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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DaDrummer676
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"Come on Cy, you know I could break him. It's just too much fun poking the hornets nest with a stick." Josh replied to his joke. Cyrus chuckled, "touché my friend... I don't think they realize how jacked we've gotten. I have gone to the weight room every day, for six months, it definitely makes a difference. As Bane polished off his meal, Josh commented about his eating habits. "If I didn't know any better, I'd almost say you liked the food here. With how fast you eat it." said Josh as cracked a few of his knuckles periodically. Cyrus shrugged, "I got used to it. And you know I get... Sick, if I don't eat. They can shut down my powers but the side effects are still there."

Cyrus grinned when Ami asked him how he could possible eat that much slop. "My abilities have he own me an insanely high metabolism. My cells create a kind of energy that is very... Volatile. Just like ATP, my cells need to consume glucose in order to create this energy. When I use this energy, well, that's when things get messy."

When Xeros asked about the Box, Bane shuttered. "The worst part about that for me is that they cut down my food. I'm sick for weeks afterwards. But it's worth it, especially if I get to whoop some guard's ass. I mean, they usually beat me too, 'cause they have actual weapons, but, you get used to pain after a while. It's crazy what six months of living here can do to a man." Cyrus chugged the rusty cup of water they gave him. The drink left the taste of iron on his tongue.

"You know, we never received a sentence. Do they intend for us to stay here for life? Sure, I didn't some wrong things, but none of this things I did calls for a life sentence. They have taken away our rights as humans, even though we aren't very human anymore... It doesn't matter, this is oppression." Cyrus noticed how worked up he has gotten and have everyone a sheepish grin. "Hah, sorry. Once I get going I never stop. My brain works faster then my mouth."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Garrison
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Garrison Legendary Swordsman

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

OOC: We got it rough in here but we at least get plastic cups and clean water, it's modern day, we aren't back in the 60's lol.

Josh turned around to notice Gerald, the only guard who's name anyone knew. Probably part of his god complex, he didn't care if anyone knew his name, nor if any of the other guards said his name out loud. Where as normally when they talk, they use a call sign which was typically something annoying. Gerald was an obstacle to Josh, nothing more. He didn't take anything they did to heart because one day, he'd make them pay. He didn't have a clue when or even how for that matter but overcoming oppression is something Josh was forced to get good at. His desire to beat this system, his knowledge and skills, Josh was convinced that there was a future for him outside of this hell hole. God help them if he ever got his powers back, all the times they abused him and the other inmates, the women especially. He hated that more than anything and 90% of his times in the box were for defending a woman.

"I don't think they've thought that far ahead honestly." he said in response to Cy's comment. "Have you noticed some people have been missing for a while, and even if they return they hardly speak to anyone. I think they panicked when they realized we existed, what we could do. And like a child with a new toy, the government decided, oh I want that. I think they want our powers but haven't figured it out yet. That's why we're still here, still alive. If we weren't the slightest bit valuable to them, they'd just kill us. It's the government, they've been doing that for years and just covering it up." he said, now taking a breath after his little rant. He made sure it wasn't too loud so as to not bring attention on them but then again he didn't care. If they wanted to put him in the box for speaking the truth, he'd give them a reason to put him there.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by SillyGoy
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SillyGoy Goius Sillius

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Gerald’s ears twitched, his mouth scowled; then his legs stopped, and he turned around.

“And what,” his voice called out, in a deceptively calm tone but purposely loud enough to disrupt conversations among nearby tables, his bootfalls stark as he approached one end of a particular one. “Are we talking about here, lady and gentlemen?”

He placed his hands on the table decisively, effectively slamming them against the hardwood. He sweeped his head from right to left, blue eyes staring at the faces of a gaggle of unremarkable inmates, some of whom were familiar, others, not so much: Ami, Cyrus, Xerox, and, of course, Joshua -- a very prolific troublemaker, at whom he stared at with ferocious intensity even through his almost indifferent facial expression, which was, obviously, hard to read.

“I believe it appropriate to remind you, Joshua, that the law regarding public gatherings and speaking ill of the Government applies here as well.”

He withdrew his hands from the table and straightened himself up.

