Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Crawfish


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Hello, and welcome to the Telltale Talismans! This is the first RP that I will be attempting on rpG2.0, and I'm very excited to give it a whirl! I am looking for a decently-sized group of RPers to sign on. Preferably 6-8, but the numbers are flexible.

But first, a little about how I run RPs:
- Since this is in Casual, I certainly won't be going out of my way to enforce a posting length, posting rate, etc. I want people to write well, length be damned. I'm a quality-over-quantity kind of guy. However, please aim to post once every few days. Keep us updated on your status via the OOC! Be friendly, people. We all got lives, we're here to have fun.

Also, despite the fact that I have a very planned direction for the story of this RP, never hesitate to throw something into the pot. Check with me if it's something big, but odds are you'll be good to go. It's collaborative story-telling, I'd be remiss to not give everyone a fair share of the plot.

Anyways, onto the main attraction!

The Setting:

- Our story will take place in the world of Xerra. It's a relatively small realm; its most prominent feature is the large city of Magisol, which floats a comfortable distance above the planet's surface. Magisol is a massive, sprawling city. It houses the rich, the poor, the workers, and the adventurers. The center of the magnificent city is a gargantuan clock tower. A grand symbol of the city, it is from this pillar that all of Magisol is built. The city houses an incredible diversity of people, their only commonality being a desire to pave their way in the world. Resources are scarce, and only the strong or clever thrive. Beyond the city limits, on the surface of Xerra, there is little more than sprawling desert. It is largely uninhabitable to all but monsters and the most hardy of people. However, hidden in its sands and rocky cliffs lie unseen bounty. Minerals, water, and all sorts of artifacts are systematically discovered and mined from the surface. Forests are also present, though scarce, only popping up surrounding oases and aquifers. Dungeons and other Ruins are aplenty, and the surface hides many secrets. A few small communities exist out on the surface, most established to specifically extract a resource and ship it to Magisol. Though a few operate as self-governed city-states, the majority of these communities are run by Guilds.

Places of Note:


- Guilds, coalitions of like-minded people, rule the city. A Guild will generally amass resources and specialize in a service. There are information-seeking Guilds that run Libraries, Mercenary Guilds that provide hired hands, Mining Guilds that run the surface settlements, Treasure-Hunting Guilds, etc. There is even a Ruling Guild that operates as a sort of monarchy for the City. Being a member of a Guild affords you a higher quality of life--resources, companions, a livelihood. Success while operating as an Independent is not unheard of, but unless you possess a very specific and marketable skill, or are a wealthy merchant, your quality of life is likely very lackluster. To join a Guild, the prerequisite is that you are at least 15 years of age. Although recruitment requirements vary by organization, it is almost guaranteed that you must be in possession of a Talisman.

Guilds of Note:


- This is the Magic System of the RP. The ability to use Magic is not innate with the people of Xerra. Talismans are any artifact that, when equipped and utilized, bestow abilities or other skills on the user. This can be anything from elemental magic, weapons, physical enhancements, etc. There are a seemingly limitless variety of abilities. However, only one person can use one Talisman at any given time. Once bonded with someone, that Talisman becomes theirs, until death or some other rite is performed. They can be stolen, yes, but not utilized by anyone other than the owner. There seem to be a set number of Talismans; most are found as treasures on the surface, but many are passed through family lines. It is unclear where Talismans originate, but they are an invaluable asset. The most respected Guilds contain people with incredibly powerful Talismans. Through continual use, the owner of a Talisman becomes more strongly-bonded with it, and unlocks further abilities. The utility of these Talismans is endless, but most seem to get the most mileage through combat. These strange artifacts seem to find their user through sheer force of fate, and appear to be perfectly indestructible.

Tech Level and Etc.:

Cultural Notes:

The RolePlay:

- So yeah, if you got through all that, here's the main idea: We will be playing characters of guild-ready age, and who likely have Talismans of their own. One of the most well-known and respected organizations, a Mercenary Guild known as Galdexia, is now taking on new recruits. They recently experienced a huge disaster, and lost 75% of their Members. Crippled by this loss, it has opened up new opportunity for those wishing to get a start on Guild life!

