Empire of Glaewin
Nation ThemeRaces of the Nation:Men
Surface Dwarves
Nation History:Glaewin grew naturally, after being formed originally as a trading outpost it quickly evolved into much more. Named Lanceglen, it was one of the first dedicated trading outposts for merchants to compare their wares and discuss related matters, it garnered attention of many as more merchants began to set up warehouses in the outpost, and subsequently shops as well. The town drew in new additions from many diverse races, though it was always dominated by the race of man.
As the years progressed, the outpost grew into a village, into a town and eventually into a sizeable city, a major trading hub for the region. There was no current nation within the region, and Glaewin was formed with little opposition, aside from the occasional village which wished to retain its independence. It was during the period of expansion that House Perea established itself as the ruling nobility, a King being appointed by the other nobles of the realm. A goverment was also formed, with various members of the nobility being granted a multitude of different titles, albeit the local mage academy was also granted a representative within the government.
The period of expansion continued as the Kingdom began to shape itself, opting to stick with their roots and place a growing emphasis on mercantile trades. Though the nation itself did not have any particularly special goods to begin with, it successfully traded with the recently discovered nations surrounding it, buying goods from one and selling them for a higher price at another, acting as a 'middle-man' of sorts. Glaewin continued to perfect this form of trade, using the profits gained to continue to expand and fund various institutes and academies throughout the rapidly growing nation. Yet the nation reached a standstill, consisting mainly of men, anoredhel and halflings, albeit a discovery in the short future would send Glaewin into an industrial boom.
During a hunt for mines, a group of prospectors made a discovery, the likes of which had never before been seen. The subertannean ruins of an ancient, long-lost civilisation were discovered within the borders of Glaewin. Sprawled out underneath the vast plains of Glaewin, the tunnels and corridors seemed endless despite many pathways being blocked due to collapse and other structural failures. News of the discovery quickly travelled, with scholars, miners and mages flocking to the nation en mass in a bid to study the ruins. Dwarves, alongside mages, became especially prominent within the nation after the discovery as the government began recruiting a workforce to excavate the ruins, and scholars to study the findings. Old maps with what appeared to be mines, long lost tomes detailing various forms of unseen life and maps revealing hidden passageways to allow for safe, quicker travel were all amongst the discoveries.
Spurred on by the recent discovery, expansion became an even higher priority as other cities began to appear throughout the realm in order to accomodate for the growing population. With a treasury already near-bursting, various expeditions were prepared in an attempt to locate the long-lost mines. Whilst most expeditions returned home with no news, there was a successfull expedition, discovering a rich goldmine. It is recorded that a member of the expedition that discovered the mine gave the following description;
'T' gold continued for as far as the eye could see, sparkling in the dark like stars in the night sky'
Immediately the mine was worked, albeit the gold appeared different from the gold previously held in the nation. Perhaps it was the unnatural glow, or the warmth that seemed to cling to it, albeit there became an unhealthy obsession with the gold. The other nations that recieved portions of the gold through trade found themselves desperately organising further deals with Glaewin in order to get more of the gold, and Glaewin soon became the center of trade for the known land.
The Kingdom was eventually re-evaluated, and an Empire was formed with the government being significantly reworked to grant more power to the Emperor. Whilst the gold seemed to have an unnatural effect on most, the mages were not taken in by it's grasp and were near-certain it contained dark properties. The mages which had originally come to Glaewin with a thirst for exploration of the ruins had now become resolutely against any further exploration, considering the findings to be unhealthy for the mind, and unnatural. In response, the government of Glaewin set up various 'secret-police' forces, which were officialy non-existant. In reality, however, they had a very specific purpose to undermine those who opposed the further exploration of the ruins, and exploitation of the now several goldmines that had been discovered as a direct result of the maps recovered from the ruins. mages became a primary target, and as their opinions became more vocal, the action taken against them by the Empire also grew.
