Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kadaeux


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Iarumas said
I dont understand the Witch Hunter unit type, how is it different from the other two Witch Hunter's?

Witch Slayer = Close combat oriented mage-hunters.
Witch Rangers = Range oriented mage-hunters.
Witch Hunters = Equally skilled at both.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kadaeux


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Kangaroo said
Is the first post of this just going to be pretty much introducing your nation? Or are you throwing events at us from the word go?

The first post is mostly introducing your nation.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Meth Quokka
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Kadaeux said
The first post is mostly introducing your nation.

Too easy. I guess I can get started on a post now then.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sarzu


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Nation Name: Infriet Oloth

Races of the Nation:
Dark Elves
Black Orcs - Slave Race
Dwarves - Slave Race
Trolls - Slave Race

Important Characters:


Custom Traits
Custom Trait 1: Underdark Legacy They have been living beneath the surface for centuries, carving a small empire under the surface dwellers, making them quite skilled at adapting their surroundings to their whim (Grants this nation to get Subterrean provinces for 4 points, required a second Flaw, no extra trait allowed).
Custom Trait 2: Underdark Paths Water is a bane to them… but why would one need to master travel over water when the Dark Elves have mastered passages in the world below, knowing tunnels and routes that will lead anywhere, even under oceans… now all they need to do is find a way out to the surface...
Custom Flaw 1: Slave Regiments Besides the Driders the other races in Infriet Oloth are slave races, pressed into service and war as cannon fodder for the most part, they need to be kept under firm control… because if certain people might get the idea of inciting rebellion then a large part of their military might end revolting and taking up arms against the Dark Elves.
Custom Flaw 2: The Light it Burns Us Ruling the world below is fine but in the generations of living under the surface has made the races of Infriet Oloth rather sensitive to the light on the surface, being at a severe disadvantage in prolonged surface battles.

Subterranean Capital City Province - Ssussun wun Oloth
Subterranean Large City Province - L'Zhennu Har'ol
6 Subterranean Support Provinces
Subterranean Fortress Province - S'argt d'l'Menvis
4 Subterranean Support Provinces
Subterranean Citadel Province - Har'ol d'Thalack
2 Subterranean Support Provinces
4 Support Forest (Surface Exit) Provinces
1 Plains (Surface Exit) Province

Total RP: 200

2 (200) Royal Guard Dark Elf Legions - 16 RP
6 (600) Elite Dark Elf Repeater Crossbow Regiments - 24 RP
4 (400) Elite Beast/Riding Lizard Cavalry - 36 RP
3 (300) Dark Elf Revenant Legions - 21 RP

3 (300) Experienced Drider Infantry Regiments - 15 RP
3 (300) Experienced Drider Ranged Regiments - 15 RP

8 (800) Black Orc Experienced Legions - 40 RP

4 (400) Experienced Dwarf Repeater Crossbow Regiments - 12 RP
2 (200) Experienced Dwarf Infantry Regiments - 6 RP

5 (500) Troll Infantry Regiments - 15 RP

Total CP: 50

1 Dark Elf Lich Arch Mage - 21 CP
2 Dark Elf Mages - 14 CP

2 Dark Elf Great Nobles - 10 CP

1 Drider General - 5 CP

Total MP: 100 (due to no airforce monsters, Kadaeux has allowed me to double the MP)

4 Hydras - 20 MP

24 Balhannoths - 30 MP

40 Umber Hulks - 40 MP

20 Hook Horrors - 10 MP

10 Golems (1 Mage)

20 Advanced Golems (1 Lich Archmage)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Iarumas


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Have I done my Army right?

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by GreivousKhan
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Kadaeux said
Oh forgot.Kangaroo, GrievousBoth accepted, added to the map.

Woot. where can we find this map again? :O

And now to work on my characters. Kind of feel like I should do away with some of those commanders for mages.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by GreivousKhan
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Tatsua Aiisen said
I was worried that my initial concept may have been a bit wild.Then I read every other NS.

Oddly enough, if it was not for the selection of races to choose from, race make up would likely have been more tame.

By time I mean making sense at a glance, This will certainly make things interesting IC wise though. ^^

I almost feel boring with my single type race makeup.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Slamurai
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Hmm, if I use Centaurs like cavalry, would they use the +2 points for being heavy cavalry, or would it be considered a natural upgrade, since they're part horse themselves? Would you buy them as cavalry at all, or regard them as infantry for the purposes of army list building?