Simultaneously, the Ruling Guild has lost power over Magisol. This has created a power vacuum, with many Guilds attempting to gain control of the city, for better or worse. The Council, a temporary ruling body consisting of respected city elders, needs to name a new Ruling Guild. Sounds like the perfect opportunity for our characters to get in the mix of things! They will be joining this Mercenary Guild, for varying reasons, as the plot unfolds. Conspiracy and mysteries are afoot in the city of Magisol! [/hider]

Character Sheet:

- If you're interested to get involved in this new RP, here's the appropriate thingie to fill out. You can only have one character at the start of the RolePlay, but I may be open to letting you create more (or promote one of your NPCs to character status) as the RP progresses. Put some thought into the character, but don't feel like you need to create some epic badass or something like that. I think this will be a largely light-hearted adventure.

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by MULTI_MEDIA_MAN


Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Name: Damien
Age: 23
Sex: Male

Appearance: In armor:
General appearance:
Damien stands at about 6'1", and weighs 210 pounds. He also keeps his hair much shorter than in the image, never letting it pass his eyebrows in length, and usually keeping it above the midpoint of his forehead.

Personality: Damien is a kind-hearted person, willing to stick his neck or his heart out for those around him. He's generally easy to get along with, and likes to crack jokes, but he also knows when to get serious. When it comes to battle, he's merciful, but as a mercenary he understands that a job is a job and sometimes, people just gotta die.

Backstory: Damien received a general education until he was 15, after which he was personally taught by his father, a freelance mercenary. His father taught him how to fight, how to shoot, and most importantly, how to take care of weapons. While he's certainly no expert in making or maintaining weaponry, he can keep one battle-ready for a very long time before having to replace parts or see a professional.

After a few years learning with his father, the pair started working together on missions. While Damien started off on less dangerous missions, eventually his father trusted him enough to let him come on every job he took. As a pair, they were efficient, and Damien always worked for reduced pay compared to the standard as incentive for them to be hired over others looking for a job. Besides, between the two of them, Damien and his father made more than enough to support his mother and younger brother. Unlike Damien, his brother was a scholar, and even at 21, he still studies in a University, hoping to become a surgeon.

When he turned 23, Damien bid his father farewell and made his way on his own, picking up a job or two before moving on from where he would stay, growing ever closer to his goal: joining Galdexia, the Mercenary's Guild.

Equipment: Bayonet Rifle: Fires 6.68x43mm rifle rounds, kept on a sling when not in use.
Gladius: Simple 30-inch gladius, strapped to his left hip.
Revolver: A .357 caliber magnum revolver, strapped to his right hip.

Talisman: Angel's Amulet
-Abilities: The Angel's Amulet bestows a simple but useful power upon Damien: regeneration of wounds at will, and a passive immunity from scarring. While it seems to be a powerful item, it is not omnipotent: if a limb, or even a hand, were severed, the amulet would heal the stump if asked, rather than reattach the limb, unless the severed limb were perfectly set in place. Even then, the action is not instantaneous: even healing a minor scrape can take a few seconds. Reattaching a limb would likely result in an extremely uncomfortable period where the bone and blood vessels were slowly healing together, while the skin was perfectly attached as if nothing had happened. For this reason, the Amulet is more suited to heal minor wounds that would otherwise overwhelm Damien as time continued, rather than protect him from killing blows.

-Backstory: Damien was presented the Angel's Amulet when he was 20, working with his father. They had been hired to protect a shipment of goods from an area in the slums to the noble regions of the city. As it turned out, the shipment held a number of unbound Talismans being kept in a warehouse, on their way up to be bought by nobles or otherwise studied by scientists or professors with particular interest in the amulets. Why Damien and his father were chosen for such an important job escaped him until he met the client he was providing: his brother's professor. As it turned out, the professor had mentioned the job to Damien's brother, who told him where he and his father could be found. After the successful completion of the job, Damien was rewarded the amulet. He was shocked at the payment, but when the professor explained who he was, Damien understood and told the man to thank his brother.

Theme Music: I May Fall- RWBY Volume 1 OST-
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Crawfish


Member Offline since relaunch

excellent! great character, Multi_Media_Man. I am presently creating my CS and editing it into my first post. hopefully it will help in giving people a bit of a template to go by.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Crescendo


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Good to see OOC up! I'll probably wait until Crawfish's is up so I have a few templates to go by.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by MULTI_MEDIA_MAN


Member Seen 6 hrs ago

It is. He edited it into the first post at the bottom, hidden by a hidery thing.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Crescendo


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Ah, didn't see that ^^; I'll get working on a CS then!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Crawfish


Member Offline since relaunch


I'll also be updating my bio with a picture--just gotta draw something. I'm on the road tonight, so I'm away from my precious tablet.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Fusioncore


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Name: Seb

Age: 17
Sex: Male

Appearance: Standing at just 5’8’’, Seb is quite short. He has black hair and keeps himself clean shaven. He virtually always wears black clothes to blend into the shadows.

