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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DotCom

DotCom probably sarcastic

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

“Now, this isn’t a Heterodyne story like your mama tells you when she tucks you into bed at night... Well, not exactly. Oh, we all know they’re out there somewhere, fighting the good fight, but right here and now, the Heterodyne Boys are gone. Their lands are overrun, their machines destroyed, their servants scattered, and nothing remains but their name. At least, that what everyone thinks...!”
- Girl Genius, by Phil & Kaja Foglio


Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DotCom

DotCom probably sarcastic

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Ivy might have been annoyed at her furry travel companion for dragging her away from the action...if she hadn't been so utterly, completely and totally thrilled by the action itself.

It seemed almost unbelievable. One minute, silence. Stories about floating castles or pirate robots, or something -- she could hardly remember anymore -- the next, there were toads, and toad innards, and explosions she was positive would win her some sort of prize thrice over in anyone had heard. And they most certainly had. At this point, the sleepy occupants of Motorhum would undoubtedly be after them again, which was just as well, because her apron was running low, and she wanted to make more loud noises.

She giggled to herself, avoiding stumbling along by some miracle, as she stared at the teetering remains of the charred walls they'd tried to use to keep the swamps where the swamps belonged. It was a long moment before she realized she couldn't hear herself -- or anything, really -- over the high-pitched whine in her ears. That threatened to upset her manic giddiness, afraid she was missing more explosions, until she remembered she only couldn't hear because her first (or third? Or fifth? Whatever) Sparky venture had probably obliterated her obnoxiously normal eardrums. She'd have to fix that later.

For now, she had the few remaining toads to consider...though none of them seemed to be following. They had instead clustered around the base of the wall the giant toad king, or whatever it was, had been using as a shield. Apparently, not a very effective one.

Ivy dug her heels in hard against Jötz's retreat.

"Stop!" she demanded imperiously. "We have to go back!" Or at least, she hoped that was what she said. It was hard to tell.

There was some reason the warty little projectiles weren't following. She wondered idly if they were poisonous. She was sure she could use their grimy skins in some way. Perhaps an amphibian clank. That speared fish. And small fishing vessels. Ivy wasn't much for competition.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Justric


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

"Vait. Vhat??" Jötz stared at her incredulously as though she were mad. Which was the case, of course, for what were Sparks if not crazed scientists and looney inventors. It was by no accident that Sparks were often called 'mad boys.' All the same, the odds were not in what he thought were their favor. He was a Jaeger, afraid of little and enthusiastic in mayhem, yet that did not mean he was as foolish as he might sometimes seem. Whatever that thing was behind the wall, he doubted he could take it and the assorted small sized monsters about them all at the same time even with Ivy's cracker-jacks. The blue toads hadn't followed. Going back into their den seemed just a tad crazier than he could appreciate. "Chou ist joking, ja? Ist a funny, like telling zome new recruit to find a left-handed smoke shifter, ja?"

"Look, Miss Ivy, chou ist a pretty young gurl dat makes tings go boom und smells nize. Maybe not very nize, but nize. Chou don't want to end dat by becoming toad-chow, alright?"

Only as soon as the words were out of fanged mouth, the green furred soldier knew it was pointless. Ivy had that look in her eye that only meant one thing when it came to a Spark: 'Obey me now and I won't turn you into something nasty.' Granted it was hard to think of something nastier than a Jaeger, at least when it came to fighting. But she wanted to be obeyed, she would be obeyed and she would be obeyed NOW. Jötz could only shake his head. Better to humor her than try to force her; he hated to think what might happen if she tried to feed any of those cracker-jack things to him! "Alright, alright!" he finally surrendered after taking the glare for several moments longer than any sane person would. Throwing his hands up in the air in despair he added, "Not like I vast doing anyting better mit my life dan living it! Let's go!"

Jötz took point on the less hurried trudge back towards where the toads had surrounded them, muttering varies imprecations beneath his breath as to how he had found himself in this situation. He finally shut up again when he remembered how: a pretty girl.

Come to think of it, that's how most of my problems in life have started...
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DotCom

DotCom probably sarcastic

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Ivy didn't hear anything before Jötz reluctant acquiescence but, "No, you are stupid and wrong and also your mother is a goat," and nothing after but, "I'm sorry, you were right, I was wrong."

Having turned the necessary corner between the murderous rage that had been blossoming inside her -- her mother was most certainly not a goat! -- she grinned ear to ear and began to hum to herself as she skipped back to the sight they'd carved out with her lovely miniature devices. This was turning out to be a grand night, after all. Fire, firefights, bombs, and winning. Ivy loved winning.

Jötz long-legged and unhurried stride put him back in their little hovel just a few seconds before Ivy, and she brusquely shoved him aside to clamber up the charred remainders of the tree to peer over the charred remainders of the wall. Lots of charring here. Wonderful stuff, char.

The giant blue toads had retreated somewhat, gathered, it would seem, around whatever maybe-or-maybe-not fallen adversary they had been reliant upon to save them. They none of them seemed to take notice or interest in the dark-haired girl with a manic smile as she scooted down the length of the tree's thickest limb, apron wrapped around her waist, her hands black with soot.

Ivy was still singing softly to herself, tuneless, syncopated numbers, on and on, gleeful as a child in a meadow. It was a few moments before she was in a position where she was able to see what exactly had been giant-croaking at them, and what sorts of damage her little explosives had done.

It turned out...not much.

Ivy squinted through the dark for a moment, growing quickly frustrated when her eyes didn't adjust fast enough for her to make out what exactly she was looking at. She'd have to fix that later.

For now, though, she stared through the darkness at the earth writhing with blue bodies, gouts of green and red and yellow splashed here and there from blood, guts, and worse.

At the center of a mass, there was a lump mound that gleamed slightly in the scant moonlight, roughly the size of a large steer. There was a horrendous smell rising up off the mound. Ivy sniffed, gagged, then grinned, leaning further out over her branch.

