, forehead, eyebrows, and lips. White and black settled into the background, with floral patterns giving rise to a rapidly formed ‘Sugar Skull’ on her face.

Her irises shifted, colors rapidly rolling through before settling on a startlingly normal chocolate brown. Her pupils contracted to pinpoints, before exploding outward into four-pointed stars.
She took a breath…
Wh- A zombie? No. I’m… I’m not, I don’t think? … Where are we?” She questioned, glancing down at her blanket covered form. “Why are… Why am I restrained? What’s going on? Am I allowed to leave? I want to leave.
She continued, voice shifting between pauses, as ink pulsed at her throat and settled on… something familiar.

She tried to sit up again, yanking on the straps of nylon and steel buckles that kept her limbs still. “I want to leave. Let me leave. I want to leave! Let me go!
Her skin thrummed, eyes slowly going wild as observational machinery began beeping and chirping in alarming tones. Jemma yanked again, slowly beginning to wail as she thrashed in place.
Let. Me. Go! I want to go! Let me go! Alex?! Alex! Alex help! I want OUT!
Jemma yanked once more, shrieking indignantly. The strap on her chest strained, pulling against her skin before snapping abruptly. Muscle mass that had formed in a bout of hysteria ached for a moment.
Then her forehead collided with Jade’s.
She paused, staring into Jade’s eyes for a brief moment. Just… staring!

And then her head sailed across the room with all the ceremony of a sneeze.

The body was moving without input again. Memories were bubbling up, half formed and disjointed in their collection.
A flash of a child, with mouse brown hair, sitting on a slab of a table. Wires trailed from his shoulders, shiny metal gleaming in the surgical light—
It skipped. Again. Why couldn’t they hold onto the memories?!

Another flash, blooming like the pain of a migraine.
A birthday party. What was a birthday party again? … A celebration. A pair of hands reached forward, lifting a bottle of champagne. The collection of people— when did they get there? A surprise! They all cheered—
It skipped.

J-3 came to a stop in the middle of the street they had found themselves in. The world around them whirling and twisting as if in a dream.
Another flash. And another, and another. And another.

Memories of a birthday again, smaller and familial.
Memories of a question, “What is your name?”
Memories of an introduction, “Hi! My name is Jemma! You can call me Dove! I’ll be your Fixer today, okay sweetheart?”
One last memory, old and worn like a loved photograph out of its frame.

Dude, I’m telling you. We shouldn’t take her to the caves. She’s arachnophobic!
Is she? I didn’t know! … There’s the Sword-Singer’s Descent? She would love that probably. Kasha’s weird like that.
’Kasha’s weird like that’, you’re only saying that ‘cuz SSD has way too many movement mechanics, mister ‘tanktastic’.
And then… another response. But it was lost to a burst of mental static as J-3 abruptly crumpled.

The migraine was worse. Rippling through the core. Astral eyes closed, willpower was drawn upon like a well. An empty well. There was nothing left to give.
Ink exploded from the quadrupedal form, whipping through the air as the body began screaming. Pain worked through every aspect of J-3. Memories pressing up and forcibly slotting back into place.
Memories from two different existences.
A flash of the mana scape, staring up at [QUEEN-MOTHER-PROTECTOR-PROTECTED]. A pillar of marble white.
A flash of thought, chasing a beacon of [FEAR] and [FURY]. Subsuming it. Bringing it back.
One last flash, of searing pain and confusion, being forcibly melded with something. A shape. Small and [HATEFUL] and [TERRIFIED] and [REMORSEFUL].

J-3 abruptly stopped screaming. Laying on her side on the street, heaving exhausted gasps. The world spun slowly, the migraine had faded.
Jemma stood up, moving cautious and slow. She could hear and [SEE] a couple of shapes approaching her. People.
One knelt, spoke to her. She blinked up at it blearily. Heard nothing.
Understood nothing.
Something behind her sternum shuddered, and she coughed once. Ink spilled past her lips, and the shape exclaimed.

The world cut to black for a moment, then clicked back in. She was on a stretcher. Screaming, again, as a far far distant pain bloomed throughout her flesh. What was happening?
Voices above her, rushing quickly. “… Call her then! I can barely find…”
The world cut again.

And clicked back once more, a bright light in both pupils. Screaming had faded for weak whines, begging. Eyes followed the light as it shifted back and forth. Astonished voices.
“Hey! Hey I know her!”
A voice ignored, before it shouted again. The response?
“We’ll let’em know in the morning then! She’s fuckin’ dyin’!”
Her hand reached up, swiping through the air. Astral eyes opened to see mana shift. A sprinkle of salt water fell.
“She’s got powers!”
“You couldn’t tell from the fuckin’ INK?!”
The world cut once more.