After a steady rise in tensions between the nobility of Glaewin, who seeked to continue to exploit the various goldmines and the mages, a lie was told to the people. In a public speech given by the Emperor himself, the mages were declared to have made an attempt on his life, in an attempt to sieze power and take the wealth of Glaewin for themselves. It had been planned far in advance, with regiments being trained specifically in the art of killing those with an affinity for magic. Near immediately after giving the speech, the various magic institutions in each city were stormed by both the local city watch, and regiments trained with the specific intention of killing mages. For a brief period, fighting erupted in the streets, albeit the mages were both outnumbered and outmaneuvered, having been caught completely unaware. Cut down by the hundreds, near the entire population of magically-gifted was wiped out within a week, regardless of age. The event is simply regarded to within Glaewin as 'The Purge'
Magic was outlawed in Glaewin, with any found to be practicing the 'corrupting' art to be sentenced to death, without trial. An official Inquisition was also set-up, with the goal to hunt down and eliminate any practicing magic, yet very rarely can sufficient proof be found to convict a suspect practitioner, and as such the Inquisition was granted the power to sentence any suspected of practicing magic to death, without the need for evidence or a trial. Despite this, several mages survived the onslaught, and took to the underground in an attempt to preserve what little they had left. Forming the 'Cult of Old', they swore to bring to light the true actions of the nobility, albeit they have found their efforts hampered largely by both the Inquisition, and 'Shadowmasters', the officialy non-existant secret police.
After opposition to the further exploitation of the resources the ruins could provide, further expedition continued unopposed and Glaewin has grown significantly in wealth, trading in goods from across the known land. It is still ruled by House Perea, albeit very few are still aware of the truth behind the Purge.
Important Characters:Royal Family
Age: 62Lucifer enjoys the benefits of being an Emperor, indulging in his life of opulence and luxury. Despite the love he has for his own standard of living, he is widely judged to be fair, and is liked by the commonfolk due to his many reforms which have led to the better treatment of the poorer classes, such as making executions illegal in all circumstances aside from murder, though this is often ignored by the local authority. His lineage can be followed back to the original settlers of Glaewin, when the Perea family became the first officially recognized authority.
He is generally a likeable figure, and whilst having a large obsession with gold, the commonfolk are generally willing to look past his extravagant lifestyle due to his genuine care for their condition and many reforms regarding their standard of life.
Lucifer also has a deep fascination by the history of the land, and the discovery of an ancient subterranean city within his borders has only inspired him further. He likes to picture himself as an adventurer, often insisting he be one of first to witness any discoveries, albeit most of the discoveries he takes a keen interest on relate to artifacts, or other ancient items that will ultimately prove to fetch a high price. Oddly, however, despite his love of the past, he has been a key figure in the advancement of Glaewin technology. He ensured that the government funded the efficient locomotive and zeppelin systems that span the entirety of the empire, fulfilling his dream of a 'connected empire'
Age: 41Rose is in a loveless marriage, and she has no quarrel showing that. Her marriage was made by her father, an upstanding member of the nobility, with his motivations being purely political. Scandals of an affair with the Seneschal are often whispered amongst the nobility, albeit the Emperor either fails to notice, or simply doesn't care. She is renowned for her beauty and her vanity reflects that, only wearing clothing and jewelery of the highest quality, with little care for the hardships of the commoner. A trendsetter amongst the nobility, Rose is never out of fashion, seeing as she creates the fashion. The women of the realm envy her, from peasant to duchess.
She cares little for the politics of the realm, and is far more interested in entrapping men with her flirty attitude, viewing men as toys to pass by time. Whilst she generally detaches herself after having satisfied herself with a man, she has grown an attraction towards the Seneschal, Eammon. The two initially kept things quiet, albeit over time their affair has become common knowledge by the nobility. It is almost certain that the Emperor has at least heard of the rumour, albeit if he has, he has made no attempt to keep the two apart.
She is a proud racist, being repulsed by the 'disgusting' dwarves and halflings that inhabit Glaewin. The fact that the nobility of Glaewin are largely human or anoredhel is largely down to her complete lack of tolerance for dwarves and halflings. She has never given a specific reason for her loathing of them, albeit it can only be assumed it relates to their generally scruffy appearance, and less than gentlemanly attitude.