A number of things happened very quickly then.

The mound gave a croak that breached even Ivy's muffled hearing, simultaneously causing the ground to tremble just enough to cause a cascade of stones to tumble from the wall below her. This, in and of itself was fortunate for two reasons: some of those falling stones crushed and/or trapped the smaller toads still circling their queen, or whatever it was. It also created something of a sand trap between the interior of the walls, and the horde of toads themselves.

This last part was fortunate because at that precise moment, the burnt and eviscerated trunk of the tree decided to give under Ivy's precarious weight. The thing screamed and groaned and tipped, directly into the toad-swarm, dumping Ivy none too gently upon the pile of rubble.

The fallen wall had cast some light upon the toad-monster. Ivy stared in mild interested at its burnt and blistered skin. Then she turned to Jötz.

"Well, they weren't useless. That'll cause some mild irritation, at the very least. The very, very least."

Then she cringed as the thing bellowed in her ear before leaping to her feet.

"Okay, c'mon, time to run again!"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Justric


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Jötz could only watch in a mix of horror and annoyance as she climbed the tree and crawled out upon the limb for a better view. The Jaeger could only shake his head in frustration as he leaned against the ruin of the wall to wait for her to do... whatever the hell it was she thought she was doing. Most people thought Jaegerkin incapable of retreating. This was patently untrue! Jötz and his fellows had no problem with retreating when the situation called for it, because retreating meant you were falling back into a better tactical position; it was true that they would never be routed, however. A Jaeger who had no way out and knew it would just keep fighting on both for the thrill of it and because they never surrendered either. He had been perfectly fine with running away from the toads. Jötz had no real quarrel with them. Only now they were back at the site they had just retreated from, Ivy trying to covertly spy upon-

The sonic croak that interrupted his internal grumblings was truly titanic in nature, causing the wall he had been leaning against to crumbly away from the force of the reverberations. The falling tree trunk demolished the rest of the stone structure, leaving Jötz exposed and surprised as he faced what he could only assume was the mother of all blue, slimy, fanged toads. The creature let out another deafening bellow at the sight of him standing there wide-eyed in shock. This time it was Ivy who grabbed his hand to yank him away at a dead run from the enraged amphibian, and disorientated by the speed in which this had all just happened Jötz stumbled along after her until he finally found his footing.

Sure of his balance and speed once more, he scooped Ivy up over his shoulder while passing her the gun. Even as he sped along the swampy ground, he could hear the sound of the toad now following after them with little splishing splashing sounds as they hopped after at great speed. "I run! You fire!" he yelled to the girl as he dodged around a large boulder. He couldn't be sure at the speed with which he was running, but he thought it vaguely resembled a building's cornerstone. Had there been more structures here once? As interesting as the idea of building a town in the middle of a stinking fen was, the Jaeger was far more concerned with finding their way out of the swamp and away from these creatures. It was hard to tell which direction there were headed in. The canopy of thick willow and elm trees prevented him from seeing the starts to help guide them; with luck, they wouldn't end up going in circles to end up back at Motorhum!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DotCom

DotCom probably sarcastic

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Ivy had to shove both gore-covered hands into her apron pockets before she could accept Jötz's modified hand cannon, and even then, she almost dropped it in her eagerness. But it was, in her mind, well worth the wait as she wrapped both hands around the lacquered grip and squinted to improve her chances of hitting something that wasn't a tree, rock, or patch of sky.

Fortunately, her target was very large and gaining, so thank God for small mercies. She wasn't sure how many rounds they had left, or when or if she'd be able to make new ones, but since this hardly seemed the time to be conservative, she decided to pour her energies into making those remaining shots count.

She braced her elbows against Jötz's shoulder, took a breath, and held it thinking next time she remolded the pistol, assuming he ever let her touch it again, that she'd have to build in a new sight. Maybe a telescoping one. If she could get the magnification high enough, she could probably get it to double as a solar-powered laser, too, and necessarily increase accuracy and also have a laser, so that was a win-win for --

The sound of the first round leaving the barrel was shocking enough to bring her back to herself and provide a rude reminder that she must have squeezed the trigger without even realizing it. Fortunately, it seemed her aim had been improved by her carelessness, as a sudden gout of blood and gore seemed to explode outward from Queen Toad's belly, then a powerful hind leg, then its head area and gut again before the pistol was reduced to coughing smoke.

Ivy stared as the toad gave another ear-splitting croak before stumbling over itself and the mangled remains of its leg, and the distance between herself and her quarry seemed to increase magically. The other toads slowed their pursuit to either mourn or cannibalize their dying queen -- Ivy didn't much care to watch that. She wasn't entirely certain the threat was gone so much as inhibited, and she didn't want to find out.

"I...I think it's okay," she said slowly, still bouncing along with the gun clutched in sticky hands. "But maybe we should find somewhere new to hide."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Justric


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

There were times to look back over one's shoulder, and there were times to run straight ahead while trying not to even think about what was coming up behind you. For Jötz, this was one of the latter. Only slightly less worrying was the eagerness in which Ivy had accepted the proffered weapon, the gun being nearly yanked out of his hand as he passed it up to her. By the sounds that followed, however, she was putting it to good use! He only winced a little when her elbows dug into his shoulder blade with each thunderous recoil; for the first time in many decades, Jötz had to wonder if he was going to have bruises. That thought was quickly driven out by the growling croak that was more scream than ribbit. Ivy had apparently scored at least one critical hit on the beast. The sounds of its brood were beginning to lessen as his pounding legs put more distance between them and the toads, and the Jaeger did everything he could to ensure that as many large boulders, trees, hummocks and other obstacles were included in that distance.

