-Le Pasteur
This RP is CLOSED. If you wish to join please PM me or tatszico your CS and we will see what we can do.
In the city of Fukushima, 2013. near the shopping district lies Le Pastuer, a recently opened bakery full of wonderful cakes and pastries. The lady who works there Madame Lilacflour, is a first timer at running a business she had no idea to recruit workers. So she decided to put a sign on the door saying "help wanted". A pair of twins from the nearby high school was walking home and saw the sign. "Hey let's check it out!" one of them said and possibly unwillingly dragged the other with them.
Madame Lilacflour was skeptical about having high schoolers helping her but it couldn't be too hard now could it?
She would only allow them to work there under the circumstances of that she would teach them how to bake the foods. One of them failed miserably while the other did everything perfectly. Soon the other twin soon gained experience and was not almost on par with the other. At school they would advertise the Bakery and thus more people signed up! Now this Bakery is popular and well known around Fukushima. With the Bakery established and ready to go, our little bakery will need to go on after such a long journey. We bake on!
Madame Lilacflour was skeptical about having high schoolers helping her but it couldn't be too hard now could it?
She would only allow them to work there under the circumstances of that she would teach them how to bake the foods. One of them failed miserably while the other did everything perfectly. Soon the other twin soon gained experience and was not almost on par with the other. At school they would advertise the Bakery and thus more people signed up! Now this Bakery is popular and well known around Fukushima. With the Bakery established and ready to go, our little bakery will need to go on after such a long journey. We bake on!
Well there really is none. Just a bunch of mini-plots. However there will be a story for everyone to work with somehow... Anyways, sometimes there might some random thing happening with everyone and I'll try to manage it as best as I can... Well I think that's it.... Oh right! It's at the beginning of the year right after the New Year’s Festival!
There will times were major events happen, I will warn you all about it! Also there will be a public pool event, that everyone will attend. Timeskips are invetible though.
There will times were major events happen, I will warn you all about it! Also there will be a public pool event, that everyone will attend. Timeskips are invetible though.
NO GODMODDING! That is just one thing I want people to keep in mind!
No excessive swearing in a post unless there is a valid reason. (You've been burned really badly, something irritating happened and you very mad, etc)
No making fun, teasing and any negative comments to anyone in OOC.
Considering the anime vibe to this, try to keep realism at a reasonable place, meaning have at least some of it. So don't have a cake, baked perfectly, legitimately kill someone. Please don't throw someone in the oven and make them come out fine, at least make them feel a tad burnt. Breaking the forth wall is fine though.
I'm might change this rule a bit every now and again, but if you don't post in 2 weeks of your last post then I shall kick you out with no hesitation.
This rule is something I will be lenient on, considering we are in Japan, things such as Fangirl Japanese (Baka, Kuso, Nani, Hai, Nande, Ano and the famous Gomenesai, etc) and Japanese honorifics (-kun, -san, -chan, -sama, -tan, -chama etc.) are allowed as long as you don't completely fill the place with it. However, if you are unsure about if this word is famous enough for people to know it, please try to leave a translation at the bottom.
For Example: Ohayou gozaimasu minna! Anatatachi o genki desuka? I hope you are though because today we have a lot of things to do! Oh! Irashaimase! What would you like today?
(Translation: Good morning everyone! How are you all today? I hope you are though because we have a lot of things to do! Oh! Welcome to the store! What would you like today?) Though, it's best to not do that so we can save everyone a hassle.
Le Pastuer's Appearance
Age: It really doesn't matter but most people are in the High School. Putting you're age above this will limit you're interactions. It's not compulsory but recommended that you make them High School age.
Appearance: Considering the anime vibe to this, anime-ish pictures are preferred.
Personality: Please make it at least a paragraph.
Occupation at the Bakery: Are you a janitor? Baker? Or just someone who helps out? There are more categories to this so please use whatever one you wish.
History: About two paragraphs should suffice. If your character is someone not from Japan, please say so considering this is set in Japan.
This is a slice-of-life comedy RP. Romance takes a second theme and NOT the focal point. I understand relationships are a wonderful thing to RP but I don't want it to overpower the RP. Remember salt, sugar and pepper are meant to enhance flavour not overpower it.
People will start at different relationship levels. Remember that school, classes, shifts and reputation are all things of note that can factor into a relationship level.
Time that the shifts start will be your choice, but don't go on a shift that had 3000 people in it, just for the sake of interaction. We have more places to interact then that.
The Bakery history will be made as we go along. I will accept any idea if I believe if it's good enough idea. My standards are pretty low.
The Bakery has been established already, there are relationships already made unless specifically asked, a person a has been working there for a certain amount of time, NO ONE is just starting out.
People will start at different relationship levels. Remember that school, classes, shifts and reputation are all things of note that can factor into a relationship level.
Time that the shifts start will be your choice, but don't go on a shift that had 3000 people in it, just for the sake of interaction. We have more places to interact then that.
The Bakery history will be made as we go along. I will accept any idea if I believe if it's good enough idea. My standards are pretty low.
The Bakery has been established already, there are relationships already made unless specifically asked, a person a has been working there for a certain amount of time, NO ONE is just starting out.
Our Slaves Employees
Name: Madame Lilacflour A.K.A Lila-chan
Age: Secret

Personality: Lila is a very sweet woman, she loves caring for people and will always be there for you if you need a shoulder to cry on. Sweet and nice, she may not seem like it but she's one hell of a troll, tricking people into some light-hearted banter for the sake of it. Enjoying fun, she finds that having fun is the main thing to do. Despite that, she dislikes boredom and is very annoying when she's bored, doing drastic activities to relieve boredom. Despite that, she rather wants someone to always do their best rather than just do it perfectly with out any effort. This in turn makes her a very patient woman, she's very headstrong and determined, almost to a fault.
Occupation at the Bakery: She's the damn owner.
History: She was a woman from Japan, being the daughter of a French woman and a Japanese man. She grew up with love showered upon her, being extremely wealthy, she was able to constantly visit the world. Her main home was the U.S.A, living there for most of her childhood. Most of her school life was a breeze, living happily throughout with no worries in the world. Her college years were pretty much the same, she breezed through that too. However, she mostly enjoyed to bake and slowly gained experience through it. However, most of her inspiration came from a tragic love story gone terribly wrong.
One visit Japan, it was that visit that changed her life. She met a man, whom she fell in love with. Constantly wanting to be by his side, she stayed and lived with him, possibly in a forced manner. However, it all changed on that one day. She confessed her undying love for him, she was happy, as it was requited. However on the one night, she was taken home by him. They talked out dreams and how his was too open up a bakery called Le Pastuer. However, at that moment a car crashed into his and Lila's. She wait in the hospital, only to find out he was now in a coma. Unable to do anything, she decided open up the bakery in his honor. Hopefully one day awaiting his return.
Name: Kiku Kunazumi
Age: 17
Appearance: School Outfit