Additionally, what if we want a unit to be proficient in both melee and ranged combat? As both don't cost any additional points individually.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Iarumas


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

GreivousKhan said
Oddly enough, if it was not for the selection of races to choose from, race make up would likely have been more tame.By time I mean making sense at a glance, This will certainly make things interesting IC wise though. ^^I almost feel boring with my single type race makeup.

*Meanwhile at Iarumas land*

Men, men, man, more man and oh look one with wings.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Zacharius


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Wow, OOC, right, will work on this, hopefully tonight.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sheffield


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Empire of Glaewin

Nation Theme

Races of the Nation:
Surface Dwarves
Nation History:
Glaewin grew naturally, after being formed originally as a trading outpost it quickly evolved into much more. Named Lanceglen, it was one of the first dedicated trading outposts for merchants to compare their wares and discuss related matters, it garnered attention of many as more merchants began to set up warehouses in the outpost, and subsequently shops as well. The town drew in new additions from many diverse races, though it was always dominated by the race of man.

As the years progressed, the outpost grew into a village, into a town and eventually into a sizeable city, a major trading hub for the region. There was no current nation within the region, and Glaewin was formed with little opposition, aside from the occasional village which wished to retain its independence. It was during the period of expansion that House Perea established itself as the ruling nobility, a King being appointed by the other nobles of the realm. A goverment was also formed, with various members of the nobility being granted a multitude of different titles, albeit the local mage academy was also granted a representative within the government.

The period of expansion continued as the Kingdom began to shape itself, opting to stick with their roots and place a growing emphasis on mercantile trades. Though the nation itself did not have any particularly special goods to begin with, it successfully traded with the recently discovered nations surrounding it, buying goods from one and selling them for a higher price at another, acting as a 'middle-man' of sorts. Glaewin continued to perfect this form of trade, using the profits gained to continue to expand and fund various institutes and academies throughout the rapidly growing nation. Yet the nation reached a standstill, consisting mainly of men, anoredhel and halflings, albeit a discovery in the short future would send Glaewin into an industrial boom.

During a hunt for mines, a group of prospectors made a discovery, the likes of which had never before been seen. The subertannean ruins of an ancient, long-lost civilisation were discovered within the borders of Glaewin. Sprawled out underneath the vast plains of Glaewin, the tunnels and corridors seemed endless despite many pathways being blocked due to collapse and other structural failures. News of the discovery quickly travelled, with scholars, miners and mages flocking to the nation en mass in a bid to study the ruins. Dwarves, alongside mages, became especially prominent within the nation after the discovery as the government began recruiting a workforce to excavate the ruins, and scholars to study the findings. Old maps with what appeared to be mines, long lost tomes detailing various forms of unseen life and maps revealing hidden passageways to allow for safe, quicker travel were all amongst the discoveries.

Spurred on by the recent discovery, expansion became an even higher priority as other cities began to appear throughout the realm in order to accomodate for the growing population. With a treasury already near-bursting, various expeditions were prepared in an attempt to locate the long-lost mines. Whilst most expeditions returned home with no news, there was a successfull expedition, discovering a rich goldmine. It is recorded that a member of the expedition that discovered the mine gave the following description;
'T' gold continued for as far as the eye could see, sparkling in the dark like stars in the night sky'

Immediately the mine was worked, albeit the gold appeared different from the gold previously held in the nation. Perhaps it was the unnatural glow, or the warmth that seemed to cling to it, albeit there became an unhealthy obsession with the gold. The other nations that recieved portions of the gold through trade found themselves desperately organising further deals with Glaewin in order to get more of the gold, and Glaewin soon became the center of trade for the known land.

The Kingdom was eventually re-evaluated, and an Empire was formed with the government being significantly reworked to grant more power to the Emperor. Whilst the gold seemed to have an unnatural effect on most, the mages were not taken in by it's grasp and were near-certain it contained dark properties. The mages which had originally come to Glaewin with a thirst for exploration of the ruins had now become resolutely against any further exploration, considering the findings to be unhealthy for the mind, and unnatural. In response, the government of Glaewin set up various 'secret-police' forces, which were officialy non-existant. In reality, however, they had a very specific purpose to undermine those who opposed the further exploration of the ruins, and exploitation of the now several goldmines that had been discovered as a direct result of the maps recovered from the ruins. mages became a primary target, and as their opinions became more vocal, the action taken against them by the Empire also grew.

