Avatar of Jester Acharis
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    1. Jester Acharis 11 yrs ago


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Current Poofed, but should be back now.
9 yrs ago
A'ight, I'm back I guess.


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Interested in joining, just trying to settle on an Arcana! The open ones are Hierophant, Chariot, Justice, Hanged Man and Judgement, right?
Yo, just a heads up that I'll be gone for two days (going back home for Mother's day) so I won't be able to post until Tuesday. If you need to move along, assume that Nadijah had her hands full fighting the Lizalfos and, if you change locations, begrudgingly followed everyone after that.
Ha, can't say I've ever been in a magical girl rp but... sure, why not! First time for everything.
Nadijah has most likely revealed it to her Gerudo friends/compatriots like "Look what I found guys it's shiny", so they would know, at least.

Also! I went ahead and edited her Scimitar to be a pair of Scimitars in the CS, since that seems to largely be what the Gerudo use. If that's not cool, I'll gladly edit it back though. Just wanted to give a heads up since I forgot to in my last post.

Posted. Short and sweet (?) but should work! Decided to start her off at the Fortress in the end, after giving everything a second read.

Edit: Also, I'm agreeing with Sigil here. Even if it's not a combat situation, you didn't give the others a chance to react to anything that was happening before exiting the scene, and pretty much assumed that they wouldn't be able to avoid being grabbed/get themselves free once being held. Heck, Yuri was holding a boomerang, it's not difficult to throw that at someone inches away from you.

Of course, I'm not involved in the situation, but just my two cents.
Gerudo Fortress

Out of all the different times of day, early mornings were definitely the worst as far as Nadijah was concerned. During the night the temperature often dropped below zero Celsius, making the desert cool down just so to better facilitate her lonesome, impromptu training sessions, while during the day most of her peers were awake and the amount of things to do all but tripled. There was always something going on, be it an actual mission or just a chance to practice her sword-fighting skills against her fellow sisters. Even in the evening she could always find some of her peers up and about, and observing the many foreigners that occupied Oasis as they prepared for the night ahead was nothing short of fascinating. O-of course, she was just doing it for research purposes to make sure they weren't a threat to the community! She wasn't actually interested in their habits or anything. Screw that!

Now, mornings? Yeah. Fuck mornings. Sure, she had woken up late enough today for many others to already be getting out of their beds and beginning their chores, but she found that nobody ever did anything interesting when they first woke up. She swore, even these interesting foreigners seemed to be sluggish and boring two minutes outta the hay. And yeah, yeah, she had happened to pass by a Sheikah (that's what those creeps were called, right?) practicing with some of her Gerudo sisters earlier on, but she couldn't, for the life of her, stay and watch. How some of them could be so stricken by a practically mute stranger was beyond her. Well, at least the guy had had some decent moves and the mind to wear black in a desert, so he probably wasn't a total loser. Still. Ugh.

Nadijah was pacing the outskirts of the Gerudo Fortress where she still spent most of her nights, groggily fixing her hair and wondering where most of the people were. Probably out on assignments, the lucky bastards. Meanwhile, she had to do her darnest to try and figure out how to spend the morning until her friends were up or back from their duties. Now how was that fair? Ugh, she'd probably just walk around aimlessly, or use the last few cooler hours before sunrise to get a bit more exercise in. Something like that. Same old.

... Or at least, that was her plan until the sudden flare of a torch high above in the fortress tore her from her grumpy inner monologue. She spun around as if expecting another one to follow and surely enough, it did - followed soon by another and a yet another torch casting its light into the early morning's darkness. Nadijah's heart skipped a beat in both surprise and excitement, the sudden signal of an approaching threat offering her both a cause of concern and an excuse to grab her weapons and do something. There likely weren't enough people inside to properly fend off whatever was coming, but... screw that, they couldn't exactly wait either! Even if it was just a few people, someone should go there right now and begin the counterattack. Someone like her, who wasn't exactly hailed as the patient sort.

