Avatar of Jester Acharis
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    1. Jester Acharis 11 yrs ago


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Current Poofed, but should be back now.
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A'ight, I'm back I guess.


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That, and after recently replaying OoT, there's a NPC in Castle Town who says the Gerudo sometimes come to town to look for boyfriends, and they have the carpenters they took hostage, and besides, they're a theif clan, they certianly aren't stealing from each other. Hell Nabooru's whole reason for rejecting ganondorf was he was attacking women and children.

Edit: Ninja'd

Yeah, that was in the history even before I edited. The very next paragraph of the man thing, in fact, when she saw Gerudos bring Hylian men to the fortress 8P We were talking of when she was a child and hadn't yet ventured outside/seen people bring men in. She does know what they are in present day fff.

Edited the mention of Ganondorf in now! I can edit again if needed, or even remove that part if ya want. I just figured that for someone who hasn't even seen men of her own race, seeing a Hylian man would have been even a bigger shocker and made her even more curious of them/what else is out there and thus sparking her curiosity towards the outside world. But just seeing a different race for the first time works as well, if you think it works better.
@Jester Acharis I know the char isn't done yet, but I see no reason why Nadijah shouldn't have always known what a man is. Ganondorf was himself a Gerudo, supposedly only one that would be born every hundred years or so. And he even ruled the Gerudo as a King before he left for Hyrule.

Ah, yeah, she knows what they are, more like... she hasn't ever actually seen one, so she hasn't really thought of what they are like/mean/why she should care. The Ganondorf thing is a good point, though, I sort of assumed he'd already left by the time she was born, but that's actually not the case, I think. I'll reword it, no prob!
<Snipped quote by Jester Acharis>

Still waiting on that, yo. xD

In any case, I'll see about getting this started sometime tonight. So in essence I'm giving Jester a few more hours to finish up. That doesn't mean I'm going to shut him out if he doesn't finish, it just means he won't be able to start with everyone else.

Working on it, sorry for the delay |D It's 11 PM rn, but I'm gonna finish before bed.

I did want to ask though, how long ago was the Oasis founded again? Either I totally missed that part, or it wasn't specified. Asking because I wanna figure out how long it would have been since she first saw non-Gerudos in the desert en masse. I was thinking of going with a "distrustful + rudely curious of strangers" angle (as in she will literally get in your face to see wtf you are), but if that doesn't make sense timeline-wise I can change it or come up with an excuse as to why she wouldn't have been around Oasis much until recently.
I'm still around, yo. I actually posted yesterday to let you guys know that I won't be able to finish on Saturday due to some unexpected stuff I had to take care of, but apparently the Guild ate the post, because I don't see it now...? Anyway, gonna finish her today, just gotta go grab something to eat first.
Wow, had a busy week. Here's a WIP, will work on it a bit later and finish on Saturday the latest!

EDIT: Done

Whoa, sorry I poofed there. Going to be able read through the thrad and work on a CS on Monday!
I've got a few different ideas involving quite a few of those races, but considering Sheikah and Gerudo are probably going to be super popular as usual, I should probably veer towards the less popular ones to avoid too many duplicates. Speaking of which, are we going to have any caps on any of the races, or is it up to the players to make sure there's variety in that regard?

Also, I don't see Hylians or Humans on the race list? EDIT: Ninja'd by Ace.

Either way, definitely still in, just gotta settle on an idea.
Just saw the interest check (late, I know), but it looks like you guys're still open, so I just might throw in a CS soon. Gotta read everything and see if I can settle on a character idea first.
Interesting, sign me up!
Gonna bow out, but good luck with the RP.
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