“Your name comes from the Bible, yet you are probably one of the biggest sources of commotion whenever we allow you anywhere. You should behave, for only through cooperation can prosperity follow,” he quoted a parliamentary edict. “Trust me when I say that the Government is only trying to help you people. This, all of this,” he gestured all around him, “is but part of a grand, master plan, I assure you. For all we know, they could be building a city dedicated to housing the Evolved somewhere out there, where you and the others can live in peace while, well, not managing to bother us normal people.”

As he spoke, the edges of his lips seemed to be tugged upwards in a faint smile. Either he was mocking the inmates, or he actually believed what he was saying.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by drewccapp
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Aeris' observation ended up mostly being of the guards at the exits and a single other prisoner. She was shuffling a deck of cards. Aeris spent several moments debating whether or not she should join her or not. Normally, Aeris would completely ignore this stranger and go on with her own business, but she wasn't in school anymore and that wouldn't fly in a place where you needed allies. Especially since she couldn't rely on her ability to break these damned bracelets and escape. She wished she was mechanically talented and had the tools to break these nasty things, but wishful thinking was a waste of time and she completely dismissed those thoughts. She had her own talents that would be more than good enough to get her out of here with or without her power, it just meant she wouldn't be able to operate alone. Team operations had actually been her specialization while at school in spite of the fact she couldn't trust her teammates to support her.

She eventually rose from the bench she was sitting in not really minding the fact that her arms hurt from being handled so roughly. The smart guards and the ones in-the-know knew about how she killed one of her captors before being completely put out of commission and she did it without too much use of her power. Aeris made her approach to the other woman, who probably was a few years older than her from what she could tell. "Hello, I'm Aeris." She kept a calm tone. "Want to play a game?" Her eyes glanced at the deck of cards. "Not very fun, but it's something to do."

Aeris watched every detail of the stranger's response as she wanted to assess who she was dealing with. Her outfit was fairly loose compared to the one Aeris had, but that alone wouldn't tell much about her.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Garrison
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Garrison Legendary Swordsman

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Just hearing Gerald speak made Josh's fists clench. He wasn't a bully, he wasn't the type to just pick a fight. He was always standing up for himself or the little guy but when it comes to Gerald, he just wanted to punch him in the face. The box would likely be the least of his worries if he did though, Gerald had the kind of pull around here that he could just have all the guards throw him a beat down of a lifetime. The first comments that came to mind wound probably earn him a baton to the head so he did the only thing he could, remain quiet. That was until he couldn't hold it anymore. "Oh no massa, I'd never want to bother you normal folk. Ne'er e'er massa." he said, with his best accent. He remained seated though, if Gerald wanted to hit him for the comment to instill fear into the other inmates as all the other guards tend to do, Josh was gonna make him work for his bread.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by PoisonLilies


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Serenity looked down once she heard footsteps beside her. It was the young girl one of the guards mistreated just moments ago. After Serenity listened to the introduction she gave the girl a look over. She looked like Sky a girl who lived on the streets with Serenity. Sky did not have the strength to push on with life. She had only lasted a year before she jumped of a building, welcoming death. Serenity did not like the fact that someone could give up on life so easily. However she looked the girl over once more. Something was off about her. Serenity was not sure of what but she did know his girl was nothing like Sky. She could see in the girl’s eyes that she was not done yet she still had some fight in her. I wonder how long she has been in her for? She had not noticed her before. Yet, Serenity never noticed anyone she only kept T.K’s company.

She shook the thoughts away. Serenity was not sure if she really wanted to be around anyone right now. However this could fix her boredom problem. What the hell. Alright. She tossed the box across the table, uncrossing her legs she pushed a chair out, she lazily lifted her hand toward the chair gesturing for her to take a seat. “I’m Serenity.” “So Aeris?” She said her name with a tone of questioning, not sure if she said it right. “What were you doing before being put into this lovely establishment?” She knew she might not get an answer but it never hurt to try.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by SillyGoy
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SillyGoy Goius Sillius

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The faint smile that tugged on Gerald's lips turned into a frown; then his brow creased into a glower, with his eyes beginning to glow malevolently in fiery choler. His mouth parted a little and twisted to bare slightly his teeth into a feral snarl, wrinkling his nose. He leaned in over the table, placing his hands on its edges once more, and stared right into Joshua's eyes. Oh, how he wanted to hit the guy; oh, how he wanted to just shoot the bastard and let him bleed on the floor, having everyone watch -- his gun was literally inches away from his fingers. But, he wasn't going to, for that was, he thought, exactly what the inmate wanted him to do, and he would not be swayed so easily by someone whom he considered lower than himself. Instead, he chose to admonish.