Casual Outfit

He's a real baby-faced person. With a toned body and cute hazel eyes that curve downward he gives off the feel that just somehow screams "adorable." His height is is rather on the short side being 162cm and with a fair complexion he really does look 2 years younger then he should be. His deep brown hair just seems to defy gravity as with a little hair gel his shoulder length hair becomes a mountain. Let's not forget his rather childish outfit choices. He really does look like a tall kid or short preteen, which is absoloutely wrong.
Personality: Can we say stuttering all the time? Since that's what he does 24/7, well on the outside at least. Generally shy, meek and submissive he's rather quiet and has a cute blush on his face. His presence isn't felt much most of the time and he always seems to be able whimper when scared. Is this all an act? Yes and no. He is rather shy and acts much like girl when he has to meet new people, however when people know him, the stuttering little kid seems to be a distant image. First of all, he is a snarky little sadistic asshole. Second, he can and WILL make a sarcastic comment when he wants to. Those combined make a very different image. Being shrewd and tactical, he's able to map what route is best and what's worse, all for his personal enjoyment as well as being a brilliant actor, he can fake crocodile tears if he needs to.
Don't get him wrong though, he is a very good friend, when you finally earn much needed trust, Kiku will love you and care for you. He will protect those in need and loves supporting others. Despite that, he will make decisions that help everyone as a whole even if it means putting someone at risk. He's also very short-tempered and when he gets mad... Well we'll see. Either way, his temper gains him the nickname, "The Silent Blue Flame." at school which he isn't very proud of. He also resorts to violence rather quickly due to his upbringing.
Occupation at the Bakery: He works as anything really, sometimes he's supervisor (don't ask how.), one day he could be a cashier and other times he could be baking things. He works as anything and everything.
History: Kiku and twin brother were little pains in the ass when they grew up, they would pull pranks, switch names and people would be like "What?". Being awesome sons from huge Yakuza family was fun to begin with, being able to switch between cute kids and demon children way better. But all that changed on that one fateful day. One of the twins was dragged to somewhere, the other twin stayed put. Kiku was dragged, despite that, he didn't understand what was going until he looked into a mirror. His eye shape changed... Kiku didn't understand how or when, he just knew he was now the heir to the Kunazumi Yakuza. As it turns out, having twin heirs was nothing but disaster, so they had to choose between the two. The little bastards made people forget which was which and so the just dragged one by random and turned that one into the heir. Funny, the older brother was supposed to be the heir, another thing they got wrong. Soon after that, the training began, he was trained by his strict father to become a mighty Yakuza Lord. That didn't go well as he didn't like that kind of stuff.
He was trained in so much ranging from calligraphy to flower arranging to dangerous self defense techniques. The last one Kiku liked as from then one he started to entertain himself by playing fighting games and most of his fighting style was inspired by Chun Li, the First Lady of Fighting. That doesn't matter though, what did matter was how he saw less and less of twin brother was ostracized and shunned by the family while he got all the attention. Then on his 14th birthday, they pushed the limit. Kiku was given a lot of birthday presents, while his brother got none. So he gave one to him, however his twin was accused of being jealous by his father and was about to make him rip a fingernail as retribution. His temper flared and skyrocketed through the roof as he started beat his father down with a chair with an unstoppable rage saying, "IF YOU'RE GONNA TELL SOMEONE TO GO CAUSE THEMSELVES PAIN THEN BE PREPARE FOR SOME YOURSELF! YOU POOR EXCUSE OF A DAMN FATHER!". So from that point on, his relationship with his father was strained and he went to live with his more kind and carefee Uncle with his brother. He started to live a normal life as he went to school and actually made friends.
Soon he and his twin brother were on their way to the supermarket from school as they walked they say a sign. "HELP WANTED." it read, his brother urged him to go in, wanting to see what was in it, they met Madame Lilacflour, a woman from France (yet could speak perfect Japanese) who allowed them to work. Slowly but surely, the fruits of the effort showed as people went into the store and asked for a job, he was happy, never wanting this blissful time with his family of co-workers to end.
Name: Kikuyu Kunazumi or you can call him Kuyu-chan/Kuna-chan.
Age: 17

