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All I can think of when I hear "Time Stop"

Also, Adam needs another friend. Anyone interested in some more tie ins?
I like it.
[@Volvenradica] You're OK with Adam using tools above and beyond his big guns, right? Things like grenades, or other combat accoutrements?

Also, if you want to go full on Tom Clancy, I figure since my character is essentially big game hunting, and he has aura to make his wrist/shoulder not get torn off, having one of those goofy and overcompensatory handguns that chamber in .45-70 govt would be appropriate. The rifle, working from the same principle and assuming that alongside mechs, ear protection has come a long way, something goofy in 20mm might be appropriate for the rifle. Hunters are super strong, and aura sure can take a pounding when not getting hit by the floor. I just thought you should know to adjust for what such a person would be capable of, and tell me if such silly and over-the-top choices would be possible or appropriate for Grimm-hunting and aura-breaking.
I get what you're saying Kurai, and since the show doesn't explain anything, there is little I see coming from an argument. I find it unlikely that a world with gelling agents [fairly certain I saw some candy that would necessitate this, maybe not] and petroleum with modern sensibilities would not produce a burning agent to kill forests, but we can assume they do not have one. We are told that grimm get more powerful the further they are from civilization, and the only one's we've seen have been mediocre at best. I find it hard to believe they can be a big enough threat to require something besides man-portable crewed weapons, but it can be assumed they don't have them.

I'm coming to this thinking about works of fiction like World War Z, or the very real Second Boer War, or the removal of the Mongols from Russia, in which modern technology and competent organization overcomes massive numbers and more deadly 'gimmick' capabilities, but we may very well just assume that people in RWBY are fools who refuse to pursue useful technologies and Grimm are secretly a credible threat to an airship fleet numbering hundreds of warships.

And I do, for this RP. I just think it silly. Things can be both dumb and good at the same time.

TL;DR: Explanations are contrived, but I don't care, argumentation at this point is pointless.

EDIT: Fuck, I mentioned UBER. Time to re-read the whole thing. 10/10 best comic books in a long time.
@The ghost in black Logic's overrated. Fun is better. And I don't mean to be an asshole, nor do I bear you any ill will. You're classy. I'm just nitpicking because I don't want to start my midterm essay.

Trust me, there is nothing worse than knowing about firearms or any other piece of combat technology and watching popular media. I have learned to just ignore it when someone fires 25 rounds from a gun that holds 8+1. Or when two people swordfight and swing at a point between them rather than at their opponent. Or when someone takes cover behind a sofa and does not get shot through it.
What about how that death stalker in the woods was basically impervious to bullets as well as the giant never more in the same area

I preface this by saying that once again, I do not want to see any changes, nor do I think that these inconsistencies should be removed from the game.

Now I'm no expert on Grimm [mostly because we're never given specifics as far as I can tell], but I do know about guns. And boy, they do get big. Now, seeing as the Death Stalker was killed with a hit by the grand total of the force of a falling Nora hammer hit combined with effectively two man-personal grenades on what would be a relatively large surface area compared to proper munitions, they do not have that much armor, at least relatively. Maybe the top armor is weaker, but it both doesn't look like it and regardless, should not matter. Compare that to modern day anti-tank weaponry. Big fuck-off heavy rockets designed to penetrate 700mm of composite armor [which would be orders of magnitude stronger than anything nature would likely produce] moving at several times the speed of sound would do the trick. Even an AT-4, which costs like a thousand dollars and is very easily man portable and usable in confined spaces, while not being able to kill a T-90, would liquefy a grimm that can be penetrated by two grenades and a hammer swing.

As for the nevermore, anything that is light enough to fly is light enough to be fucked raw by anything larger than small arms. Unless it is made of some super material that I don't know about. The question then is why are they not bred for their super light super armor and harvested to make protective suits. Maybe that's what the stupid white chestplate is? Fucking conspiracy theory.

I haven't seen the goliaths fight, nor do I have any source on their armor thickness or durability, but the main point is this: the upper limit for man-portable firepower is massive. If a weapon can destroy a modern tank, I find it difficult to believe that it cannot kill an armored elephant. And RWBY takes place in the science fiction future, where heavier-than-air battleships can fly around, and weapons can retract into hammerspace, so the limit on man-portable firepower is likely even larger.

@Kurai's got it right. I'm here to play revolver ocelot a cool magic hunter, fuck logic. But the show makes 0% sense, which I am OK with when I'm in an RP. But, once again, if I wanted logic in my supersoldiers I would go read Uber, which I already do. [fucking series 2 soon, max hype]

But to address your point @Kurai: Grimm are never shown to be numerous enough or dangerous enough to warrant the massive costs and strange prestige associated with the training and operation of huntsmen. Napalm's cheap and bullets are cheaper.

Now, I do see a need for huntsmen to exist to fight other huntsmen. Modern weapons are not designed to kill supersoldiers, but they are really good at killing animals. I can't think of an easy way to eliminate an enemy hunter without another hunter or extraordinary expenditure of materiel. Hunters being soldiers trained to kill other hunters would make way more sense, and would explain why they always train to fight humans rather than grimm [except that one time when Weiss fails to kill a boar, I guess]. Maybe that's the whole twist of the show: Ozpin wants World War 3 and has slowly shifted the curriculum of Beacon and the world to train huntsmen to fight each other in order to get a stiffy at some good ol' Vernichtungsschlacht
Can I tie Adam to the regular army or something? Like, his father was a member? Military matters are one of the few areas in which I can claim competence, and I figure it would be an interesting character dynamic.

Also, I don't think I share your fear of intelligent animals. If they can't use modern technology I have very little to worry about. Guns are really rather good at killing things.
Leslie, I am your man. I'm designing Adam to play straight man to the goofiness, which would be good to turn serious by trying to keep someone kooky from descending further into madness.

Also, and I don't mean to sound like an asshole, not do I want a change, but: Grimm clearly die to low-energy bullets with ease [demonstrated by Coco in the end season 2]. Why couldn't a group of infantry kill grimm easily and much more cost efficiently than people who have to be put through combat schooling until the age of 21? Not only would it be easy to kill animals who have no direction or intelligence when they die to bullets, but humans have incredible technology like mechs [pointless, but that's a different argument] and air battleships. How are Grimm a threat? Soldiers could use dust rounds same as anyone.

ALSO also: were we all just selected BECAUSE of our names? Or have some of us changed names since getting experimented on? Or is it just a coincidence that a whole bunch of people with black names got selected for the program?
So, serious question: What do huntsmen do? Like, specifically?

How do they operate in relation to the regular army?
I'm itching to start. I wish I knew some generalities of the start, so I could get to writing or Adam without feeling like I'm wasting my time.
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