Personality: Seb is by nature a quiet person though but likes to be fully in control of any situation he’s in. He however doesn’t like to be at the centre of attention but rather is in control from behind. He is an intelligent person and extremely observant and has near photographic memory. Certainly he doesn’t forget what people say or do that may later be used to manipulate them.

Backstory: Seb is son of a minor member of the Ruling Guild and therefore was fully educated at a very decent school. At the age of 15 he was recruited into the ruling guild and presented with a talisman, a dagger of unknown power. It didn’t take him long to figure out that the dagger had some very interesting properties and decided that getting training in close quarters combat was a good idea.

During his training, he was able to use his dagger against his opponents without them noticing it at all until he held it against there throats in victory. They were then astonished and had no idea where it came from. Starting to experiment more he took it into some important meetings and stood at the back juggling the dagger and no one blinked an eye at him.

Just as he was starting to gain some influence within the Ruling Guild, it suddenly collapsed and his life turned to chaos. Wanting to regain some of his former status Seb looked to find a new guild to join that he thought would gain great power from the fall of his former guild. He finally settled on Galdexia due to the recent disaster leaving many important positions vacant which he could aspire to reach.

Equipment: Has a normal dagger hidden on a special belt under his shirt.

Talisman: Dagger with unreadable Glyphs inscribed down the blade.

-Abilities: The dagger is unseen by all but the welder or anyone directly in contact with it. Sometimes it seems to Seb that this effect extends to him as well and people don’t notice him. Though this particular skill he has no control over, if it even exists. The blade also never dulls.
-Backstory: Given by the Ruling Guild upon entering there training program

Theme music:

EDIT: Have added theme music and picture for talisman. Couldn't find a picture I liked for the character so will just leave it as a description
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by LastLfan


Member Seen 9 yrs ago




Personality:fiery :) In all seriousness though, ill tempered, slightly masochistic due to his talisman. He also can't stand poor people, at least not at first

Appearance: about 5'10" with straggly neck length blonde hair, green eyes, and a light skin tone. He wears nicer clothes, usually tan colored, with black sandals. His right arm is either all scar tissue or his talisman. At the start he only has a few bright red scars due to just receiving his talisman but will gain many more as the series progresses. He wears a pendant around his neck that looks like fire with a Ruby in the center(his family crest)

Backstory:Damian grew up as the heir to the Rayne family talisman, the silver flame, as such he was instructed in pain tolerance from a very young age. As his final test, as with all other heir's, he had to kill his mother on his 15th birthday. His family, aw well as others, would have the kids trained not only in physical pain endurance, but also Mental pain endurance. Throughout their childhood they would have to go through mental tragedy so they wouldn't crack under the pressure of enduring the talisman. The women who marry into the family all believe that they are sacrificing themselves for the benefit of their children.

As a kid he was only allowed to play with other talisman heirs, known as "the marked", so he was oblivious to the regular people of society. When he turned fifteen, his father Nick was still alive, so as part of initiation Dante had to cut his father's arm off and cast it in the fire. Due to this and killing his mother, Dante has a fear of becoming attached to people.(will add more later)

Equipment:a small dagger he uses to cut himself to activate The silver flame.

Talisman: the silver Flame
Abilities:when Blood is drawn it is turned into fire which can then be channeled through the user's body. When active a strange symbol glows on the talisman, and when all the fire is used up a bright red scar is left.
Backstory:the silver flame is the family talisman of the Rayne family, going back many generations. No one knows the original form of the talisman, as it was melted and then poured onto the next heir's dominant arm when he turned 15. When the next heir turns 15 the current wearer, if still alive has his arm cut off by the heir. There is an initiation process for inheriting the silver flame which includes Pain tolerance training and mental training such as having to kill your mother on your 15th birthday.

(Hope that's good for now)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Crawfish


Member Offline since relaunch

some interesting new characters, everyone! LastLfan, I'm going to send you a quick PM about a few things.

I'm going to be pretty busy this weekend, but I've sent out a couple PMs to people who have expressed interest, but have not yet posted characters or responded to this thread. hopefully, if all goes to plan, we'll start the RP on Monday!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by LastLfan


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Mistress Dizzy
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Mistress Dizzy Fandom Auntie Dizzy

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Hey, I just sort of dropped the ball on this, forgetting that there was a new thread. I'll try to get rolling on my character sheet, I'm sort of torn between two potential characters. What's better, a skinny androgynous mechanic or a chubby psychic boxer?
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