He doesn't differ that greatly from his twin. His only difference is that his eyes are slanted upwards, creating a cool type of look. Like his brother he is identical in almost every single way regarding appearance, along with that ridiculous mountain hair and sharp eyes, he looks older than his brother and seems to be more approachable.
Occupation at the Bakery: Cashier and Baker, sometimes Janitor.
Personality: Kikuyu's a bit of a jackass. He's bossy, loud and terribly obnoxious. Despite that, he is a popular kid and has a this air of confidence that borders arrogance. Being very charismatic and cheerful, he draws everyone around with a smile on his face. He's friendly and empathetic, more so than his mentally unstable brother. However, he's a bit of a daredevil and likes to take risks just for the sake of it. Considered a bit of an idiot, he is rather lazy, not wanting to try on something that doesn't interest him, lacking motivation nearly half the time. Being a bit of a childish fellow, he can throw tantrums at the smallest of things such as when somebody doesn't thank him, most of the time though, it's a joke.
He's also a bit of a chivalrous pervert, if that's possible, using perverted tactics to get people to do the right thing or his own way. However unlike his cute and psycho brother Kuyu doesn't really have anything that makes him insane, rather he stays calm in drastic times and can keep a level head when needed. He also never gets truly angry, but when he does, his voice is icy-cold creating a chilly atmosphere right on the bat, though that's practically never.
History: Kuyu was born into a famous Yakuza family, the Kunazumi's. Knowing of their drastic measures, Kuyu never really wanted to be the heir, finding that stuff disturbing. So they decided to be tiny mini jackasses and swtich constantly so neither had to go to the meetings which were gruesome. It was Kuyu's idea, which might explain his father's cold attitude to him. Growing up, Kuyu was a happy child, able to do whatever he wanted since they never knew which one was the right twin. However, that one day when his brother was taken away for a day, he was taken to the arcade. When he came back he looked at his brother, expecting a reflection, except he didn't. This signified the day, where they could be called identical twins.
Slowly, the rift between grew and grew as they saw less of each other. Kuyu lived his life as he pleased as no one really expected anything from him, being silently ignored be everyone with the exception of the twin's well known bodyguard, Tatsuyoshi.He would soon find out that sport was his thing and was rather good at it. He was fine with the way things were besides not being able to see Kiku. Anyhow, on his 14th birthday he watched his father be beaten with a chair with wide eyes,begging for his brother to stop. Soon he moved to Fukushima with his brother and his uncle.
One fateful day, the twins were on their way to the supermarket, Kuyu saw the say that said "HELP WANTED". Deciding, "Oh what the hell?" he dragged his twin into the stored and met Lila-san. The trolling boss allowed them to work, too bad Kuyu failed really badly. Worst. Idea. Ever. Soon with a little help and motivation Kuyu rose from the ranks and is now one of the most reliable workers there. Like they say, "Started from the bottom, now we're here!"
Name: Kinzo Sanada
Age: 17
A slender, young man with a slightly toned build due to the many physical activities used to participate in. His frame, although thin, can be described as lithe but sturdy. His hair is of medium length, stark under normal lighting conditions but glows a soft golden-brown if presented under the radiance of the sun. The tone of his skin is slightly tan, just a step or two darker than fair. His eyes are pools of chocolate; dark and piercing but warm and comforting. The most defining characteristic about Kinzo Sanada is his smile - slightly crooked, but in a charming, unique manner.
Personality: Charismatic and sociable, Kinzo is an optimistic individual who's not afraid to speak his mind. He's well mannered and understanding, as his public self seems to radiate a certain charm. He tends to get along easily with people, as he puts himself out there and is usually the first one to introduce himself. He's the type of person that accepts everyone equally as he is not a person that judges. His cheerful personality is not over the top, but rather refreshing and genuine. As a private individual, however, Kinzo Sanada is selfish and stubborn. Everything has to be his way, though he hides these hidden desires pretty well. If angered to the point where these values may become vulnerable, he usually becomes silent, distant, and aloof. Light, gentle, respectable and understanding are keywords to describing his refreshing character.
Occupation at the Bakery: Cashier
History: A 3rd Year at Fukushima High, Kinzo is one of the paired children to the Sanada family. He is the eldest brother, with his younger sibling being 6 years old. Although there's over a ten-year gap between the two, the Sanada brothers are quite close. He was an athlete in middle school and during his first year of high school, but retired from club activities during his second year as he thought he should focus more on schooling. Regardless, he still remains active during his free time.
When Kinzo was younger, he was quite the trouble-maker, an almost direct opposite of who he is today. This was due to the absence of his parents during his childhood - though the three of them loved each other just as much as any other ordinary family, they were stuck in a financial crisis that resulted in his parents having to work throughout the days and nights. Though this little rough patch did indeed influence Kinto's bad behavior, at the same time, he understood what his parents were going through. He respected them and loved them, knowing that they were working for his sake. With this in mind, Kevin began to mature at a faster rate than most kids his age, leaving his restless self behind and grew into the kind-hearted individual he is today. By the time Kento, the Sanada's youngest son, was born, the family had established a stable, middle-class income with his dad becoming a corporate worker for a big company and his mom finally being able to leave her position at a grocery store to do what she wanted as a stay-at-home mother. Currently, the family is trying their best to support their simple lifestyle so that Kento could grow up without anymore hardships.
Age: 17

A slender, young man with a slightly toned build due to the many physical activities used to participate in. His frame, although thin, can be described as lithe but sturdy. His hair is of medium length, stark under normal lighting conditions but glows a soft golden-brown if presented under the radiance of the sun. The tone of his skin is slightly tan, just a step or two darker than fair. His eyes are pools of chocolate; dark and piercing but warm and comforting. The most defining characteristic about Kinzo Sanada is his smile - slightly crooked, but in a charming, unique manner.
Personality: Charismatic and sociable, Kinzo is an optimistic individual who's not afraid to speak his mind. He's well mannered and understanding, as his public self seems to radiate a certain charm. He tends to get along easily with people, as he puts himself out there and is usually the first one to introduce himself. He's the type of person that accepts everyone equally as he is not a person that judges. His cheerful personality is not over the top, but rather refreshing and genuine. As a private individual, however, Kinzo Sanada is selfish and stubborn. Everything has to be his way, though he hides these hidden desires pretty well. If angered to the point where these values may become vulnerable, he usually becomes silent, distant, and aloof. Light, gentle, respectable and understanding are keywords to describing his refreshing character.
Occupation at the Bakery: Cashier
History: A 3rd Year at Fukushima High, Kinzo is one of the paired children to the Sanada family. He is the eldest brother, with his younger sibling being 6 years old. Although there's over a ten-year gap between the two, the Sanada brothers are quite close. He was an athlete in middle school and during his first year of high school, but retired from club activities during his second year as he thought he should focus more on schooling. Regardless, he still remains active during his free time.
When Kinzo was younger, he was quite the trouble-maker, an almost direct opposite of who he is today. This was due to the absence of his parents during his childhood - though the three of them loved each other just as much as any other ordinary family, they were stuck in a financial crisis that resulted in his parents having to work throughout the days and nights. Though this little rough patch did indeed influence Kinto's bad behavior, at the same time, he understood what his parents were going through. He respected them and loved them, knowing that they were working for his sake. With this in mind, Kevin began to mature at a faster rate than most kids his age, leaving his restless self behind and grew into the kind-hearted individual he is today. By the time Kento, the Sanada's youngest son, was born, the family had established a stable, middle-class income with his dad becoming a corporate worker for a big company and his mom finally being able to leave her position at a grocery store to do what she wanted as a stay-at-home mother. Currently, the family is trying their best to support their simple lifestyle so that Kento could grow up without anymore hardships.
Name: Alexia Crawford
Age: 26
Personality: She is a very cheerful person. She always smiles and laughs although there is nothing funny. She can be very violent sometimes when angry but she is very easy to cheer up. She also likes to help everyone at all cost and if she wants to achieve something she will work hard for it. On the other side of her is a very violent one and unstoppable so don't mess with her if you please. She likes to eat a lot especially desserts.She doesn't like to share her feelings with somebody because she thought that it might hurt someone. She likes cute animals like puppies and kittens.
Occupation at the Bakery: Cashier
History: Alexia was born in a normal family.They have a small house but they're happy with it as long they have a roof on their heads and there is food in the table. She really loves her family especially her father that works hard everyday just to feed them and pay their bills. Alexia's father was the happiest father in the world because of her innocent sweet daughter named "Alexia" that was always worried about him and greets him then hugs him when he gets home. In elementary, Alexia gained so many friends due to her personality and many teachers likes her because of her cheerful personality. Alexia is not a straight-A student but she managed to pass all of her subjects and she graduated successfully in elementary.
In Alexia's teenage years, it was still the same but she tried to focus only on studying and during that time she discovered what she wanted when she grew up. She dreamed to be a fashion designer. She was very excited that she started to study more in advance about sewing. Now that she learned sewing she started to make her own designs.It was a failure but she laughed at it and realized that she needed to study more.
In college, Alexia studied in a school about fashion then she graduated there after 4 years. She tried to make her own designs but she doesn't have enough money to make a masterpiece. So she tried to find a job then she managed to find a job at a bakery named "Le Pasteur" as a cashier slowly reaching her dream.
Age: 26