"Listen here, you ungrateful mongrel," the tone of his voice was calm as ever, something which distinguished Gerald from other guards, though it, through subtle cues, betrayed obviously great anger. "I have lost twelve -- twelve," he emphasized, "good friends because of people like you. Be thankful that the Government even lets you live, and be even more thankful that us guards are not allowed to kill you, because, frankly, I couldn't give less of a damn if you just up and died one day, Joshua. For none of you are innocent. All of you are collectively guilty of murder in my eyes, regardless of age or gender, or whether you actually committed the crime in the first place."

He did not wait for an answer, however. Stressed and infuriated by this unpleasant encounter, Gerald chose to leave immediately, heading to the rec room to find his quarry and get this detail over with, guards and inmates alike looking uncertainly at him.

Though, he could not help but think: dark mocha or latte? Which flavor should he pick from the vending machine next?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by drewccapp
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Aeris nodded as a chair was pushed out for her and took the seat. Serenity was a good name, for a moment Aeris felt that she wasn't wanted, but Serenity clearly had changed her mind. She shook her head at the mention of "lovely establishment". It took her a moment to come up with a response, she used her acting training to pass it off as sorrow. "I was on my break from school." It was hardly a lie. The summer she had hunted and killed her family's murderer was indeed the break before her senior year at the academy.

She could think of any number of card games to play with the deck of cards, but nothing specific came to mind. She looked at the box and frowned slightly. "Well I can't decide on what I want to play, so you can pick whatever. What did you do before coming here?" She stretched her arm a bit. She didn't mind playing the wolf in sheep's clothing, in fact she enjoyed it being what she was.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Little_ninja


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Xerox sighed to himself as he heard what Josh said. Easy to tell he was provoking Gerald. Gerald than started to rant it felt to Xerox. But then Gerald said something that piqued Xerox's curiosity.
“Trust me when I say that the Government is only trying to help you people. This, all of this,” he gestured all around him, “is but part of a grand, master plan, I assure you. For all we know, they could be building a city dedicated to housing the Evolved somewhere out there, where you and the others can live in peace while, well, not managing to bother us normal people.”
Gerald than had a faint smile. Does he really believe what he is saying? Xerox thought to himself. If only he could read Gerald's thoughts. Suddenly, for a quick moment, Gerald's thought ran through Xerox's head. It was only a brief moment. Gerald was speculating about a city being built for Evols, but he is so loyal to the Government, that he truly believes the Government will actually make it, that the Government wants to help their species, Homo Evoludas.
Can he not see how we are treated in here? If he really believes that, then why is it that there is nothing to do, no communication to any possible loved ones? This inhumane treatment is, so we can get our own city? Xerox was getting angry. But he calmed himself. There was no need to do anything stupid right now.

Josh had spoken in an accent to provoke Gerald. It seemed to work, however, Gerald started to rant again instead.
"For none of you are innocent. All of you are collectively guilty of murder in my eyes, regardless of age or gender, or whether you actually committed the crime in the first place."
As Gerald left, Xerox sighed. He couldn't believe that Gerald had so much loyalty to the Government, that he believed that they would actually try to help the Evols, and his hatred being so generalized.
"So, for humans, only the person/s actually involved are guilty, but if one Evol does something, they all are guilty, HA! That's illogical and completely stupid." Xerox muttered.
"Can't believe he has no doubt about the government." He continued to mutter.
He then turned to Josh, "Man, why did you try start a fight with him at that very moment? Oh, well, got at least some information." Xerox looked down at his bracelet as he said that. Just maybe, he thought while wondering if the others heard him mutter or not. If they did, they probably understood what he meant.
"Anyway, anything you guys want to do? I mean we can sit here and talk, or find something to do." Xerox suggested, leaning back, looking bored. He wanted to get a little active, while making friends with these guys.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Garrison
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Garrison Legendary Swordsman