And then returned. She was laying on her back in a dimly lit office. On a desk, or a proper table? There was a wire connected to her head, trailing to… a display? An EKG? No. Tracking brain activity.
Jemma groaned quietly, tried to sit up only to find she couldn’t move more than an inch or two.
She blinked a couple times, noted the blankets that covered her. The material was clean, stained in a couple places. The stains were black as pitch, and we’re scattered at random.
Where was she? What was going on now?
Astral eyes opened.

There were two presences just beyond a door, to her right. One was leaving, nearly running, while the other was fumbling with something.
Both pulsed with [DETERMINATION] and [WORRY].

Well… Shit.
She still needed to find The Blonde Ally and Rat. Shit.
Felix gave Dawn an impish smile, chuckling faintly as the world slowly- Ever so slowly- began to match his speed. Or perhaps he began to match the world's speed.
It didn't matter. Focus.

Focusing WAS easier now, and after a moment Felix shifted. His gaze snapped up, only able to take in the star-scape that had now exploded overhead for a brief moment. The falling motes of light made him cackle, as his eyes danced with ideas and thoughts aplenty.

He turned to her, still smiling as he made his way towards... Well.
He certainly wasn't heading towards the doors that led out of the lobby. He also wasn't heading towards the doors of the nearby elevator. Or stairwell. Instead, he was approaching a window.
"God, I hope this isn't rude sounding but... I think if I saw that as a kid, I'd assume you'd hung the stars. That was so, well, so pretty!"
He spread his arms as he walked, fingers moving in slow waves as he 'stretched' his limbs.

"Also! I really am sorry I forgot about you down here. You're entirely too kind, and I really do appreciate your patience." Felix emphasized. His expression was one of regret, and again, his eyes met Dawn's.
He took note of her stance, trying to place her mood on that alone. Was she upset? Had he fucked up far too much?
Felix had started frowning, brows furrowing, when sovereign 'bee-bee-beeped' a message onto his HUD.
Lux Discordia paused for a moment, letting his civilian mask slide away, as he observed the message sent to him.
Thoughts spiraled rapidly through his brain, each being carefully looked over and noted, before he let his face split into a wide grin.

"Before we go anywhere or go any further... Is there anythin' I can do to make up for it? There anywhere you'd like to go? ... We could maybe leave your brother a surprise for bein' such a smart-ass? Or I could take you somewhere for some actually good food! Since Sai was bein' an ass and didn't share his with us!" Another pause, before he continued.
"Or we could do anythin' else too! Your wish is my command, o' lady Light, bringer of Helios across our mortal skies!"

He finished with a flourish, that same impish smile only growing into a truly mischievous grin as he spoke. "Y'could even try tattooin' one of my arms, or legs, if you'd like! I refuse to let my slight against you go unanswered!"
Titan's Fall, The Undercity, Underground Headquarters Ichabod

To say that Maria Menagerie was having an interesting day would be, above all else, quite a disservice. If it wasn't the fact that one of her more experimental project/facilities was completely AWOL/destroyed, it was the fact that some of those under her direct supervision were getting... Big for their britches.
'The board' had wanted a meeting today. Apparently some site-directors of no small repute and size were getting nervous. They were losing sight of the future, and losing focus on the tasks at hand. 'The size of the projects, and the amount of them, are unreasonable!' they had decried.

Maria had rectified that.
Reminded them of what they could do with the limitless potential at their finger tips. Reminded them of what they accomplished without her input, and how she fully believed they could manage this much. Reminded them that they were the reason for this companies success, and that she only wished to see them push that much harder.
Reminded them of what they [SWORE], when they joined the upper echelon of employment at Menagerie Technical.
Only one needed to be... Re-educated. His departure was saddening, for sure, but the chance to teach with his leaving was beyond beneficial.
She hadn't even needed to be nearby to watch the [MANA] break his mind, to weave the threads of insanity that boiled and warped his thoughts.
He didn't know any of them! Where was he!? Who was he? Well! He couldn't very well keep the extremely sensitive data on his computer! This was after-all, not his to keep!
He left the conference call at that point.
He would not be seen for weeks, only reappearing later, under the scalpel of one of their cyber-ware clinics, while another of the more... Questionably dedicated, was on site nearby.