Age: 21The Heir to the Emprie of Glaewin, Errol is a charismatic young man with a warm demeanour surrounding him. Unlike his parents, he is regularly seen by the commonfolk and tends to be far less excessive in his spendings, opting for a far more moderate lifestyle. Despite being surrounded by members of the Delatore and Inquisition whenever he should venture into the city, he does so often and as such the commoners feel more of a connection to him, making him largely popular amongst them.
Like his father, he shares a love for adventure, though he takes it to the next level. His latest hobby has been venturing out into the unknown depths of the ancient subterannean city with a small party, much to the dismay of his father and mother. Whilst a large portion of the city is still undergoing excavation, there are seemingly endless tunnels yet to be explored. Aside from this, Errol often finds himself spending hours upon hours reading over the various tomes and maps recovered from the city, and he has made several discoveries already, namely a large gold mine that is hidden within the depths of the ancient city. This discovery led to a large excavation effort to locate the gold mine, and the excavation ultimately led to it's recent discovery, though it is not currently being mined at full efficiency.
Whilst Errol had shown a natural ability with a blade, his father ignored this and insisted on sending him to a well-respected academy of commerce.
Age: 17Flynn lives in the shadow of his elder brother, and is often forgotten due to his reclusive nature. Despite having his own connections and friends within the nobility, he is incredibly unremarkable and is thus payed little attention to. It is widely accepted that his brother, Errol, shall become the next Emperor and as such it is natural that he receive the greater amount of attention and care in order to prepare him for his later role in life, though this has in turn left Flynn without a specific purpose.
The citizens of Glaewin barely recognize him, and the nobility simply dismiss him believing him to hold no real power. However he is particularly close with his sister, Amber, with the two having grown especially close due to their similar situations in life.
Age: 19Caitlyn has certainly inherited her mothers looks, also being known for her beauty throughout the kingdom. Yet whilst the two may both be renowned for beauty, they could not have more clashing personalities. Caitlyn has grown to be anything but ladylike, fond of adventure and action. She cares little for the pursuit of men, and views her mothers attitude with men to be nothing short of whoreish, a point she has made crystal clear to her many times.
She often spends her time wandering the palace gardens, fantasising of a different life to the one she currently has. However, upon her 21st nameday, Errol has promised to take her to the ruins as a birthday present. That day cannot come soon enough.
Age: 15The best way to describe Alyssa would be that she is a tamed version of her mother. She enjoys the company of others her age, especially boys, and is by all means of the word, a socialite, unlike her elder sister whom prefers to spend her time in quiet reflection and thought. Whilst not a racist as such, she 'understands' her mothers loathing of dwarves and halflings simply due to the fact she believes men should be gentlemanly and courteous, something dwarves and halflings are not particularly famed for.
Much like her mother, she often toys around with others her age and views love to be nothing more than an enjoyable game. She is not especially close with any of her brothers or sisters, albeit she has a focused hatred for Princess Amber, who she views to be an insult to not only her father, albeit the family as a whole.
Age: 14Amber is a source of major controversy, not being the daughter of the Emperor. Whilst her true father is unknown, it can be assumed that she is an accident from one of the many affairs had by Rose.
Despite not being his own daughter, Lucifer decided to raise her as though she were his own instead of having her simply thrown onto the streets. She has grown to be come a gentle, curious girl and is often seen at her fathers side. Amber is taken in by the fantasies of chivalry, and all things inherently 'good'. She is shunned by her sister, Alyssa, and most other children of nobility for being considered 'illegitimate', albeit she is relatively close with her brother and sister, Prince Flynn and Princess Caitlyn, who are perhaps the only people she would consider to be her close friends. It is clear she is the child favored by Lucifer, despite not being one of his own, and he appreciates her inquisitive and naturally kind demeanour, qualities that he finds lacking in most of his other children.
Members Of The Court
Age: 48Eammon holds the position of Seneschal, which is widely considered the second most-powerful position within the Empire. As Seneschal, he speaks with the authority and will of the Emperor himself and often handles more trivial tasks that the Emperor need not bother himself with, as well as heading any council meetings the Emperor does not attend. In essence, the Seneschal is the right-hand of the Emperor and should the Emperor die with no heir, the Seneschal is expected to step-up to the position.