Personality: She is a very cheerful person. She always smiles and laughs although there is nothing funny. She can be very violent sometimes when angry but she is very easy to cheer up. She also likes to help everyone at all cost and if she wants to achieve something she will work hard for it. On the other side of her is a very violent one and unstoppable so don't mess with her if you please. She likes to eat a lot especially desserts.She doesn't like to share her feelings with somebody because she thought that it might hurt someone. She likes cute animals like puppies and kittens.
Occupation at the Bakery: Cashier
History: Alexia was born in a normal family.They have a small house but they're happy with it as long they have a roof on their heads and there is food in the table. She really loves her family especially her father that works hard everyday just to feed them and pay their bills. Alexia's father was the happiest father in the world because of her innocent sweet daughter named "Alexia" that was always worried about him and greets him then hugs him when he gets home. In elementary, Alexia gained so many friends due to her personality and many teachers likes her because of her cheerful personality. Alexia is not a straight-A student but she managed to pass all of her subjects and she graduated successfully in elementary.
In Alexia's teenage years, it was still the same but she tried to focus only on studying and during that time she discovered what she wanted when she grew up. She dreamed to be a fashion designer. She was very excited that she started to study more in advance about sewing. Now that she learned sewing she started to make her own designs.It was a failure but she laughed at it and realized that she needed to study more.
In college, Alexia studied in a school about fashion then she graduated there after 4 years. She tried to make her own designs but she doesn't have enough money to make a masterpiece. So she tried to find a job then she managed to find a job at a bakery named "Le Pasteur" as a cashier slowly reaching her dream.
Name: Koruku "Kuro" Kiske
Age: 18
About 5”5 height and 128lb, a bit on the skinny side. (Eyes supposed to be gold but I didn't have gold colored pencil)
Personality: Kuro is sort of a confused teen, since he had a hard life, he had developed a sort of moody attitude. He desperately hates any mention about the past. Silent, blunt, lonely…He believes that his only friend in pet mouse Nezu and doesn't like to interact with people or even interact with humanity. He maybe considered as a tsundere but only when his guard his lowered. He tries to avoid human contact but if ever he has too, he never looks at them at the eye and says at least one word. He personally likes to use the rude and informal Japanese pronoun "teme" because he feels like he would get annoyed with them. He doesn't like it when people talk about his short height either. But if in some way, he can really trust someone he maybe consider them a great companion. Odd thing though when baking he becomes another person, he is active and talks to people. He loves to bake cheese related things, as he loves his pet mouse. Nezu is always at his right shoulder.
Occupation in the Bakery: Baker
History: Kuro had a really hard life, he was left at the orphanage at three, and an abusive family then adopted him. His life went a couple of directions the wrong way. He grew scared and feared people where only thing he could really talk to is the mouse and rats that were at his room (closet). By the age of nine he had to do most of the work in the house, clean and cook. That where he discovered his love for baking, it had made him smile for a while and very much enjoyed it. For those short moments he never felt sad. His school studies went also different directions, due to the abusiveness of his ‘family’ he sometimes passed and failed some grades. At school he was bullied for talking to mice and rats which decreased his faith in humanity and people.
At first year high school he was held back twice so now he is at second year at eighteen. He ran away from the family at seventeen, Luckily he stole quite a bit of cash before leaving, he did multiple part time jobs to sustain his lifestyle. He got a small…very small apartment where he and his pet mouse Nezu lived peacefully. In recent times, he had been fired from a couple of part time jobs because of his attitude, he decided to look for a baking part time job to get by. Luckily there was one that was hiring, “Le Pasteur”. He decided to take the job as a baker; who knows? Maybe he might have faith in humanity again.
Age: 18

About 5”5 height and 128lb, a bit on the skinny side. (Eyes supposed to be gold but I didn't have gold colored pencil)
Personality: Kuro is sort of a confused teen, since he had a hard life, he had developed a sort of moody attitude. He desperately hates any mention about the past. Silent, blunt, lonely…He believes that his only friend in pet mouse Nezu and doesn't like to interact with people or even interact with humanity. He maybe considered as a tsundere but only when his guard his lowered. He tries to avoid human contact but if ever he has too, he never looks at them at the eye and says at least one word. He personally likes to use the rude and informal Japanese pronoun "teme" because he feels like he would get annoyed with them. He doesn't like it when people talk about his short height either. But if in some way, he can really trust someone he maybe consider them a great companion. Odd thing though when baking he becomes another person, he is active and talks to people. He loves to bake cheese related things, as he loves his pet mouse. Nezu is always at his right shoulder.
Occupation in the Bakery: Baker
History: Kuro had a really hard life, he was left at the orphanage at three, and an abusive family then adopted him. His life went a couple of directions the wrong way. He grew scared and feared people where only thing he could really talk to is the mouse and rats that were at his room (closet). By the age of nine he had to do most of the work in the house, clean and cook. That where he discovered his love for baking, it had made him smile for a while and very much enjoyed it. For those short moments he never felt sad. His school studies went also different directions, due to the abusiveness of his ‘family’ he sometimes passed and failed some grades. At school he was bullied for talking to mice and rats which decreased his faith in humanity and people.
At first year high school he was held back twice so now he is at second year at eighteen. He ran away from the family at seventeen, Luckily he stole quite a bit of cash before leaving, he did multiple part time jobs to sustain his lifestyle. He got a small…very small apartment where he and his pet mouse Nezu lived peacefully. In recent times, he had been fired from a couple of part time jobs because of his attitude, he decided to look for a baking part time job to get by. Luckily there was one that was hiring, “Le Pasteur”. He decided to take the job as a baker; who knows? Maybe he might have faith in humanity again.
Name: Yuudai Kaito