Still... he couldn't help but notice that many of the formations were oddly rectangular in shape. He nodded in distraction as the girl suggested finding somewhere new to hide. "Dat's a gut idea!" he called back up to her. "Lessee if ve can-"

Jötz didn't have a chance to complete his sentence as the ground suddenly gave way beneath them. Even before he began to fall that first inch, he was cursing himself for not paying more attention. Trap? Sinkhole? Underground river? It didn't matter. At the stomp of one heavy heeled boot, the mossy rocks beneath them shifted to pitch them into darkness. Even as he swore under his breath, instinct kicked in. Long, green furred arms wrapped around Ivy to pull her off his shoulder and into his chest, sheltering her so that any impact would fall mainly upon his body and not hers. There was a change in sensation as they dropped. The odor was drier, staler than up above with its thick marsh stench and moldy wetness, and it was an even stone floor that he bounced across several times before rolling to a stop against some sort of wall, a shower of stone, slate and decrepit wooden slats coming down with them. Vague light filtered in from the hole they had just dropped though.

Even with his senses dealing, Jötz could see that it was a manmade chamber of some sort. Without additional light, it was hard to see any other details, but he was sure that there was little in nature that made floors and walls and ceilings so perfectly straight. Even though they had stopped, it was several heartbeats before he began to relax his protective embrace around the young woman.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DotCom

DotCom probably sarcastic

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Ivy, for her part, was caught somewhere between counting her blessings and her bruises. For all she had dreamt of leaving Motorhum -- however briefly -- this night to dawn romp had been nothing like what she'd expected. Not that she'd known what to expect at all. Running for your life didn't leave much time for forethought, though somehow, she'd imagined a lot less falling and a lot more pirates.

Ivy lay in the darkness, breathing heavy, though she hadn't been doing very much running at all. It was her second -- or third time? -- cradled in the furry green arms of her new Jaeger companion that night. Also her third time in a life time which made the eve of her eighteenth birthday something of a record-setting notion. She held his gun cradled to her chest just as lovingly as a new mother might hold a child, feeling her heart beat in her cheeks and finger tips. She didn't know what had changed, or even what had happened, really. It seemed Jötz had found them somewhere else to hide, and judging by the faint echoes of their breathing, it was at least somewhat walled in.

Strange, since she hadn't remembered seeing very many buildings out this way. Stranger, because no one had built anything in the swamp for at least a billion years, or something equally unimaginable. Maybe just a few generations.

In any case, she couldn't hear any more croaking, and that was as good a sign as any. She wiggled a little, testing all her body parts to make sure they still functioned, then wriggled out of Jötz grasp and upright, squinting through the darkness to see whether she could find anymore hints on their location.

"You know," she mused, as she peered up toward the faint patch of tangerine dawn she could see, "this is the most fleeing I've ever done in one night. Is that how it always is with you?"

She tucked her chin to look down at him when he didn't answer right away, head curiously tilted to one side, like that of a small, confused animal.

"Are you alright?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Justric


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

The Jaeger took a deep breath and let it out slowly, letting the ringing in his head subside before replying with a negligent wave of his hand. "Ja, ja. I chust jarred my head a bit on da vay down." He then looked up at her with a look of injured pride. "Und I vast not fleeing. Jaegers don't flee. I vas chust... adopting a new tactical position. Ja, dat's it! Fleeing. Pah."

He slowly gathered his feet beneath him and stood up, rubbing his head between the two small horns that crested his skull. It was then that a look of horror crossed his face, and Jötz began to look around frantically. "Mine hat! Vhere iz mine hat?!" The green furred creature began looking about for the now missing brown derby with all the energy a mother might put into looking for a lost child. A slew of profanities fell from his fanged mouth as he cast about for it with reckless abandon. It didn't matter where they were at that point. They could have been in the pleasured palaces of Paris or standing at the rim of a highly active volcano surrounded by carnivorous beagles. "A Jaeger mitout a hat," he muttered to himself. "Any plan vhere you lose you hat ist a bad plan. I lost mine hat, so dis iz a bad plan und zo dis iz a bad place to be!"

Looking up at the girl, he scowled. She seemed so calm and collected (compared to his current state at any rate) that it was almost annoying. Having been unable to find his headwear for all his frantic searching, Jötz looked positively petulant. "A hatless Jaeger. I vill be da laughing stock iffn ve come across other Jaegers, chou know. Chust you wait! Dey vill see me und go, 'Ho, ho. He lost his hat! He ist a silly boy."

Clearly upset by the whole turn of events, the monster crossed his arms and plopped down against a wall in a pout. "I didn't even get to keel anyone today. I bet da Jaegers mit da Baron get to keel people all da time."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DotCom

DotCom probably sarcastic

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Ivy looked at him with wide, earnest eyes, and had to bite the inside of her cheek hard to keep from smiling. There was nothing in any of her (admittedly shallow) pools of village learning that had said Jaegers would be sweet, or even charming, unless she had for a solid eighteen years now misunderstood the meanings inherent in the words 'horrible', 'hideous', 'monstrous' and so on. And yet she could not help but want to apologize for having offended her new friend.

"Oh. Did I say 'fleeing'? I meant 'fighting fiercely with our backs to the enemy while also moving quickly away to confuse them into thinking we were fleeing, but really, we were just very confident'. Or you were, anyway. And I -- "

Whatever she'd been about to add -- and even Ivy wasn't sure -- was lost in Jötz unexpected breakdown. For a moment, Ivy could only stare. In the last...well, how long had it been? It felt like ten minutes and ten years simultaneously, though, logically, Ivy had to guess it was more like a day, maybe a little less. Still, the idea that Jötz had saved her life at least thrice over was not exaggeration. Together, they had faced down an angry mob, the tail end of a homicidal firewood oven, a wild fire, a deadly swamp, and a horde of poisonous toads (though that last part, Ivy was certain, had been to their benefit. Jötz just didn't know that yet). And while they may have been doing a good deal of that backward-fighting-while-moving-away, Jötz hadn't really shown fear, or even very much distress.

