Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kadaeux


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The world has changed.

It is a new age. The rise of nations is making itself present and felt. Now is the time to rise and make your mark on the world. To shape it in the image you want. To take from the old world, shattered and forgotten treasure and power such has not been felt for thousands of years.

And varied is the world, from the races of men, orcs, elves and dwarves, to the ogre races, the 'taur races, the beastmen and many others including the exceptionally rare dragons. Even those nations blessed to have them have very few, more than ten and the Dragon's territorialism begins to reassert itself and duelling dragons soon fill the skies and the little people below suffer greatly.

Magic suffuses the world and most nations call mage and monster simply part of every day life, though some few who have chosen the mechanist path to the exclusion of all else have forsaken magic for technology. For some the dead ride amongst their forces and Necromancers take to the skies of magic carpets. For others armies of men are supported by apocalyptic storm magi, and others with little to forget.

But the nations of the world are not alone, nor unremembered. There are those who came before. Of them little is left but ruin, story and myth. It is a great boon to find their ruins and plunder them for their secrets. For others gathering up the knowledge of them is a lifes work well spent. But there are some who say they are still out there. Jealous of those rising to replace them in the world. Hateful of the lives that are lead in ignorance of their true ways. Some say that travellers taken from the road are their work. Villages burned to the ground are claimed to be the mad gods rages at the living.

Will you rise to lead your nation to power? Glory? ... sacrifice? Or will it be ground down beneath the entropy of history, the momentum of other nations... or the mysteries of a time gone before?

Welcome to the OOC for Fantasy Nations 2.

This is a trait-based system developed by me over some time, and after some severe revisionism and finally excising some elements entirely for major review it is ready.

In this players will begin the RP in control of their own, but small, nation in the world. They will grow over time to become larger, greater and more powerful than ever. But be cautious. A mis-step can bring death, disaster and anchovies down on your head!

This RP will primarily be done here on the Guild. But I will use Roll20.net to host the map, and restrain your visibility on it ;) Exploration will feel, (and be) real. Learning your place will be more important than ever.

Creating a Nation is outlined in the rules in the following link.
Following Link

The race descriptions are in the other following link.
Other Following Link

To Highlight it before people ask and missed it in the document.

You get 18 Points to spend on what races your nation has.
You get 60 Points to spend on traits. Unless it says otherwise a trait costs 1 point.
You must have at least 2 Flaws. For every additional flaw you take you get 1 extra point to spend on traits. To a maximum of 6 Flaws.
You may create up to 2 Unique Traits for yourself subject to GM approval. It is highly frowned on to make one too like another persons.
You may also create up to 1 Unique Flaw for yourself, also subject to GM approval.

It's recommended that if you take any "Heroes of the Realm" or "Archmages" that you make them people on your Important Characters list ;)

It is HIGHLY recommended, that you sign up (for free) at roll20.com and go to this link.
Please make sure your display name is the same as your guild name, and let me know when you join so I don't kick you ;)

RP Rules:
1: No God-Modding: This is absolute. Breaking this rule will cause horrible random events to happen to your nation.
2: Be respectful of one another: While there are definitely elements that are subject to random chance, dealings between two players are within reason able to be left to the players involved. Should there be dispute, speak to me, and then we can apply elements of random chance to it to resolve the issue, or just talk it out if needed.
3: Trading equipment given by traits is forbidden. While it might seem a natural item to consider trading, for balance it isn't allowed. Players can earn traits over time, but it can't simply be traded away.
4: Keep it clean. Yes, sex/rape etc happen in a fantasy world. But they're to be kept behind the scenes, hinted at and no more. Gore isn't subject to this rule, again within reason. If it fits the story fine, but if I suspect that its gore written for the sake of gore then i'll slap ya for it. Fortunately i'm not a prude though so you can probably go farther than if this was done by a squeamish hippy forest dwarf!
5: Be aware that anyone can be killed. While Important Characters certainly have a degree of plot-protection, they can still die.
6: Exploration and random events are normal. They can be positive and negative (and very very negative sometimes :p)
7: Have fun. This rule will be enforced by crossbowmen. ;)

The Nation Sheet Template is as follows:
I will post "my" nation shortly as an example if anyone wants to wait to post theirs to see.