So, grinning, Nadijah gave up on trying to fix her messy hair, opting to grab her scimitars and dash towards the entrance of the fortress instead.

Hey, maybe all mornings weren't so boring, after all.
Now to decide whether to have Nadijah help out Dia or join the ever growing crowd in the HQ right away |D Probably the latter, so we can all be in the same place sooner for convenience's sake. Gonna run in a bit, but if I can't get a post up before then, I will when I get back in the evenin'. Sorry for the delay was well!

@Jester Acharis I'm accepting it, but I also feel the need to let the record show that not all Gerudo are like Nadijah. In fact the majority have been far more accepting of the recent changes... hence why Oasis was built by a mix of all the people. In fact if anything, the Sheikah are the ones who are most mistrusting of everyone, what with their secrets and shadowy culture and all. So, fair warning to you Jester, Nadijah is in a minority when it comes to her not trusting anyone. Also going to assume that her fragment is Courage.

I'm very well aware of that, and nowhere in the CS did I imply that the rest of the Gerudo (or even the majority of them) shared her thoughts on foreigners so I'm just a bit baffled as to where this "warning" is coming from. I should think the fact that they let people from outside in and built the Oasis would kind of make it obvious that they aren't as mistrustful as she is, tbh. I even mentioned (if briefly) the logic by which she came to the conclusion that foreigners = suspicious on her own. It's just her personality, the Gerudo aren't a hive mind, after all. The Courage fragment, as well, should be obvious, but yes, it's that one.

tl;dr: I know, I'm aware, no worries.

@Jester Acharis How long would she have been in Oasis at the start. Seeing as she's supposed to be a curious type, Etzo's work shop would certianly be an interesting place I should think. Though if he's in the middle of a breakthrough, his manic demeanor might set off her cautious/mistrusting side. Just curious so I can see how he should interact with the others.

Hmm, I'd say not long; perhaps around a month or so. And haha, I can see her going to snoop near his workshop, only to quickly back away in surprise/shock when he starts becoming maniacal like "I KNEW IT" |D And then she keeps kind of warily lingering nearby to see wtf he's doing regardless, unsure if she should go closer.

Andd I'll get to reading through the IC and getting a post up later tonight or tomorrow!

Also, off topic but has anyone else's notifs been weird lately? Sometimes I get notifs hours/half a day after the mention.

EDIT: Crap, and forgot to post her in the character tab. Will fix that now, sorry 'bout that!

EDIT2: CS moved! 8>
You mean she's never seen Ganondorf before? Ganondorf is a man of her race, and like I said, he ruled the Gerudo as King for quite some time before he decided to ditch them in favor of stealing the Triforce. I just find it a little hard to believe that she's never ever seen him even once, not even in passing, or not even in a picture of some kind.

She likely hadn't seen him up close and personal (since he's a king and she was a young girl), but she mot likely had seen him in passing, yes, as the history now implies. But she hadn't really met him. That was my bad, I probably should have made it more clear that we aren't talking absolutes, just that... she hadn't really properly met men of her own race, then suddenly she sees one of a foreign race up close so it was like "wow wtf" to her. But it's almost 2 AM and I'm kind of trying to get through OOC chatter quick to focus on finishing the cs so I can sleep |D But like said, I can remove that part altogether if you'd like and just focus on her curiousity having been piqued by seeing a foreign race only. That was the main part of her WOW experience anyway, the man thing was just an added bonus.

Final question: Why is her personality still blank?

... Because it's still a WIP? The abilities and equipment don't have descriptions yet either and the history is only partly done (still missing finding the shard etc.) I like to write (or at least plan) the history section before the personality, because for most people, their past influences the way they are today.


Edit: Oh yeah, why does she not have a Triforce Fragment? She kind of needs one.

Okay, now I'm not sure if you're just trollin' me or what, but yeah, it's a WIP. I'm getting to that.

EDIT 2: Alright, I think I'm done now. I wrote the last bits practically half-asleep though (hello, 3 AM), so if there's anything you want edited, I'll get to that in the morning. For now, sleeeppp.
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