But then they'd fallen into a hole, and now he was near beside himself. Maybe he was claustrophobic? Or afraid of the dark?

She felt almost bad for him as he curled up against the wall, stepping closer, wanting to help. He'd said something about a hat -- but surely this couldn't be over a dusty bowler? It hadn't even been all that nice of a hat, though Ivy didn't think it wise to mention that last bit.

Still. He'd saved her life. She was pretty sure she owed him, even if he was a Jaeger. After all, she was a Spark now. Outcasts and underdogs and all that.

She put her back to the wall and slid down beside him before awkwardly putting out a hand to pat his knee, the way she'd seen mothers comfort their children. It had never really been the sort of thing she and Mama Petra would do -- Mama Petra had not patience for tears and petulance -- but it seemed the sort of thing one ought to try first.

Now, what was she meant to say?

"Um....oh! Here, here," she muttered quietly. "I'm sure...you're very good at...erm...killing people. You killed all those toads back there, and some of them were big as people! There was a lady back in Motorhum who looked just like that big one when she got angry with me -- uh...I mean, with the other village children for setting her goldfish on fire...or something like that. I don't know, I don't remember, I wasn't there," she added quickly, blushing.

"Anyway, the point is, it was a very nice hat, and I'm sure we can find another very nice one for you. And then you can...kill...um...all the people you like. Alright? Cheer up."

There was a very long, awkward silence, during which Ivy contemplated trying to sing to Jötz, before deciding none of the songs she knew seemed appropriate for the situation, as most of them were about the dangers of trusting strange Jaegers, or leaving the village.

Instead, Ivy reached a gore covered hand very carefully into her apron and pulled out a bloodied fist.

"Do you want to see what I got from those toads?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Justric


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Jötz tried to appreciate the fact that the girl was at least trying to make him feel better, although she really wasn't do all that great a job of it. Then again, how was she to know the importance of a Jaeger's hat? It conveyed status! Style! Station! The headgear of the Jaegers were trophies taken in battle, indicators not only of how important their foes were but of how good of a warrior each individual jaeger was. More importantly, behind each hat was a story. For a Jaeger, even those in the Baron's service, a hat was more than just something to keep the head warm and dry. And now here he had gone and lost his. Jötz knew he that perhaps he was not the greatest of the Jaegers, but he had earned his hat, dammit! To have gone and lost it...

He pouted where he sat against the wall, elbows resting on his knees as he brooded. Ivy was saying something again, something about what she got from the toads. He sniffed. "Iz it a hat?" he moped out loud.

Reluctantly, he rolled up onto his knees to get closer to her. It wasn't the girl's fault, he knew, so there was no point in being unpleasant to her despite his bad mood. Besides, while whatever she had in her hand couldn't have the promise of killing anyone in the immediate here and now, it was something covered in blood and gore. Therefore it couldn't be all bad. Not to mention that she had killed several of the toads creatures on her own, and in his mind it would be cruel to not allow her both the pride of kills and a trophy of some sort. After all, it was the duty to encourage the younger generations. Ivy's find had a curious smell to it as well, something that was vaguely familiar without being definite. His furry green brow furrowed, and his eyes squinted in the gloom to try and focus on her prize. His petulance was pushed aside for the moment to allow for curiosity.

"Zo what chou got dere?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DotCom

DotCom probably sarcastic

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Ivy stared at him a moment longer, brow furrowed. She really, really, really wanted to show him what she'd found. All things considered, she thought she'd been pretty patient, since the only reason she hadn't made him stop and admire her handiwork back on solid ground had been because he'd given her his gun instead (green eyes flicked hopefully to the sidearm for a moment before she remembered she was trying to be supportive).

But if Mama Petra had been here, she'd have smacked Ivy for not offering to do something about the whole hat thing sooner. It was clear Jötz was still upset, and she really did owe him a handful of favors at this point. She decided to compromise by keeping a look out for anything even remotely hat shaped. She was sure she could figure out the rest from there.

Besides, Mama Petra would have smacked the Jaegar, too, because she had no patience for pouting. Or Jaegars. But pouting was definitely the greater of two evils.

That decided, Ivy sidled close, grinning. Any caution about the teeth, claws, and strength her new companion had over her had fled around the second or third time he'd saved her life. Also, she found a cool thing, and she wanted him to see.

Flushed with excitement, Ivy held a gore-covered fist beneath Jôtz's nose, then slowly unfolded her fingers.

In the center of a palm obscured with all matter of a lumpy blackish-blue-green substance was a thick curved tooth, smeared with a thin coating of gray-green stickiness. Even so, it appeared to almost glow in the dim light that shone through the hole they'd fallen in. It was a little longer than Ivy's thumb and about twice as thick, ending in a gleaming point that rested between her thumb and forefinger. The other end was splintered and broken, as if the tooth or bone had been hacked and chipped away.

Ivy stared at her treasure with an expression one might expect to see on the face of a new mother, if that new mother was also slightly manic. She reached out another finger and gently drew it along the curve of the stout tooth before looking to Jötz for his reaction.

"Isn't it beautiful?" she said adoringly. "I got it from one of the little ones when that tree fell." She frowned a little. "I think I could have gotten more, but that big one didn't like us very much."

She stared at it again before shifting to sit so she was cross legged, all but leaned up against Jötz and completely, pleasantly oblivious. She carefully set the tooth in her lap, cradled between her legs in the quickly putrefying fabric of her apron. Absently, she wiped gore cover hands on her leggings.

It was a long moment before she realized her left hand was doing a funny combination of itching and smarting. She stared curiously at the hand, still a little smudged with blood and gore, before spitting into her palm and cleaning it again.