Nation Name:

Races of the Nation:

Nation History:

Important Characters: (Those whose perspective will dominate your descriptions, rulers, diplomats, generals, a drafted farmer from whose perspective we see your nation in another light etc.)
National Traits: X=(Points Spent)

Population Traits: X=(Points Spent)

Academic Traits: X=(Points Spent)

Military Basic Traits: X=(Points Spent)

Archery Traits: X=(Points Spent)

Infantry Traits: X=(Points Spent)

Cavalry Traits: X=(Points Spent)

Navy Traits: X=(Points Spent)

Airborne Traits: X=(Points Spent)

Tradesman Traits: X=(Points Spent)

Merchant Traits: X=(Points Spent)

Magecraft Traits: X=(Points Spent)

Monster Traits: X=(Points Spent)

Mechanist Traits: X=(Points Spent)

Flaw 2

Custom Traits
Custom Trait 1
Custom Trait 2
Custom Flaw 1



Air Force:


Accepted Nations: If there is an X next to it i've included it on the map (work in progress).

Sarkor; Kadaeux; X
Arturia; Kangaroo; X
Stygia; Grievous Khan; X
Raphae; Asuras; X
Lothmor; Jorick; X
Holy Realms of St. Angela; Iarumas; X
Infriet Oloth; Sarzu; X
The Nation; Sathanas Rex; X
The Host of Albescland; Aristo; X
Most Serene Republic of Nuinesia; Elendra; X
Empire of Glaewin; Sheffield; X
Alexavia; Uskglass; X
The Empire of Namare; Sini; X
Aerionic Diarchy of Niutieh; SpartanDoesAcid; X
The Despotate of Babel; Flooby Badoop; X
Kinthari Imperium; Vakte; X
Thaksian Mageocracy; Andrea; X
The Crossroads; WittyReference; X
Tairre'Tal; Nexerus; X
The Hegemony of Dal'Guatha; Zacharius; X
The Eduum Forests Alliance; Zran; X
Imperium Di Sanis Noctis; Greengoat; X
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kadaeux


Member Offline since relaunch

Nation Name : Sarkor

Races of the Nation: (15 Spent)
Black Orcs
High Orcs
High Elves
Coastborn Dwarves

Nation History:
The nation of Sarkor was born from the disparate clashes between the clans of Orcs, Elves, Dwarves and Lycanthropes in the region. Centuries of in-fighting between them had begun to take its toll and the headmen of each clan gathered together to see what must be done, the Lycanthropes form the strongest voice of reason, having descended from all the other races long ago thanks to their 'curse'. They spoke of unification under one banner. Of erasing the tensions between races by, effectively, erasing the racial identities between their young and replacing it with a respect and recognition of the natural abilities of each instead. This was done by the young Sarkasian Wolfjaw, not yet twenty two winters old.

The unification however did not go unopposed, there were minor clans of each race who opposed it, especially when it was proposed that Sarkasian, for his wisdom, should be chosen to lead this new empire. These disparate clans became hypocrits of the worst sort. Refusing to unite under Sarkasian's rule as the majority of the clans did, they... united under contempt for Sarkasian's rule and formed the "Natural Order" group. A group of each of the races... united by a belief that it was unnatural and a desire to bring down Wolfjaw's empire because of it.

Important Characters:
Imperator Sarkasian Wolfjaw:

Imperator Sarkasian is the Lycanthrope ruler of Sarkor. He is regarded well by the people his efforts for unification and the increased culture and civilisation of the realm have won him great goodwill from most of the people of the realm. Infighting that had once plagued them set aside and unified them where once it divided. Though he is constantly stressed by the "Natural Order" cults that see Orcs, Elves, Dwarves and Lycanthropes working together as a perversion of the natural order.

Archmage Elliania Ravenhair:

A High Elf of the Noblest Lineage Elliania represent the High Elf interests in Sarkasian's court and is his most trusted advisors on matters of magic and the world around them. She regards this honour with a modesty not typical of High Elves. Though when it comes to common folk she can look down her nose with the best of them.