Eammon himself is a member of House Torrhel, one of the oldest and most prestigious houses within Glaewin, matched only by House Perea. He is known to be a workaholic, spending countless hours in his quarters sifting through the work that the Emperor cannot, or will not, bother himself to do. He is currently involved in a romantic affair with the Empress, and holds the Emperor in low regard.

Durin is the ultimate authority of Glaewins armies, both land and sea. An honorable dwarf, he cares little for the intrigue of the realm and is a loyal supporter of the Emperor. He is known for his wise counsel and when he speaks, others listen. Oddly enough, whilst representing the interest of the military, Durin prefers war to be a last resort and often finds himself being the one to talk the other council-members out of a war.

A fickle and selfish man without empathy, Edgar cares for nothing other than the gold in his pocket. Despite his less than appealing personality, Edgar is an expert in ensuring Glaewin gets the best out of every deal it makes, after all, the more money Glaewin gets, the more money he gets.
He is considered the third most powerful man in Glaewin due to his control over the treasury and as such, his 'advice' is often acted upon.

A shadowy figure with her words hidden behind riddles, the Lady Overseer is responsible for the Inquisition of Glaewin. She rarely speaks with her fellow members of the council, albeit she is granted the utmost attention when she does. Unbeknownst to the other members of the council, the Lady Overseer acts as the Emperors eyes and ears during the meetings he cannot attend, along with any talks behind closed doors she may be privy too.

Lord Baelin serves on the council as a representative of the dwarven populace of Glaewin. He is a fairly simple dwarf and is not the one to have hidden motives, he cares for the proper representation of his people and little else.

Lord Ellaror has a seat on the council in order to represent the elven population within Glaewin. However, he has more than failed in his duties to do so. Taken in by the grandiose lifestyle of the nobility, he has simply ignored his duties in place of enjoying the benefits that come with being a member of the nobility within Glaewin. The members of the council are not elected, and as such the elven population has had no option but to simply accept their neglect within the courts of Glaewin, in the hopes Lord Ellaror will be replaced soon enough.
Heroes Of The Realm
Age: 61Haemish is revered throughout Glaewin as one of the greatest swordsmen to have ever lived within the nation. He is currently the 'Grand Ser'
(Commander) of the Royal Guard assigned specifically to the protection of the Emperor and his family, rather than simply fighting on the battlefield.
Even in his old age he retains his prowess with a blade, however his son, Ser Robyn, is quickly beginning to upstage him and many believe Haemish will soon stand down from the position, thus paving the way for his son to become the successive Grand Ser.
Age: 29Ser Robyn is the son of one of the most famed swordsmen in Glaewin, Grand Ser Haemish. Robyn takes after his father, and is known for his chivalry and naturally warm demeanour. Yet he also has his fathers skill with a blade, and is expected to replace him as Grand Ser in the near future, when age finally catches up with his father.
It is rumored that Ser Robyn and Princess Caitlyn are involved in a romance.
National Traits: 4 Points
Size Matters
Arm Of The Empire
Population Traits: 5 Points
Public Baths
Law and Order
Know Your Place!
The Peoples 'Entertainment'
Academic Traits: 10 Points
Magpie's Eye
Tradesmen Academy
Institute of Commerce
Agricultural Institute
Maps of Hidden Paths
Tome Of Monsters
Mine Map
Military Basic Traits: 1 Point
Heavy Armour
Archery Traits: 1 Point1
Witch Hunters
Infantry Traits: 2 Points
Hold The Line
Swordsmans School
Cavalry Traits: 1 Point
Thunder Of Hooves
Navy Traits: 4 Points
Master Shipwrights
Heavy Ships
Airborne Traits: 0 Points
Tradesman Traits: 5 Points
Master Stonemasons
Master Carpenters
Master Shipbuilders
Bang For Your Buck
Merchant Traits: 18 Points
Silk Roads
Longstanding Merit Of Trade
Gold Worshipers
Deep Pockets and Long Arms
Super Caravans
Got Friends In High Places
Welcome Sight
Diplomatic Savants
Fast Travel
Trade Tongues
Angarak Gold
Exotic Goods
Grease a Couple of Palms
A Little Money Here and There
We Got What You Need!