A look of excitement and alarm crossed her face and for a moment, the tooth was forgotten as she drew gentle fingers over her palm. She drew her hand close to her face, squinting through the dark, then nodded once.


She looked at Jötz, carefully neutral.

"When I was building my ÜberOven, I cut my hand on...something. I dunno, I get hurt on a lot of things." She stared at her palm a moment long, then held it up for further inspection by the Jaeger. "I think those things are poisonous."

The two-inch gash had been obscured by the growth of a thick, bluish flesh, cool and rubbery to the touch, with a number of small wart-like bumps forming on and under the new skin. The blue had grown outward from the center of her palm to the edges of her hand to begin to wrap around back and creep up her fingers. Ivy waited for Jötz to take his turn, then went back to studying her hand herself by prodding with an unblemished finger.

"It itches," she observed.

Then, suddenly her face brightened and she looked at Jötz as gleefully as thought someone had offered her a puppy on Christmas morning.

"Do you think the tooth will fit in the gun?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Justric


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

His green and fanged face arranged itself from brooding curiosity to outright alarm. He could see[//i] the blue bumpy flesh advancing millimeter by millimeter around her hand, a thick webbing edging out from between her fingers to connect them. More worrying was that her nails was turning the same black-brown color as the claw!

Clinically, Jötz realized why the townsfolk hadn't drained this swamp for their own use; anyone who tried got converted into one of the blue toad creatures that had attacked them. It was a great idea for a defensive army, he approved mentally; attackers would be forced to come to them, their wounded quickly turning against them as they joined the toads. No need for recruiting, no need to build clanks. And judging about how easily the toads had died, keeping the force the right size probably hadn't been too much of a concern. No, the real concern would be what would happen of the defending monsters started attacking allies... not to mention, the people they were supposed to be defending! Which... was probably what happened. The toads were wildfire weapons, wonderfully designed but improperly applied.

Emotionally, all of these acute and detailed observations were shunted to the back of Jötz's mind as he stared at the creeping blue flesh with horror. There was no time for rational explanations. The girl he had just saved, twice now, was in danger again and [i]she didn't seem to realize it!
Was she that sheltered?? Or had the Madness taken her so completely as to be unaware of anything but the scientific splendor of it all?? This young woman was going to bear watching, he realized, before she got into real trouble! Better still... she might cause some real trouble that he could at least take part in later on! And that was when it dawned on him that while Ivy was not a Heterodyne, she acted enough like one to fill a small aching part of his twisted soul.

He did not ask permission. His ape-like hand with its impossibly long fingers reached out to grab her wrist and pin it tightly to the stone floor at their feet. The other hand drew the heavy scramaseax knife with its one chopping edge, the blade kissing her skiing just below the elbow. A thin trickle of blood, bright and red instead of blue and dark, appeared. Jötz breathed a slight sigh of relief. The infection or whatever it was had not traveled far, although he did not doubt that it would take too much longer. Looking up into her eyes, he gritted his teeth.

"Dis is gonna hurt, Miss Ivy."

The knife flashed so quickly that for several seconds there was no blood or pain as it several her arm below the elbow.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DotCom

DotCom probably sarcastic

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Ivy's mind was humming a hundred thousand miles a second -- jumping from toothy projectiles, from poison dart guns, to poisonous projectile-shaped frogs, and vice versa -- giving the overall sensation of a warm buzz. She didn't object, or even seem to notice when Jötz grabbed her wrist, having completely skipped over the eagerly hopeful reaction she'd been anticipating. One moment, she was sitting cross-legged, inspecting her grisly prize from all angles, and the next she was on her back, still inspecting her prize, none the wiser, all without ever realizing she was about to say a very quick goodbye to a very critical body part for a very permanent time.

It was the pinprick of pain that finally drew her attention elsewhere, without quite breaking her free from Sparking. Impatient, annoyed, she looked to her arm, scowling at the thin, bright line of blood there before switching her green-eyed gaze to the Jaeger.

"What are you doing?" she demanded imperiously. "I -- " And then she seemed to focus on the blade in his hand, and her mind snapped abruptly back into place. The irritation in her face became fear and confusion at once and she began to pull away.

"Wait," she said, half pleading, half questioning. "What's gonna hurt? Are you -- ?"

And then he did.

Time seemed to slow down, her heart beat rolling to a stop, her eyes never once leaving Jötz's, though they grew wide as saucers in her increasingly pale face.

"Um..." she began meekly, almost politely. "Did...did you...?"

The pain came before she could finish the question. It came like a speeding train, like a great wave bowling her over. There was nothing, and then there was everything, and the everything was entirely too much for her mind to handle, because it seemed to short in that moment, giving her pain not in physical feelings, but in flashing colors and lights.


Everything ricocheted back into hyper speed as Ivy began to realize what had just happened. She could feel her heart begin to race, could hear her breathing picking up in her ears. She blinked dumbly and tried to sit up.


The searing light -- red? yellow? -- was accompanied by a scream this time, and then another, the first a stunned yelp of surprise, the second one of fear, appearing to swell as though she stood at the bottom of a vast abyss and someone was falling toward her, quickly.


Something bad was happening, and Ivy had to leave. She had to get away, run away, even though she wasn't sure how or to where or from whom. She tried to get her feet underneath her and failed, succeeding only in stumbling to once side. Her back found a wall and she leaned against it for support.


It was getting harder to think, if that's what the chaos tumbling through her mind could be called. Her head felt heavy, her eyelids felt heavy. Her face felt hot, and the rest of her felt cold. Except her left side, her arm. That just felt --


She was going to pass out. She was pretty sure she was going to pass out. She felt sick and dizzy and slow, and she was breathing too quickly and there were great big colorful spots in her vision, slowly blocking out what she could see.

Her eyes scanned the growing darkness for a way out, any way out, and instead found the Jaeger. What was his name? Jaegar...Jaeger...Jaeger...