Hero of the Realm Krothog Axeborn:

Krothog Axeborn it is said was born upon his fathers axe, which he wields with one hand what his father needed two for. Frighteningly intelligent for his kind Krothog is the Hero of the Realm after having saved it from an incursion from insane beastfolk to the nations west. Not only did he lead his men with exceptional skill, but when the line was stressed he hurled himself into the fray and, so it is said, cut down a hundred of the beastfolk before they fled before the sight of him.

Great General Toldan Gutbuster:

General Toldan Gutbuster, legend of the Coastborn Dwarves of Sarkor. He is the descendant of the famous Gunderheist Gutbuster Brew, a foul alcoholic concoction so powerful it is said even only the Hardiest Dwarves and Orcs dare risk a drink. The Elves and Lycanthropes avoid it like it's poison, which it very nearly is. If there were any cars on the road someone drinking a Gunderheist Gutbuster would be done for a DUI just walking too close to them.

National Traits:
Bread and Games

Population Traits: (9)
Foresting Instincts
Public Baths
Law and Order
Fair Law
The Peoples Entertainment

Academic Traits: (2)
Tradesmen Academy
Academy of Power

Military Basic Traits: (5)
Heavy Armour
Superior Training
Death Before Dishonour
Siege Train

Archery Traits: (1)

Infantry Traits: (4)
Hold the Line
Lords of the Axe
Weapon Academy

Cavalry Traits: (2)
Elephant Cavalry
Beast Cavalry

Navy Traits: (4)
By the Wind
Favour of the Gods
Heavy Ships

Airborne Traits: (2)
Runes of Flight

Tradesman Traits: (8)
Master Smiths
Master Stonemasons
Master Carpenters
Strong Stone Foundations
Siege Walls
Smiths Beyond Equal

Merchant Traits: (3)
Exotic Trade Goods
Angarak Gold

Magecraft Traits: (10)
Death Magic
Rune Magic
Elemental Fires
Elemental Waters
Elemental Earths
Elemental Air
Element of Shadow
Storm Magi
Henges of Power

Monster Traits: (7)
Great Wyrm
Beast Armour
Siege Beasts (Hydra)

Mechanist Traits: (3)
Steam Engines
Pneumatic Systems

Flaws: (4)
Cult of Natural Order
Dangerous Cults (Natural Order)
Bound by Tradition
Raiding Season, Not Raiding Season

Custom Traits:
Raceless: The nation of Sarkor has an ancient ritual that began when the five races united under one banner. Children are not the products of their parents any longer instead they are given into the care of the state, though all adults take some part in it, children are raised in a group containing at least one of each race, raised never hearing the words Black Orc, High Orc, High Elf, Coastborn Dwarf or Lycanthrope. Raised only hearing their own names and the names of their instructors. Come the age of eight they're returned to their family, all pretensions based on race erased by their upbringing.

Blood Bowl: A lawless sport or so it would seem to one who sees it for the first time, brutal teams of sixteen vie on a field a hundred feet long by sixty wide. There are numerous rules, all of which the teams feel free to ignore when the Ref has his or her back turned. Indeed, the sport has grown to such popularity that there are even rules about how one should bribe a ref to maintain a 'fair' state of play. Make no mistake this is no genteel sport, injuries are exceptionally common and it's far from unknown for a player to die on the pitch.... or in the stands amongst the rabid fans.