Maria huffed. Twitching like a spider's limb as Thomas- Her assistant- leaned over and placed a cup of faintly luminous coffee on her desk.
She gave him a nod, mentally twisting on the corded [ROPE-BRAID-CHAIN-WEB] that spanned between them. Another silent conversation passed between the two, with Maria staring Thomas directly in the eye the entire time.
Thomas nodded once. The conversation came to an abrupt end, the man silently striding off, and out of her office. He knew what she wanted of him.

She turned then, tapping twice upon the table-top of her desk as a keyboard overlay formed itself in the glossy plas-steel. Two points of light bloomed on the far corners, cycling through a multitude of colors. Then, quick as a blink, a holographic screen displayed itself before her.
Two taps; the screen shifts; and ID's tag displays itself on a map. Another two taps; the screen shifts only slightly; and MG's tag displays.
This process continues for precisely two minutes, and only stops when there are a total of sixteen tags moving throughout the Under City.
Maria hums, leans back, and watches quietly.

Perhaps it was time for her to start getting everything moving. Hm.

Shieldtown, Interior

They were walking now. Why were they walking? What had happened?
A force. Right. [ARTEMIS]. Right. Where… On a wall. Right.

J-3 shook its head, grappling with discordant thoughts and observations. There was… A threat display! Right? It was a threat display, had to have been. The other one only ever did threat displays, the one of [SUN AND FLAME].
And then there was [EARTH], still there. Still under their feet, watching. Was it still watching? Where was it? Where had it gone?
Had it always been so stifling in this town? This was home at some point— Wait.

A memory; but disjointed and foggy. It skipped through their mind like a scratched vinyl.
There was a flash; a familiar face; a smile given as he lifted— It skipped.
She was laughing; an instance cleared! Kasha was- It skipped.
She was crying; messy breakup; his was the only safe place to go- It skipped.
Chrome and plastic at her finger-tips; an attachment gone awry; a bad Fixer residing nearby- It skipped.
He was frowning at her now, she was yelling at him. An argument. She had to go to the Graves— it skipped.
Scrambling through the rubble, running. A flash of fire, brilliantly hot. Debris flares to ash. A cry on the lips.
Help me—
It skipped.

J-3 stumbled to a stop, shaking their head and staring upwards. They had walked into something. The idea of it just, wasn't coming to mind. Like sand in a sieve. The information just wasn't sticking! WHY!? Oh- Wait that- Never-mind. It was making sense now.
There was a building in front of them, and it blinded them with deja-vu. Did they recognize this house? And... And it was a house. Two stories… and… And the finer details of it slid past their mind. Like trying to take in the shape of it was impossible. The idea of a house was impossible to grasp. Shelter, yes, but, not what a house actually signified.
Where were they? What was happening?
Golden-threaded light danced in the air, abrupt and attention grabbing. The street. An intersection? Magic ward interlaced over the air. Unawakened and awakened both would avoid the area.
Two familiarly unfamiliar signatures tainted the air, as J-3 moved to a better vantage point. [THE ONE OF SUN AND FLAME] and [EARTH] were communicating. Arguing. A [ZONE OF TRUTH] had formed.
Their hearing was just sensitive enough to pick up what they were saying, from the distance that the two were at.

J-3 twitched, watching as communications developed. Then, with grace and strength that belied the shape they were in, J-3 turned and sprinted away. They wanted no part of whatever was happening there. Where were they anyways? What was happening...?

Rat! Rat. They had to find Rat, and The Sword Queen. How long had it been? Why was it so hard to think?!

J-3 scrambled along. Unknowingly leaving whorls in the manascape around them. Inky black-purple-pink, swaying like kelp in ocean currents, and filled with terror and confusion.
[Titan's Fall - Templar Tower - The Lobby]

Came the reply, leaving Felix blinking slowly as he tossed the burst of emotions in his chest around. Hm.
First came the swirl of irritation, followed and mixed with a whorl of admiration. Alongside that? A helping of guilt.
He definitely didn't MEAN to forget about her, but, sometimes work was just... So much more fun!

Anyways. Felix cleared his throat and turned on a heel, hand darting out to grab an unoccupied emitter-card. This one was... Entirely lacking in formatting, and would need to be coded by the time he got back, buuuut he could go ahead and get some prefabs set in on it while he was within range of The Tower!
Yay for potentially super duper illegal AI that apparently only a few knew about! Yay! Yayyyy!

Felix blinked, realizing he had been standing in place for... Huh. Four minutes. Wow. He needed to move, oops.

"Hhhhey Sovereign? Would you be so willing as to assist me down the stairs?"
He got an affirmative Beep-beep-beeeee-, and then, with a single blink and a gasp...