She threw up and started to draw a hand across her mouth, and couldn't, and screamed again. In the back of her mind, something kept trying to kick into gear, Sparking fruitlessly against the FLASH! that had taken over.

Her eyes, half lidded now, caught on something in the darkness, a pale, cold still thing, so small against the shrinking black. She counted four fingers, a thumb, a few inches of arm...

The next FLASH that came was duller, colder. The black was taking over, coming over even the pain, and she didn't mind in the slightest. She wavered fell back against the wall, struggled to stay upright.

Finally, she looked down to where her hand had been and froze. The flashes stopped. If she was still screaming, she couldn't hear herself. Ivy blinked once and nodded, as if she had expected this. A small frown of disappointment crossed her face.

"But I'm left-handed," she protested quietly, much the way a very young and overtired child might insist they could stay up another hour past bedtime. And then the encroaching darkness became complete, sealing itself shut over her eyes as Ivy slumped, unconscious, to the floor.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Justric


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

From the Jaeger's point of view, it was over in seconds. The heavy knife chopped down to neatly slice through muscle and bone to make a clean amputation, yet while leaving enough of a flap of skin on one side to later help clove over the exposed bone. There was no time for reflection or self-recrimination. Later on, Jötz would mentally debate in anguish on whether or not there was anything else he could have done at that point: Ivy had seemed oblivious to the danger, they were trapped in some forgotten room of some forgotten town or city, there was nothing even remotely resembling an antidote about, and the metamorphosis had been progressing so fast that waiting until they could seek help was out of the question. Yet when she whimpered that she was left handed, Jötz closed his eyes and swore in every language he knew plus some he wasn't so sure on.

There was no time to dwell on it now, though. Ivy was losing blood rapidly, her already pale face growing whiter as she slipped into unconsciousness. With a deft motion, Jötz whipped off his belt to lash a tourniquet just below her elbow and above the truncated arm. A warrior by choice as well as design, the monster had an excellent gasp of battlefield medicine. He also had a few supplies for just such an emergency. The blood made the floor about her slick and warm, an annoying distraction as he fumbled through his kit for what he needed: a large needle, a small ball of sinew twine, and a clear vial containing a vivid green powder. This last he sprinkled liberally across the wound. The medicine would provide a sealant for the amputation, keeping it clean of infection while helping the flesh to knit close in a matter of hours instead of days or weeks. Once applied, the remaining flap of skin was sutured over the stump. When all was done and Meddleson's Miraculous Medical Powder had done its job, the stump where Ivy's lower arm once was would be healed without pain or agony... although there was the side effect that her eyes would glow purple for a day or so, but you couldn't have everything.

Having done everything he could, Jötz picked her up and wrapped her in his cloak to keep her warm. The bedroll off of his pack made an impromptu pillow for her head. An examination found her breathing shallow but steady, and the color slowly ebbed back into her cheeks. Finally he sat back and stared at the severed limb while he took stock of the situation. It looked as though he had acted just in time. The rubbery azure flesh had reached well past the left wrist, turning her delicate hand into an amphibian's claw. Oddly enough, there was no shrinkage. Considering the size of the creatures, he thought there would have been. Unless of coarse Ivy had been about to transmogrify into another of the big ones. A queen perhaps? Had the big one once been a Spark as well, maybe even the one responsible for all of this? He shook his head grumpily. There was no use on dwelling on it now.

Jötz finally stood and carried the severed limb out of sight, kicking dust and debris over the pool of blood that splattered across the ancient stone floor. Confident she was out cold but stable, he stripped the sticky and soaked clothing from off his furry body and discarded it in the direction of the arm after ripping off the buttons and anything else of use or of value. His second and only other set of clothes were not quite as rugged. The Jaeger could only hope they would hold up during the long journey to the nearest town. Brown woolen pants with leather patches at the knees, an off-white shirt that looked as if it belonged more on a poet than a green furred creature of destruction and a knee length vest of dark forest green. It was a fashion several decades out of date. Then again, he hadn't needed them in some time.

Dressed in clean clothes, he sat back down besides Ivy. There was going to be shouting later, he knew. The girl was going to be upset with him, he was positive, and he hated the thought of it for some reason. It bothered him that she might be angry with him, and he did't quite know why. With a sigh, he took up her right hand and held it while he closed his eyes and did something he had not done in quite some time. He slept.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DotCom

DotCom probably sarcastic

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

She woke to blue-white sunlight behind her eyelids, and enough of a headache, she immediately assumed Mama Petra had let her sleep in.

Ivy gave a contented sigh and immediately let go of her hold on semiconsciousness. Dahlia and Logan would have gone to feed the hens, then, and Rosie would be watching Briar and Lily. She could get in a few more minutes of sleep, at least. Enough to shake the pounding in her head, and the strange, pervasive weakness, making her feel lethargic before she'd even truly woken.

She started to roll over, to duck her face beneath the sheets -- they felt scratchier than normal this morning -- and stopped.

Something was touching her hand. Something furry.

Ivy let out a groan, knowing, even before she opened her eyes, Aspen had secreted away another stray puppy who'd somehow found his adorable way into her bed, and somehow, it was going to be Ivy's fault.

"Aspen," Ivy muttered as she through and arm over her eyes. "You better not have -- "

Something was wrong. Something very, very big, was very, very wrong.

Ivy opened her eyes, heart already racing, and couldn't immediately place what it was.

Oh, there were several little things. The air reeked of iron and rust. Sunlight streamed through a hole in the ceiling, revealing a room that was nothing like the bedroom she shared with her sisters back home. She felt weak, shaky, almost cold. Her head ached. Her blanket was a blanket, but an old, unfamiliar cloak.

It wasn't until her eyes fell on the Jaeger sleeping beside her that Ivy remembered.

The ÜberOven. The fire. The townsfolk chasing her away from her home. The swamp. The toads. The queen.