Capital City (Mountain) (Sarkansa City)
1 Large City (Akeholm)
1 Citadels (Mountain) (The Sunder)
2 Medium Cities (1 Coastal) (Alvalon and Rutaria)
4 Forest
8 Plains
3 River
5 Desert
1 Mountain
2 Coastal

1 Regiments of Black Orc Royal Legionaries;
1 Regiment of High Orc Royal Legionaries;
1 Regiment of Lycanthrope Royal Legionaries;
1 Regiment of Coastborn Dwarf Royal Legionaries;
2 Regiments of Warg Cavalry Royal Guard: (Black Orc Beast Cavalry)
2 Regiments of High Elf Royal Crossbows:
1 Regiment of Coastborn Dwarf Royal Crossbows:
1 Regiment of High Orc Royal Crossbows:

6 Experienced Regiments of Black Orcs. (3 Infantry, 3 Crossbow)
6 Experienced Regiments of High Orcs. (3 Infantry, 3 Crossbow)
6 Experienced Regiments of High Elves. (3 Infantry, 3 Crossbow)
6 Experienced Regiments of Coastborn Dwarves. (3 Infantry, 3 Crossbow)
6 Experienced Regiments of Lycanthropes. (6 Infantry)

4 Experienced Regiments of Elephant Cavalry (2 High Elf, 2 High Orc)
4 Experienced Regiments of Beast Cavalry (2 Black Orc Warg Riders, 2 High Elf Sleipnir riders)
2 Experienced Regiments of Light Cavalry (Lycanthrope mounted.)

Black Orc Hero of the Realm: Krothog Axeborn
Coastborn Dwarf Great General: Toldan Gutbuster
5 Lord Commanders: (1 of Each Race)
High Elf Archmage: Elliania Ravenhair
1 High Elf Mages:
1 High Orc Mage:
1 Lycanthrope Mage:

2 Units Great Wyrms
3 Units of Hydras

Air Force:
2 Enchanted Flying Galleons
1 Unit of Wyvern Cavalry

4 Galleons (2 Flying; See Air Force)
10 Windjammers
20 Schooners
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Asuras
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Asuras No spoken words, only napalm and guns

Member Seen 12 days ago

Nation Name: Raphae

Races of the Nation: Man, Celestine, Dragon

Nation History:

Once, Raphae was but a collection of three city-states ruled over by three individual Houses, though each worked hand and hand with one another years before the creation of Raphae as a singular nation; all in the name of vanquishing the dragon menace that bellowed in their skies. Before the Houses truly bound themselves, great battles were fought against the monsters of the lands to pave way for an uninhibited nation free to live in the peace of mind it so desired. Genocide was committed against the dragons until but two were left, hidden away in the Ornuel mountains. Both were peaceful in nature as opposed to their scaly brethren, and they did not wish to bring about the ire of countless monster hunters scouring the nation for their kin.

When the smoke cleared, Zanzilith and Molkrath emerged from their caves and asked for the partnership with the men and celestines that had now declared themselves the nation of Raphae. Zanzilith offered might and muscle, while Molkrath offered knowledge. Both were a welcome sight to the leaders of the new nation, but it took many years for the two to be truly accepted among the peasantry, who suffered the most from the flames of dragons.

With the threat of dragons eliminated from the hearts and minds of the Raphae people, and with an incredible brotherhood established from the preceding wars, the nation enjoyed a prosperous and peaceful time that lasts to this day. Though well guarded and stooped in the culture of military success against great enemies, the nation of Raphae remains a friendly and boisterous nation centered upon the worship of life and love, in whatever forms it comes as.

Today, Raphae is known as the nation of hedonists, though the people would be hard-pressed to agree. Festivals permeate their culture, occurring on a near-weekly basis, most of which nevertheless present themselves as incredible feats of planning and size.

Important Characters:






Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kadaeux


Member Offline since relaunch

@Asuras: Having to take the "All Roads Lead to Rome" flaw doesn't count towards your minimum number of flaws.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by The Nexerus
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The Nexerus Sui generis

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

If I have a Large City that's coastal, does it give me 30 regiment points or 6?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kadaeux


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The Nexerus said
If I have a Large City that's coastal, does it give me 30 regiment points or 6?