After a steady rise in tensions between the nobility of Glaewin, who seeked to continue to exploit the various goldmines and the mages, a lie was told to the people. In a public speech given by the Emperor himself, the mages were declared to have made an attempt on his life, in an attempt to sieze power and take the wealth of Glaewin for themselves. It had been planned far in advance, with regiments being trained specifically in the art of killing those with an affinity for magic. Near immediately after giving the speech, the various magic institutions in each city were stormed by both the local city watch, and regiments trained with the specific intention of killing mages. For a brief period, fighting erupted in the streets, albeit the mages were both outnumbered and outmaneuvered, having been caught completely unaware. Cut down by the hundreds, near the entire population of magically-gifted was wiped out within a week, regardless of age. The event is simply regarded to within Glaewin as 'The Purge'

Magic was outlawed in Glaewin, with any found to be practicing the 'corrupting' art to be sentenced to death, without trial. An official Inquisition was also set-up, with the goal to hunt down and eliminate any practicing magic, yet very rarely can sufficient proof be found to convict a suspect practitioner, and as such the Inquisition was granted the power to sentence any suspected of practicing magic to death, without the need for evidence or a trial. Despite this, several mages survived the onslaught, and took to the underground in an attempt to preserve what little they had left. Forming the 'Cult of Old', they swore to bring to light the true actions of the nobility, albeit they have found their efforts hampered largely by both the Inquisition, and 'Shadowmasters', the officialy non-existant secret police.

After opposition to the further exploitation of the resources the ruins could provide, further expedition continued unopposed and Glaewin has grown significantly in wealth, trading in goods from across the known land. It is still ruled by House Perea, albeit very few are still aware of the truth behind the Purge.
Important Characters:

Royal Family

Members Of The Court

Heroes Of The Realm


Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by GreivousKhan
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GreivousKhan Deus Vult

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Nosying in on my trade, eh.

Btw, will out nations know of each other at the start? Or at least a few others? Else trade would be difficult in some cases.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Bugoycmike


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Kadaeux said
What page is it on mate?

Page 4, "Galdia"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by The Nexerus
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GreivousKhan said
Oddly enough, if it was not for the selection of races to choose from, race make up would likely have been more tame.By time I mean making sense at a glance, This will certainly make things interesting IC wise though. ^^I almost feel boring with my single type race makeup.

My nation was originally going to be only High Elves.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by GreivousKhan
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GreivousKhan Deus Vult

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

I think our nations would get along marvelously.

Both love magic and knowledge. Make use of spies, have reputation for magic, One Gold, other Nightmare...

Both prideful and arrogant.. (Well I assume they look down on other races, being elves and high and what not...)

Actually, they sound like they would get along horribly. >.>
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by The Nexerus
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The Nexerus Sui generis

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GreivousKhan said
I think our nations would get along marvelously.Both love magic and knowledge. Make use of spies, have reputation for magic, One Gold, other Nightmare... Both prideful and arrogant.. (Well I assume they look down on other races, being elves and high and what not...)Actually, they sound like they would get along horribly. >.>

Where's your nation?

Whatever condescension Tairreans might have towards other races would be paternalistic.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sathanas Rex
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my sheet is hanging around >.>
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by GreivousKhan
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The Nexerus said
Where's your nation?Whatever condescension Tairreans might have towards other races would be paternalistic.

It's linked on the OP. If memory serves, but it's on page 2 near the bottom. http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/5256/posts/ooc?page=2

Stygia will probably be vexatious to them in one form or another, on account no one outside it knows how the kingdom came about, or how old it even is.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Jorick
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Alright, my nation sheet is officially done with history and people and so forth.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sarzu


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Aristo said
Hmm, if I use Centaurs like cavalry, would they use the +2 points for being heavy cavalry, or would it be considered a natural upgrade, since they're part horse themselves? Would you buy them as cavalry at all, or regard them as infantry for the purposes of army list building?Additionally, what if we want a unit to be proficient in both melee and ranged combat? As both don't cost any additional points individually.

I can answer the first part to some degree since I asked Kadaeux myself regarding my driders.

Centaurs, Driders, etc count as cavalry without the extra cost required for them. So if you have say a Centaur Infantry regiment then they are technically cavalry.

And if you make them ranged then they count the same as horse archers as it were.


For the second part I think you can't either a regiment is ranged or melee, no middle ground. But Kad can answer that better.
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