Ivy was shaking now, color leeching from her skin as she began to hyperventilate.

"Oh, no," she whimpered. "Oh, no, no, no, no, no..."

Flash of last night kept streaming through, overwhelming her, and yet there was nothing she could do to stop it.

The toads had found them, and they'd fought, she and Jötz, her Jaeger, her friend and savior. He'd been upset over something silly -- a hat? -- and she'd tried to make him feel better. She'd showed him a handful of gore, and...

Ivy knew then what was wrong. She knew it was real, and not a dream, and yet she couldn't look down, because there was a crippling, horrible certainty if she did that, she might go insane, and that would be bad.

She shut her eyes and flexed her left hand.

She could feel it there, couldn't she? Could feel her fingers open and close? There was no pain, no fever, no haze of delirium? And how was that possible if what she thought had happened had actually happened?

No. No, it must have been a dream, some horrible nightmare caught in a web of dark reality. Jötz had saved her life two, three times already. Why would he hurt her? He wouldn't. He hadn't.

Ivy sat there, frozen, her heart rate slowly returning to normal as she assured herself all was well. She was a Spark, sure, hunted by family and friends, lost in the wastelands that had thrice tried to kill her. But not all was lost. She felt weak from hunger, her head ached from dehydration. Not blood loss. Not fear.

She was almost smiling when at last she opened her eyes and held up her left arm for inspection, already flexing the fingers she knew would be there.

They weren't.

Ivy screamed and bucked to her feet, dropping Jötz hand like it burned.

She backed away, her arm held out as though she didn't trust it. Her eyes were wide, focused on his face.

"What did you do?" she demanded, her voice half shriek, half whimper. "What did you do to me?!?"

She stared, as if she expected an answer, feeling dizzy again, feeling her vision close in at the edges. But she refused to pass out. Not here. She had done that once before and woken sans arm.

She glared at the Jaeger, her gaze equal parts accusatory and hurt, betrayed. "Why?" she managed, and only then realized she was crying. She shook her head, furious.

"Go away! I hate you! I hate you!"

She backed away from him until she hit a wall, then briefly peered up through the hole they'd made crashing through the ground yesterday. She could get up there, she thought. She could climb out, maybe, and run away. She didn't know where she was, or how to get home, or anywhere, but her chances were better out there, alone. Mama Petra had always told her she'd been too naive for her own good. "You'd trust anything with a smile," she'd said. "Always forgetting a shark always smiles before the kill."

Mama Petra had been right. Of course she had.

Mama Petra was always right.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Justric


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Jötz woke with only a slight start at the sound of screaming. He yawned widely, his length of his fangs and the size of his maw made all the more apparent by the reflex as he stretched. Screaming. It dawned on him that he should be concerned about that. That made him grumpy. Jaegers should be causing screaming, not waking up to it. Calmly he scratched his ass where he sat, then went to automatically to adjust his hat... which wasn't there. Oh, yes. He remembered now. The attack of the toads, the loss of his hat, the severing of Ivy's arm... It had been a rough night, and the latter suggested it was going to be a tougher morning!

Leaning against the ruined wall, he watched calmly with a look of annoyance as Ivy yelled and cursed at him, condemned him with her glances and fear as she tried to get as far away from him as possible. In his experience, it was best just to let her get it out of her system. Still... her ravings did more than annoy him. There was actually a pang in his heart at the sight of her crying and afraid. It wasn't even the fear itself that bothered him, but the knowledge that Ivy's fear was of him.

"Ja, sorry 'bout dat, Mizz Ivy," he yawned again casually. He kept his tone nonchalant, relaxed, despite the ache in his chest to see her so distressed. "Chou vast in der Mad place und it vasn't a good idea to vait too long. Made a pretty goot job of eet, I'm tinking. Didn't think chou vould vant a diet oft flies fur da rest of chou life. Eet's over der, iff'n chou vants to take a look." Jötz waved vaguely in the direction of the severed limb, heavily covered in the thick blue rubbery skins and warts. Keeping his relaxed demeanor, the Jaeger stood and stretched, and the sound of numerous joints and bones and tendons cracking back into place filled the air. "Ve'll need to get chou some clean clothes, I'm tinking. Amputations ist kinda messy."

He looked about the floor to see if his hat had revealed itself yet in the morning light, the frown on his face clear as he realized that wherever his headgear had gone, it was beyond his reach. Kneeling to gather up the cloak and the rest of the gear back into his back, Jötz kept talking as though nothing major was wrong. "Ve get chou to Beetleburg. Dey can make chou new arm der. Or... hey, maybe ve go to Mechanicsburg! I bets dey can grow you new one! Vorse comes to vorse? Ve find resurrection men somevhere on da road. Dey usually gots spare parts cheap."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DotCom

DotCom probably sarcastic

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

His apathy derailed her entirely.

In an instant, Ivy had gone from terrified, raging, to just...staring. She could still feel her shoulders trembling against the wall of the room they'd crashed into the night before. She could still feel her heart pounding, her ears buzzing with shock. If anything, his complete and total lack of regret or anything like it only infuriated her more. But it felt...gaudy, dramatic to be so angry while he was so calm. She had a brief, bizarre flashback of the night before, an instant of clarity in the chaos -- his resentment toward her at not understanding his grief over the missing hat. Was this how he felt? Was that what it was to be a Jaegar? To be so attached to a hat, that losing it was like losing a limb?

She wasn't feeling especially sympathetic.

And yet...by the light of day, his words and actions held more merit. She vaguely recalled being excited over her discovery of the apparently venomous toad's tooth -- a quick scan found it amid the soppy pile of rust-colored rags that had once been Mama Petra's apron -- and then her excitement over discovering the change. From here, though, she could see it was perhaps not so wonderful as she'd thought. If Jötz was telling the truth, he might have saved her a grisly, if not slimy, demise. And she'd be lying to say her fever dreams hadn't included half a dozen ideas for new and improved limbs, though nothing seemed quite as appetizing now that she was on her feet.