30, the City over-rides the terrain.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by The Nexerus
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The Nexerus Sui generis

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Nation Name: Tairre'Tal

Races of the Nation

High Elves
Wild Elves

Important Characters


National Traits: 7

Spies, Spies Everywhere
Agents Everywhere
Bread and Games
Unsoiled Reputation

Population Traits: 9

Stand Tall
Squeaky Clean
Clean streets
Fair Law
Winged messengers
Know your place!
Small Town Talk

Academic Traits: 12

Academy of Power
University of War
Agricultural Institute
Tradesmen Academy
Institute of Commerce
Hunger for Knowledge
Guardians of Knowledge
Super Herbalists
Natural cultivation

Military Basic Traits: 4

Ambush Predators
Superior Training
Nightmares in the Trees

Archery Traits: 2

Perfect Fletching

Infantry Traits: 1

Swordsman's School

Airborne Traits: 1


Tradesman Traits: 9

Master Carpenter
Master Smith
Master Stonemason
Master Glassblower
Strong Stone Foundations

Merchant Traits: 5

Gold Worshippers
Longstanding Merit of Trade
Welcome sight
Trade Tongues
Diplomatic savants

Magecraft Traits: 12

Elemental Fires
Elemental Waters
Elemental Earths
Elemental Air
Element of Light
Storm Magi
Nature Magic
Force Magic
Holy Magic
Scholars of Power
Reputation of Gold

Monster Traits: 1


Flaws: 5

Bound by Tradition
Raiding Season, not Raiding Season
Facts, facts, facts!
Code of Honour

Capital City (Taln'e)
Citadel (Sereenost, adjoining Taln'e)
Large City (Aluar; Coastal)
3 Small Cities (Harym, Enedum, Nortessa; 2 Forest, 1 Tundra, positioned respectively)
3 Tundra
28 Forest

232 Regiment Points.

18 Regiments of Experienced Elven Infantry
4 Regiments of Experienced High Elven Infantry
6 Regiments of Experienced Wild Elven Infantry (2,800 total—84 RP)

10 Regiments of Experienced Elven Ranged
8 Regiments of Experienced Wild Elven Ranged
5 Regiments of Experienced High Elven Ranged (2,300 total—69 RP)

6 Regiments of Elite High Elven Ranged
3 Regiments of Elite Elven Ranged
3 Regiments of Elite Wild Elven Ranged (1,200 total-44 RP)

5 Regiments of Elite Elven Light Cavalry
1 Regiment of Elite High Elven Light Cavalry
1 Regiment of Elite Wild Elven Light Cavalry (500 total—25 RP)

1 Regiment of Royal Guard High Elven Infantry (100 total—6 RP)

Command (WIP)

58 P Total
One Normal Arch-Mage (Arch Mage Kalina, 15P)
Four Normal Mages (Sinaur, Niiror, Quainn, Ilyaa, 29P)
One Normal Commander (Admiral Erschwine, 3P)
One Normal Great General (General Piline, 5P)
One Normal Hero of the Realm (King Draanuv, 6P)

Monsters Units

58 packs of Barghest (1,740 total)

Air Force

5 Units of Sirens (500 total)


25 Sloops (500 Gold)

5 Galleass (600 Gold)

12 Windjammer (2,400 Gold)

2 Galleon (500 Gold)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Meth Quokka
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Meth Quokka This Was Nutter's Idea

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Reserving this spot here for a NS.

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Jorick
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Jorick Magnificent Bastard

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Nation Name: Lothmor

Races of the Nation:
Night Goblins
Wild Elves
Forest Dwarves
Forest Giants

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Elendra


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

So I see rules on land and air monsters, but what about sea monsters?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kadaeux


Member Offline since relaunch

Elendra said
So I see rules on land and air monsters, but what about sea monsters?



A revision will be up momentarily.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kadaeux


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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Jorick
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Jorick Magnificent Bastard

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

The OP says we get 18 points to spend on races. The Google doc says 15. Which one is correct?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sathanas Rex
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Sathanas Rex

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

I would like to reserve a spot. Also, I would like to commend you on how aesthetically pleasing and well structured the pdf is.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kadaeux


Member Offline since relaunch

Jorick said
The OP says we get 18 points to spend on races. The Google doc says 15. Which one is correct?

18, something must have gone funky when i changed it a while back. Sorry for the confusion.

Sathanas Rex said
I would like to reserve a spot. Also, I would like to commend you on how aesthetically pleasing and well structured the pdf is.

