Name: Akira "Loveless" Shirogane
Age: 17
Gender: Male


He bleaches his hair for his stage appearance.
Personality: Akira's stage personality is what you'd expect from your typical male idol playing up the "fallen angel" role. His act encompasses a tragic romantic who's curse is that despite his ability to capture women's hearts with his pretty face he must never fall in love himself lest some tragic fate befall his beloved. A lot of pretentious speech and airy mannerisms completes the effect. Of course, this is just a facade.
In reality he's a very withdrawn individual. When he's not decked out in the magnificence of his stage identity he rarely speaks and just silently observes those around him. This is partly because he's not interested in the unglamorous world around him, and partly because he has crippling stranger anxiety because he never had strong bonds as a child. He has since learned to put his faith in his own talent. Bordering delusional, for what he lacks in self-confidence he makes up with his talent, fooling those around him and even himself into believing he's a person other people will naturally be drawn to. In direct contradiction to this he distances himself from people since it's difficult for him to overcome his own shortcomings in order to form bonds without relying on his stage identity. Because he doesn't like to put forth a great deal of effort he naturally avoids any difficult situation, but at the same time he somehow manages to will himself forward when the need arises.
His social isolation is self-imposed, a product of a tragedy from his childhood, and despite feelings of detachment from his fellow man, he has the uncanny ability to analyze the personalities of others. This puts his control over any given social situation as well as others' perception of him nearly at the level of a sociopath. He will shamelessly use this to his advantage when he can't run from a social encounter, but feels guilty and fears that he may be found out as a "fake."
Weapon: Chakram
Arcana: Magician
Initial Persona: Nekomata
Ultimate Persona: ???
Character Stats:
Athletics: 10
Academics: 9
Charm: 10
Courage: 10
Backstory: Akira lost both his parents at a delicate age. He was taken in by relatives, but growing up with the knowledge of his parents' deaths took it's toll on him. He withdrew from almost all interaction, and although his new family tried to reach out to him they didn't know how to ease the boy's pain.
Partly due to his uncanny good looks and partly due to his eighth-grader's syndrome taking over his otherwise socially occlusive personality he was targeted by a talent agent in his middle school years and entered into an explosively successful career as an idol which his relatives supported with great enthusiasm believing it would somehow help him overcome the trauma of his parents' deaths. He's never really had the chance to make any lasting friendships, but never wanted to anyway. He prefers stardom to the busy and tiresome life of the average person, and his school work has suffered because of this. When he's not performing he prefers to lock himself in his room and peruse the internet for the latest memes and otaku culture even though his profile in magazines says his hobbies are something much more glamorous--just for appearance's sake. However, that's all taken care of by his manager who is part business man and part caretaker to the privileged star.
Somehow the world of imagination, drama, and fantasy have always interested him more than reality, and he has been perfectly content to ignore his problems both in school and life in order to continue his work as a idol up to this point. So far he's been drifting through life as if it were a dream, but that was before his manager sprung a sudden break from the idol business on him forcing Akira to transfer into Gekkoukan High which is sure to cause a much unwanted stir among the student population....