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"I'm just trying to get under their skin, see who's weak, who can break. Not to mention it's the only thing I can do to get back at these ass holes for what they do to us." he said as he watched Gerald walk away. To him, this was a victory. His words were just that, but getting him that angry without retaliation, that's what Josh considered an opportunity. One that he would seize when the time was right. Xerox continued to talk but he didn't think much on what he said, other than the comment about doing something. "Sure, the Rec room is open for a while longer. There's a game of checkers that's only missing 4 pieces with my name on it." he said with a chuckle. They then made their way to the Rec room.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by PoisonLilies


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Serenity smirked slightly School? Well she does look like she is telling the truth. This had her thinking were they little children out there with gifts and if so are they trapped down here somewhere just like the rest of them. She did not want to think about that awful thought so she decided to answer Aeris question. “How about we play Kings Corners?” Serenity tip her head to the side looking at the new guard who walked in. Fuck is that Gerald? She made herself small in the chair she was sitting on. Serenity did not have many eyes on her like most. She wanted to keep it that way if one wanted to ever get out of here less eyes on you the better. So she kept her head down and never drew attention to herself.

Looking back at Aeris, Serenity finished answering the question. “Oh me I was just shopping for my dinner.” She said it with a slight sarcastic tone. Serenity was just about to ask Aeris if she was going to deal the cards when a group of prisoners walked in. She knew Josh and Cyrus and she always kept away. One was never invisible around two men like them. The rest she had no idea about. Just my luck Gerald, Josh, and Cyrus all in one room. Serenity wanted to leave the rec room. However leaving now might draw attention. So Serenity waited until she could find a way out without too much trouble.

“So you ready to play cards?” Serenity hoped Aeris was someone who kept their head down and was not like Josh and Cyrus. She really did not need Gerald’s eyes on her.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by SillyGoy
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SillyGoy Goius Sillius

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Gerald's eyes shifted left to right to left as he walked down the rec room, the ventilation fans on the high ceiling humming along without a care about his entrance. Inmates and guards alike stiffened at his presence as anyone would before someone in charge. He was in a bad mood, though not everyone could know: only the barest of frowns and a slightly furrowed brow hinted at a snarl and a scowl. 'Damn that Joshua,' he thought, as he cast his eyes downwards to consult the tactical display mounted on his forearm, set on finding that one exaggerated blip by the corner. 'And today was supposed to be a good day. Now it's ruined.'

After a fourth of a minute of walking, there, sitting on a bench: his quarry. A young man of a lean, thin build, effeminately so, with glasses balanced on top of a thin nose, forehead shadowed by long locks of dark brown hair. Gerald walked towards him purposefully, meeting poor Rilyn Naor's gaze with his own. His gait was even and confident, his posture superbly erect, his calm demeanor that of a Nazi SS Officer's. Coupled with his stereotypically Germanic look and the way he carried his voice, and, hell, pretty much everything else about him, he could very well have fit completely in Herr Hitler's tyrannical regime.

Gerald Williamson halted before the man, and said decisively:

"Rilyn Naor, you have just lost all of your rights except for one, wherefrom you are to remain silent. Come with me."

It mattered not whether Rilyn consented, because the good sergeant immediately pulled him up, twisted him around, and cuffed him, right then and there. Giving him a sharp, merciless tug on the arm as a signal to follow, Gerald then began the return trip to Todd. Rilyn, being ever analytical, had no discernible facial expression and simply obeyed, his curiosity piqued.

Gerald should have been born all those decades ago in Austria.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by drewccapp
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Aeris' eyes noticed Gerald and she visibly tensed up. She hadn't had many experiences with the man, but he clearly hated Evols and Aeris seriously hated him. Then again she hated every single guard that worked at this facility. Aeris hardly heard Serenity's response as she stared at the man with a visible glare of hatred on her face. He had come to gather someone for some awful reason or another.