Personality: Sarcastic, rude crude and generally just socially unacceptable. Well that is what everyone thinks of him at least. Yuu is head strong and strong willed, and never backs down from a fight. Though that is just the surface of the Biker punk and mostly the only thing people ever see when they look at him. Though in truth he likes it that way. People tend to not bother you when they are slightly afraid of you as people seem to think he is in some form of gang(which he isn't, well not anymore) which leaves him to do as he pleases. Though the one thing he loves more then anything else, is baking and cooking. He loves to feed people more then anything else, though he would never admit it he is never happier then when he sees some one enjoying his food.
Occupation at the Bakery: Baker
History: Yuu had a troubled history, he has no memories of his father as the man left him and his mother when he was a still a baby. To his mother he seemed to be more a bother then a son. She would often go out and party all night leaving the young child to fend for him self for food, that was if they had more then just booze in there tiny apartment. Since that didn't happen to often he would go hungry most nights, or end up wandering the streets begging for money to by food and if that didn't work he would just steal it. Though he started to grow accustomed to this style of life as he grew older he was getting rather good at petty thievery and he was even starting to catch the attention of a street gang, promises of a family and protection. How could he refuse?
Into his early teens he was running with the gang, and not exactly living the most legal of lifestyles but he was getting by. He moved out of his apartment with his mother, and it didn't even seem as if she noticed and if she did it didn't appear that she cared that her 8 year old son had left. Though the deeper he got in the worse things he had to do as he was slowly descending closer to the point of no return. This went on for years as he grew older and further into his career as a criminal. Though at 15 his life would change.
One night during a house robbery something went wrong, the old man was home even though he was supposed to be out on a trip. During the panic Yuu got left behind as the old man found him. He though for sure he would be going to prison, but instead that old man offered him a deal. If Yuu would work for him he wouldn't call the cops and he could repay for all the stolen items. Yuu agreed. He learned that the old man was more then just some old codger, but was a world renowned chief, Katashi Ken'ichi, and while working for him he learned a lot. How to fix things, how to work on various appliances and even after a while the man taught him how to cook. This was the first time in his life that he had ever had any form of parental figure.
Katashi made Yuu study hard, so that he could take and pass the test required to go to highschool, since he ditched school years ago. To Yuu's own surprise he passed and was enrolled in Fukushima High School. Though as the years went on Katashi's health was failing, the old man near the end of his life, Yuu was devastated to lose the only parent he had ever known, but at the same time glad that he even had these few years, even more surprising was that he learned that Katashi had left everything to him. Never having any real children Yuu was the closest thing he had to a son. So on his death Yuu inherited everything, though the man was not overly wealthy he was still a rich man and put everything into an account that would mature when Yuu turned 25. The house though was taken, Yuu had to live by his own means. So he got a job at a near by bakery, where he could learn more about baking, he got a small apartment and went to school.
Name: Arisu Fukazawa
Age: 16
Personality: Arisu is very cold up front. Opening up to others is a very difficult task for her. It's so troublesome that she ends up not trying at all, rather always staying icy cold. However, deep down, Arisu is a caring girl who isn't always too keen on showing her "soft side." At some points, she could get very shy and timid. During those times, Arisu is highly dependent and will go to others for help. That being usually uncommon, she mostly keeps up her independent personality up for display.
Occupation at the Bakery: Baker (More like attempts to be a baker. :P)
History: Arisu has lived in Fukushima for as long as she could remember. She grew up there with her entire family, including her mother, father, two older brothers, and one younger brother. Arisu was always protected by her brothers. If anyone was bullying her in school, Arisu's dependable brothers always came to save the day. They stayed by the motto of "we can't possibly let anything happen to our cute sister." However, it became harder and harder for Arisu to make friends in school. Girls only became friends to get closer to her totally hot brothers, and guys were afraid. But loneliness was the least of it.
Only recently had her life become more difficult. When she was around the age of ten, their father filed a divorce after some difficulties and left with another woman. He was never seen again after that and Arisu and her brothers have had a grudge ever since. Only a short year after was their mother hospitalized. The bills became harder to maintain and the four siblings had to move into a smaller, one-room apartment. Paying medical bills and housing bills took a lot of maintenance. Arisu couldn't sit around and make her brothers do all the hard work, so she decided to find a job.
Age: 16

Personality: Arisu is very cold up front. Opening up to others is a very difficult task for her. It's so troublesome that she ends up not trying at all, rather always staying icy cold. However, deep down, Arisu is a caring girl who isn't always too keen on showing her "soft side." At some points, she could get very shy and timid. During those times, Arisu is highly dependent and will go to others for help. That being usually uncommon, she mostly keeps up her independent personality up for display.
Occupation at the Bakery: Baker (More like attempts to be a baker. :P)
History: Arisu has lived in Fukushima for as long as she could remember. She grew up there with her entire family, including her mother, father, two older brothers, and one younger brother. Arisu was always protected by her brothers. If anyone was bullying her in school, Arisu's dependable brothers always came to save the day. They stayed by the motto of "we can't possibly let anything happen to our cute sister." However, it became harder and harder for Arisu to make friends in school. Girls only became friends to get closer to her totally hot brothers, and guys were afraid. But loneliness was the least of it.
Only recently had her life become more difficult. When she was around the age of ten, their father filed a divorce after some difficulties and left with another woman. He was never seen again after that and Arisu and her brothers have had a grudge ever since. Only a short year after was their mother hospitalized. The bills became harder to maintain and the four siblings had to move into a smaller, one-room apartment. Paying medical bills and housing bills took a lot of maintenance. Arisu couldn't sit around and make her brothers do all the hard work, so she decided to find a job.
Name:Lucy Devereaux-Koshiba