Thanks mate. ;)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sathanas Rex
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Sathanas Rex

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

oh oh oh dibs on a very mountainous country. Also, Kad, if there is exactly one dragon in your nation, is that still 10 points?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sini
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

Nation Name: The Empire of Namare

Races of the Nation:

Nation History:

Important Characters:

Might add more as the RP progresses.


Airborne Traits: 0 = (Points Spent)

Monster Traits: 0 = (Points Spent)

Code of Honour: Knights do not lie, cheat, steal, and always show honour. They can never refuse a challenge form an equal and can never turn their backs to an enemy.
Bound by Tradition: Your people are loathe to change to the ideals and traits of some other less accepting or those who simply change too much too fast. As such diplomacy with any nation that doesn’t have at least half of their national and population traits becomes much more difficult.

Custom Traits:
Caesaropapism: caesaropapism is a political theory in which the head of state, notably the Emperor ('Caesar', by extension an 'equal' King), is also the supreme head of the church ('papa', pope or analogous religious leader). There is no separation of Church and State and the two form parts of a single power structure. Additionally, the monarch is considered a godly extension, the ‘lieutenant’ of the divine.

Modified provinces:
1 Capital City (Free) 30 regiment points
1 Large Cities (10) 30 regiment points
1 Citadel (10) 40 regiment points

2 medium city (2x6) 2 x 20 regiment points
2 Fortresses (2x6) 2 x 30 regiment points

Used 40 points, total of 200 reg. points
Unmodified provinces:
12 needed for the large city and single citadel
16 needed for the smaller settlements
 28 NEEDED 60 points left, total of 134 reg. points
10 plains (20) 60 reg. points
1 coastal (4) 6 reg. points
5 river (10) 30 reg. points
6 forest (12) 24 reg. points
5 tundra (5) 10 reg. points
1 mountain (5) 4 reg. points

Total of 334 reg. points


334 reg. points – 9,400 troops

Men (136 points, 4,100 troops):
2 regiments of royal cavalry 16 points
3 regiments of royal guardsmen 18 points
2 regiments of elite heavy cavalry 12 points
4 regiments of experienced heavy cavalry 20 points
6 regiments of light cavalry 18 points
4 regiments of experienced footmen 12 points
20 regiments of footmen 40 points

Elves (87 points, 2,400 troops):
2 regiments of elite light cavalry 10 points
5 regiments of elite ranged troops 20 points
5 regiments of experienced ranged troops 15 points
10 regiments of experienced footmen 30 points
2 regiments of elite witch slayers 12 points

Dwarves (98 points, 2,300 troops):
5 regiments of elite foot 20 points
6 regiments of experienced foot 18 points
6 regiments of elite ranged troops 24 points
6 regiments of elite monster slayers 36 points

Other (11 points, 600 troops):
2 regiment of elite Halfling foot 6 points
• The “Half-men”, fully plated and armed with shields and axes
• The “Porcupines”, fully plated and armed with pikes, renowned for their prickly formation
2 regiments of elite gnome ranged troops 5 points

83 command points
5 mages (32 points, 1 dwarf and 1 gnome)
4 Heroes of the Realm (23 points, 1 elf, 1 human, 1 dwarf, 1 halfling)
4 Great Nobles/Great generals (20 points)
2 High Lords/Generals (8 points)

41 vessels

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kadaeux


Member Offline since relaunch

Sathanas Rex said
oh oh oh dibs on a very mountainous country. Also, Kad, if there is exactly one dragon in your nation, is that still 10 points?

Yes it is. Dragons are by far the most limited creatures in number (but by far the most powerful), as for the dibs, i'll be making the map specifically to incorporate players choices.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sathanas Rex
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Sathanas Rex

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

so wait, having 1 dragon is 10 points, and having 12 dragons is also 10 points? *blinks*
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kadaeux


Member Offline since relaunch

Sathanas Rex said
so wait, having 1 dragon is 10 points, and having 12 dragons is also 10 points? *blinks*

Dragons cost from your Regiment Points.

10 points says you have the race in your nation.

But unlike the other races

Every dragon has to come out of the points you use for your army/command.
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