Then came Serenity's question: “So you ready to play cards?” Aeris blinked and looked away from Gerald as he began to direct the stranger out of the room. "Right, sorry. King's Corners right? I'm not sure I'm familiar with that one, but I'd like to learn." So long as Gerald remained in the room, she hadn't stopped tensing up, and while her expression leveled out to a calm one her tone clearly expressed discomfort.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Leviathan
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Leviathan Inhuman

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Still not used to sleeping on any sort of raised bed Tempest spent the night on the cold floor curled up in the fetal position. This establishment seemed otherworldly and much too bright because the fluorescents hurt her azure eyes, and she squinted constantly the first time arriving. She had been forced to shower before entering the cell and one of the female guards detangled the volumes of her waist length hair to make sure no weapons—such as a blowpipe was hidden in those onyx locks somehow. The whole event would have been quite degrading if she had not already been accustomed to rough behavior. There were a few hitches since she resisted out of confusion once or twice, mostly from the language barrier. Even if they knew Nahuatl it would not have been much better considering Tempest had nearly passed the critical period to really learn any language, including English. She had gone through extensive testing prior to arriving in which a speech and language coach worked with her, improving her communication vastly.

When the cells grinded open the angelic female immediately lifted her head to investigate, and it did not take long before she scurried out of the room without much motivation from the guards. Tempest’s curiosity could not be measured and would certainly be the death of her sooner or later—surely. A towering form wearing heavy armor stepped in front of the timid girl blocking the path, and held up a baggy jumpsuit. Tempest’s doe eyes stared at the material for a while before gathering the item into her own hands to slip the large uniform on without a fuss. An “all is well” nod of confirmation from the guard set another set of doors opened, guiding the newcomer’s way toward breakfast for the first time here.

After arriving into the space occupied by fellow prisoners this situation went much like the jumpsuit incident. She stood silently with both hands covered by long sleeves clasped together under her chin, and scanned the area like an exposed cheetah with a cautious gaze. There were male and female alike and most were finished with the suspicious concoction deemed food, and had already cleared out. Her crystalline hues jumped from the stainless steel conveyer style breakfast line to the seats, pondering what to do. A few passing prisoners eyed the porcelain looking girl as though she were daft, and obnoxiously commented in sentences she could not comprehend. Luckily another late riser hurried to the line and was given food in return for simply standing there, and she decided to mimic him. Her slender fingers took the first thing she saw, which was a piece of unbuttered toast among other unappealing and foreign things.

She held onto her sustenance like treasure pressed tightly to her chest and scampered toward the end of the room…where she stood awkwardly again like a buoy in the middle of an ocean. At this spot she overheard a tiny bit of a heated conversation by a sleeveless man and guard. That table seemed to hold a very interesting group and piqued her interest, which did not take much coincidentally. The same man suddenly left with another whose sleeves were altered too toward a room she was unfamiliar with. With a tilt of her head slightly to the side she waited for them to walk ahead. Bare feet followed inching closer to the duo with untouched food still in hand. Trying not to be overly conspicuous her figure remained a good enough distance away from them still, though they could probably detect her presence without much trouble regardless.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Little_ninja


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

While leaving the table, Xerox's head turned, it seemed like there was someone new to Purgatory and it seems she was looking at them. He decided not to pay too much attention to them right now, since he was heading to the Rec room with Josh, Cyrus and Ami. Xerox decided to strike some conversation while they headed to the Rec room.
"Got any good stories to tell?" He asked.

As they got into the Rec room, there was Gerald .... again. It seems he was reprimanding someone called Rilyn Naor. Xerox sighed. He felt that Josh and Gerald will have another dispute soon. Oh well, nothing I can really do about that. Scanning the rest of the room, he noticed Serenity and someone else. Judging from her looks, it was plausible she was the rumored assassin he has heard of from time to time, Aeris. Someone who was almost always in their cell. They seemed to be playing cards. Xerox went to the checker board and looked through the pieces.
"Um... well ... seems there's 6 pieces missing now Josh. 5 of which are white." Xerox looked at Josh.
"Still want to play like this?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Garrison
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Garrison Legendary Swordsman

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"Sure." he replied with a laugh, realizing day after day that this place was a joke. He was glancing over to see everyone in the room, just like a typical inmate in any prison would do. Keeping an eye on threats to one's well being is a constant and taxing task but you had to. Here, everyone had something to prove and worse yet, the guards are always looking to stir something up. One person caught his attention in particular, a woman with a fair face. Serenity, he believed her name was. They'd never spoken to each other but keeping tabs on who's who in here was another task and what he knew about her was that she worked with some of the darker individuals here in Purgatory. Josh leaned in close so that only Xerox could hear him. "You ever think about leaving this place?" he asked, now realizing how dumb that question was because of course everyone has. "What I mean specifically is, how it could be done. Who you could get to go along with you." he clarified.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by PoisonLilies