Dainty, small, and with a pale complexion to boot, Lucy looks as fragile as porcelain. She's also light on her feet, and her airy gait only seems to reinforce the idea that even the slightest of touch can break her. Long and wavy golden locks fall past her lower back, and her pale green eyes are always twinkling with amusement. Any misconceptions about her frailty are usually shattered when she goes on what her friends have taken to calling her default "princess mode." Lucy carries herself in a dignified and poised, sometimes even haughty, manner that makes her appear more imposing than she actually is. It's all façade, though; something she does innately, embedded in her after years of etiquette lessons, rather than deliberately.
Sheltered and coddled all her life, it is painfully obvious that Lucy is utterly inexperienced with the 'real world.' She grew up believing that money was the solution to all the world's problem, and now that she was running out of solutions, she's having difficulty adjusting. From a normal person's perspective, Lucy has little to no common sense: she is too gullible, believing even the most blatant of lies; she has no idea how most things work; and she has romanticized notions about the world. She still looks at everything with an almost childlike wonder, even (or perhaps especially) mundane things and activities that she never got to experience for herself. Lucy still has a habit of taking things for granted as well, and she needs to be reminded every so often that she can't just get what she wants by snapping her finger.
Discounting her zero life experience, Lucy is actually bright. Well-read and clever, Lucy was often at the top of her class. She's a big reader—while she can't manage to work a stove, she can quote Voltaire word for word or tell you all about the history of Japan. Despite what she's going through, she has also retained her self-assuredness and strong sense of self. She is true to herself and wears her heart on her sleeves, caring little for what others think of her. Straightforward and blunt, she doesn't mince words, and believes that dishonesty is simply a form of cowardice.
Occupation at the Bakery:
Janitor (it'll be her first day, so she'll be a horrible one)
Born in Paris to an heiress and a Japanese ambassador, Lucy lived in the lap of luxury. Life in the top one percent was all she'd known. She was surrounded by maids that were at her beck and call, anything she could ask for (except for her parents' love and attention, of course), and all the 'friends' she made couldn't wait to suck up to her, so even they gave her what she wanted. Long story short, she had it made.
But then tragedy struck. When she was fourteen, the flimsy seam that held her family together began to unravel. It was the fifth time her mother got caught cheating—her father loved her mother so much that he easily forgave the past four times. After getting caught for the fifth time and being simply forgiven once again, her mother finally decided that their marriage just wasn't working out. She filed for divorce, even though he protested nonstop, and moved in with one of her lovers soon after. Lucy hadn't minded at first. Her mother had always been an absent figure who showered her with toys and other material things instead of affection; she hardly knew her at all.
It was only when her father started spiraling into depression that she noticed the impact her mother's absence caused. Her father had been completely infatuated with her mother, and Lucy knew that his whole world revolved around her—heck, he didn't even love his own daughter half as much as he loved his wife. Anyway, when his reason for living disappeared, he sort of stopped trying altogether. He lost his job within a year, and they started burning through their savings soon after that. With what little money they had left (her mother and her battalion of lawyers found a way to get out of paying child support), she and her father moved back to his hometown of Fukushima, where he hoped to get a grip back on his life. To start over and move on.
Turns out her father's a total flake, though. They had just settled in their quaint (see: really tiny) apartment when he got an email from her mother, saying she missed him. Without any ounce of hesitation, he flew back to France to pursue her, leaving Lucy all alone with barely enough to last three months.
It's been three days, and she hasn't heard from him at all. She'll be starting school soon, but with her savings slowly dwindling, that's the least of her worries. What is she supposed to do?!
She's fluent in Japanese, but isn't too well versed with slang, so she might sound a bit too formal at times.
Naoko Takanori
Naoko is one of those extreme type of guys. He likes things such as skateboarding and snowboarding, though he does play some calm games, such as chess. However, when he does play calm games like chess, he does it very different than most. He pretends that he's actually there, or does things to make it more "interesting".
Even though he seems to be an open book, he is very lonely. He moved to the to the town of Fukushima a month ago, and everyone had already made the friends they wanted. He was trapped outside the box of social friendship, and he doesn't like being alone.
Occupation at the Bakery
Delivery Boy
The Takanori's moved around a lot when Naoko was in elementary school. It wasn't that much of a problem, though, because Naoko could easily become the most popular kid in the school in a few short months. However, it changed when he reached High School. The social system changed, and he was left as the outsider. He was alone most of the time, he didn't have any friends. To make matters worse, his father lost his job. They moved to Fukushima in hopes of finding a new one. Sure enough, he did. It seemed like a blessing in disguise, not having to move anymore, but Naoko was still lonely. When he heard a Bakery was hiring, he joined in hopes of finding friends.
He never had problems with his parents out of the ordinary, he wasn't spoiled, he wasn't beaten. They gave him the amount of love he needed, even though it was confusing to Naoko sometimes. When he turned sixteen, they got him a beautiful gold-colored sports car, which he will soon be using to deliver cakes, cookies, and other baked goodies.
Akira Kurase

6'2'' with blonde hair and bright green eyes, he is an anomaly in most of Japan. Especially when perfect Japanese spills out of his mouth. His mother is Swedish while his father is a native Japanese from Okinawa. He tends to dress professionally, even in the summer heat.
Outside he is kind and warm, in this kitchen he is a fierce and unforgiving. Kurase is known to be incredibly fierce in the kitchen that he runs, not tolerating any failures from his staff. Outside of work he is calm and typically cheerful, without any sense of anger. He was raised to keep his cool and always have a level head, though in the kitchen it is a little less obvious. When working at his restaurant, which he is at two hours before opening and three hours after closing six days a week, he is blunt, sharp, and incredibly quick. That being said, he holds his friends dearly and will always ensure that his employees are doing well, both at and outside of work.
Occupation at the Bakery:
Head chef and owner of the restaurant Kurase that neighbors the bakery.
Born to a reasonably wealthy family, Akira rarely had to worry about where his next meal would come from or if he could afford doing something that he really wanted to do. Most children would grow complacent with their lifestyle, though Akira always had a certain drive. In school he quickly climbed the ladder, reaching the top of his class through a tremendous amount of studying. His maintained his high marks through his entire academic career, going off to university with exceptionally high marks. His family assumed he'd go on to do something great. Perhaps become a doctor like his mother or a financial adviser like his mother or even take his own path. What he did was exactly that. He took his own path, just not what anyone was expecting.
Kurase lasted three months in university before he dropped out, took what money his parents gave him for schooling and opened a restaurant in a neighboring city, only informing his family well after he had opened up his restaurant. It was in Fukushima that Akira intended to create his legacy, a single restaurant bearing his name. One that would rival the greats of Japan, no matter what it took! From the time Akira left university to today, he has spent countless hours honing his craft, dead set on becoming a restaurant that will be known across Japan.
Megumi Kitabatake