Still. Life saving actions or no, he had taken only an instant and left her without a hand. it should not have surprised her. In fact, this was the only thing she'd ever known of Jaegers that had so far turned out to be true. But somehow, she had been. Perhaps she was only ashamed of her own naiveté.

"I can handle it myself," she said hoarsely, and though she was no longer screaming, her voice was cold. But she peeled herself off the wall, anyway, her entire body tensed to run if it came to that. She crept forward, without ever once taking her eyes off him, and folded her bloodied apron into her arms. Arm. It was more difficult than she might have thought, and the realization made tears of anger and fear burn her eyes. She blinked them back. If the Jaegar was going to be cavalier about his grotesque actions, then so would she.

She straightened again when at last she'd managed to tuck the bundle under one arm. Tying it around her waist again was out of the question. She regarded Jötz coolly, trying to keep her expression frank.

"I think we should separate immediately. Er...once we get out of this hole. And then immediately after that."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Justric


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Jötz pursed his lips and raised his furry brows as she pronounced that she could take care of herself and wished to parts ways once they made their escape. “Chou vant to go one ways und me another, huh? Chust valtz avay like noth-ink ist wrong, eh?”

The explosion that followed was ferocious, filled with fangs and fury and utter incomprehension. The Jaeger simply could not keep up his callous attitude, not when it could drive her away and into almost certain doom out upon the Wastes. “Chou gonna get kilt out der! Look, I ist sorry about chou arm, da first limb ist alvays de hardest, but vhat did chou dink I vas gonna do?! Maybe chou vant to be blue und bumpy und eating flies?? I did vat I had to to keeps chou alive, Miss Ivy. Dat’s vat minions do.”

Suddenly he froze. A pained expression crossed his face as he realized what he had just said. Closing his eyes, Jötz tried to gather his resolve and accept what he had just said as most likely being true. It wouldn’t be so bad, he reluctantly decided to himself; the other Jaeger were still sworn to House Heterodyne but served Wulfenbach until such time as a Heterodyne heir appeared. Why not do the same for this new Spark? He could travel with her, still stay true to his mission (which was rather ambiguous anyway), and if a Heterodyne showed up…

Opening his eyes again and taking a deep breath, he let it out slowly. “Und I guess I is chou minion now, Miss Ivy. Sparks need minions fur more dan chust experiments und digging up da bodies. Minions look after all da schtuff Sparks is forgetting, like feeding da nine hundred pound bunny rabbit dey made last month. Chou ist a Spark vitout a minion, und vitout one chou ist gonna end up in vorst trouble. Believe me, I knows!”

“So,” he pronounced with a great deal of self imposed calm, “I make chou a deal. No more hacky-hacky oft da limbs vitout you saying okay-dokay, I get chou safe und sound to next town. Den if chou still vant, ve can part vays der.”

Jötz truly hoped she agreed to his proposal. It wasn’t just that he felt bad for having to sever her arm, nor was it fear of what might happen to her out upon the Wastes, although the latter was definitely a factor. The girl was naive enough that she would probably try to walk through a field of sward grass or sleep in the den of Barrow Haunt; without a guide, she wouldn’t last long at all, Spark or no. But it was the strange feeling of affection he had for the human girl. She was pretty, oh no doubt about that, but it wasn’t anything truly lustful that drove his concerns. There were dim memories he had of his days before becoming a Jaeger, something he couldn’t quite put his finger on…
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DotCom

DotCom probably sarcastic

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

It took her until the end of his tirade and several seconds of bloated silence afterward for Ivy to realize she had, in the interim, moved toward the Jaeger, and not away, like she'd almost certainly intended to. Like any sane person would. Even a Spark.

Possibly a Spark.

But then...when had Spark's ever been considered sane?

The possibility that he might be right, no matter how strange and confusing his words, that they might be fated together forever more, two dangerous, uncanny outcasts doomed to wander the Wastes forever, taming danger and losing limbs...it unnerved her, yes. But it didn't frighten her, or not nearly as much as it ought to have. And it ought to have. Two days ago, she'd been a girl in a small town with a penchant for daydreaming and fixing her father's watches. And now she was a Spark being hunted by family and friends, limbless and lost with no plans and no maps and no inklings of where she ought to go next.

Though...Mechanicsburg sounded intriguing. Her apron was running low, and she certainly did not intend to stay long without her only operational hand.

She realized she was staring, dazed, at the Jaeger, and abruptly looked down to a shorn off arm that was a little less shocking every time. And wouldn't it be something if she could just carry the apron with her? Not literally, of course -- though there would be an attachment for that, too, just in case -- but a sort of never-ending tool kit she could have with her for any such occasion. She would need extra fingers, too, and something more durable than flesh, lighter than bone...she would be able to move faster that way, and in the future, protect against further Jaeger attacks. She would need a weapon, then, she could worked out whatever processes had made the ÜberOven quite so....well, frankly, it had been perfect, its only real flaw that it hadn't followed her out here, though now she was thinking some sort of cloaking device might make all the --


Her head snapped up and her eyes cleared as Jötz began speaking again. She realized once more she was standing closer than she'd intended, given that he had cut off her arm without so much as blinking an eye. Even if he did seem somewhat apologetic. Even if she had maybe been a little bit worried by his outburst, and not in the way she might have guessed. Even if she did sort of understand, and now didn't have to go through the trouble of trying to remove her own inferior limb. In fact, she'd been thinking she could get around faster if she didn't have such boring feet --

"Yes. Okay. Fine," she blurted. "We'll go to the next town, sure. But only because you know the way. And none of this...minion stuff." She made a face. "Don't be weird. Let's just go, okay?"
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