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Serenity was glad to see Gerald leave. She could relax a little now. Serenity sighed when Aeris said she did not know how to play King’s Conner. Explaining how to play cards was not in her agenda today. “How about we just play something you do know how to play?” Talking with others was not Serenity’s strong point. She was already feeling tried talking to Aeris for this long. Serenity looked up noticing Josh was sizing up everyone. That is not intimidating at all. Serenity thought as Josh’s eyes landed on her. She shifted under his gaze. She mentally counted to ten, keeping her gaze toward Aeris, it kept her mind calm. By the time she finished he was already talking with Xerox. She sighed it seemed she has been doing that a lot today. “So Aeris what is your special little gift?” Serenity was not that interested but if she had to sit here and talk it should be spent learning about something other than a random nonsense conversation.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by drewccapp
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Special little gift? Aeris was amused about the way that sounded. It certainly was special. Perfect perhaps. For her anyways. She sat back and looked at Serenity, she looked a bit weary. "I can make things old really fast. Eventually I can even get them to become dirt, sand, or whatever else happens to things that can decay."

She didn't bother explaining how the rapid aging often resulted in living creatures dying of heart attacks, or that she could only use her power on things within arms reach. Those didn't seem like details Serenity didn't need to know.

"How about Schnapsen? If all the ace through ten cards are available it makes a nice challenging game." She kept her tone casual, but it turned teasing for this last bit. "So, what's your special little gift?" Aeris promised herself that she would keep this charade up only as long as was needed. She hated playing the talkative and friendly girl type. She far preferred being her usual hateful self that didn't mind slitting throats whenever she felt necessary. Even if she could use these prisoners to escape, she wouldn't put if past some of them to stab her in the back on the way out.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Little_ninja


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

With Josh saying sure, Xerox started to set up the board. The girls seemed to have decided to change the game they would play. Hearing Serenity call out Aeris's name, Xerox could confirm that the other girl was the rumored assassin. Interesting, a decaying ability he thought. Suddenly, Josh started to lean in, Xerox did along with him to listen.
The words "You ever think about leaving this place?" came out of his mouth.
Xerox started laughing aloud for a moment. He stopped shortly after, hoping he didn't cause too much trouble to the others.
"Sorry, I didn't meant to." he replied, leaning in again, hearing Josh clarify himself.
"Well, I've had some ideas, but, it's not going to be easy to get people. Most of the people I've kept my eye on either go missing, or have bad habits of sorts." he whispered softly.
"I'll tell you more about my plans another time." he concluded, before starting to sit up straight. His face smiled, almost looking like a smirk, however, appearing as a genuine smile at the same time. It was a face that wasn't easy to read.

"So, who's going to be white? Flip a coin or something?" Xerox asked, after setting up the checkers board. It wasn't good to talk about details, Xerox wanted to wait a bit longer. Hopefully, what he noticed earlier, will continue to happen. Private communications could truly be held. Looking around, the room, there were quite a lot of guards. Made sense considering the number of level 5 threats around.
Thinking back on some information he had heard, he decided to turn to Cyrus. He wanted to ask him a question, but wasn't sure whether he should at the moment.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Leviathan
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Leviathan Inhuman

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

As soon as her presence was noticed by the man with disheveled hair Tempest halted mid-step until he went back to talking indifferently. Quickly she picked up the pace and whilst taking a forward step tripped over the baggy jumpsuit pants, dropping the unsavory toast onto the floor. Her fingers wiggled toward the item hoping the crisp bread would magically float up within her grasp—unfortunately this was not so. With the five second rule long since passed she still awkwardly bent down to pick up the piece of bread, and scurried closer to the duo before suddenly shifting to the side of the rec room once more to observe.

Two girls were involved with a card game talking in what seemed hesitance toward one another, just like the men who seemed to watch their back while discussing something secretive. Everyone appeared on edge and not completely comfortable with their surroundings let along the other prisoners around them. Vibrant azure hues studied their faces and body language since the movement of their mouths were inaudible. She felt like a fly on the wall taking in the new surroundings and could almost get away with murder unnoticed—a decent quality-- if it were not for all the patrol.
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