Megumi is tall for her age, to say the least. Tall and fit and maybe a bit intimidating. Her skin is somewhat pale, contrasting well with her black hair and eyes, and she always seems to have a look of disdain. Her face is angular, with thin lips and a small, rounded nose. Her eyes are narrow and seem to be dark brown or black, and it is no wonder why others are so frightened by her gaze as they are somewhat scary. Normally seen in a plain sailor fuku when out on the town, but when Megumi is home she is forced into kimonos and training gear (on mother's order).
At first glance Megumi appears to be a very intimidating and dangerous person, with her angular eyes and tallness and soft-spoken manner, but if one would get to know her they may realize that Megumi is just an extremely timid and kind girl. Very polite, she will not speak out of turn, follows directions well, and tries her best to please others despite them being frightened by her glares. A hard worker, Megumi loves to help others and does her best to finish the tasks she was given no matter what, which also shows that she is extremely stubborn. Due to living and training in a dojo, Megumi is obviously very strong and knowledgeable in the way of martial arts and kendo, but for some reason is rather uncomfortable around men. This was probably brought on because her mother's dojo is strictly females-only, and having her mom speak so badly about her good for nothing father didn't help much. So if she is around a man she will became much more quiet and stiff, maybe even a bit defensive, but she won't out right attack or run away unless she is given a good enough reason. It is very hard to upset Megumi, but when you do it is obvious. She will gain an aura of malice, refuse to speak, and maybe even resort to violence, ranging from petty slaps to oh-my-god-where-did-she-get-that-sword. Megumi has gotten into pretty vicious fights because of her angry streak, which of course gave her a bad name around the school.
And if Megumi is anything else besides all that, it would be kind. She is extremely kind and nice, despite how everyone else treats her, and it shows especially when she is around cute things like animals and children. There was once a rumor in school, something about her taking out three delinquents who were abusing a stray dog, though of course it got warped into something else entirely in the end. The words "Gentle Giant" are probably the best to describe someone like Megumi.
Occupation at the Bakery: She's a general hand, much like Kiku she does whatever whenever.
Born into a family dojo, from a young age Megumi was taught martial arts and kendo. Her father, a good-for-nothing scumbag, left a few days after she was born, and her mother (Kasumi) was obviously upset by the whole ordeal (and eventually began to detest all men, even resorting to turning the dojo into a female-only one). She didn't however, run after the stupid man, and instead took over the dojo and raised Megumi herself. Kasumi was a strict mother and an even stricter teacher, often resorting to yelling or hitting after just a few second of disobedience, but Megumi didn't mind. She knew that if she was in the wrong then she was in the wrong, and with that mindset she grew up quickly into a mature young woman. At the age of twelve she was already helping her mother teach self-defense classes, and became well known around the dojo as "Little Miss".
School during that time was simple, and she had plenty of friends, but that quickly changed once she caught some kids bullying a defenseless stray dog. In a sudden fit of anger, she sprung, and eventually the three young boys were all crying and apologizing, covered with bruises from her rough handling. Megumi too was harboring a bloody nose and black eye, but she was too angry to stop and it took two teachers to wrench her away from the other children. That was when the rumors started. Rumors turning from "protecting a dog" to "just for fun" and so on, and Megumi's social life plummeted. Friends left, people pulled from the dojo, and her mother had trouble believing that she started a fight over some ratty dog. She became much more quiet, timid, and remained that way all through junior high to high school.
Megumi eventually became known as a delinquent around school, and rumors flew like paper airplanes, but she had managed to build up a tolerance against the scared stares and murmurs whenever she walked into a room. She was better, but her mother's dojo wasn't doing so well. They barely got any students, and funds were falling. Megumi felt herself responsible, so after a while of thinking she decided to go out and find a job to help out, eventually coming to a rather quaint bakery looking for workers. She applied in a heart beat.
Megumi Kitabatake

Megumi is tall for her age, to say the least. Tall and fit and maybe a bit intimidating. Her skin is somewhat pale, contrasting well with her black hair and eyes, and she always seems to have a look of disdain. Her face is angular, with thin lips and a small, rounded nose. Her eyes are narrow and seem to be dark brown or black, and it is no wonder why others are so frightened by her gaze as they are somewhat scary. Normally seen in a plain sailor fuku when out on the town, but when Megumi is home she is forced into kimonos and training gear (on mother's order).
At first glance Megumi appears to be a very intimidating and dangerous person, with her angular eyes and tallness and soft-spoken manner, but if one would get to know her they may realize that Megumi is just an extremely timid and kind girl. Very polite, she will not speak out of turn, follows directions well, and tries her best to please others despite them being frightened by her glares. A hard worker, Megumi loves to help others and does her best to finish the tasks she was given no matter what, which also shows that she is extremely stubborn. Due to living and training in a dojo, Megumi is obviously very strong and knowledgeable in the way of martial arts and kendo, but for some reason is rather uncomfortable around men. This was probably brought on because her mother's dojo is strictly females-only, and having her mom speak so badly about her good for nothing father didn't help much. So if she is around a man she will became much more quiet and stiff, maybe even a bit defensive, but she won't out right attack or run away unless she is given a good enough reason. It is very hard to upset Megumi, but when you do it is obvious. She will gain an aura of malice, refuse to speak, and maybe even resort to violence, ranging from petty slaps to oh-my-god-where-did-she-get-that-sword. Megumi has gotten into pretty vicious fights because of her angry streak, which of course gave her a bad name around the school.
And if Megumi is anything else besides all that, it would be kind. She is extremely kind and nice, despite how everyone else treats her, and it shows especially when she is around cute things like animals and children. There was once a rumor in school, something about her taking out three delinquents who were abusing a stray dog, though of course it got warped into something else entirely in the end. The words "Gentle Giant" are probably the best to describe someone like Megumi.
Occupation at the Bakery: She's a general hand, much like Kiku she does whatever whenever.
Born into a family dojo, from a young age Megumi was taught martial arts and kendo. Her father, a good-for-nothing scumbag, left a few days after she was born, and her mother (Kasumi) was obviously upset by the whole ordeal (and eventually began to detest all men, even resorting to turning the dojo into a female-only one). She didn't however, run after the stupid man, and instead took over the dojo and raised Megumi herself. Kasumi was a strict mother and an even stricter teacher, often resorting to yelling or hitting after just a few second of disobedience, but Megumi didn't mind. She knew that if she was in the wrong then she was in the wrong, and with that mindset she grew up quickly into a mature young woman. At the age of twelve she was already helping her mother teach self-defense classes, and became well known around the dojo as "Little Miss".
School during that time was simple, and she had plenty of friends, but that quickly changed once she caught some kids bullying a defenseless stray dog. In a sudden fit of anger, she sprung, and eventually the three young boys were all crying and apologizing, covered with bruises from her rough handling. Megumi too was harboring a bloody nose and black eye, but she was too angry to stop and it took two teachers to wrench her away from the other children. That was when the rumors started. Rumors turning from "protecting a dog" to "just for fun" and so on, and Megumi's social life plummeted. Friends left, people pulled from the dojo, and her mother had trouble believing that she started a fight over some ratty dog. She became much more quiet, timid, and remained that way all through junior high to high school.
Megumi eventually became known as a delinquent around school, and rumors flew like paper airplanes, but she had managed to build up a tolerance against the scared stares and murmurs whenever she walked into a room. She was better, but her mother's dojo wasn't doing so well. They barely got any students, and funds were falling. Megumi felt herself responsible, so after a while of thinking she decided to go out and find a job to help out, eventually coming to a rather quaint bakery looking for workers. She applied in a heart beat.
Name: Sakaki Watanabe
Age: 25
Good looking guy, six foot something.Squints quite a few times during the day (he does know it's not great for the eyes), he loaths his old contacts and isn't so hot on wearing glasses...except for a quick inspection before breaks and before the end of the day at closing up, he needs glasses to make sure everything is pristine.