Business Espionage
Magecraft Traits: 0 Points
Magic is outlawed within Glaewin
Monster Traits: 0 Points
Mechanist Traits: 9 Points
Steam Engines
Pneumatic Systems
War Engines
Custom Traits:
Glaewin is arguably the richest nation in the land, and is called home by some of the most skilled merchants. Seemingly born to trade, Glaewin has long placed an emphasis on the importance of trade and friendly relations. The merchants are famed for their silver tongue, and for their seemingly always fully-stocked caravans with near anything your heart could desire. Few would decline trade with such a nation.
Ancient ruins of a long lost subterranean city lie in your borders. Whilst still largely under excavation, there are many secrets of an age long lost to be discovered in the seemingly endless halls and corridors. The ruin is also home to many rich gold mines and other deposits of gems, it is likely the city was the industrial center of a previous nation.
Haunted By The Past
Cult Of Gûl
Custom Flaw
With so much coin in one nation, the people have grown to be more obsessive than any others with their unhealthy love of gold, and all things valuable. As such, corruption is rife, with the city watch often turning a blind eye and dockmasters allowing several illicit goods through the ports. Despite the best attempts of the Delatores and Inquisition, corruption has firmly rooted itself within the nation, and there is little it's people won't do for extra coin.
Capital City (30RP) Avarus
Large Coastal City (14, 30RP) Freeport
Large City (10, 30RP) Ravelstoke
Mountain Citadel (15, 40RP) Emperors Mount
Fortress (6, 30RP) Arcliff Keep
1x Mountain (5, 4RP)
20x Plains (40, 120RP)
3x River (6, 18RP)
1x Forest (2, 4RP)
1x Tundra (1, 2RP)
Total Points:
Total Regiment Points:
Total Units: 8'101
5 Royal Guard Infantry Of Men (30P)
5 Royal Guard Ranged Of Anoredhel (30P)
20 Regiments of Experienced Infantry Of Men (60P)
20 Regiments of Experienced Infantry of Surface Dwarves (60P)
10 Regiments of Experienced Ranged of Anoredhel (30P)
10 Regiments of Experienced Light Cavalry Of Anoredhel (40P)
10 Regiments of Experienced Light Cavalry Of Men (40P)
1 Regiment of Anoredhel Witch Hunters (5P)
1 Great War Engine (10P)
Command: 76 Points
Human Hero Of The Realm (6)
Human Hero Of The Realm (6)
Surface Dwarf Hero Of The Realm (6)
Anoredhel Hero Of The Realm (6)
Human Great General (5)
Human Great General (5)
Surface Dwarf Great General(5)
Anoredhel Great General (5)
Surface Dwarf High Lord (4)
Surface Dwarf High Lord (4)
Elven High Lord (4)
Human High Lord (4)
Human Lord (3)
Surface Dwarf Lord (3)
Anoredhel Lord (3)
Air Force: 76 Points
3 Heavy Zeppelins (75)
10 Longships - 2,000 Gold
10 Galleas - 1,200 Gold
5 Decareme - 500 Gold
3 Octareme - 240 Gold
Total Gold Used; 3'940 Gold
- Largely a cosmetic and decorative item
- Can be refined into several different sizes, for different cosmetic uses (Jewels, decoration of armor/weaponry, clothing etc..)
- Relatively weak, and makes for poor use in weaponry or armor, aside from as a decoration
- Very rare gem, with the only known source being in the ruins
- Lacks any magical properties
- Found in larger quantities
- Requires much more refinement before being ready for use
- Much smaller in size, and is more suited to jewels such as necklaces, amulets or bracelets.
- Once again, relatively weak and would make for poor use in weaponry or armour
- Very rare, with it's only known source also being the ruins
- Lacks magical properties