He was stood directly in front of Dawn, smiling brightly at her as the world yanked back into view.
He bowed, extending a hand in an exaggerated motion; not too dissimilar to a butler. If said butler was wearing a shit eating grin.
"Yeah hi, sorry! Sorry, I TOTALLY got distracted making... Something interesting! Working on something new always gets that, y'know, creatives focus-- ANYWAYS! Hold on, sorry! Okay. Okay! So. My meds should kick innnnn, in like, like, maybe three minutes and eighteen... Seventeen... Sixteen... Yeah, you get the idea."

He paused, making eye contact with her before continuing, rambling like a speeding train on the rails. "So! If you're still up for it, we're gonna A) go get some coffee and something to snack on, and B) if you're down for it, we're gonna fuck with your boss and SINS s'more."
Titans’ Fall, Templar Tower: Laboratory 3, Augmented Weaponry R&D

A man’s voice swore into the relative quiet of the lab. From his hands, sparks flew, and he jolted upright as if stung.
It was a massive room, populated by four large sized work stations, four ‘display’ tables- 1.60 meters by 1.60 meters. Mobile too, there were grooves in the floor with what appeared to be magnetic spheres laid within.

And towards one wall, an airlock that led into and out of the room. Alongside an attached observation area. The laboratory was stark white, with specific paths and stations and tools marked by flashes of accented colors: orange, green, blue, and pink.

Felix stood at the station awash in pink, hyper focused on the project between his hard-light fingertips. It was a strange device, pure black glossy metal, with faintly glowing lines of golden circuitry. His eyes were hidden behind a set of shades, never-mind that said protective eyewear was ALSO made out of a deep orange hardlight. The room was dimly lit SAVE for the station he was working at.

Anyways; the emitter in his hands was the product of … Uh. Oh shit. 8 whole hours. Between meandering around and engaging in-
The emitter sparked once, startling that train of thought right out.
Well, it was a product of hyperfixation. An upgrade! One made in the heat of the moment because panic, and all that good stuff.
His hands moved reflexively, as Sovereign blipped him twice. Right. His guest! Right. Oops. Shit.
The emitter was slipped into a perfectly sized slot on his left hip. The hard-light limb there flickered, before stabilizing. Then it flickered out of existence entirely. And Felix had to grab the work-station in front of him to avoid falling.
The limb returned after a solid two minutes of nothing, with Felix spending that entire time working on the projector base. After some time, the cyber-ware flashed with golden light, and projected. His other leg was humanoid enough; appearing like a ‘retro’ video game character’s limb might. Sixteen— No- twenty four ‘planes’ of light connected to eachother, but displayed no real details beyond blank sheets of orange light.

The new limb was humanoid as well, none of that digitigrade shit. It was infinitely more detailed, and sported what looked like spurs on its heels and toes. Felix nodded as the leg finished stabilizing again, and then slammed his heel into the floor. He gave a delighted smile as his HUD shifted.


And from his shin, a massive tower shield of burgundy hardlight lanced into the air in front of him. It glinted like a shattered mirror in the dim-light of the lab. The barrier shifted as Felix clenched his fist on his left.
His HUD beeped again.

And like a thought, the shield vanished. On the back of Felix’ ankle, a wickedly sharp curve of hard light formed. It had a squared tip, a bit like a cleaver. It barely reached half a meter in length, just shy of about .48 meters, as a matter of fact.
He flexed, hopping away from his workstation and spinning about in an abruptly violent axe kick. The air hummed, as his blades limb cut through the atmosphere like it hardly even existed. Hm!
Felix twisted a wrist, listening as Sovereign beeped in the corner of his awareness.

< … … … Playing audio! >
Mister Lanning… You have a guest who has been waiting for a total of 67 minutes for your company.

Oh. Fuck, oops. Dawn was STILL downstairs, and Felix had promised this would be... Quick.
She was definitely going to bitch, if the prior eight-ish hours were any indication.
New memories though! She wasn't ALL bad, just, a bit misguided and assured of her own excellence! ... Like Sai. And Felix liked Sai!
A quick message was fired off, a text that simply read: [Hey, sorry! I got SUPER distracted for… a lot longer than I meant. I’ll be right there! I’ll come get you? … Where are you?]

Okay, so maybe it wasn’t a simple message.
Oh, wait. She- Fuckin'- She was just down in the lobby, god, he could just-

[Heyyyy nevermind, just, don't move. Be right there. Sorry.]
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