Personality: There isn’t much to say about…well, him being a laid back sort of man-child air head would be a start, being kind and cool with a lot of things. Seems like his patience in bottomless. He follows his heart in all aspects of life, and despite having a possible future as a sole heir to an important business; he decided to become a baker due to his love of sweets. Unfortunately, being trained in only business and organizational skills since birth (practically when he was in diapers), his short training in baking turned out horrific…but he didn’t mind much when he ended up as custodian, he’s surprisingly good at this job, keeping this neat and sparkly. He is honestly just happy working at something close to what he loves. Well, his custodian skills may stem from his organizational skills, as well as this need of his to keep tidy. He is highly aggressive and intimidating when in business mode, almost like a member of the Yakuza.
Occupation at the Bakery: Custodian
History: Ever since he was a child, he had been raised to eventually work in and inherit his father’s business, the heir to continue making millions to trillions for the family. He was tutored in business and economics, studied it in his spare time. Food and drink…they were prepared for maximum amount of nutrients and a precise amount of calories for what he needed to grow. Play wasn’t necessary, friends weren’t necessary. He’d just live the life planned out for him with a silver spoon in his mouth, his estate taken care of by maids and servants, his fiancé arranged for him from another wealthy family.
It was age 23 that that incident happened that changed his life forever. Cancelling and rescheduling a lunch meeting with another company after his limo broke down; he decided to step into a small bakery for a quick bite while another limo would be driven to him…even though he believed such food was beneath him at the time, he had spent all night and all morning fixing a mistake done by an accountant, and thus needed sustenance soon or else might lose strength and focus. This was a life changing experience! THE TIRAMISU OF DESTINY!
Ordering a slice of freshly prepared cake that looked presentable enough, taking a cheap plastic fork and slowly taking a portion into his mouth…! It was like the world was colourless before! Like there hadn’t been a sunrise, a moon never full and beautiful…till now! Fluffy, chocolately, light cocoa, and…! The rest of his life, he spent never looking back. That day, he bought all the tiramisu on sale, then one of each of the rest, then all of the rest, then tried to force people he knew to try some.
That was 2 years ago, he now lives in a small apartment on his own, and works at the bakery (not the one he had initially gone to, since the owner closed up shop on their own terms). Every other weekend or so, his father personally comes over to grovel and beg him to reconsider his life choices…and then they have cake.
Age: 25
Good looking guy, six foot something.Squints quite a few times during the day (he does know it's not great for the eyes), he loaths his old contacts and isn't so hot on wearing glasses...except for a quick inspection before breaks and before the end of the day at closing up, he needs glasses to make sure everything is pristine.

Personality: There isn’t much to say about…well, him being a laid back sort of man-child air head would be a start, being kind and cool with a lot of things. Seems like his patience in bottomless. He follows his heart in all aspects of life, and despite having a possible future as a sole heir to an important business; he decided to become a baker due to his love of sweets. Unfortunately, being trained in only business and organizational skills since birth (practically when he was in diapers), his short training in baking turned out horrific…but he didn’t mind much when he ended up as custodian, he’s surprisingly good at this job, keeping this neat and sparkly. He is honestly just happy working at something close to what he loves. Well, his custodian skills may stem from his organizational skills, as well as this need of his to keep tidy. He is highly aggressive and intimidating when in business mode, almost like a member of the Yakuza.
Occupation at the Bakery: Custodian
History: Ever since he was a child, he had been raised to eventually work in and inherit his father’s business, the heir to continue making millions to trillions for the family. He was tutored in business and economics, studied it in his spare time. Food and drink…they were prepared for maximum amount of nutrients and a precise amount of calories for what he needed to grow. Play wasn’t necessary, friends weren’t necessary. He’d just live the life planned out for him with a silver spoon in his mouth, his estate taken care of by maids and servants, his fiancé arranged for him from another wealthy family.
It was age 23 that that incident happened that changed his life forever. Cancelling and rescheduling a lunch meeting with another company after his limo broke down; he decided to step into a small bakery for a quick bite while another limo would be driven to him…even though he believed such food was beneath him at the time, he had spent all night and all morning fixing a mistake done by an accountant, and thus needed sustenance soon or else might lose strength and focus. This was a life changing experience! THE TIRAMISU OF DESTINY!
Ordering a slice of freshly prepared cake that looked presentable enough, taking a cheap plastic fork and slowly taking a portion into his mouth…! It was like the world was colourless before! Like there hadn’t been a sunrise, a moon never full and beautiful…till now! Fluffy, chocolately, light cocoa, and…! The rest of his life, he spent never looking back. That day, he bought all the tiramisu on sale, then one of each of the rest, then all of the rest, then tried to force people he knew to try some.
That was 2 years ago, he now lives in a small apartment on his own, and works at the bakery (not the one he had initially gone to, since the owner closed up shop on their own terms). Every other weekend or so, his father personally comes over to grovel and beg him to reconsider his life choices…and then they have cake.